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This Week at ISN

29 Apr - 03 May 2013 This week, New York University's Mark Galeotti leads us on a guided tour of the "criminal-political nexus." Our topics include kleptocracies, warlords and pseudo-states, and the role of private actors that range from arms dealers to grassroots organizations and NGOs.

War, Crime and the Privatization of Violence

Introduction: A World of Thieves and Warriors
29 Apr 2013

Organized crime has always been part of human society, but it has never been so extensive, dynamic or pervasive. To begin with, we examine the 'political-criminal market' a global market that has seen extraordinary growth in the post-Cold War period. More Nationalizing Villainy: Kleptocracies and State Crime
30 Apr 2013

What are the causes and consequences of corruption and political violence? We examine what can happen if states succumb to kleptocracy and corruption, and especially how these problems induce and perpetuate war. More The Crime-Conflict Nexus: Warlords and Pseudo-States
01 May 2013

When a state is unable to maintain its monopoly on violence, power-vacuums inevitably arise. Mark Galeotti provides valuable insight into how organized criminals and warlords fill these vacuums in failed, weak and even pseudo-states. More Clients and Enablers
02 May 2013

According to Mark Galeotti, nation-states, mercenaries and corruption are all part of a social superstructure that facilitates the privatization of violence and the criminalization of state assets. We revisit the "Adventures of a Would Be Arms Dealer" to illustrate how criminal entrepreneurs exploit these forces for their personal gain. More What Is to Be Done?
03 May 2013

To conclude our exploration of the topic, Mark Galeotti looks at what can be done to lower the combined effects of war, crime and violence. He suggests that the most promising initiatives will most likely come from grass-roots organizations and civil society actors. More

Security Watch
Obama-Park Summit a Critical Opportunity for the US-Korea Alliance
29 Apr 2013

According to Scott Harold, the Obama administration should treat the upcoming US-ROK summit in Washington as a state visit. Not only would it send a much needed signal to North Korea, it would also boost President Park's ability to implement any policy agreements that come about. More

Uzbekistan: A 'Dress Rehearsal' for a Succession Crisis?

30 Apr 2013

Unconfirmed reports indicate that Uzbekistan's President Islam Karimov suffered a severe heart attack on March 19. Writing for the Center for Eastern Studies, Marek Matusiak considers the likelihood of follow-on power struggles and uprisings, as well as possible political instability in Central Asia. More US and Russia Join Forces to Fight Drug Crisis
01 May 2013

John Lawn, who is a former head of the US Drug Enforcement Agency, takes stock of the joint anti-drug efforts being pursued by the US and Russia in Afghanistan. He then goes on to discuss counter-narcotics strategies that ideally integrate law enforcement with development efforts. More Russian Gas, European Integration and the Fate of Ukraine
02 May 2013

After years of protracted negotiations, Ukraine is almost ready to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union. Robert Cutler describes how the agreement might impact the fate of Ukraine's Russia-toEurope gas transit system. More Palestine After Fayyad: The Choice Between Cooperation and Conflict
03 May 2013

Why did Salam Fayyad recently resign as Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority? Nathan Thrall explores the factors that led to his departure, including the challenges of holding a position that is widely backed by Western powers but only weakly supported by Palestinians. More

ISN Blog
Euro-Realism: A British-German Axis?
29 Apr 2013

For a variety of political and economic reasons, Britain and Germany are natural allies, argues Julian LindleyFrench. But could a British-German axis actually provide the basis for a political bloc in Europe? More Renewed Fighting Worsens Darfur Crisis
30 Apr 2013

Attacks on the UNAMID base in Muhajiriya, Sudan, highlight the failure of the 2011 Doha Document to stop clashes between the government and rebel groups in Darfur, report our partners at IRIN. This also means that humanitarian agencies will struggle to maintain access to the millions that need aid. More Disturbing Disconnects in the US-Japan Alliance
01 May 2013

Despite the Asia pivot and the long bilateral relationship between Japan and the US, the two nations don't always think alike. Brad Glosserman argues that the US's failure to address deep-seated Japanese uncertainties and concerns will only erode its confidence in the US. More Niger: Development Cooperation Must Support the Environmental Governance of Uranium Mining
02 May 2013

Niger is the fourth largest producer of uranium in the world, with exports totaling over 348 million in 2010. The DIIS's Rasmus Klcker Larsen explores the links between the uranium sector in Niger and the energy security interests of those countries that provide it with aid. More Time to Unblock Macedonia's Accession to NATO
03 May 2013

Should NATO enlarge further? The Atlantic Council's Sally Painter argues that in light of the economic and political turmoil in the Eurozone, including Macedonia and others in the Alliance is more necessary than ever. More

Drug Trafficking and Violence in Guatemala In this video, Mark Schneider, who is the Crisis Group's Senior Vice President and Special Adviser on Latin America, discusses the growing threat that drug trafficking in Guatemala poses to transnational security. More Turkey, Russia: A Complex Relationship In this video, Stratfor Vice President of Global Analysis Reva Bhalla discusses Turkey's competition with Russia in the Middle East, the Caucasus and the Eastern Mediterranean. More Anti-Corruption Efforts in Global Development: A Commitment to Act In this video, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim talks about the Bank's worldwide efforts to combat corruption and thereby promote global development. More

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