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Unit 012 Principles of Assessment In Lifelong Learning

Word count 2195

Adela Rehman 6/12/2013

Unit 012 Principles of Assessment In Lifelong Learning

"Assessment is the process by which evidence of student achievement is obtained and judged" (Gray et al 2005) 1.1 Analyse how many types of assessment are used in lifelong learning.

There are three main types of assessments used in lifelong learning these are initial, assessment formative assessment and summative assessment Initial assessment usually takes place at the beginning of the course. This normally is an interview process which is carried out at the beginning of the course. In the initial assessment for my chosen job role I will use it to analyse the needs of my learner to ensure that what teaching methods I will use with the learner. I will also use the initial assessment to identify the preferred learning style so that I can identify how my learner would like to learn. I will also do an initial screening of basic study skills to help me judge the level of skills of my learner and identify any support needed. I will also do a skills check to check the competence level of my learner. I will also carry on short interview process to identify previous knowledge and experience of the chosen subject for my learners. Assessment throughout the course is known as formative assessment. This is mainly used to identify the progress of the learner throughout the course, which is reported to the learner as a feedback. In this assessment I will identify strength and weakness of my learners and if they need any positive feedback I will give it to them because I think positive and careful feedback can motivate, enlighten and provide a vehicle for development, as the bad feedback can destroy confidence. I think the feedback should be in a way like in order to improve you should statement and finished with a praise or motivational statement to leave the learner feeling confident and willing to carry out the development which I have indentified to them.

Assessment at the end of the course is known as summative assessment. At this point the teacher makes the final decision or judgement about competence or ability of the learner. I will use this method to ensure that my learners have revised their course and I will explain and prepare them not only for revising the subject but also I will explain to them how
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examination is conducted, because in the case of examinations it is generally a oneopportunity rule. I will also use this method to ensure that I will tell my learners the different strategies of the subject which enables them to be graded on their work, and also by explaining to them the clear marking criteria of the exams in order to receive a merit they need to.


Analyse how assessment methods are used in lifelong learning.

There are two main methods of assessment direct and indirect. Direct being evidence of the learner work and indirect is evidence or opinion from others. Direct assessment relates to the initial, formative and summative assessments, because teachers cannot assess their learners without telling them about their subjects or without setting the standard, which relates to their course module. Standard of the study becomes the teacher or the learner's goal. I will use these three assessment methods in my teaching career to ensure that I understand the needs and ability level of the student. It is really important to know the basic skills of the student which will help me to decide what teaching method I should use to explain to my learners. I will also give them positive feedback on their achievements so that they can improve themselves to achieve their goals. As a teacher I will use the direct assessment method by indentifying that learner achieves a standard. I will also make sure that my learners can continue in their attempts until the criteria or goal is achieved by continuously assessing them and guiding them. In order to apply direct assessment method I will also do self-assessment to identify learners are matching their performance, knowledge or ability against a set of standards. It is a useful way of undertaking an initial assessment or alternatively, a way of summarising learning. In order to measure my performance as a teacher against the New overarching professional standards for teacher, tutors and trainers in the lifelong learning sector ( LLUK2006) I will undertake an assessment by using these effective techniques: By using appropriate form of assessment and evaluate their effectiveness in producing information useful to the teacher and the learner By applying appropriate methods of assessment fairly and effectively By designing appropriate activities for own specialist area
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By ensuring that access to assessment is appropriate to learners need By using feedback to evaluate and improve own skills in assessment

Indirect assessment relates to the ideas and opinion of other people. It could also mean when a teacher is able to collect information from work or other activities to support their study material. 1.3 Evaluate strengths and limitations of assessment methods to meet Individual learner needs. There are many methods of assessments these are assignment, discussions and debate, online assessment, essays, examination, journals and diaries, observations, peer assessments, portfolio of evidences, professional discussions, puzzles, question written or oral, role plays, self assessments, tests, witness testimonies, worksheets and gapped handouts. My aim as an adult tutor is to use as many assessment methods as possible in order to create a variety of assessment in order to keep my students engaged. I am now going to going to identify the strengths and limitations of a few of them. Assignment - this is a direct form of assessment. This can be used in a formative or summative way. I can use this to carry out several activities or tasks and cover theory and practice. The strength of such an assessment method is that it can challenge my student's potential by allowing my learner to develop their own creativity. This method will also help me provide evidence of the learner's skills, knowledge and attitudes. It will develop research skills; I can use different tasks as a form of differentiation and identify the skills and knowledge of my learner. The limitations of assignments are that I will need to make sure that all areas of the assignment are taught beforehand, it is time consuming, I will have to assess work individually and feedback needs to be given. Online assessment - this will be an assessment that will take place using ICT. This is another direct form of assessment. The strengths of such an assessment are that it can take place at a time and place to suit a student i.e. home college or library, the result of such an assessment is instant and there is less paperwork for the assessor. The limitations of such an assessment

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are that my learners will need to have a certain level of computer skills, there may be some technical issues and the authenticity for my learners work may need verifying. Essays - this will be a formal piece of written work also a direct method of assessment. The strengths of such an assessment are that I can use this to assess and check my student's language/literacy skills of the specific subject. This can be done in a test situation of class room based or and homework. This is an ideal way of checking the knowledge of my learners in the relevant subject. The limitation of such a method are it takes time to write and mark, my student will need to have good writing skills, there is no single answer limited coverage of the course.


