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The project titled COLLEGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is designed using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 as the front end and MS-Access as the back end

The project contains following modules: In this module admin can have all the rights as save, clear, find, modify, and delete the details of the staffs and students. In staff module contain the personal details as well as official details. In student module contain personal details, educational details and student marks details. In college module contain college details, department details. Finally we generate the reports for all modules and these modules are viewed by admin.

The existing system is manual system. Here the staff can register their request for their salary and their attendance details. The admin verify from the data base. If a particular staff is verified as a member of the college by the admin, the admin confused their progress to view their requested details. DRAWBACKS Some of the drawbacks are: 1. The system becomes very slow as the staffs or the students may not be allotted easily.

2. During the shift, the officials may change and so it is difficult to maintain which admin are having more services pending. 3. Report generation is tedious process. 4. More time consuming.

It is difficult to note down all the problems manually. Instead it is decided to develop a COLLEGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM to ease the operation. A system is required which is being capable of elimination all the problems and become useful common both to staff, student and the college and thus the new system is derived. BENEFITS 1. We can easily maintain all the staff and student details 2. Report generation is easier. 3. The particular persons salary and attendance details can be viewed. 4. Monitor the status of the entire at any time and the verification of reports generated by the admin. 5. Less time consuming.


A Server PC with 3.0 GHz processor Windows 2000/2003 Server MS IIS 5.5/6.0 2 GB of RAM MS-SQL Server 2005

PC with a minimum of 512 MB RAM

SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION The software used for the development of the project is:
Visual Basic 6.0 (Development Tool) VB (Coding) M.S Access (Database) Windows XP/2000

Modules: 1) Student admission 2) Maintaining fee details 3) Maintaining contact details 4) Transfer of students MODULE 1: 1. Student admission: This module is for registration of students where the details are collected and stored in database Provisioning: Criteria for student admission:a. First Name b. Last name c. Branch d. Register no e. Fathers name f. Date of Birth g. Gender h. Fathers occupation i. Contact number j. Address k. City l. State m. Country Functionality: 1. Admission of students 2. Updating the information of the students

3. Deleting the information of the students. Queries: 1. Reports: 1. Number of Employee Registered 2.Maintaining fee details: this module is for fee verification, whether the student have any dues or not Provisioning: a. Name b. Register no c. Year d. Fee type e. DD no f. DD date Functionality: 1. entering student fee information 2. updating the information 3. checking for dues Queries 1. How many students have dues? Reports: 1. Student names who have dues. 3. Maintaining contact information: This module is for retrieving contact details of students and for updations How many students are registered?

Provisioning:Criteria for the contact details a. Name b. Register no.

Functionality: 1. retrieve address from the database 2. update the address Queries: What is the address of person with particular regno? Reports: Address of required person. 4. Transfer of students: this module is for to update the details of students when he/she transferred to other branch. Provisioning: 1. Name 2. Register no 3. Current branch 4. Choice of branch Functionality: 1. check for the availability of seats 2. if seats are available the update the information

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