December 11 Gay City News

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WEEKLY Prostitution arrests Bushwick man brain- Leibovitz captures
valid, city says dead in bias assault moments between moments
NEWSPAPER P. 6 P. 7 P. 24

Gay City

S E R V I N G G A Y, L E S B I A N , B I A N D T R A N S G E N D E R E D N E W Y O R K • W W W . G A Y C I T Y N E W S . C O M


NJ State Senate
Commission Leader:
Urges Gay Civil Rights
Nups Now Can’t Be
n a report comprehensive BY PAUL SCHINDLER
in scope and sweeping in

its conclusions, an official n a stunning reversal, Mal-
government commission in colm Smith, the Queens
New Jersey recommended that Democrat in line to become
the Legislature change state the leader of the State Sen-
law “to allow same-sex couples ate should his party hold on
to marry” and to do so “expe- to the fragile 32-30 majority
ditiously because any delay in it won in the November elec-
marriage equality will harm all tion, announced he was end-
the people of New Jersey.” ing negotiations with the so-
The findings, released on the called Gang of Three, a trio of
rebellious city Democrats who
P. 2 had threatened to withhold
their support for him in next
■ EDITORIAL month’s leadership contest.
Significantly, Smith repu-
UN effort diated a deal it was widely
to decriminalize reported he had made with
■ 14 Senator Ruben Diaz, a Bronx
—————————————— Democrat and Pentecostal
■ A PIONEER’S DEATH minister, who shortly after
Eleanor Cooper the election said he would not
vote for any Senate leader who
was 68 would bring a marriage equal-
■ 10 ity bill up for a vote. A meeting

that Smith held with Diaz and

■ BIG TRIP the other two dissident Demo-
Top writers on going crats on December 4, briefly
and returning home attended by Democratic Gov-
ernor David A. Paterson as
■ 22 well, led to numerous press
accounts reporting that Smith
■ MOTION POETRY pledged to Diaz that the mar-
“STACKS” a hit at NYU riage bill, which the governor
■ 28 supports and the Assembly
—————————————— has already passed, would not
fered as to whether that pledge
encompassed only 2009, or the

complete 2009-2010 legislative
“We are suspending nego-
tiations, effective immediately,
because to do so otherwise
would reduce our moral stand-
Malcolm Smith Walks ing and the long-term Senate
Democratic commitment to
CRAIG LUCAS’ ‘PRAYER’ Back from Precipice reform and to change,” Smith
2/ Politics 11 - 17 DEC 2008

NJ Gay Marriage Urged 7 DAYS

State review commission concludes civil unions don’t cut it
䉴 continued from cover ome, president of the state Bar
morning of December 10 and
which ran to 45 pages plus
Association, told the commis-
sioners that the law is “a failed
experiment.” DANCE
appendices, were issued in the AnnL ynne Benson, a Musical Millepied
“final report” of the New Jer- Republican appointed to the Benjamin Millepied, a principal
sey Civil Union Review Com- Commission by Corzine and a dancer at New York City Ballet, pres-
mission, a 13-member body former director of Gloucester ents his “Danses Concertantes,” this
established when civil unions County Right to Life, acknowl- season featuring 12 American Ballet
were enacted in late 2006. edged that it “was not an easy Theatre dancers in a repertoire of two
The Legislature adopted the process to reach consensus” pieces, both choreographed by him
civil union law in response to in completing the final report, and accompanied by live music. Pedja
a State Supreme Court ruling but said that the conclusions Muzijevic plays piano for “Without,”
that October mandating that were clear. with music by Chopin, and Natasha
New Jersey afford same-sex “The civil union law was Paremski plays piano for “Variations
couples all the rights and ben- like planting a tooth pick and on a Theme by Paganini,” with music
efits of marriage. expecting a tree to grow,” Ben- by Brahms. Joyce Theater, 175
The Review Commission son told Gay City News. Noting Eight Ave. at 19th St. Dec. 11-13, 8
was created to monitor the that gay and lesbian couples p.m.; Dec. 14, 7:30 p.m. Tickets are
effectiveness of the civil union have had the right to adopt $19-$59 at
law in meeting the mandate for many years, she added, “It ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
laid out by the high court, and doesn’t make sense for those
its establishment represented children’s parents not to have Ode to India


