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STAT 21: Action Research Plan Components

Describe the problem and area of focus. 6th graders at Brandon Valley Middle School score low on the standard 6.M.S.1, Statistics,
Using statistical models to gather, analyze, and display data to draw conclusions.
Define the factors involved in your area Factors involved in my area of focus:
of focus 1. Class meets only 3 or fewer times a week. Class is an arts class with the emphasis on
(e.g. curriculum, class, student learning skills and techniques for musical performance. Class may not be seen by
outcomes, instructional strategies). students as one to incorporate learning standards.
2. Classroom is not technology friendly. One computer in teacher office, no projection or
Smartboard system, mobile stations or computer labs are already in use by classroom
3. Orchestra teacher does not have math endorsement.
4. Student outcomes need to coincide with music content. Curriculum will need to be
enhanced in conjunction with the standard, not changed to work only on the standard.

Develop research questions. As a music teacher, am I able to influence student understanding in the math
content area of using statistic models to gather, analyze, and display data?
Describe the intervention/innovation to Interventions to be used are: score research, utilization of Finale music writing
be implemented software, collaboration with 6th grade math teachers, and projection of research
findings in graph format in Excel.
Develop a timeline for implementation. End of January: pre-test. 2nd and 3rd weeks of February: Implement unit. Mid-
March: post-test
Describe stakeholders. Stakeholders include: myself, 6th grade orchestra students, 6th grade math
teachers, all middle school math teachers, principal/administrative people.
Develop a list of resources to implement Items needed: emetric scores, Achievement Series test for standard, score of
the plan. “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”, Finale software, computer access, projection
system, laptop and router, instruments, pencils, staff paper, research sites.
Describe the data to be collected. Data collected will include individual ability to read a variety of graphs. Data will be
collected from students’ 5th grade emetric score, an Achievement Series pre-test on
graph reading, followed up with the exact same test as a post-test.
Develop a data collection plan. Emetric scores will be obtained in coordination with 6th grade math teachers.
Achievement Series test also will be secured from math teachers. Baseline data
from the pre-test will be collected at the end of January. Formative assessment will
Based on the research of Mills, 2003.

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