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Met hod t o c al c ul at e t he f i r e r esi st anc e of r ei nf or c ed c onc r et e

c ol umns w i t h r ec t angul ar c r oss sec t i on

NRCC- 3 3 1 1 4

L i e , T . T . ; I r wi n, R . J .

J anuary 1993

A version of this document is published in / Une version de ce document se trouve dans:
ACI Structural Journal, 90, (1), pp. 52-60, 1993
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Title no. 90-S?
Method to Calculate the Fire Resistance of
Reinforced Concrete Columns with Rectangular Cross Section
by T. T. Lie and R. J. Irwin
Title no. 90-87
Method to Calculate the Fire Resistance of
Reinforced Concrete Columns with Rectangular Cross Section
by T. T. Lie and R. J. Irwin
Joint studies between the National Research Council of Canada and the
Portland Cement Association on reinforced concrete columns were started
a number of years ago for the purpose of updating the irzformation on fire
resistance ratings for these columns in North American building codes.
These studies include the development of mathematical models for the
calculation of the fire resistance of columns of various sizes and shapes, as
well as experimental studies. Among the columns examined were columns
with rectangular cross section. In this paper, a method is described for the
calculation of the fire resistance of reinforced concrete columns with such
cross sections.
Keywords: columns (supports); fire resistance; reinforced concrete; tests.
In the past, the fire resistance of concrete structural mem-
bers could be determined only by testing, which is costly
and time-consuming. Recent developments, including the
development of numerical techniques and an enhanced
knowledge of the thermal and mechanical properties of con-
cretes at elevated temperatures, have made it possible to
determine the fire resistance of various concrete members
by calculation.
The National Research Council of Canada and the Portland
Cement Association have recently completed an extensive
test program in which the behavior of over 40 full-scale
reinforced concrete columns were examined under fire con-
ditions. Although a large number of tests were carried out,
they do not provide sufficient information on fire resistance
for many variables beyond the values studied in the tests.
However, they provide basic data that enable the develop-
ment and validation of mathematical models capable of cal-
culating fire resistance for any value of the important
variables that determine it. This paper deals with the devel-
opment and validation of a mathematical model for the cal-
culation of the fire resistance of reinforced concrete columns
with rectangular cross section.
In the studies on the fire resistance of reinforced concrete
columns, three fire resistance tests were conducted on col-
umns with rectangular cross section, of which one had a
square eros ection. The pecimen coo i ted of rectangular,
reinforced concrete columns made with . iliceou aggregate.
They are described in detail in Reference l and illo trated
in Fig. 1. AJl columns were 38 1 0 mm ( 12.5 ft) long. The
dimension. of the column cro secrions and other pecifics
of the column are given in Table l.
Column No. 1 had four 25 mm (No. 8) longitudinal bars,
Column No. 2 ix 22 mm (No. 7 longitucli nal bars, and
Column No. 3, eight 19 mm (No. 6) longitudinal bar . The
bars were tied with 10 mm No.3) lies. The location of the
main reinforcing bar , which were welded to steel end plates,
and the location of the ties are bown .in Fig. I .
The main reinforcing bar had a pecified yield tl"engtb
of 414 MPa (60 k i). The yield strength of the ties wa 427
MPa (61 .8 ksi). The concrete mix was designed for a com-
pre ion cylinder strenglh at 28 days of approximately 35
MPa (5 k i). The mi.x propottions were a follow :
Coarse aggregate
307 kgtm
154 kg/m
871 kg/m
(260 lb/yd
The average compre sive cylinder Lrengtbs of the con-
crete of the test colwnns, mea ured 28 day after pouring
the concrete and on the day of the testing, are given in Table
l. Th moisture condition at the center of the column was
also measured on the day of the test. The moisture condition
of Column No. I wa approximately equivalent to that in
equiUbrium wjth air of 74 percent relative humidiry (RH) at
room temperature, of Column No. 2, with air of 65 percent
RHandofColumn No.3 with air of 58 percentRH. Chromel-
alumel thermocouples, 0.91 mm (0.036 in.) thick, were in-
stalled at midheight in the column for measuring concrete
ACI Srrr<cmrol Jounwl. V. 90, No. I. Janunry-Pebruary 1993.