a significant consolation prize the right to be married.” Dance-theater maverick Pina
for Garden State Equality, New Among the key conclusions Bausch and her company, Tanzthe-
Jersey’s LGBT rights lobby were that the law fails to pro- ater Wuppertal, close BAM’s 2008
group, which had unsuccess- vide members of civil union Next Wave Festival with the exclu-
fully pressed the Legislature couples with the ability to act sive US engagement of “Bamboo
and Democratic Governor Jon as a spouse in making health Blues,” an ode to India — the vibrant
Corzine to enact a marriage care decisions for their part- country whose people and rich cul-
equality law in response to the A key issue now is whether Governor Jon Corzine will allow a marriage bill to move before ners in emergency situations; ture have captivated her throughout
court ruling. his 2009 reelection bid. that employers continue to her artistic career. “Bamboo Blues”
At the time, the governor discriminate against civil features arresting staging, a wall
and legislative leaders were not than a year acknowledged that ness and transparency of this union couples as compared to of billowing fabric, video projec-
publicly antagonistic toward he would sign a marriage law if review process and about the their married employees; that tions, and Bausch’s signature blend
full marriage equality, but it came to his desk. Although quality of the information we the public in general had an of dynamic full-body movement and
argued that a civil union law the Senate, which is not up for gathered.” inadequate and often mistak- poignant gesture-rich abstractions.
should first be given a chance election in 2009, has only a Five of the 13 commission- en understanding of what civil The score includes contemporary
to meet the court mandate. narrow Democratic majority, ers represent state government unions are; that the children Indian music as well as music from
The Review Commission in the Assembly, the party has agencies that report directly to raised by civil union couples 4Hero, Alice Coltrane, and Michael
decisively found that the law a commanding advantage over Corzine - in addition to Vespa- are disadvantaged relative Gordon, among others. BAM How-
fell short in addressing the the Republicans. Papaleo’s Civil Rights Division, to those in married house- ard Gilman Opera House, 30
equality requirements of the In a meeting with gay jour- the departments of Human holds; and that people of color Lafayette Ave. at Ashland Pl.,
Supreme Court ruling. nalists in 2007, Corzine said Services, Banking and Insur- couples face particularly diffi- near Flatbush Ave. Dec. 11-13, 16,
“I believe that New Jersey he would prefer the Legisla- ance, Health and Senior Ser- cult burdens in gaining equal 17, 19 & 20, 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 14, 3
will be the first state in the ture not move on marriage vices, and Children and Fami- access to the rights and ben- p.m. Tickets are $25-$ 85at
union to enact marriage equal- equality until after the 2008 lies. A sixth commissioner rep- efits that marriage would pro- or 718-636-4100.
ity through legislation,” said presidential election, but said resents the state attorney gen- vide. ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Steven Goldstein, chairman he had no concerns about eral, Anne Milgram, a Corzine The report opens with an
of Garden State Equality and signing such a law prior to his appointee herself, but one with especially compelling case of Interdisciplined
the co-chairman of the Review own expected reelection bid in broad statutory independence a Montclair civil union partner Ten years into its existence, the
Commission. “With this report, November 2009. from the governor. confronted with a potentially six-member Misnomer Dance Theater,
I believe it is more likely than Even though the Review Of the other seven commis- fatal cardiac arrhythmia that led by Chris Elam, has earned acclaim
ever to happen very soon.” Commission issued a prelimi- sioners, five were appointed by landed her in an emergency for highly original and exceptionally
Asked if he thought it was nary report in early 2008 iden- the governor, and one each by room. Gina Pastino testified moving dances. Having garnered the
possible that a marriage equal- tifying significant shortfalls the Senate president and the that even though she gave the support of the dance community, with
ity bill could be enacted in in the ability of civil unions to Assembly speaker. Goldstein hospital all the relevant infor- positive reviews from discerning crit-
2009, prior to statewide elec- deliver true equality, the una- was appointed by Speaker mation about her family mem- ics and tastemakers, the company
tions in New Jersey in Novem- nimity and boldness of the Roberts. bers, including her civil union has spent much of the last few years
ber, Goldstein responded, “I final report are striking. The Review Commission partner Naomi, when Naomi in interdisciplinary collaborations —
would not preclude that pos- “Given where we started report laid out a range of cri- arrived at the emergency room, with Björk and Tronic Studios/Apple,
sibility.” The governor and the and the fact that nearly half of teria, on each of which civil the attending physician said among others. This work culminates
entire State Assembly face the the commissioners are govern- unions were judged as fail- he did not know what a civil in Misnomer’s return to the New
voters next November, but not ment employees from a state ing to deliver equality. It also union was. As the result, valu- York stage for the world premiere of
the State Senate, which has that fought to defend the sta- labored to incorporate the per- able time treating Gina was “Being Together,” a three-part, eve-
four-year terms that end after tus quo on marriage in court, sonal stories from the more wasted in clarifying her part- ning-length program. Joyce Soho,
November 2011. Both Senate this result is surprising,” said than 150 witnesses who testi- ner’s authority to make medi- 155 Mercer St., btwn. Houston
President Richard J. Codey J. Frank Vespa-Papaleo, the fied at eight public hearings cal decisions. & Prince Sts. Thu.-Sun., 8 p.m.,
(the former acting governor) Review Commission chairman lasting a cumulative 26 hours. In the case of a Plainfield through Dec. 14. Tickets are $25;
and Assembly Speaker Joseph who is director of the state In perhaps the most point- couple, a gay man was not $18 for students & seniors at joyce.
J. Roberts, Jr. — the two men Division on Civil Rights. “To ed indictment of the separate allowed to visit his partner in org or 212.352.3101.
are Democrats — have said have gone from that to these status for same-sex couples an emergency room and was ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
they support marriage equal- conclusions speaks volumes created by the New Jersey Leg-
ity, while Corzine has for more about the comprehensive- islature, Lynn Fontaine News- 䉴 NEW JERSEY, continued on p.3 䉴 DEC 11, continued on p.7
11 - 17 DEC 2008 Health/3
Progress and Persistence
After 20 years, St. Vincent’s HIV Center sees gains, and new infections too
BY DUNCAN OSBORNE “These are patients that ognize that PEP is needed and
have a lot of other co-mor - to act quickly. The center han-

