Thesun 2009-05-18 Page12 Beware of The Vengence of The Pashtun

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12 TELLING IT AS IT IS theSun | MONDAY MAY 18 2009

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Beware the vengeance Listening is a sign

of strength
of the Pashtun
by Eric S. Margolis largest tribal people. Fifteen mil- Pashtun state, Pashtunistan.
IN AN interesting but encourag-
ing turn of events we finally seem
to see some light for an amicable
solution to the Perak crisis that has
paralysed not just the silver state
but the nation as a whole. The
willingness of Prime Minister Datuk
constitutional and democratic
principles, he will have all to gain as
by doing so he will be able to win
the hearts of the people. On the
contrary any delay in submitting to
the wishes of the people will only
erode the trust and confidence of
lion live in Afghanistan, forming This would rend Pakistan Seri Najib Abdul Razak to have talks the people in the BN government.
PAKISTAN’S once beautiful half its population. Twenty-six asunder, probably provoke its with the Pakatan Rakyat is a positive The public debate on the Perak
Swat Valley has been turned million live across the border restive Baluchi tribes to secede, sign that must be a sigh of relief for crisis has provided an in-depth
into a battlefield. Earlier this in Pakistan. Up to three million and might tempt India to inter- many. It is further encouraging that knowledge and understanding for
month, Pakistan finally bowed Afghan Pashtun are refugees in vene militarily, risking nuclear opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Malaysians on their democratic
to Washington’s angry demands Pakistan. war with beleaguered Pakistan. Ibrahim has also agreed to the talks rights, the doctrine of separation
to unleash its military against Britain’s imperialists divided The Pashtun of Northwest without any pre-conditions. of powers, the status of a house
rebellious Pashtun tribesmen of Pashtun by an artificial bor- Frontier have no intention or Malaysians hope a meeting of speaker and the constitution pro-
the Northwest Frontier Province der, the Durand Line (today’s capability of moving into Paki- BN and PR leaders will materialise cedures in the appointment of the
(NWFP) – who are mislabelled Afghan-Pak border). Pashtun stan’s other provinces, Punjab, soon to enhance democracy and head of a government. The crisis has
“Taliban” in the west. reject it. Many Pashtun tribes Sindh and Baluchistan. They just government institutions in Perak. made the people wiser and politi-
The Obama administration agreed to join Pakistan in want to be left alone. Alarms of It would also augur well for democ- cally more mature.
had threatened to stop US$1.2 1947 provided much of their a “Taliban takeover” are driven racy in the country. This is mainly due to advances
billion (RM4.3 billion) annual homeland remain autonomous by ignorance or propaganda. Both the BN and PR leaders in the cyber-media, emergence of
cash payments to bankrupt Pa- and free of government troops. Lowland Pakistanis have should realise that whatever deci- vibrant and investigative bloggers
kistan’s political and military Pashtun Swat, where Islamic repeatedly rejected militant sions they take should be for the and journalists, and a new breed of
leadership, and block US$5 Sharia law was in force, only Islamic parties. Many have little Coutre well-being of the people of Perak young politicians who have risen
billion (RM17.8 billion) future joined Pakistan in 1969 after love for Pashtun. and not to strengthen their own above the racial divide to work to-
aid, unless Islamabad sent its assurances of autonomy and Nor are Pakistan’s well-
king political positions. They must there- gether as Malaysians. With greater
soldiers into Pakistan’s turbu- religious freedom. guarded nuclear weapons a celebrates fore be willing to compromise for an wisdom and maturity, the voters’
lent NWFP along the Afghan As Pakistan’s Pashtun danger – at least not yet. Alarms 30 years amicable solution to the crisis. The demand for political credibility,
frontier and crushed attempts increasingly aided Pashtun about Pakistan’s nukes come cooperation between them should respect for the rule of law, natural
to re-establish Islamic Law. resistance in Afghanistan, US from neoconservative fabrica-
in dress- be based on mutual respect and justice and good governance is
Pakistan’s army and air force Predator drones began attack- tors worried about Israel. making adherence to the law whereby the going to increase with time. Every
killed some 1,000 “terrorists” ing them. Washington forced The real danger is in the US pg 20 winner must be the rakyat not any leader, however, high ranking and
(mostly civilians) and almost Islamabad to violate its own acting like an enraged masto- individual or party. even the rulers are not going to be
emptied the valley of its inhabit- constitution by sending troops don, trampling Pakistan under It is of utmost importance that spared from public scrutiny. Malay-
ants, turning 1.2 million people into Pashtun lands. The result foot, and forcing Islamabad’s both parties must agree to uphold sians are not going to be passive but
into refugees. was the current explosion of military to make war on its own and respect the constitution and the are going to insist to be part of the
Pakistan’s armed forces, who Pashtun anger. people. Pakistan could end up rule of law at all times as failure to decision-making process.
are being paid by the US to fight I have been to war with like US-occupied Iraq, split into do so is the cause of the ongoing To the people the solution to this
