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Definition of psychology


A scientific study of mental Drocesses and behavior-

the scientific study of the mind

Science is a systematlc/ organized body of knowledge Empirlcal; evidenced-based

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Logos Roots

study of of psychology

Mental processes : thinking, perceiving, problemsolving, decision- making (covert behaviors)

Behavior : any observable action or response in the presence of certain stimulus, situation (overt behaviors)

Philosophy is the discipline that systematically examines the basic concepts including the source of knowledge science: any science that studies noniiving atter, includ i n g p hysics, chem istry, astronomy and geology

- Physical

Historical roots of psychology

. Wnat is tne mind? - Plato . : s::-c!L'es - .ea5on, sp rrt, and apperite , ire!d's id, ego, ano superego ' Reratlonshlo oetween body and mind: monism . . . ,

Historical roots of psychology

{Democritus and

Ancient physicians were also Iaying the foundation of our biological knowledge of the
brain and nervous system. As early as 500 BCE, Greek physiciarrs began to systematicaliy dissect human bodies. Developed theory of personality as affected by amounts of four bodily fluids: yellow bile (gastric fluid), black bile, blood and phlegm. A sad disposition results from excess of black bile, while cheerfulness results from excess of blood in the

Ar stotle) vs ouairsm (Piatc, Socrate and Pythagoras) Nai!ae vs nufture

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17: century tne bellef (Aristotle's)that all knowledge is gaineC trroJgh sensory experience fiourished in the British phiiosophical 5!ncor ol emDrr ctsm ,cnl -ocke was one oi the major empiricists, He gave importance to :)Der.ence ai oJ'source of knowleoge. Rele Descanes belreved in the dualisric view of mind and body at :.e sme rme ne believed that knowiedge is innate or inborn.

Early schools of thought

Wundt's pioneering work on sensation

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process of breaking down the

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oasic elements of mental experiences,


oarticular focus on sensation and perception. Wilnelm Wundt's contribution to psychology; father/ first recognized psychologist because of his method of investigating the structure of the minc; 1879, Liepzig, Germany
Tlrcnener, a student, founded the school of thn,roh*

Used the method of introspection: personal observation of onet own thoughts, emotions and behavior

Study about reaction time Weakness: limited focus on sensation


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