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Name of the school : SMPN 1 Kalidawir Subject Material Aspect Time Allocated : English : Descriptive : Reading : 4 x 40 minutes each meeting

Competency Standard

: To express various kind of functional expression into the spoken and written words fluently and accurately in interaction or short monologues in the form of simple procedure and descriptive text.

Fundamental Competency : To comprehend the various meaning and development of rhetoric steps in the form of descriptive text. Indicator : To identification some information on the text, include, main idea, supporting details, important information, and the meaning of words. A. Instructional objectives By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to : 1. Identification main idea

2. Identification information in text 3. Identification meaning of words B. Instructional materials Descriptive text

Read the text! My Bag

This is my bag. It is made of leather. It is a big, strong and pretty bag. It has a long strap and four pockets. It is brown We use a descriptive text to describe something, someone or a place. A descriptive text has two main parts: 1. Identification 2. Description The structure of a text is called the generic structure C. Material method/ Technique Descriptive text Discussion

D. Instructional Procedure The first meeting (80 minutes)

1. In the pre-activity, there were five steps: (10 minutes) a. The teacher starting the activity by greeting the students b. The teacher checking the attendance list of the students c. The teacher giving question related with the material to students d. The teacher giving motivation e. The teacher giving explanation the goals of the reading in teaching and learning process by using anticipation guides strategy 2. In the main activity, there were seven steps : (60 minutes) a. The teacher diving the students in the class to be two groups b. The teacher giving explanation about the descriptive text c. The teacher make media of the picture d. The teacher asking the students to look at the pictures e. The teacher giving explanation to the students about the objective of instructive today f. The teacher giving descriptive text g. The teacher guiding and motivating the students to active in learning reading process 3. In the post-activity, there were three steps : (10 minutes) a. The teacher asking the difficulties of students during the teaching and learning process b. The teacher asking the students to conclude of the material c. The teacher closing the activity by greeting the students The second meeting

1. In the pre-activity, there were five steps : (10 minutes)

a. The teacher starting the activity by greeting the students b. The teacher checking the attendance lists of the students c. The teacher reviewing last material d. The teacher giving information 2. In the main activity, there were four steps : (60 minute) a. The teacher explain the criteria of success of the test b. The teacher asking each students to present his/her ideas in the class in the way of reading using descriptive text through anticipation guides strategy c. The teacher giving test d. The teacher doing assessment their reading test 3. In the post-activity, there were three steps : (10 minutes) a. The teacher asking the difficulties of students during the teaching learning process b. The teacher asking the students to conclude of the material c. The teacher giving motivation to the students to study hard at home d. Closing the activity by greeting the students E. Material Resources 1. Text 2. Appropriate pictures 3. English on sky 1 for Junior High School Students year VII (140-141) F. Media Picture

G. Assessment

1. Technique 2. Type of the test Instrument

: Oral test : individual test : - Post test - Individual practice test.

Tulungagung, 25th March 2012

English Teacher,


ANA MASROKAH NPM. 0888203001899


The White House

Direction: Give sign () in provided column, suitable with your own known! Statements The White House is one of the most famous building in Australia It is the home of the president of the United States The White House is a very large white building It has two main parts The main building and two wings (i.e.: the West Wing and the East Wing) The main building has large central porches The porches have tall columns Large lawns and gardens surround the white House Agree Disagree



3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

Answer Key:

The White House One of the most famous building in Washington, D.C. is the White House. It is the home of the president of the United States. The White House is a very large white building. It has three main parts. The main building and two wings (i.e.: the West Wing and the East Wing). The main building has large central porches. The porches have tall columns. Large lawns and gardens surround the white House. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Disagree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Agree Agree

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