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Vertical Clustering: A vertical cluster has cluster members on the same node, or a physical machine.

Horizontal Clustering: A horizontal cluster has cluster members on multiple nodes across many machines in a cell.

For Vertical Clustering of Websphere Application Server we should do following tasks: Install Websphere Application Server Network Deployment Create an Deployment Manager Profile Create normal profiles atleast two

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Table of Contents
IBM WEBSPHERE APPLICATION SERVER CLUSTERING (VERTICAL) ....................................................... 1 IBM WEBSHERE APPLICATION SERVER NETWORK DEPLOYMENT INSTALLATION ....................................... 3 Creating Profiles using Command prompt:............................................................................................. 16 Creating Deployment Manger Profile Using Command Prompt: ........................................................... 16 Enabling Federated Security in Deployment Manager Profile ............................................................... 18 Adding Nodes to the Deployment Manager ........................................................................................... 22 Creating Cluster: ..................................................................................................................................... 24 Verification for Clustering: ...................................................................................................................... 29

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In this scenario installation of Websphere Application Server Network Deployment is going to be on: Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise (64 bit)

Go to the software package WASND v7.0 for Windows x86-64bit location and click on launchpad this initiates the installation program.

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Select Launch the installation wizard for Websphere Application Server Network Deployment

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Click Next

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Select I accept and Click Next

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Click Next

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Select Install Sample applications and Click Next

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Select path and click Next

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Select None and Click Next

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Select Yes

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Click Next

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Click Next

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Click Finish

Here in the above process we just installed IBM Websphere Application Server Network Deployment. Let see how to create profiles and deployment manager using command prompt as profile management tool is not available in WAS 64bit installed on 64bit Operating System.

Please go through the below site for more information:

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Creating Profiles using Command prompt:

Open Command Prompt Goto path WAS installed location AppServer bin folder. For eg: cd C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin Run Command: ManageProfiles.bat

It create a default profile eg:- AppSrv01 Follow the above to create another profile.

Creating Deployment Manger Profile Using Command Prompt:

Open Command Prompt Goto Path WAS installed location AppServer bin folder For eg: cd C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin

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Run Command: ManageProfiles.bat -create -profileName profilename -profilePath "c:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profilename" -templatePath "c:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profileTemplates\dmgr"

Then the deployment manager will be created in the provided location in above command then start this profile using the below command from profile bin path Command: startManager

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Enabling Federated Security in Deployment Manager Profile

Login into Deployment manager WAS console and go to Security>Global Security tab.

click on security configuration wizard

Click Next

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Select Federated Repositories and click next

Fill required and click Next

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Click Finish and in next page Select Preferences

Select Synchronize changes with Nodes and click Apply

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Click OK

Save the changes

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Adding Nodes to the Deployment Manager

The two profiles which are created earlier should be added to the deployment manager using command prompt.

Using addnode.bat command add the AppSrv02 to the deployment manger

Give the credentials and click OK

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We will get above message if it is successful

In the above procedure add AppSrv03 to the deployment manager node.

Open WAS console of deployment profile and go to System administration>Nodes Added nodes will appears in this page like in below screen:

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Creating Cluster:
Go to Deployment manager profile WAS console

Go to Clusters>Websphere Application Server clusters. Click New

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Give cluster name and click Next

Give first node detailed to be added and click Next

In next screen give second node details

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Click Next

Click Finish

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Select Preferences

Select Synchronize changes with Nodes and Click Apply

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Check whether Cluster created is started or not

Go to Cluster topology to check whether the Nodes added successfully or not

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Verification for Clustering:

Deploying one sample application into Cluster for verification Go to Applications> New Application browse one sample application from the WAS installation path

Click Next

select cluster and apply. Click Next

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Click Next

Click Finish

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Click Save

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Click OK

Check it started or not

If you check in physical location of WAS go to installedapps folder of both nodes the sample application will be deployed on both at the same point of time.

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