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Environment and the Economy - Julian Rode

1 The simulation exercise presented new approaches and pertinent information which was constructive and/or a complement to my seminar This activity provided an appropriate mix of theory and application which has helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the subject at hand The intercultural exchange was a benefit to the seminar 2 4 The professors leading the course appropriately assessed the needs of the group and created his/her course accordingly 8,7 3 13,0

Met my expectatations

Better than expected

Outstanding Far Exceeded Expectations

















Environment and the Economy - Julian Rode

1 The simulation exercise presented new approaches and Interesting topic, however lacked graduate level of information presented. Would like specific emphasis on global business and applicable practical pertinent information which was constructive and/or a suggestions. Suggest to shorten the game from 20 rounds to 10 and make second round of game short as well. Second half of the lecture did not seem complement to my seminar like a productive use of time. Julian's German background was quite a contrast to the other professors. I seem to have lost my notes from his lecture, but I remenber it was a little harder to follow than Tobias'. The fish game simulation dragged out a bit and some of this time could possibly have been spent on lecturing on the enviornment and global economy. The fishing game only needed to be played once and the lessons learned were extremely basic. This was an undergraduate level course at best. Talking about of personal journey toward sustainability at the end of the class was opinion based nonsense. Tenzer class should be made longer while this class be shortened or eliminated. The fish game was a great way to get the class involved but it This activity provided an appropriate mix of theory and may have lasted a little too long. I think people were starting to lose focus by the end of the day I think that the simulation execise was very long. At one application which has helped me to gain a deeper point we should have stopped to discuss rathen than complete the 20 iterations. The fisherman game is good but it can be shortened and should allow understanding of the subject at hand more information and better conclusion. The game went on too long, I feel like the point could have been made in a shorter simulation. I was not sure if the session at the end of sharing aspirations was useful. Felt like the time could have been spent better. I appreciated the course, but the content was not very relevant for my day-to-day business because Im working in the Finance Sector. Nontheless it was interesting. The class was very effective. Specially the simulation game. I would have liked to have more time to go through some of the theories and analyse in greater detail the results and possible outcmes of it. Mr Rode opened my eyes to collaboration. I appreciated Professor Rode's method of utilizing application based modules to teach The intercultural exchange was a benefit to the seminar about the necessity of sustainable approaches to natural resource use. The interaction with the students from Exeter University was of less significance than the interactions in the previous week with the Euromed Students. The professors leading the course appropriately assessed the needs of the group and created his/her course accordingly

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