att Baney joined bid conditions,” Urbina said. dles 15 to 20 PEP cases every
Saint Vincent Catho- “Thirty percent are co-infected month.
lic Medical Centers with hepatitis C, a fair share of “The majority are men who
in 1992. He remembers when them have either mental illness have sex with men, but we’ve
the prospects for an HIV-pos- or substance abuse issues or had a lot of sexual assaults
itive person were grim and both. These are not your Park and we’ve also had persons
healthcare providers had little Avenue patients.” that identify as heterosexual,”
to offer such individuals. What is most striking, in Urbina said.
“At that point, we were hous- comparison to 1992, is that The center is also working
ing up to 200, 220 patients per the HIV center is now offer- with the city health depart-
day,” said the director of the ing cutting edge services and ment since the department’s
hospital’s Comprehensive HIV treatments to people with HIV. May implementation of pooled
Center. “Patient stays were The state health department PCR testing, an HIV test that
very short... Patients came in will spend $290,000 a year for can identify individuals within


with PCP pneumonia, toxo- five years to have center staff, days of their first becoming
plasmosis, whatever it might along with the Montefiore infected.
be... Unfortunately, people Medical Center in the Bronx, A standard HIV test detects
died rather quickly.” Matt Baney (l.), director of the Comprehensive HIV Center at the St. Vincent Catholic Medical train emergency departments antibodies to the virus. While
Dr. Antonio Urbina, the HIV Centers, and Dr. Antonio Urbina, the center’s medical director. across the state on providing they are highly sensitive, indi-
center’s medical director, did post-exposure prophylaxis viduals produce HIV antibodies
his residency at the West Vil- staff of 85 and an annual bud- immigrants. (PEP) to people who have been at varying rate, and some may
lage hospital from 1992 to get of $7 million, saw more “It’s a very limited amount of recently exposed to HIV. go undetected with a standard
1995. than 5,000 patients in 34,000 care that they are eligible for,” “It’s really to increase aware- test as much as a month after
“You would go to the emer- visits, and treated 1,500 in- said Baney, referring to the ness about PEP,” Urbina said. first becoming infected.
gency department, basically patients. Some 800 of those undocumented immigrants, “I think that’s one of its main The health department
stretchers wall to wall,” he patients were undocumented and added, “We do a lot of goals, and to educate emer- takes blood samples from peo-
said. immigrants, predominantly charity care because a lot of gency departments on how to ple testing at four — and soon
In 2008, the Comprehensive from South America. our patients are homeless.” provide PEP.” to be six — of the city’s sexual-
HIV Center celebrated its 20th The hospital paid for some of That 80 percent of the cen- The protocol is a month of ly transmitted disease clinics.
anniversary and a dramati- that care itself because Medic- ter’s patients have an unde- treatment on three anti-HIV The blood samples are mixed
cally changed landscape for aid and Medicare, the govern- tectable viral load, which drugs. The regimen must start and tested for minute amounts
people with HIV, the virus that ment-run health insurance shows their anti-HIV drugs are within 72 hours of the expo- of HIV’s genetic material. When
causes AIDS. plans, generally do not pay for working, is remarkable given sure to be effective, so doctors
In 2007, the center, with a services for undocumented the population served there. must be taught when to rec- 䉴 ST. VINCENT, continued on p.11

