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The Link

July 28 2013

Neil Ryan Senior Pastor

Seth Emery Youth Pastor

Kathy Heath Childrens Pastor

Gavin Jones Pastor, LifeChurch

Allan Stanley-Smith Pastor, Pastoral Care


July 28 2013

Welcome to Unley Park Baptist today. It is great to have you with us. If you are new to Unley Park, we appreciate that it can be daunting to walk into a new church, so as much as we can, we want to help you feel at home here. In the pew in front of you please find a black folder that contains a white care card for you to complete. There is also a "Welcome Pack" available for you that, among other things, has a special Care Card for you to record your visit and for us to follow up any requests you make. All Care Cards should be "posted" as you leave the church, in the locked box on the table by the "Baptistry Door".


Morning Worship Neil Ryan

Morning Tea: Morning Tea Next Week: 5.00pm

Barb Adcock, Irene Downie, Lyn Ryan Suzanne Stanley-Smith, Bob & Noelene Hunt Life Church

July 2013 Giving Target Cash Giving to date Electronic Giving to date Total Giving June 26,385 8,517 6,720 15,237

Account Name: Unley Park Baptist Church Inc Offerings Confidential BSB: 704 922 Account Number: 100013066

Just a Minute
This week the news has been all about the birth of a baby boy to William and Kate. This little man is now third in line to the throne. A baby destined to be the 43rd monarch since William the Conqueror obtained the English crown in 1066. The world had been holding their breath waiting, and then the news came that Kate had gone into labour. I was watching TV at one point after that and the station came in with Breaking News. It was, Kates labour is progressing well! In a day of tweets and news feeds we were always going to know the instant anything happened with the birth. Barely a day old, the proud parents showed their baby to the crowd outside St Marys hospital, but of course it was seen simultaneously around the world. We heard all the familiar comments about having big lungs, his moth ers good looks and that the baby had more hair than his father! It was a lovely moment for the family and for the world as it watched. But there is something missing a name! Right now he is just the boy. He has a fancy title, Prince of Cambridge, but no name! Is he going to be Albert, George or James or..? The greatest news this world has ever received involved the birth of a baby. He was the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. For hundreds of years some people waited for his birth but when it happened few were prepared for it. There was no breaking news to the world, just a message from the angels to a few shepherds out in the fields who were looking after their flock. No one gathered outside the manger for a first-look. But Im sure Mary and Joseph made some familiar comments about their baby like every other new parent. This baby also had a title but it was unlike any other royal baby. His title was Immanuel which means, God with us [Matthew 1:23]. This baby also had a name unlike any other royal name. The angel came to Joseph and said, you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sin [Matthew 1:21] This week the world welcomed a royal baby via twitter and news feeds. 2000 years after his birth, Jesus is still welcomed into the hearts of all who crown him Lord and Saviour. The English Monarchy is temporary but when Isaiah wrote about Jesus coming into the world he said, Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on Davids throne and over his Kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time and forever. [Isaiah 9:7] God Bless Neil

Newcomers Information Session August 11th

If you have recently commenced attending Unley Park you are invited to an Information Session which will be held straight after the morning service on 11th August in the Lounge. This is an opportunity for you to find out more about Church life and to meet with the Pastors, the Ministry Leadership Team and Church Leaders in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. The session will be brief with hot & cold drinks available. Please come and join with us for this occasion. If you have any questions or concerns re this please see Garry Gooden.

City Bible Forum Dinner

The City Bible Forum are holding a Celebration Dinner on Friday 9 August 6.00pm for a 6.30pm start at The Adelaide Pavillion, Cnr South Tce & Peacock Rd Adelaide. Come and hear William Lane Craig, one of the worlds most acclaimed Christian apologists, explain how to keep talking about Jesus in the public scene. $45 per person for a delicious two course meal or $400 for a table of ten. Contact Garry Gooden if you would like to join a table.