Evaluate how to involve the learner in the assessment process.

Assessment carries more salience, perhaps, than any other process in higher education, it dominates student learning. (Brown, Bull and Pendlebury, 1997). As a teacher it is very important to know how to involve the learner in their assessment process. For this purpose I will use the formative assessment method. This is because generally formative assessment is devised by the teacher and therefore it is controlled. Differentiation in this case is all about planning and preparation. I as a teacher will use some techniques to make sure that my learners are paying their full attention to their subject by. Asking questions at the end of the lesson to check the progress Providing them written questions sheet with the mixture of multiple choice question Asking questions during the lesson to just make sure they are paying full attention to the lesson plan. Self-assessment questionnaires Providing the opportunity for presentation Asking learners if they need any help with their lesson plan Giving them group discussion opportunities Making sure teacher will give immediate response during the draft writing process. Giving them feedback to improve themselves for the future
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Analyse the role of peer and self-assessment in the assessment process.

In self assessment, students are required to rate their own performance against a standard, while in peer assessment they rate the performance of their peers. It could also include the degree of collaboration between staff and students, depending on whether, how and what extent the criteria of assessment are discussed and agreed. There are three different types of peer assessment of group work: 1. Inta-group 2. Inter-group 3. And assessment off groups by individuals Intra-group peer assessment can take place when some measure of individual input is required for groups of students who have been working together. Whereas Inter-group assessment may occur when groups of students assess their own or other groups as a whole. Self assessment is an individual activity but it can also take place in the group setting. Self assessment usually involves a quantitative element in which students are typically asked to grade their own product or performance. Peer assessment is based on learning from each other and it is therefore a good way to share ideas and best practise. Peer assessment can involve students in grading the work of their peers, but can also involve more qualitative aspects and emphasis on feedback relating to the criteria used rather than the grade. Goldfinch (2000) indentified key variable that might influence the outcomes of peer assessments studies as: the study design quality, population characteristics, what is assessed, the level of the module or course how the assessment is carried out and the nature of the criteria used, the design quality and the number of peers and the number of teachers involved in assessments.

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Stages in carrying out and evaluating a self or peer assessment study



Follow up


Study Design Carefully

Checklist criteria used by the students to mark their own peers

Feedback collected formally or informally

Exercise repeated with same cohort

Rationale supplied to students Feedback given by students to peers Clear instruction given related to all subjects Judgement justified by students publically Criteria indentify by students and agreed with teachers Problems indentified Feedback analysed

Modifications made where necessary

Checklist prepared

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3.1 Explain the need for keeping records of assessment of learning.

There are many different reasons for keeping records of assessments. Record keeping can be done by a number of individuals i.e. the learner, the teacher, and the head of subject, internal and external bodies. It is important for a learner as it will help them to monitor their progress on the course. Provide a record to evidence achievement and progress their support needs It is important for the teacher as it will help to monitor progress and identify the needs of the learner and help in providing evidence of learning. Inform reports to others. Colleagues and Head of Subject will use it to support team members in their absence. To share in team meetings, self assess the effectiveness of the course and use it to make any future decisions about the course. Internal and external bodies can use these to register and certificate achievements of learners, to monitor quality and improvement to the organisation. When keeping records it is important to keep copies for third parties, make them legible for all, keep note on informal processes and to keep record for the process and make sure it is relevant for who requires it. We also need to keep records to learn and act on feedback that is given, for funding purposes, for reference purposes and generally to keep a backup of all records paper and electronic.


Summarise the requirements for keeping records of assessment in an organisation.

The different types of records must be maintained to satisfy the organisation I will work for and they will use these records to monitor internal quality assurance, systems admission records and register, attendance register, personal files, application forms, disciplinary records, assessments records, accuracy, internal and external verifier's organisational self assessment reports awarding body requirement. As an organisation of teaching it is also in most cases a legal requirement to keep records of assessment. For external bodies i.e. Ofsted and FE college reports. Within this we have to consider the Data Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act.
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The DPA Act 1998 protects personal data which should only be used as stated. Individuals have the right to see the information that you have kept on them. When record keeping organisations need to see the implications and adhere to this act. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 is also an act which organisation have to take into consideration when record keeping. The public has the right to know, it also states that individual can request to see information held about them and about the organisation and such information must be provided.




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