Received Feb. 20, 1991, and reviewed underfnstitutc publications policies. Pertinent
discussion will be published in the Novernber- Dccember I 993 ACJ Structural Journal
if received by July l. 1993.
ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1993
ACI member T. T. Lie is a senior researcher with the Institute for Research in Con-
struction, National Research Council of Canada. He worked for several years in Europe
and Japan before joining the NRC in I967. Mr. Lie is currently involved in research
in structural fire resistance, which includes testing and calculation oft he fire resistance
of structural members.
R. ], Irwin is a structural engineer carrying out research in structural fire resistance
at the Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council of Canada.
Her research interests include the prediction of the fire peiformance of structural
temperatures at different locations in the cross section. The
locations of the thermocouples are described in detail in
Reference 1.
The tests were carried out by exposing the columns to
heat in a column test-furnace. The test-furnace was designed
to produce the conditions to which a member might be
subjected during a fire. It consists of a steel framework
supported by four steel columns, with the furnace chamber
inside the framework. The characteristics and instrumenta-
tion of the furnace, which has a loading capacity of 1000 t
(2200 kips), are described in detail in a previous paper.
The columns were installed in the furnace by bolting the
endplates to a loading head at the top and a hydraulic jack
at the bottom. The conditions of the columns were fixed-fixed
for all tests. For each column, the length exposed to fire was
approximately 3000 mm (120 in.). At high temperature, the
stiffness of the unheated column ends, which is great in
comparison to that of the heated portion of the column,
contributes to a reduction in the column effective length. In
[g]] 305 mm
[Q] 305 mm
305 mm
COLUt,jN NO. 1
457 mm
864 533 JB mm

.38 mm
305 mm
C O L U ~ N NO. 2
Fig. ]-Elevations and cross sections of test columns
Table 1-Specifics of test columns
Quantity and Compressive strength,
size of MPa (ksi)
Cross reinforcing Relative
section, mm bars, mm humidity,
Column no. (in.) (size no.) percent
28 days Test date
Four bars
with diameter
305 X 305 of 25 mm 35.3 36.1
1 (12 X 12) (No.8) 74 (5.1) (5.1)
Six bars with
305 X 457 of22mm 44.2 42.5
2 (12 X 18) (No.7) 65 (6.4) (6.2)
Eight bars
with diameter
203 X 914 of19mm 39.2 42.1
3 (8 X 36) (No.6) 58 (5.7) (6.1)
ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1993
914 mm
1016 533 25 m

__1. 51 mm
p 203 mm
Fire resistance, hr:min
Test load, load,
kN (kips) kN (kips)
Calculated Measured
1067 1244
(240) (280) 3:16 3:28
1413 2102
(318) (318) 6:44 6:36
756 1360
(170) (306) 3:39 5:30
r- --i
;-1..,.....,-,-..,---ir--.--,-r-...;--., l ,-!9'--. A ... .,_
' . . ... .
.-..... ..... .
i ' I ' I
L H: 1-H-+---f-+---f-t-1-l
, ..
Fig. 2-Thermal and stress-strain network in one-quarter cross section
previous tests,
it was found that, for columns tested fixed
at the ends, an effective length of 2000 mm (80 in.) represents
experimental behavior.
All columns were tested under concentric loads. Column
No. 1 was subjected to a load of 1067 kN (240 ksi), which
is equal to 86 percent of the maximum allowable service
load according to ACI 318-89,
Column No. 2 to a load of
1413 kN (318 ksi) or 67 percent of the maximum allowable
service load, and Column No. 3 to a load of 756 kN (170
ksi) or 56 percent of the maximum allowable service load.
The columns were exposed to heating controlled in such
a way that the average temperature in the furnace closely
followed the ASTM E 119
standard temperature-time curve.
The temperatures during the test of Column No.3, however,
followed this temperature-time relation up to one half hour
and after that a temperature-time relation that can be given
by the equation
Tf= 14.88 t + 831.8 (1)
The columns were considered to have failed and the tests
were terminated when the load, which was applied by a
hydraulic jack, could no longer be maintained. The hydraulic
jack has a maximum speed of 76 mm/min (3 in./min).
