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This Week at ISN

25 - 29 Mar 2013 Is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict an intractable one or are there realistic ways to settle it? This week we grapple with this knotty question by looking at the conflict's current status and how it might be resolved in the future.

'Managing' Israel-Palestine
Israel-Palestine: A Status Update
25 Mar 2013

Our partners at the Council on Foreign Relations provide a multimedia overview of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The International Crisis Group's Robert Malley then recaps the largely fruitless peace negotiations that both sides have conducted over the last 20 years. More The Geopolitics of the Palestinians
26 Mar 2013

Are the Palestinians trapped in a security bind of Israel's making, as our partners at STRATFOR argue, or are they becoming increasingly credible security actors in their own right? To answer this question, we look at the security-dominated geopolitics of the Palestinian territories. More Israel's Security Situation, Requirements and Policies
27 Mar 2013

Israel has few qualms about maintaining its current borders with the Palestinians, or so argues Tova Norlen. She attributes this attitude and policy to the growing political polarization of Israeli society, which is reflected in Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's new government. More The Future of Israel-Palestine
28 Mar 2013

Is the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on its deathbed? Before you get too enthused about the one-state alternative, Khalil Shikaki warns, remember that it will be difficult to reverse and no one stands to benefit from it in the medium or long term. More Israel-Palestine: Beyond the Status Quo?
29 Mar 2013

We present two perspectives on the future trajectory of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Nathalie Tocci first wonders whether the peace process itself undermines peace. Oren Yiftachel then sings the praises of confederation over a one or two-state solution. The latter options just won't work, he argues.

Security Watch
Trends in International Arms Transfers, 2012
25 Mar 2013

Our partners at SIPRI have released a report that charts conventional weapons transfers over the past six decades. Among other things, the report reveals that China has overtaken the United Kingdom and become one of the top five arms exporters in the world. More

Colombia: Making Peace in the Midst of Violence

26 Mar 2013

Peace talks between the Colombian government and FARC rebels continue. Rodrigo Sandoval Araujo warns, however, that genuine progress is unlikely. After many years, both sides still remain unwilling to end the violence and build mutual trust. More Reading Into South Korea's Nuclear Debate
27 Mar 2013

North Korea's recent nuclear test prompted calls for an indigenous nuclear weapons program in the South. Toby Dalton and Yoon Ho Jin analyze this shift in South Korean public opinion and its possible impact on Seoul's long-standing 'no nukes' policy. More Explainer: What's New In U.S. Missile-Defense Plans?
28 Mar 2013

The United States recently announced that it is restructuring its missile defense plans in order to deal more effectively with the challenges posed by Iran and North Korea. Robert Coalson outlines what these changes are and what they mean for US relations with Russia and China. More The Return of the Mercenary
29 Mar 2013

Civil strife across the Middle East and Africa has prompted local regimes to rely on mercenaries to help suppress the unrest. Liana Fix partially blames this practice on a set of ambiguous and poorly enforced international treaties that have failed to prevent it.

ISN Blog
Latin America after Hugo Chvez: Changes and Continuities
25 Mar 2013

The death of Hugo Chvez has left a void not only in Venezuelan politics but also across Latin America. Our partners at Global Voices ponder the future trajectory of his dearly held Bolivarian vision. More Crisis in Sabah After Malaysia's Standoff with Armed Filipinos
26 Mar 2013

The recent standoff in Sabah between Malaysian security forces and ethnic Filipinos served as a timely reminder that Kuala Lumpur and Manila remain at odds over the status of this territory. Our partners at Global Voices highlight some of the controversies and conspiracy theories related to the incident. More The Pros and Cons of Drafting Israel's Ultra-Orthodox
27 Mar 2013

Israel's ultra-orthodox have traditionally been allowed to opt out of military service. Global Voices' Elizabeth Tsurkov reveals that this might be about to change. This is because Israel's Centrist and Zionist political parties now hold the balance of power in the Knesset. More Drones and Drug Politics in China and Myanmar
28 Mar 2013

China's very public execution of a notorious Burmese drug lord has been widely condemned. To Global Voices' Mong Palatino, however, the news is not all bad. The executions have stimulated useful policy debates on how to prevent narco-trafficking and use unmanned aerial vehicles appropriately. More Will Brazil Stem A New Tide of Immigration?
29 Mar 2013

Immigrants from across the globe are increasingly arriving in Brazil. While their quest for economic and human security may boost the countrys long-term economic development, some Brazilians are worried. According to Thiana Bondo, they want more effective immigration policies put in place.

Implications of the Arab Spring for Israel - John Negroponte In this video, John Negroponte, who is a former US Deputy Secretary of State, contrasts current conditions in the Middle East with those of the Cold War, reflects on dubious US regime change efforts in the region, and contemplates the challenges the Arab Spring and its aftermath pose for Israel. More Japan's Military Transformation (Agenda) In this video, STRATFOR's Robert Kaplan discusses Japan's evolving role in East Asia and the efforts it is making to become a more formidable military power. More Is the Two-State Solution a Realistic Solution? A Palestinian Perspective In this video, Ephraim Ya'ar, who heads Tel Aviv University's International Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation, discusses the misperceptions that continue to thwart a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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