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SoftMax for Information Technology IRAQ, ERBIL, Muzafayiya Street.

Telephone: 00964 66 251 6531 Cellphone: 00964 750 707 9139


General information. Accessing your website. Setup your Email. Control Panel and Customer Care

General Information:

Your Hosting plan Type User Name (FTP User Name) Password Start Date End Date Utility Domain Control Panel Link Webmail Link POP3 (Outlook or Mail Client) SMTP (Outlook or Mail Client) Plan type

: : : : : : : : : : : ksqca ZG35tyz47 7/6/2011 6/6/2012 E-Commerce

Note: - You will be notified to renew your subscription before 30 Days prior to the end date, if we didnt receive anything from you, we will renew your subscription automatically. Upload all your HTML pages into your /public directory. You can upload your PHP, Perl, CGI scripts into your /html or /cgi-bin directory.

Accessing your Website:

Please allow us 24 hours for your domain to activated Use the utility domain http:// until the activation. To manage your site using FTP software like CuteFTP or, use for the Host Address and of course your FTP User Name and password. You can use ksqca.yourdomainname as a Host Address when it is activated.

Setup Your Email:

Incoming Mail Server (POP3): Port Number: 110 Email Username / Account Name: Your full email address. Example: Email Password: The password for your email box Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): Port Number: 25. To use the Aplus outgoing mail servers you have to turn on the Outgoing SMTP Server Authentication option. Use the same Email Username and Email Password as for the incoming mail server.

SoftMax for Information Technology IRAQ, ERBIL, Muzafayiya Street. Telephone: 00964 66 251 6531 Cellphone: 00964 750 707 9139
The SMTP Service requires activation for each email box through the Aplus.Net Control Panel. To use your webmail, http://webmail.yourdomainame

Control Panel and Customer Care:

You can log into your Control Panel at using your FTP User name and password. For more information visit the parent Company. Knowledge Base that contains thousands of how to documents to provide the answers of our customers most commonly asked questions. This valuable resource is accessible 24 hours a day at Call 00964 750 707 9139 or contact us at: for any additional information.

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