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Discrete Mathematics Long Quiz QUANTIFIERS 1.

Let the universe for discourse of x be the set of all Discrete Math students. Let D(x) be the propositional function " x has a dog." notation with quantifiers. a) Translate the following using propositional Every student in Discrete Mathematics has a dog. Answer: x(Dx) b) Give the negation of the statement in a) first in propositional notation, then in English. Answer: xDx Some of the students in Discrete Mathematicshave no dogs. 2. Let the universe of discourse for x be students at SJC. Let M(x) = x must take a math course. The correct translation into propositional notation of Every student at SJC must take a math course would be:
a) x M ( x ) b) xM ( x ) c) M ( SJC ) d) M (x, SJC )


Now write down the negation of the above statement in both logical notation and English. Answer: x P(x) Some students at SJC must not take a math course. 3. Which of the following is a correct negation of the quantification x P(x) ? a) x P(x) b) x P(x) c) x P(x) d) x P(x) Answer: A RULES OF INFERENCE 1. Which rule of inference is used in each of the following (See attached sheet). _____ Simplification_________ a) Math is easy and English is hard. Therefore English is hard. ____ Hypothetical syllogism __ __ b) If I stay up late, then I will be tired. If I am tired, I will not do well on the test. Therefore if I stay up late, I will not do well on the test. 1

_____ Disjunctive syllogism _____ c) You are either going to the movies or you are studying. You are not studying. Therefore you are going to the movies. 2. If you have been drinking, then your eyes are red. You have not been drinking. Therefore your eyes are not red. Which one of the following applies: a) A valid argument, using modus ponens. b) A valid argument, using modus tollens. c) An invalid argument, using the fallacy of denying the hypothesis. d) An invalid argument, using the fallacy of affirming the conclusion. Answer: D 12. Complete the missing parts of the proof of the following: Premises: If Jim plays golf every day, he will improve his game. If Jim improves his game, he will lower his handicap. Jim does not lower his handicap. Conclusion: Jim does not play golf every day Let G = "Jim plays golf every day." Let I = "Jim will improve his game. " Let L = "Jim lowers his handicap". Use the attached table of rules of inference for reference. Statement 1. G I 2. I L 3. L 4. I 5. SETS 1. Write down the cardinality of each of the following sets: a) { 1, 3, 8 } ___3_____ b) { 1, { 2, 3}, {4,{5}} {6, 7}} ___7_____ Reason 1. If Jim plays golf every day, he will improve his game. 2. If Jim improves his game, he will lower his handicap. 3. Jim does not lower his handicap. 4. Modus Tollens 3,2 5. Modus Tollens 4,1

2. Assume the universal set U = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}. Let B = {2,4,6,8} and C = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. Find each of the following sets:
a) B C b) B C c) B d) B - C

Answer: a.) {2,4}

b.) {1,2,3,4,5,6,8} c.){1,3,5,7,9,10}


3. Shade in the Venn Diagram the set

A ( B C ) .


4. Let A = {1, 2}, B = {3, 4, 5}. Write down the set representing the Cartesian product of A and B, A B Answer: {1,3},{1,4},{1,5},{2,3}{2,4},{2,5}

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