䉴 NEW JERSEY, from p.2 same-sex couples, but because partners and for young people afford the financial and legal a notable exception — to rec-
of the term used by statutes first coming out and faced with advice necessary to protect ognize same-sex marriages
finally removed from the hos- establishing government sanc- prospect that they can never each other, their retirement, from those states where they
pital by security. tioned same-sex relationships,” enjoy the same family status and their life after the death of are legal will continue to cre-
Most of the employers who the Review Commission wrote. as their heterosexual peers. one of the partners. ate inequalities for same-sex
refused to extend equal bene- In fact, testimony from Mas- Dr. Judith Glassgold, presi- The Review Commission couples. Access to federally-
fits to civil union couples cited sachusetts pointed to employer dent of the New Jersey Psycho- pointed to the broad public funded programs, such as
the federal Employee Retire- acceptance of same-sex mar- logical Association, who works benefits of extending marriage Medicaid, as a spouse or mar-
ment Insurance Security Act riages despite the potential with children, adolescents, rights to same-sex couples, ried couple would be barred,
(ERISA) that exempts from for them to invoke the ERISA and their families, testified that estimating that the weddings of and married couples traveling
state regulation all companies loophole. Tom Barbera, a vice unequal treatment in terms of 10,589 New Jersey couples, or outside New Jersey might face
that “self-insure,” rather than president of that state’s AFL- relationship recognition harms approximately one half of the limitations on having their
relying on a third-party insur- CIO, testified, “From the first children in gay and lesbian total identified by the Census, spousal status recognized - in
er to take on the cost risk of few weeks after May 17, 2004, families. over the next three years, plus emergency health care situa-
their health care benefits plan. when marriage equality took The Review Commission the influx of wedding tourists tions, for example.
According to the Review Com- effect in Massachusetts, ERISA report noted that transgen- to the state, would generate Still, Garden State Equal-
mission, an estimated 50 per- has barely been an issue in dered people who married $284 million in economic activ- ity’s Goldstein argued, it would
cent of all companies in New Massachusetts... In the first while living in their birth gen- ity during that period, create likely be easier for a gay man or
Jersey self-insure. few weeks of marriage equality, der but now having transi- 800 jobs, and increase state lesbian to explain that they are
It is not clear whether full only a few companies chose tioned receive no clarification and local tax revenues by $19 their partner’s spouse than to
marriage rights for same-sex not to provide retirement ben- about their marital status as million. spell out that the couple enjoys
couples would alter the legal efits under ERISA to same-sex the result of the civil union law. The report pointed to a sim- civil union rights.
impact of ERISA — New Jer- couples.” Whether they remain married ilar range of benefits identi- The Commission recom-
sey might still be constrained The Review Commission or are now considered to be in fied last year by the New York mended that the domestic
from requiring equal treatment in New Jersey found a mark- a civil union - or neither -is an City comptroller in assessing partnership law that allows
under self-insurance plans — edly different experience under unanswered legal question. the potential impact of mar- couples in which one partner
but the Review Commission civil unions, and stated that Dr. Sylvia Rhue, director of riage equality here, and noted is 62 or older to have their rela-
argued that in practice the the problem had not lessened religious affairs for the Nation- that a range of observers in tionships enjoy government-
ERISA problem would largely since the law took effect. al Black Justice Coalition, Massachusetts have found recognized legal status be
subside. Dr. Marshall Forstein, a testified about the economic a positive benefit from the retained. More than 150 such
“The testimony suggests Harvard Medical School psy- burden facing poorer couples, migration of skilled gay cou- couples have registered as
that employers may decline to chiatry professor, testified that many of them people of color, ples to that state since 2004. partners, presumably to avoid
provide insurance and health a purportedly separate but who are not given equal treat- The report did acknowledge the complications in their
benefits to civil union partners equal relationship status for ment by their employers. that the refusal of the federal estate planning, likely already
not because of an objection to same-sex couples was psycho- Unlike more affluent couples, government and most state underway, that marriage
the government recognition of logically harmful both for such this population often cannot governments — New York is would have entailed.

