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It is increasingly difficult to define what isnt scandalous about BHO, and the subcategories are beginning to overlap; for

example, as much as the Foreign Affairs components [and many Domestic Affairs graphs] may appear disparate, scratch each item and BHOs failures intuitively emerge. It is perhaps amazing that items appear dailyin the middle of the summerascribable to each component thereof, notwithstanding distractions; indeed, after the other two FNC panelists claimed the big losers of the week were Filner/Weiner], Krauthammer chose Kim Kardashian because George Alexander Louis now threatens to steal attention because he is more interesting and, arguably, more accomplished! These fascinating and vital events undermine the claim that TV-dramas could be more gripping than real-life politics; these summaries are provided to illustrate associated action-items, emphasizing the rather exhaustive task of capturing multiple perspectives [to which the reader can easily hyperlink].

BHOs Scandal Sheet Overview. What "phony" scandals is Obama talking about? IRS. While stonewalling persisted, Axelrod claimed this was 'stupid' but not a scandal, while SENATE DEMOCRATS WANT TO INCREASE IRS FUNDING BY $276.5 MILLION. AG-Holder. As he attacks the voter-ID law in Texas, polling shows they are approved by 83% of the electorate. NSA. German president said whistleblowers like Snowden merit respect. Despite American promises Snowden wouldnt be subject to the death penalty, russia-wont-extradite. Benghazi. BHO FIRED THREE GENERALS AND ONE ADMIRAL TO COVER UP BENGHAZI. Domestic Terrorism. In October of 2011, BHO stripped the FBI of the ability to monitor mosques.

Domestic Affairs Weiner. While Weiner claimed "campaigns are not about the candidates,", morning-joe-spent-hour-onweiner-scandal-but-never-once-called-him-a-democrat,even as he was attacked by ALEC BALDWIN and his wife s beauty-brains-and-bias have been discussed, dissed and defended. In a somewhat related storynoting their interrelationshipSpitzer-widened-his-lead while, reportedly, his wife Silda-Spitzeris-to-divorce-husband-after-the-election. ObamaCare. As BHO planned to invoke celebrities and to-hire-thousands-of-community-organizers-[at$20-48-per-hour]-for-enrollment focused on youth, opposition emerged (as Unworkable by two governors) and by the IRS employee union andin reaction perhaps to defunding effortsBHO is said to be strategizing a government shutdown. This may partially explain why todays is themed on efforts to defund it [here and here and here and here and here], as opposition was voiced by Rove. Immigration Reform. Although A Republican in California won a state Senate seat on Wednesday in a District in which Democrats have a 22-point advantage and that is 60% Hispanic, it was argued the GOP Should Face [Demographic] Facts on Immigration Reform and, therefore, welcome the news that Paul Ryan claimed the House will Vote On Citizenship In October in a comprehensive fashion. Meanwhile, As texas-police-arrested-2-illegal-immigrants-for-gang-rape. Detroit. Democrats-have-controlled-detroit-50-years, but-chuck-todd-skips-party-id; Ayn Rand nailed it on Detroit a long time ago. Education. us-house-voted-to-cut-common-cores-stranglehold-on-the-states, as national-civics-historytests-to-disappear. Fitzpatrick. Discussed 'Stay in Place, Cut the Waste Act' [which is the type of bill house-republicansplan-to-run-to-stop-government-abuse] and received Friend of the National Parks award from National Parks Conservation Association for Congressional activities. Social Issues. 56%-approve-of 20-week-abortion-ban students-support-infanticide [unknowingly, when its portrayed as fourth trimester abortion], as did BHO, while MSNBCs-Melissa-Harris-Perry-Says-LifeBegins-When-Parents-Decide-It-Does. Anti-Semitism. Car Full of Jewish Children Pelted With Eggs, Stones, Window Smashed by Gang of Teenagers in Kent, UK, Shouting Go Back to Where You Came From. Miller/Zimmerman. Harry-Belafonte-blamed-Tea-Party-For-Racial-Division. GOP-POTUS-16. In an essay praising christie-as-the-foreign-policy-candidate, Tobin lambasted-randpauls-isolationism but wrote [inexplicably] the increasing popularity of libertarian figures like Senator Rand Paul and, to a lesser extent, Senator Ted Cruz seemed to indicate that the Republican Party was abandoning its long stance as the political bulwark of a strong America in favor of a new isolationism ; this may be due to the efforts of Cruz to oppose the Senate Immigration Reform bill. Meanwhile, sarah-palin-claimed she was not permitted to-tell-truth-about-obama-2008-campaign. Media. How the media ignored the anti-Semitism of helen-thomas was summarized.

L&I Scandal. Noting that Wife of jailed excavator calls him scapegoat in collapse, Guzzardi is hot/bothered about what Alan Greenberger knew [and when he knew it] as per his e-mails for, apparently, he failed to try to prevent the Salvation Army wall-collapse; he has discussed his four positions in Philadelphia city government: Chair of Zoning Commission, Executive Director of the Planning Commission, Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, and Director of Commerce. Philly-Sports. Eagles-depth-chart-has-been-analyzed. Sixers-lack-of-coach-is-laughable. Phillies should give-up on 2013 and start building towards the future. Here is Flyers-trivia-every-fan-should-know.

Foreign Affairs Israel. Caroline Glick suggested how-to-respond-to-eu-sanctions, as the palestinian-president-calledterrorist-who-murdered-american-woman-a-pure-soul. EU. After the EU expressed concern over a directive by Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon to suspend contact with Europe on matters related to Judea, Samaria and Gaza [gratuitously] in reaction to its new [illegal] restrictions, the EU started blacklisting Hezbollah's "military wing" as a terror organization as, again, Hezbollah-Officials-Rejected-Targeting of any wings and threatened Europe with "repercussions"; thus, this was described as "a political distinction of convenience," perhaps dramatized by a report that Hezbollah wired almost $100,000 to the two men who Bulgaria yesterday identified as suspects in the July 2012 Burgas, Bulgaria bus bombing that killed six people. Peace Talks. Kerry-referred-to-country-of-palestine, as most Palestinians (74%) remain skeptical of whether President Barack Obama's and Secretary of State John Kerry's recent efforts show the U.S. is serious about mediating a solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as do most Israelis ; Yasser Abed Rabbo, secretary-general of the Palestine Liberation Organization, said that many "sticking points" remained before they could progress, while Nabil Abu Rudeineh, a top Palestinian Authority spokesman, emphasized that any peace deal with Israel would only bind the Palestinians temporarily. Palestinian negotiators imposed new conditions on the Kerry peace initiative [e.g.,release of over 100 so-called pre-Oslo prisoners jailed for attacking Israelis, including some with Israeli citizenship] and threatened to boycott talks, despite the fact that Israel had already made a variety of concessions [including reportedly agreeing to the controversial demand that negotiations begin from Israel's 1949 armistice lines, despite the fact that citing Pre-1967 Lines as Basis for Talks Contravenes U.S. Commitments].

Egypt. Egypt Braces for Clashes as Morsi was Accused; BHO has links with Egypts-hamas-connectionwith-morsi. Syria. Although viewed as a Tricky Situation, the violence continues; syrian-christian-describedreligious-cleansing-of-village-by-islamic-extremists. Iran. irans-maliki-ploy-may-have-hooked-obama; procrastination on the nuke may persist. Afghanistan. Afghanistan-diplomats-are-now-at-a-security-risk. Islamism. Hamas shuttered critical media in Gaza Strip.

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