The calculation of the fire resistance of columns is carried
out in various steps. It involves the calculation of the tem-
peratures in the column and its deformations and strength
during the exposure to fire.
The column temperatures are calculated by a finite differ-
ence method.
This method has been previously applied to
the calculation of temperatures of various building compo-
nents exposed to fire.
Because the method of deriving the
heat transfer equations and of calculating the temperatures
is described in detail in those studies, it will not be discussed
here; only the newly developed equations for the calculation
of the column temperatures and calculated results will be
Division of cross section into elements
The cross-sectional area of the column is subdivided into
a number of elements, arranged in a triangular network (Fig.
2). The elements are square inside the column and triangular
at the surface. For the inside elements, the temperature at
the center is taken as representative of the entire element.
For the triangular surface elements, the representative points
are located on the center of each hypotenuse.
For reasons of symmetry, only one-quarter of the section
needs to be considered when calculating the temperature
distribution in columns with square or rectangular cross-sec-
tion. As illustrated in Fig. 2, in an x-y coordinate system, a
point Pm,n has the coordinates x = (n- 1) ;.,12 and
Equations for the fire-concrete boundary
It is assumed that the columns are exposed on all sides to
the heat of a fire whose temperature course follows that of
the standard fire described in ASTM E 119
or CAN4-S101.
This temperature course can be approximately described by
the following expression
Tf+ 20 + 750[1-exp(-3.79553W)] + 170.41W (2)
where t is the time in hours and rf is the fire temperature
in C at time t = j!::J .
The temperature rise in the column can be derived by
creating a heat balance for each element. In the following,
all calculations will be carried out for a unit length of the
column. For the elements at the surface of the column along
the x-axis, the temperature at time t = (j + 1) is given by
the expression
j+l j 2M
T,n=T,.+ 2
' ' [(pcccYl,n +

+ d,n] [Ti _ _ ri ]
"2,(n 1) -l,n
ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1993

(n+l ) + n] . r,:;-
+ ' 2 ' [:z2,(n+l)- Tlcn] + '12Efoc
[(Tj+ 273)
- en."+ 273)
] }
For the elements at the surface of the column along the
y-axis, the temperature at the time t = (j + 1) given by
TJ+t = TJ
m,N m,N + (( v 1 )( ): 2
PeCcJ,,I.N + ... <p,,.N 6....,)
k { ,;r-I ),(N- 1) + k{u,N] [Ti Tj ]
(m-l),(N-1)- m,N
k {m+I ),(N- 1) + dn,N] [ri Tj ] 6_1:
2 (m+i),(N-1)- m,N + Efoc 0" -,
[(Tf+ 273)
- (T1n,N+ 273)
] } (4)
Equations for inside the concrete
For the elements in the concrete, the temperature at time
t = (j + 1) is given by
j+l j 6.t
Tmn=T mn+ 2
' , +
k { m- l ),(n-1) + k{ll,/1] [Tj _ Tj ]
(m-l),(n-1) m,n
k{m+l),(n-1) + k-!11,11] [.-rl ri ]
l"(m+i),(n-1)- m,n
kim- i),(n+i) + k1n,n] [Tj Tj ]
(m-l),(n+l)- m,n
k {m+l),(n+l) + [ rrf Tj ] }
F (m+l),(n+l) - m,n
Auxiliary equations
To calculate the temperatures along the lines of symmetry
A-D and C-D, the temperature has to satisfy the following
symmetry conditions:
Al l
. A D T
ong me - . m,l = m,3
AI 1
. C D Tj+
Ong me - . (M+I),n = (M-I),n
ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1993
Effect of moisture
The effect of moisture is taken into account by assuming
that, in each element, the moisture starts to evaporate when
the temperature of the element reaches 100 C (212 F). During
the period of evaporation, all the heat supplied to an element
is used for the evaporation of the moisture, until the element
is dry.