Living with HIV doesn’t

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6/ Crime 11 - 17 DEC 2008

NYPD Addresses Prostitution Busts

City says actions valid, but their stats confirm older men nabbed at certain venues
BY DUNCAN OSBORNE The city wants to close Blue
Door permanently, asserting

esponding to emailed the business has violated the
questions concerning terms of the June stipulation.
prostitution arrests of “The defendants agreed to be
gay and bisexual men in Man- subject to an injunction against
hattan porn shops, the police prostitution as well as lewdness
department’s deputy commis- or assignation at the premises,”
sioner for public information Taussig wrote. “The quoted lan-
cited statistics that suggest that guage is only one element of a
cops are targeting older men in presentation by the city to dem-
one East Village porn shop. onstrate the defendants’ fla-
“So far in 2008, 31 out of grant disregard of the stipula-
179 men who were arrested for tion. More specifically, it is but
prostitution-related offenses in one part of an undercover offi-
Manhattan South were above cer’s description of his observa-
the age of 40,” wrote Paul J. tions of prostitution as well as
Browne in a December 3 email. his interaction with an individ-
“In other words, 82.7 percent ual who was observed engaging
were younger, often in their in oral sex.”
20s.” The man who refused the
However, police have arrest- officer’s money, identified as
ed 12 men in Blue Door Video “JD asian,” for John Doe, was


at 87 First Avenue so far this one of the two men observed
year and eight of them, or 66 engaging in oral sex.
percent, were 42 or older. That Four of the 12 men arrested
is in contrast with just 17 per- The city sued Gotham City at 687 Eighth Avenue after police arrested six men there, allegedly for prostitution, in June. at Blue Door were from out
cent of men arrested who were of state, including two who
over 40 in all of the Manhattan was only as the two were leav- ous for solicitation of sex acts, arrests that occurred there in apparently came from Europe.
South area, which runs from ing Blue Door that the under- with complaints from the pub- January and February. The That raises the question about
59th Street to the bottom of the cover cop said to Pinter “Oh, lic resulting in police attention,” business owner signed a stipu- the arrests as to why the four
island. I want to pay you $50 to suck wrote Browne, who added that lation with the city in which he would travel to New York City to
The difference between those your dick.” Pinter said nothing four of the shops had been the agreed to end all prostitution, sell their bodies for sums rang-
two percentages is so great in response and was arrested subject of 11 complaints since lewdness, and “assignation,” ing from $20 to $40, when they
as to suggest that it could not outside the store. 2005, with most of those com- or agreeing to sexual encoun- could more easily and cheaply
occur randomly. One possible Altogether, five officers made plaints coming in 2008. ters with or without money earn that at home.
explanation is that younger the 12 arrests in Blue Door, Also responding to emailed exchanged, in the location. That T aussig wrote that the
undercover police officers are and only one who made one questions, the city’s Law last provision would preclude arrests were solid.
soliciting older men, who may arrest was identified - Detective Department first noted that any two men in the shop from “In preparing the cases, the
be more likely to respond to a Matthew Lingeza - by name. the lawsuits seeking to close agreeing, for example, to leave facts surrounding the arrests
younger man. The rest were identified by six of the seven porn shops, the venue and go to one of their were assessed to ensure that
Robert Pinter, who was 52 badge numbers. The ages of the which were brought in 2007 apartments to have sex. they sufficiently alleged prob-
at his October arrest in Blue remaining four officers could and 2008, were handled by Since signing that June able cause to support the
Door, told Gay City News that not be determined. lawyers in the Mayor’s Office of agreement, police made two arrests,” he wrote. Browne
the officer who busted him said Browne defended the pros- Special Enforcement and the more prostitution arrests wrote that the arrests were
he was 29. That officer, identi- titution arrests, which have police department’s legal unit there, though one of those overseen by senior officers.
fied only by his badge number, happened in at least seven “who have been delegated as men is contesting the charge; “All investigations were
arrested two other men in Blue Manhattan porn shops dating assistant corporation counsels observed two men engaged in supervised by a Sergeant or
Door and another in Rainbow back to 2004, with at least 47 for the purpose of commencing oral sex through a glory hole above,” he wrote.
Store in Chelsea. men arrested. Of that number, and prosecuting these actions,” in a video booth; and reported The Manhattan district attor-
Pinter said the younger man only seven are known to have wrote Gabriel Taussig, chief of an “assignation” when a man ney’s office, which prosecuted
was aggressive and charm- pleaded guilty to prostitution the department’s Administra- refused an undercover officer’s the criminal cases, produced
ing in getting Pinter to agree to charges. tive Law Division. offer of money, saying “No, I some records in response to
what he thought was consen- “The fact remains that the The city first sued Blue Door don’t want your money, only email questions, but did not
sual sex outside of the store. It locations had become notori- in June, citing ten prostitution your body.” respond to the questions.


