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theSun | MONDAY MAY 18 2009 11

speak up!

Rich, strong China

good for region
founded. The absence of historical precedents
comment for guidance to relate with a new China is not
grounds for crying wolf.
by B.A. Hamzah A rich and strong China is good for the
region. There are also exaggerated claims
PRIME Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul that China’s race for offshore hydrocarbon
Razak will visit Beijing later this month. His resources in the South China Sea will push
father called on Mao Zedong and Zhou En China and Southeast Asian countries into
Lai in 1974 making Malaysia the first country contention and that China can disrupt the
in Southeast Asia to recognise communist sea lanes in the disputed area. Although
China. China has pressured some international oil
We are not privy to Najib’s agenda in companies from exploration in the Spratlys, it
Beijing. But it is almost certain that the issue has not interfered, for example, with similar
of global economic recession will take centre activities in Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak. Of
stage. China is expected to support the Inter- course, China has the military capability to
national Monetary Fund in combating the disrupt the sea lanes but it will be perilous.
financial crisis. The G20 summit in March There are also discordant voices claiming
decided to beef up the IMF with US$750 bil- that China does not respect the freedom of
lion (RM2.6 trillion). navigation on the high sea. They point to the
Malaysia should support China to get incidents in March involving US spy vessels
more voting power in the IMF before the 2011 the Impeccable and the Bowditch. Truth is:
quota review. Currently, China has a 3.75 these vessels were conducting unauthorised
quota against US’ 17%, Japan’s 6.2% and 32% military activities in China’s Exclusive Eco-
for Europe. In fact, the combined quota for nomic Zone.
Brazil, Russia, India and China, four leading The question of overlapping claims in the
emerging economies, is only 9.62%. South China Sea is certain to be on the agenda.
Likewise, the issues of trade and invest- Najib should lend an ear to China’s protest (if
ment will also feature in the discussion. China it has not done so) to the joint submission by
has substantial trade with the region. For Malaysia and Vietnam (to extend their respec-
example, the volume of Asean-China trade tive continental shelf) in the southern part
has expanded more than five-fold between of the South China Sea to the Commission
1997 and 2005; in 2007 the Asean-China trade on the Limits of the Continental Shelf of the
volume had surpassed the US$200 billion United Nations on May 6. This submission
(RM712 billion) target. was made pursuant to Article 76(8) of the UN
Barring further major financial impedi- Convention on the Law of the Sea.
ments, regional trade will receive a boost While it may be insensitive to ask China
from the 2004 Asean-China Free Trade Area to rationalise its 1947 nine-dotted maritime
Agreement and the decision in April
2009 to sign the investment agree-
ment, its final chapter. The FTA with Malaysia should support China to
China which takes effect in 2010 will get more voting power in the IMF
be the world’s largest with a popula-
tion of 1.8 billion people and gross before the 2011 quota review.
domestic product of US$2 trillion
(RM7 trillion). boundary with coordinates in accordance
Bilateral trade between Malaysia and with state practice and international law, a
China exceeded US$50 million (RM178 soft reminder of its obligations under the 2002
million) in 2008 two years ahead of a 2006 Declaration on the Conduct of State Parties in
forecast. However, there is one downside. the South China Sea may not rock the boat.
According to Malaysian statistics, the trade Beijing is likely to increase naval presence
balance is in China’s favour (RM1.8 billion in in the Spratlys to prevent unauthorised mili-
2003, RM6.98 billion in 2004, RM14.7 billion tary activities by unfriendly powers (read US).
in 2005, RM15.5 billion in 2006 and RM11.8 I think we can believe China that these naval
billion 2007). While Najib should have a vessels and fishing boats are not designed to
ready answer to rebut China’s statistical intimidate local powers. With the exception
discrepancy, he should start thinking of new of a few cases involving mainly Vietnam and
mechanisms on how to improve on the trade the Philippines, China has not resorted to use
balance. of force in the Spratlys since it occupied the
Najib’s visit will further strengthen Mischief Reef in 1995.
bilateral relations and reinforce regional China’s strategic interest in Southeast Asia
security. Sustainable regional security order has changed over the years after the cold
can only be achieved with the inclusion of war. It is no longer interested in subverting
China. Sidelining China or supporting the US the region. On the contrary, China counts
policy of containment is bound to be coun- on Southeast Asian states as regional allies;
terproductive. Giving China more breathing an important market for its manufactured
space in the regional security architecture products, a source of capital and primary
as it grows stronger is the correct way of commodities like rubber and palm oil. While
engaging Beijing. many in Southeast Asia may still be suspi-
There are sceptics who see China as a cious of China’s military motives, the younger
hegemon and a military threat. They point to generation has little memory of China’s hos-
China’s modernisation of its Peoples Libera- tile past and most would embrace China as a
tion Army (PLA), its large defence outlay and friendly economic powerhouse.
a more assertive policy to police its waters and The refusal to recognise changes in
the establishment of a string of military bases China’s geo-political outlook, its economic
astride the sea lanes (CIA describes them as prowess as well as the desire to be involved
“a string of pearls strategy”) stretching from in the mainstream of international politics
Africa through the Middle East, South Asia to and take part in bigger issues in international
the Far East) as troubling. relations like helping to solve the economic
The sceptics refuse to acknowledge that downturn has blinded many. Many are stuck
China’s defence expenditure is relatively low; with the old China syndrome.
about 3% of US spending and 15% of Japan’s, Critics forget that with numerous domes-
if the official exchange rate is accounted for. tic and external problems China remains a
The PLA spends per soldier much less than vulnerable power. Only those who subscribe
its counterpart in Israel or Singapore. As a to the notion, according to one analyst, that
ratio of the gross national product, at 6% “Fu Manchu is alive and well in the Middle
Singapore maintains a higher ratio. Kingdom” dreaming of dominating the world
So much time is spent on speculating on by military means believe that China poses a
China’s military intention. It is more produc- global military threat.
tive to talk about its positive contribution to
regional security and the world’s financial The writer is senior research fellow, Faculty of
crisis. Najib must resist joining the China Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya.
bashing choir. The fear of pax sinica is un- Comment:

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