For the elements at the boundary between fire and concrete
along the x-axis, the initial volume of moisture is given by
v -
<p L,n
From a heat balance equation it can be derived that, per
unit length of the column, the volume 6.V 1" evaporated in
the time 6.t from the concrete element, is

+ k1.n] [..,.{ ri ]
n,(n+l)- l,n
For the elements at the boundary between fire and concrete
along the y-axis, the initial volume of moisture is given by
From a heat balance equation it can be derived that, per
unit length of the column, the V .... N evaporated in the
time from the concrete element is
M { [k{m-t).(N-Il + [TJ TJ ]
V N.m = PwAw 2 (m- J),(N-1) - m,N
kfm+l)(N-1) + [rri T j )
l"(m+L),(N-1)- m,N
For the concrete elements inside the column, the initial
volume of moisture is given by:
Similarly, as for the surface concrete elements, it can be
derived that, per unit length of the column, the volume
d v m,n evaporated in the time dt from these layers is
df k (,... 1),(/1-1) + k m,n j j I
j j ]
d Vm,n = PwAw 2 [T (m- l),(n-1) - T m,N]
k{m+l),(n-1) + k-!n,n] [rri Tj
l'(m+l),(n-1)- m,NJ
k {m- l),(n+l ) + k-!n,n] [T.i . Tj ]
(m-l),(n+l)- m,N
k {nr+t} ,(n+l} + k ' " ] [..,.; Tj ] }
1(m+l),(n+l)- m,n
Stability criterion
To insure that any error existing in the solution at some
time will not be amplified in the subsequent calculations, a
stability criterion has to be satisfied. For a selected value of
d ~ , this limits the maximum time step dt. Following the
method described in Reference 6, it can be derived that, for
the fire-exposed columns, the criterion of stability is most
restrictive along the boundary between fire and concrete. It
is given by the condition
where (pcccc)min is the minimum value of the heat capacity
of the concrete, kma.x is the maximum value of its thermal
conductivity, and hma.x is the maximum value of the coeffi-
cient of heat transfer to be expected during the exposure to
fire. For exposure to the standard fire, the maximum value
of the coefficient of heat transfer hma.x is approximately 675
Procedure for calculation of column temperatures
With the aid of Eq. (1) through (14) and the relevant
material properties given in References 3 and 10, the tem-
perature distribution in the column and on its surface can be
calculated for any time t = (j + 1 )dt, if the temperature dis-
tribution at the time jdt is known. Starting from an initial
temperature of 20 C, the temperature history of the column
can be calculated by repeated application ofEq. (1) through
Transformation into square network
To calculate the deformations and stresses in the column,
and its strength, the triangular network is transformed into
a square network. In Fig. 2, a quarter section of this network,
consisting of square elements arranged parallel to the x- and
y-axis of 'the section, are shown. The arrangement of the
elements in the three other quarter sections is identical to
this. The width of each element of this network is d ~ I fl.
The temperatures, deformations, and stresses of each element
are represented by those at the center of the element. The
temperature at the center of each element is obtained by
averaging the temperatures of the elements in the triangular
network according to the relation
(T )
_ [rfm+l),(n+l) + T-!n,(n+2)] .
m,n square -
where the subscripts square and triangular refer to the ele-
ments of the square and triangular network.
For the steel reinforcing bars, a representative bar tem-
perature can also be indicated. Measurements at various
locations during fire tests showed that the differences in
temperature in the bar and sections are small.
A close
approximation of the average bar temperature is obtained by
considering the column as consisting entirely of concrete
and selecting the temperature at the location of the center of
the bar section as the representative bar temperature. Thus,
for a steel reinforcing bar, the center of whose section is
located in an element Pm.n. the representative temperature is
equal to that of Pm.n, which is given by Eq. (15).
Similarly, it is assumed that the stresses and deformations
at the center of an element are representative of those of the
whole element.
