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HEL : € REGD SDS oo. Dte General of Medical Services (Army) 1 Adjutant general's Branch Army Headquarters) "L' Block, New Dejhi-110 001 | y 60797/PRER/POLICY/98/DGMS“1A, 26 Max 98 Headquarters Senthern Command (Med) comdt, AMC Centressehool wucknow?* 9-5." * wastern Command “(Neds Cody, AgNE Fuse . te tern Coumand | (Mediv~ ncar shilldng q ° 21 Command (Med vorthern Command (tea) Acwy Trg Command, Shimla 8 1." An officer who desires to retire prematurely or resign his commission before he becomes ‘due for retiremant on attaining the prescribed age of superannuation may apply for premature retirement/resignation as per the instructions contained in this letter. : Spt ior : 2, ‘hese orders are net applicable in th: foljowing cases j- (a) case where officers are’ conpuisotiy retired /xisigned vide Arwy Rules 13A, 14 & 15 on various grounds such'as itiseonduet, inefficiency, discipline etey Retirement/ use to anqu ignation’ on thé-grounds o£ failure of Indian Citizenshi; yide AO 93/77." (c) Release of Short Service. Commscigned’ Officers on \ extended contractual period of s€rtice,! Approving authority ' al 3. ‘#Central Government is the sole autyority ‘to accept a request for premature retirement/resignation as per rule 16 of Army Rules 1954 and para 105 of the Regulation for the army (Revised edition) 1937, Application of officers of the rank of col: and below can be rejected or recomuen@ed for acceptances by the adjutant General. Tr ease of offieers of the rank of Brig and above, the powers to reject Of recomena reste with che CUAL. Each’ case fs constdered its merits, sacseor dfn ~ {vert oe moe & cute og eon nist. 9 rorvsipls . ane a eqs, Me a joo tte “g iveria for abceptange eS ne JrownGs Soh piatacuce Letaremeuls resignation wilt he aceon TnGivaaued merits subject. co manpower olkutat ion ho Uperolicnad wyuiichwuts OL tne service, For acceptance of an application, the guidelines/criteria laid down by MOD as outlined in Appx 'A' will be the guiding factors, However, the following criteria in order of preference would be followed for recommending acceptance of applicaticis for PR/Résignation :~ (a) Supersession. Request on grounds of supersession for promotion to the rank for which promotions are made by selection, will be invariably considered favourably subject to the exigehcies of services SSS (b) Extreme Compassionate Grounds. The request on extreme compassicnate grounds will be considered after the fact _ represented by the officer are verified to the extent possible, The following compassionate grounds will be given preference for acceptance :~ (i) chronic/Long standing ailments of wife and i requirina con endaace of the off (424) Constant attendance of an officer to lack after ailing parents subject to conditions that there are no otner family miémbers to look after parents. (iv) Inheritairce/property disputes requiring constant presence of an officer and subject to production of legal documents in such casi (c) Low Med category :- off in permanent Low Medical category (Grade 3 in any factor) during a period i.e just ~ before com-iny Up for ‘promotion by selection will be 7 favourably ‘considered, (a) Reriabilitation, For the purpose of Rehabilitation a \/ year or two beforé the due date of retirement and if the ef£r does not have promotion prospects,.the request will be favourably’ considered. bo A peceon ine (ey ia of caresr/prowolton pre wid tis ali Sis Gxpeciéa to be aware of nis career prospects at the time of his entry into the service and as sneh ofets reqecst be R/avsignation ou this grounds will no be accepted, Evineing lack of interest in xvice will not be a fedson for aseaptance of -Premature retirement/resignation, ceeeaed fa (£) Officers trained in spectalised courses. Applicat/ons from the offlccis who nave been trained In specialised _ -.urse/availed study leave at Govt expense will/not be © /generaly tne censidered before expiry of /liahs lity periad, Pe: requ of Obie who have undergone Craining/availea study leave at the expense of aovk and seal pot 1A yrriunne 36 bkeak up Of conjugal Lise will not be favourably: considered Legure expiry of wandatory liabisity of service in ‘army, Essential condition 5,» Conditional requests for premature ‘retdrement/resignation which are coupled with, postings, reconsideration of pugishment, expunction of. adverse remarks ti aanal,/confidential reports ete, will not be.entertainced, .The aggrieved officers may bé advised... to take up*such ues separately and“submjt applications for premature retirement/resignation only/they:.feel:£ully * ftnen sati;fied and“£inally leave”the service unconditionally. Application. for premature retirement/resignation from officers whose, statutory/non-statutory coiplaints are pending, will be consiaered only ‘dfter.decision on: the complaint(s)-is communicated and the. officer decides tq:leave the sérvice ynconditionally, Howcver, the.conderned officers, if he'so desires, may withdraw ois complaint unaer intimation to all concerned before submitting his application for premature retirement/resignation. be eoaqainer them ts proceedings after forwarding his application, the matter wil] be reported immediately to ber » Army HQ, and aG's Branch(DV~2) by the fastest means. In this nectign atténtion is also drawn to para 6 to 8 (a&G) of Anny Hi A3's Branch letter No. | B/39010/ac/ps-4c dated 11 Aug $5 5 anent - 7, Definition, ‘The term premature retirement will apply only to Permanent Commissioned officers who ‘have rendered 10 years or more of service and ‘are eligible for retiring gratuity or pension and’ retiremént gratuity (Admissible after 20 years of qualifying service) and who wish to retire before the date of superannuation. An officer upto the rank o£ Lt col is negular Reserve of Officers (Class x) and wing Virle fo bet Lod ke Agmy vice within five yeacs his beiag struck off strength or thie age of superannuation in his present rank. whichever is earlier, as per SAI 10/8/63, as aanended seeped /=

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