LGBT Center rights. The group’s executive nity News collective of the Gay Band in to participate in the Inaugural primaries, she is a deputy mayor
Director Burns director is Urvashi Vaid, who late-1970s. The group has been Inauguration; Parade,” President-elect Barack of Los Angeles.
Out once led the National Gay and referred to over the years, affec- Lesbian in Obama said in the release, words
That’s not really fair to Lesbian Task Force. tionately and otherwise, as the Administration we can’t imagine George W. Bush Pat Boone,
Richard Burns, after 22 years Burns and Vaid go way back Massachusetts Mafia. For the first time, an LGBT- saying, though he did participate Religious Right
as executive director of New — along with Lambda Legal’s More on the Burns transition identified group will march in the in the recent Kennedy Center Go Around the
York’s LGBT Community Center, executive director Kevin Cath- in the coming weeks. His suc- president’s inauguration parade. honors for Barbra Streisand. Bend
but I couldn’t resist the head- cart of Lambda, Tim McFeeley, cessor will take over “the larg- The Inaugural Committee said in That’s so gay. Pat Boone once sang “April
line. Burns has actually shown formerly head of the Human est LGBT multi-service organiza- a release that the Lesbian and Obama made his first out Love,” but now he is spewing
remarkable staying power, Rights Campaign Fund, Sue tion on the East Coast” and sec- Gay Band Association will have gay or lesbian appointment this December hate, writing that
but is moving on in February Hyde, who is with the Task ond largest such center in the a contingent in the January 20 week, naming Nancy Sutley as “there is a real, unbroken line
to become the chief operating Force, and the late educator, world, serving 6,000 people and procession. head of the White House Coun- between the jihadist savagery in
officer at the Arcus Foundation, writer, and activist Eric Rofes 300 groups annually, according “I am honored to invite these cil on Environmental Quality. A
part of whose mission is LGBT — to Boston’s Gay Commu- to a Center release. talented groups and individuals Hillary Clinton supporter in the 䉴 BRIEFS, continued on p.7
11 - 17 DEC 2008 Crime/7
7 DAYS Hate Crime Victim Brain-Dead

7 NIGHTS Assailants shout anti-gay, anti-Latino slurs, attack Brooklyn Ecuadorean

brutal attack in which
A Grab Bag, three men wielded an
Indeed aluminum baseball
He’s run for mayor, been toastmaster bat and a beer bottle as well as
general at far too many glittering occa- anti-gay and anti-Latino slurs
sions to recall, and tonight he’s Santa has left one of two Ecuador-
Claus. Come sit on Santa Murray Hill’s ean brothers, walking home in
sexy lap, tell him what you want, and Bushwick early on the morning
get a photo taken with him. The beloved of December 7, brain-dead, kept
entertainer but oddly infamous personal- breathing solely through the use
ity will be joined by the Babeland Elves of a ventilator.


for an evening full of a winter’s wonder- Jose O. Sucuzhanay, 31, and
land of toys, tricks, and naughty gift ideas his brother Romel, 38, were near
for everyone on your list. Babeland the intersection of Bushwick
LES, 94 Rivington St., btwn. Orchard Avenue and Kossuth Place, just
& Ludlow Sts., 7-9 p.m. Free. around the corner from Jose’s
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ apartment, at approximately
3:30 a.m. Sunday morning,

FRI.DEC.12 when a carload of men jumped
out and assaulted the younger
City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, flanked (front row) by Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz and Bronx Assemblywoman Carmen
Arroyo, at a December 8 press conference denouncing the Bushwick attack.