Assumptions in the calculation of
strength during fire
During exposure to fire, the strength of the column de-
creases with the duration of exposure. The strength of the
column can be calculated by a method on a load deflection
In this method, the columns, which are fixed at
the ends during the tests, are idealized as pin-ended columns
of length KL (Fig. 3). The load on the column is intended
to be concentric. Due to imperfections of the columns and
the loading device, a small eccentricity exists. The loading
system and the test columns were made with high precision,
however. Therefore, in the calculations, a very small initial
load eccentricity will be assumed. The real eccentricity, how-
ever, is unknown. After runs of the computer program showed
that for eccentricities up to 3 mm (0.12.) the influence on
fire resistance was small, an arbitrary value of 0.2 mm (0.008
in.), reflecting a nearly concentric load, was selected for the
initial eccentricity. The selection of a finite value for the
initial eccentricity is needed to make the computer program
The curvature of the column is assumed to vary from
pin-end to midheight according to a straight line relation, as
illustrated in Fig. 3. For such a relationship, the deflection
at midheight Y, in terms of curvature X of the column at this
height, can be given by
Y=x - -
12 (16)
ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1993
For any given curvature, and thus for any given deflection
at mid-height, the axial strain is varied until the internal
moment at the mid-section is in equilibrium with the applied
moment given by the product:
load x (deflection+ eccentricity)
In this way, a load deflection curve can be calculated for
specific times during the exposure to fire. From these curves,
the strength of the column, i.e., the maximum load that the
column can carry, can be determined for each time. In the
calculation of column strength, the following assumptions
were also made:
1. The properties of the concrete and steel are those de-
scribed in previous studies.
2. Concrete has no tensile strength.
3. Plane sections remain plane.
4. The reduction in column length before exposure to fire,
consisting of free shrinkage of the concrete, creep, and short-
ening of the column due to load, is negligible. This reduction
can be eliminated by selecting the length of the shortened
column as the initial length from which the changes during
exposure to fire are determined.
Based on these assumptions, the column strength during
exposure to fire, was calculated. In the calculations, the
network of elements shown in Fig. 2 was used. Because the
strains and stresses of the elements are not symmetrical with
respect to the y-axis, the calculations were performed for
both the network shown and an identical network at the left
of the y-axis. The load that the column can carry, and the
moments in the section, were obtained by adding the loads
carried by each element and the moments contributed by
The equations used in the calculation of the strength of
the column during exposure to fire are given in the following
Equations for concrete
The strain in the concrete for the elements at the right of
the y-axis (Fig. 2) can be given by
(Ec)R = -(ET)c + E +-
and for the elements at the left of they-axis by
(Ec)L = -(ET)c + E--
where ( EI)c = the thermal expansion of the concrete, m m-1;
E = the axial strain of the column, m m-1; Xc = the horizontal
distance from the center of the elements to the vertical plane
through the y-axis of the column section m; and p =_ the
radius of curvature, m.
The stresses in the elements are calculated using the same
stress-strain relations for concrete, given in References 3 and
ACt Structural Journal I January-February 1993
l/2 I
1 - ~ L
- - ~ ' P '
U2 I
Fig. 3-Load-de.flection analysis
Equations for steel
The strain in the steel reinforcing bars can be given as the
sum of the thermal expansion of the steel (ET),, the axial
strain of the column x, /p, where x, is the horizontal distance
of the center of the section of steel bar to the vertical plane
through the y-axis of the column section, and p is the radius
of curvature. For the steel bars to the right of the y-axis, the
strain (E,)R is given by
(Es)R = -(ET)s + E + M
p (19)
For the steel bars to the left of the y-axis, the strain (E,)L
is given by
(Es)L = -(ET)s +E-M
p (20)
The stresses in the steel are calculated using the same
stress-strain relations for steel, given in References 3 and
Procedures for the calculation of
column strength
With the aid ofEq. (17) through (20) and relevant equations
in References 3 and 10, the stresses at midsection in the
concrete elements and in the steel bars can be calculated for
any value of the axial strain E and curvature 1/p. From these
stresses, the load that each element and each reinforcing bar
carries and its contribution to the internal moment at mid-
section can be derived. By adding the loads and moments,
the load that the column carries and the total internal moment
at midsection can be calculated.
The fire resistance of the column is derived by calculating
the strength, i.e., the maximum load that the column can
carry at several consecutive times during the exposure to
-- Calculaled
--- Measured
0 600
400 UJ
o 40 eo 120 160 200 240 2eo 320 360
TIME, min
Fig. 4-Temperature of concrete at various depths along
centerline parallel to shortest side of Column No. 2 (305 x
457 mm) as function of exposure time
fire. The strength reduces gradually with time. At a certain
point, the strength becomes so low that it is no longer suf-
ficient to support the load, and the column fails. The time
to reach this failure point is the fire resistance of the column.