Pashtun tribes, have scored a Pashtun and have seen their three parts and helpless. crisis. The state and all govern- crisis is simple; return to them the
brilliant victory against their legendary courage, strong sense If this continues, at some ment institutions too must abide right to re-elect the government of
own people. Too bad Pakistan’s of honour, and determination. point patriotic Pakistani soldiers by the law and act impartially and their choice. This has been opined by
military does not manage to do They are also hugely quarrel- may rebel against the corrupt unemotionally if they are genuine legal and political experts, veteran
as well in wars against India. some, feuding, prickly, and generals and politicians on in wanting to overcome the political politicians, Suhakam and even by
Blasting civilians, however, is notorious for seeking revenge. Washington’s payroll. impasse. Taking sides in the conflict members of certain component par-
much safer and more profit- One learns never to threaten Equally ominous, a poor peo- by the various public institutions is ties in BN. With such a widespread
able. a Pashtun or give him ultima- ple’s uprising spreading across not only wrong but will only compli- and united call for re-election, it will
Unable to pacify Afghani- tums. These mountain warriors Pakistan – also mislabelled cate further the complex situation. be unwise to ignore the feelings of
stan’s Pashtun tribes (again, defied the US by refusing to “Taliban” – threatens a radical If the prime minister can bring the masses.
lumped together as “Taliban”), hand over Osma bin Laden national rebellion like India’s the constitutional crisis in Perak
a deeply frustrated Washington because he was a hero of the Naxalite rebels. to end in the way the people want Dr Chris Anthony
has begun tearing Pakistan anti-Soviet war and their guest. As in Iraq, ignorance and and in accordance with our nation’s Butterworth
apart to end Pashtun resistance Doing would have violated their military arrogance are driving
in both nations. CIA drone ancient code of “Pashtunwali” US Afghan policy. Obama’s peo-
aircraft have so far killed over that still guides them. ple have no understanding what
700 Pakistani Pashtun. Only
6% were militants, according to
Pakistan’s media.
Now, Washington’s ham-
handed policies and last week’s
Swat atrocity threaten to ignite
they are getting into in “Afpak”.
I can tell them: an unholy mess
they will long regret.
KTMB doing the best it can
Pashtun, also improperly Pakistan’s second worst night- LAST week, I was taken aback agement in mid-2008 during the
called Pathan, are the world’s mare after invasion by India: when I saw a photograph of a KTM height of what I described as a “Ko-
that its 26 mil- Eric S. Margolis is a contributing Komuter Electric Multiple Unit train muter crisis” and gave a suggestion
lion Pashtun will editor to the Toronto Sun chain hitched up behind a diesel locomo- about running shuttle trains pulled
secede and join of newspapers, writing mainly tive with KTMB managing director by extra diesel locomotives.
Afghanistan’s about the Middle East and Abd Razak Abd Malek smiling and Apparently, the new KTM
Pashtun to form South Asia. Comments: letters@ flagging off the train. locomotives bought in 2007 were
an independent I could not imagine why Abd underpowered so instead of being
Razak was smiling. KTM Komuter used to haul freight wagons they
service is effectively regressing. are being used to pull passenger
Going back to diesel locomotives carriages.
to pull these Electrical Multiple Unit I presume that KTMB does not
(EMU) trains is sad and it should have enough passenger carriages to
never have happened – but that is be pulled since the Intercity service
what you get with poor planning is seeing growth, so it is innovating
and a lack of investment from the again by making use of the “dead”
government. EMU trains.
Before you complain to a KTMB KTM also innovated with the
employee about poor service or “New-Q system” last year – another
breakdowns, please remember that example of the company trying to
KTM Komuter is carrying three times make the best of a bad situation
the number of passengers it carried – and we hope that it will continue
in 1994 – using a fleet that is less innovating and doing its best.
than half of the original fleet. On a But it is sad to see that we have
good day KTM Komuter has 25-30 reduced KTM Komuter service to:
trains operating. using weak, underpowered diesel
The fleet is breaking down and locomotives pulling “dead” EMU
it is expected to carry three times trains that can no longer move
more passengers – but where is the under their own power – just so it
investment from the government? can provide a level of service that is
New four-carriage EMU trains way below expectations.
will arrive this year but the govern- KTMB is listening and innovating
ment only bought 13 train sets. KTM and doing the best it can with the
Komuter needs at least 100 new few crumbs it has been given – but
train sets to offer a decent level of it is the politicians who really need
service and higher frequency of 7 to hear what is being said.
minutes – which might encourage I salute the employees of KTMB
more passengers to use it. and managing director Abd Razak
KTMB management is very inno- for putting on a brave face.
vative and trying to do more in the
situation that it is stuck with. Moaz Yusuf Ahmad
I recall speaking to KTMB man- Subang Jaya

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