Madame Secretary According to police, one saying Jose had been targeted a broad swath of political, legal, Galen Kirkland, the com-
New Georges, the Obie Award-win- assailant broke the bottle over because of his “skin color.” and religious leaders, including missioner of the State Division
ning downtown theater company, pres- Sucuzhanay’s head. After the A police source told Gay representatives of the Ecuador- of Human Rights, was also on
ents the premiere of Wendy Weiner’s victim fell to the ground, anoth- City News that the assault is ean and LGBT communities, hand.
“Hillary: A Modern Greek Tragedy with er of the attackers began beating informally being treated as a such as the AVP and the LGBT Walter R. Sinche, director
a (Somewhat) Happy Ending,” directed him with the bat. Romel Sucu- homicide despite the fact that Community Center. ejecutivo of Alianza Ecuatori-
by Julie Kramer. Mia Barron (Tom Stop- zhanay managed to flee from the Sucuzhanay clings to life, and Quinn opened the session ana in Queens, noted that just
pard’s “The Coast of Utopia”) and TV path of the first assailant who a spokesperson for the Medi- by terming the attack “a hate- a few weeks ago a gang known
actor Darren Pettie head up the cast as chased after him with the bro- cal Examiner’s office said that ful and despicable act” and as the Caucasian Crew stabbed
Hillary and Bill Clinton. When a young ken beer bottle. He finally pre- no death certificate has been warning the perpetrators “you to death a 37-year-old Ecuador-
girl named Hillary Rodham devotes vailed on the men to stop beat- filed but that the office was will be apprehended, you will ean immigrant, Marcelo Lucero,
herself solely to Athena, the goddess ing his brother when he showed notified of the situation. be apprehended and pros- in Patchogue, Long Island.
of wisdom, Aphrodite, the goddess of them that he had a cellphone to Sucuzhanay is at Elmhurst ecuted to the fullest extent of Carmen E. Arroyo, a Bronx
love, takes revenge by having her fall use to call police. Hospital Center in Queens, the law.” She noted that both state assemblywoman who
in love with a man of mythical charms There was at least one other and his parents are en route the police and the Brooklyn chairs the Puerto Rican and
and appetites. The Living Theater, witness to the assault besides from Ecuador. The family said district attorney are investigat- Latino Caucus, said of the
21 Clinton St. –– that’s right, Clin- Romel, according to police, who that they are awaiting their ing the assault as a hate crime, attack on Sucuzhanay, “It
ton St. –– btwn. E. Houston & Stan- said the assailants were black arrival before making fur - and explained how such an was not a crime against one
ton Sts. Wed.-Mon., 8 p.m. through men riding in a red or maroon ther medical decisions. Romel enhancement to the criminal person, it is a crime against a
Dec. 20. Tickets are $20; $18 for stu- SUV. The NYPD released a had been visiting his brother charge would, upon convic- community.”
dents & seniors at or description of one of them — a Jose from Ecuador on a two- tion, lead to a stiffer penalty. The AVP will join with Make
212-868-4444. thin man about 6-foot tall wear- month visa. At a press confer- Brooklyn District Attorney the Road NY, a Bushwick-based
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ing a dark cap, leather jacket, ence at City Hall on December Charles J. Hynes has been par- social action group, and other
jeans, and boots. 8, Diana Reyna, the Council ticularly outspoken and active organizations to express their
Circus In Space Police and other officials who member who represents Bush- among prosecutors in the state outrage over the attack at Make
Elizabeth Streb presents “Invisible have spoken publicly about the wick, said, “The family has regarding hate crimes, and his the Road’s office at 301 Grove
Forces,” which combines the thrills of crime have noted that the two made the decision to not let chief of Civil Rights & Police Street, near the intersection of
the circus, the heart thumps of a great brothers were walking arm-in- him suffer any more.” Integrity in the Rackets Division, Myrtle and Irving Avenues, on
adventure movie, and the velocity of arm, a detail presumably men- The City Hall press confer- Charles M. Guria, was on hand Sunday, December 14 at 2 p.m.
the Indy 500 in one big, crowd-pleasing tioned to provide some reason ence, called by Council Speaker to emphasize the priority the The closest subway stops are
action event. Beautiful bodies engaging why the assailants screamed Christine Quinn, a Chelsea case would have in his office. Myrtle-Wyckoff on the L and
sexy new hardware in show-stopping anti-gay taunts at the men. The Democrat who once led the “We are absolutely shocked Knickerbocker on the M. Call
pieces will keep audiences on the edge New York Times quoted a third New York City Gay and Lesbian and appalled at this senseless 718-418-7690 for more infor-
of their seats, wherever in space those brother, Diego Sucuzhanay, as Anti-Violence Project, included and bigoted attack,” he said. mation.
seats happen to be. SLAM, 51 N. First
St., btwn. Kent & Wythe Aves., Wil-
liamsburg. Fri., Sat. 7 p.m.; Sat., 䉴 BRIEFS, from p.6 I’m referring to the anger, the violence.” Well! Makes you the New York Times on December a “Big Lie” ad of unprecedented
Sun., 3 p.m., through Dec. 21. Tickets vehemence, the total disregard wonder who lost their marriage 5 titled “No Mob Veto,” decrying “chutzpah” given the antipathy
are $20; $10 for those under 10 at streb. Mumbai and the hedonistic, irre- for law and order and the sup- rights on Election Day. the “violence and intimidation of its signatories for Mormon-
org/V2/company/tour.html. sponsible, blindly selfish goals posed rights of fellow citizens. The Human Rights Cam- being directed against the LDS ism and their lack of respect for
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ and tactics of our homegrown I’m referring to the intolerance, paign’s Joe Solmonese called or ‘Mormon’ church and other religions other than their own.
sexual jihadists,” his words the hate seething in words, this “a new low in anti-gay rhet- religious organizations” in the Donohue once wrote, “Hol-
CABARET for those who demonstrated faces, and actions of those oric,” but he hasn’t been around aftermath of Prop 8. They have a lywood is controlled by secular
He’ll Do It the against the Mormon Church’s who didn’t get their way in a that long. (I’ve witnessed gay website if you Jews who hate Christianity
Other Guy’s Way bankrolling of Proposition 8 in democratic election, and would demonstrators be threatened want to read the whole diatribe. in general and Catholicism in
Michael Feinstein returns to the California, eliminating the right proclaim loudly that they will with being shot.) It was paid for by the Becket Fund particular.” He also called the
club he founded for a month of shows to same-sex marriage there. get their way, no matter what An ecumenical group of reli- for Religious Liberty. founders of the Mormon Church
dedicated to Ol’ Blue Eyes, “The Sina- Boone went on: “Oh, I know the electorate wants! Hate is gious right leaders ranging from Wayne Besen of Truth Wins “false prophets.” Colson said
tra Holiday Project.” Musical director the homosexual ‘rights’ dem- hate, no matter where it erupts. Watergate conspirator Chuck Col- Out, which fights the religious Mormonism “can’t call itself
onstrations haven’t reached And hate, unbridled, will even- son to the Catholic League’s Bill right, especially those who try to
䉴 DEC 12, continued on p.8 the same level of violence, but tually and inevitably boil into Donohue took out a full-page ad in “cure” homosexuality,” called it 䉴 BRIEFS, continued on p.11
8/ Politics 11 - 17 DEC 2008

