Chinese Radicals

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#1 Radicals





Original characters ---

Pinyin Meaning Examples



yan word

dao knife

ren man

leng cold capital

jing to talk

shuo to arrive

dao to stop


bing ice emperor

di to request

qing sword

jian Buddha


xi to practise Compounds lengyin cold drinks

xuan obscure language

yu to publish

kan Immortal


Beijing Peking

shuo hua to speak

daolai arrival

xiuxi to rest

bingdong to freeze

huangdi emperor

qing wen may I ask...

jianbing handle of a sword

fojing Buddhist scripture

xiguan to get used to

xuanmiao marvellous

yuyan language

yuekan monthly publication

xiannu female immortal

#1 The first radical is called the "two drops of water"; it usually appears in characters that have to do with coldness. It's placed at the left side of characters. #2 This radical always stays on top of characters.

#3 This radical is called "speech", and it appears at the left side of characters that have to do with language. #4 The original form of the "knife" is also a radical; it's found at the bottom of characters, as in the first of the following. The second character shows a third form of this radical (placed on top):


to divide


to argue

#5 The fifth radical is called the "standing person", and is always placed at the left side of characters. The character it comes from can also be used as a radical; in that case it always stays on top, as in the following character:









Original characters


Pinyin Meaning

er ear

shui water

xin heart

guang broad


yang Examples sun spirit

jiu strange

guai temple

miao palace


xian limit oil

you to regret

hui bed

chuang guest


dui team sand

sha quick

kuai court

ting treasure


taiyang sun Compounds

baijiu white spirit

qiguai strange

simiao temple

huanggong imperial palace

xiandu limit

youhua oil painting

huihen to regret

chuangdan sheet

keqi polite

duizhang team leader

dousha bean paste

kuaile happy

jiating family

lingbao Nouminous Treasure

#6 The first radical is called the "ear", and it can stay at the left side or at the right side of characters. #7 This radical is called "three drops of water", symbolizes flowing water and occurs on the left of characters. Its original form is also a radical; in the following character is placed at the bottom but its position is not fixed:


spring, fountain

#8 The original form of the "heart" is also radical, and is always placed at the bottom, as in the following character:



#10 This radical is called "the covering top" and it always occurs on top. Characters with this radical are often related to the idea of house.







Original characters


Pinyin Meaning

men door

zou to walk

tu soil


da big

jian space in between Examples to ask

jin to enter earth

di grass

cao greatest


wen far

yuan pagoda

ta flower


kua to exaggerate

xian leisure to be lost

mi wall

qiang apple

ping beautiful


shijian time Compounds

jinbu to improve

difang place

caoshu grass writing, cursive

taitai madame

wenti question

yuanzu excursion

dengta lighthouse

xuehua snowflakes

kuakou to boast

xianhua gossip

mixin superstition

qiangbi wall

pingguo apple

meili pretty

#12 The original form of this radical is also a radical, as in the following character:


to exceed

#13 The original form of the "soil" is also radical, and is always placed at the bottom, as in the following characters:




to sit







Original characters



Pinyin Meaning

shou hand

kou mouth


shan mountain


da to hit Examples to seize

jiao to shout, to call

guo country island

dao line


zhua to sigh

tan drawing


ling mountain ridge

hen very

ti to carry to listen


quan circle, to enclose

feng peak virtue


dakai open Compounds

jiaohan to shout

guoji international

daoyu islands

yinhang bank

zhuazhu to catch

tanci exclamation

ditu map

shanling mountain ridge

hen duo very much

tigao to raise

tingzhong audience, listeners

quanzi circle, ring

shanfeng mountain peak

daode ethics

#16 The original form of the "hand" is also a radical, placed at the bottom or on the left:


to hold, to take


to worship, to respect

#17 The "mouth" is not always placed on the left of characters, as in the following examples:





#19 This radical also stays on top or at the bottom of characters:




high mountain

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