Using the mathematical model described in this paper, the
temperatures in the columns and the axial deformations of
the columns were calculated. In the calculations, the thermal
and mechanical properties of the concrete and steel and the
specifics of the columns and furnace, given in Reference 10,
were used.
In the following, calculated temperatures for various lo-
cations in the columns and calculated axial deformations of
the columns will be compared with the measured tempera-
tures and axial deformations reported in Reference 1.
For columns with square cross section, comparisons of
measured and calculated temperatures have been made in a
previous study.
Therefore, in the present study, only the
temperatures of Columns No. 2 and 3, which have a rectan-
gular cross section, will be discussed. In Fig. 4 and 5, cal-
culated temperatures are compared with those measured at
various depths in these columns. It can be seen that, with
the exception of the temperatures measured at the center of
the specimen at an early stage, there is good agreement
between calculated and measured column temperatures. The
temperatures measured at the center of the columns show
initially a relatively rapid rise in temperature, followed by a
period of nearly constant temperatures in the early stages of
the test. This temperature behavior may be the result of
thermally induced migration of the moisture towards the
center of the column where, as shown in the figures, the
influence of migration is most pronounced. Although the
model takes into account evaporation of moisture, it does
not take into account the migration of the moisture towards
the center. That migration appears to account for the deviation
-- Calculated
--- Measured
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
TIME, min
Fig. 5-Temperature of concrete at various depths along
centerline parallel to shortest side of Column No. 3 (203 x
914 mm) as function of exposure time
between calculated and measured temperatures at the earlier
stages of fire exposure. At a later stage, however, which is
the important stage from the point of view of predicting the
fire resistance of the columns, there is good agreement be-
tween calculated and measured temperatures.
In Fig. 6 through 8, the calculated and measured axial
deformations of the columns, during exposure to fire, are
shown. It can be seen that the mathematical model predicts,
reasonably well, the trend in the progression of the axial
deformations with time. The largest differences between cal-
culated and measured axial deformations are on the order of
5 mm (0.2 in.), which may be regarded as small when con-
sidering that these are differences between calculated and
measured deformations for columns with lengths of about
3800 mm (150 in.). It must also be noted that these columns
deform axially as a result of several factors, namely, load,
thermal expansion, bending and creep, which cannot be com-
pletely taken into account in the calculations.
This was particularly evident in the case of Column No.
3 (Fig. 9). Whereas the model defines the failure point as
the point at which the column can no longer support the
applied load and also assumes that failure at this point is
instantaneous, the tested column, which was relatively slen-
der, contracted considerably before it was crushed.
In Fig. 9, the calculated strengths of the columns are shown
as a function of the time exposure. The strength decreases
with time until it becomes so low that the column can no
longer support the load. The time to reach this point is the
fire resistance of the column. The calculated fire resistances
of the columns are given in Table 1 together with the meas-
ured fire resistances. It can be seen that there is good agree-
ment between the calculated and measured fire resistances
for Columns Nos. 1 and 2, but the calculated fire resistance
for Column No.3 is about 30 percent lower than that meas-
ured, due to the considerable contraction of the column,
which the model can only partly take into account.
ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1993
-- Calculated
- - - Measured
----- .... ,,
-I __J
x -2
0 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
TIME, min
Fig. 6-Calculated and measured axial deformations of Col-
umn No. 1 (305 x 305 mm) as function of exposed time
, ~ - - - - - .......... ,
~ ~ ',
~ ' ',
, '
, '
, \
I \
~ \
, \
I \
I \
-- Calculated \
--- Measured \
40 eo 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400
TIME, min
Fig. 7-Calculated and measured axial deformations of Col-
umn No. 2 ( 305 x 457 mm) as function of exposed time
Fig. 9 also shows that, under commensurate loads, columns
with rectangular cross sections have substantially higher fire
resistances than those with square cross sections with the
same thickness. Under a load equal to the allowable service
load, the fire resistance of Column No. 2, for example, is
almost twice that of the square column with the same thick-
ness. Column No. 3 which is much thinner than the square
column, namely 203 mm (8 in.) in thickness in comparison
to the 305 mm (12 in.) thickness of the square column, has
a fire resistance that is approximately equal to that of the
square column. The main reason for the relatively higher fire
resistance of the rectangular columns is probably that the
heating of the core of columns with rectangular cross sections
approaches that of a wall, which is heated on two sides,
ACI Structural Journal I January-February 1993
z 8
<( -6
; ... ----.... ,
,""' ',
~ '
~ \
;. \
-- Calculated 1
- - - Measured \
240 280 320
Fig. 8-Calculated and measured axial deformations of Col-
umn No.3 (203 x 914 mm) as function of exposed time
8000 '
uu 4000
3000 -
\ ColumnNo. 3
\ (203 x 914 mml
e Calculated fire resistance under
the allowable service load
200 240 280 320 360 400 420
TIME, min
Fig. 9-Calculated strengths of columns as function of ex-
posure time and calculated column fire resistances under the
allowable service load according to ACI 318 and CSA
whereas the column with square cross section is heated on
four sides.
Based on the results of this study, the following conclu-
sions can be drawn:
1. The mathematical model employed in this study is
capable of predicting the fire resistance of rectangular rein-
forced concrete columns with an accuracy that is adequate
for practical purposes.
2. The model will enable the expansion of existing data
on the fire resistance of reinforced concrete columns, which
at present consists predominantly of data for square columns,
with that for rectangular columns.
3. Rectangular columns have, under commensurate loads,
substantially higher fire resistances than square columns of
the same thickness.
4. Using the model, the fire resistance of square and rec-
tangular reinforced concrete columns can be evaluated for
any value of the significant parameters, such as load, column
section size, column length, concrete strength, percentage of
reinforcing steel and concrete cover to the steel, without the
necessity of testing.
5. The model can also be used for the calculation of the
fire resistance of columns made with concretes other than
those investigated in this study; for example, lightweight or
carbonate aggregate concretes, if the relevant material prop-
erties are known.
c =specific heat, Jkg-lC-1
h = coefficient of heat transfer at fire exposed surface, Wm-2C-1
j = 0, 1, 2, ...
k =thermal conductivity, Wm-lC-1
K = effective length factor
L = unsupported length of column, m
M = number of points along y-axis
N = number of points along x-axis
p =point
t =time, hr
T = temperature, C
V = volume of moisture, m
x = coordinate, m
y = coordinate, m
Y = lateral deflection of column at midheight, m
Ll = increment
L l ~ = mesh width, m
e = emissivity, strain, m m-1
A. = heat of vaporization, Jkg-1
p =density, kgm-3; radius of curvature, m
a = Stefan-Boltzmann constant, Wm-2K-4
cp = concentration of moisture (fraction of volume)
X= curvature of column at mid-height (m-1)
c = of concrete
f = of the fire
m,M = at the points m, Min a column
max = maximum
min = minimum
n,N = at the points n, N in a row
L = left of the x-axis
R = right of the x-axis
s =of steel
T = pertaining to temperature
w =of water
I, 2 =at the points 1, 2
j =at t =jilt
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the Temperature of Protected Steel Columns Exposed to Fire," Fire Study
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ada, NRCC 12535, Ottawa, 1972, 39 pp.
8. El-Shayeb, M., "Fire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete and Concrete
Filled Steel Columns," Ph.D. dissertation, University of New Hampshire,
Durham, 1986, 282 pp.
9. "Standard Methods of Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction
and Materials," (CANIULC-Sl01-M89), Underwriters'LaboratoriesofCan-
ada, Scarborough, 1989, 49 pp.
10. Lie, T. T., and Celikkol, B., "Method to Calculate the Fire Resistance
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11. Allen, D.E., and Lie, T. T., "Further Studies of the Fire Resistance
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Division of Building Research, NRCC047, Ottawa, 1974, 25 pp.
Authorized reprint from: January-February 1993 issue of ACI Structural Journal

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