Freedom Lifewell Conference 2013

Experience God, discover hope and get real about the challenges of living in a broken world. LWC is held at Edwardstown Baptist Church from Thursday August 29 to Saturday August 31. Sessions are : Thursday 7.30pm(open to public), Friday 9.30am to 4.00pm and 7.30pm (open to public) and Saturday 9.30am to 5.30pm. Visit for further details and to sign up.

Church cleaner
Our cleaners are moving and no longer able to continue cleaning the church facilities. If you are interested in the job or know of someone that would be, please contact Heather in the office.

Next after church Prayer Meeting

We are planning our next prayer meeting in the lounge after the service on Sunday August 4th. Would you kindly mark this on your calendar and plan to join us as you are able. This is a short time of prayer and we would love to see how the Lord responds as we seek Him."Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God...." Philip. 4:6

Pre-service Prayer
We meet each Sunday morning in Pastor Neil Ryans office from 9.45 a.m. to pray for the service etc and various needs amongst the church Body, before we enjoy coffee together. Would love to have you join us as you are able. Is anything too hard for the Lord

Pray for these families

Names for this week beginning July 28: Helen Smith Lois Smith Carol, Adam, Alexander, Rebecca & Natalie Spinks Allan & Suzanne Stanley-Smith Brenton & Margie Stevens Leonie Stevens

Our Missionary Families

The Badger Family Tim, Bron, Stephen, Joshua, Amie, Annalise & Kaitlyn OMF, Manila, Philippines This coming Thursday marks the beginning of the new school year at Faith Academy. Pray for Stephen, Joshua, and Amie as they return and for Annalise as she starts Reception/Prep. Whilst they are all starting school for now, they do so with the knowledge that as soon as we receive the girls' visas we will be packing up to return to Australia. Pray for them as they deal with the continued uncertainties. Please pray also for Kaitlyn who will be the only one left at home and for Bron who is now the only person left to listen to her constant prattling!

Hobby Connections
Friday August 16 from 5.30pm to 9.00pm at the church. Displays of the hobbies that some of our church members enjoy will be showcased. It will be an opportunity to come and enjoy their work and be inspired to take up a hobby. Soup and crusty bread followed by cake and coffee will be available for you to enjoy. See flyer for more information.

ESL Ministry Training Adelaide

St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Adelaide | Thu 22nd - Sat 24th Aug 2013 | Cost: $49 per day ($0 for Thursday) ESL Ministry Training Adelaide takes place from the 22nd to the 24th August 2013. Friday, 23rd August, 2013 9.30-12.45 Basic Principles of ESL Ministry & Mission ; Avoiding Pitfalls; Cross Cultural Communication;1.30-4.30pm Practice Teaching ; Working with Adventures in English ; Saturday, 24th August, 2013 9.00-12.30 Bible Studies with, & Discipleship of, ESL Students; Teaching the Bible; Working with Beginners; 1.15pm-3.30pm Practice Teaching; Teaching Different Language Skills ; Getting Started; Thursday Afternoon Workshop: 1.00-4.00 ESL Ministry in Your Church & Community The Theology of ESL & CCM, plus different churches experiences of same. Watch Classes in Action (on DVD), then discuss and evaluate. Judy is also available for consultations on Wednesday 21st, the morning of Thursday 22nd, and to speak with congregations on the Sunday 25th. Contact Judy for more information.

Answer quiz/puzzle questions to gain play dollars and establish a budget.


All necessary building materials will be available



rcher Street , North Adelaide Register See website - .au

This week at UPBC

Playgroup Tuesday July 30 9.30am-11.30am Tuesday July 30 9.30am-10.30am Tuesday July 30 11am-12noon Tuesday July 30 5.30pm - 8.00pm Wednesday July 31 9.30am-11.30am Wednesday July 31 7.45pm-9.00pm Thursday August 1 9.30am Friday August 2 7.30pm-9.30pm Sunday August 4 10.00am Sunday August 4 11.45am Sunday August 4 5.00pm

Prayer Team


Munchiez Food Van


Bible study at the church

Know Your Bible

Elevate Youth Group (year 8-12)

Morning Worship

After church prayer meeting


Northgate Street Unley Park PH: 82720258

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