About-Face 7 DAYS
Malcolm Smith walks back from precipice
䉴 continued from cover make him Senate President confirmed the gist of what Van is the Democrat best suited to 䉴
DEC 12, from p.7
Smith’s number two. Capelle said — that nobody lead the caucus. No sure-bet
said, in a written release Kruger, who had so assidu- had asked for sign-off on a challengers have come forward John Oddo will lead a 17-piece band
issued December 10. “Real ously courted Republicans in deal that would have explicitly or even come to mind for most featuring Bucky Pizzarelli on guitar,
reform cannot and should not the past that they gave him a precluded a gay marriage vote. political observers. Jim Saporito on drums, and David
ever include limiting the civil committee chairmanship over That senator pledged to go If the Democrats cannot Finck on bass. Antonia Bennett will
rights of any New Yorkers.” one of their own, was to be public if the question of what hold onto the majority, mar- appear as Feinstein’s special guest.
If any two of the three rebel- given the reins of the powerful was or was not agreed to on riage equality is effectively Feinstein’s at Loews Regency, 540
lious Democrats — including Finance Committee. marriage was not resolved by dead for two years — it was Park Ave. at 61st St. Tue., Wed.,
Senator Carl Kruger of Brook- Diaz, in contrast, only won the end of December. the intransigence of Skelos on 8:30 p.m.; Thu.-Sat., 8 & 10 p.m.
lyn and Senator-elect Pedro a commitment that he would Meanwhile, the agreement that issue and others such as through Dec. 30. Tickets are $95-
Espada, Jr. — choose to side chair the Aging Committee, a with Espada spiraled south transgender rights that con- $250 at feinsteinsatloewsregency.
instead with the Republicans second-tier post that lent cred- over the weekend. On Decem- vinced the Pride Agenda that it com or 212-339-4095; there is a $40
in January’s leadership race, ibility to the conventional wis- ber 8, Smith confirmed that needed to cast its lot fully and food & drink minimum.
Long Island GOP Senator Dean dom that his major objective Jeffrey Klein of the Bronx, squarely against the Repub- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Skelos would retain the major- was to block gay marriage in currently his deputy minor- licans this year. At the same
ity leader position (assuming New York — which of course is ity leader, would be the dep- time, Van Capelle is breathing BOOKS
Queens Republican incum- what he said. uty president, meaning that a huge sigh of relief that the Old Kabul
bent Frank Padavan’s razor- For four days, this agree- Espada was at best number potential betrayal has been Poet Edward Field, a Lambda Liter-
thin margin over challenger ment clung to life, as the three three in the pecking order. staved off. ary Award (Lammy) winner and author
James Gennaro holds up in rebels were the only ones will- Smith had also come to rec- “We applaud Senator Mal- of “The Man Who Would Marry Susan
the final, certified count). ing to talk about it on the ognize that certain authority colm Smith’s ongoing efforts to Sontag, and Other Intimate Literary
Smith acknowledged as record. Diaz crowed about his that he intended to wield was lead the new Senate majority Portraits of the Bohemian Era,” intro-
much in his statement. victory over the gay commu- in fact formally given to the that voters chose during the duces his new book, “Kabuli Days,
“Frankly, we would rather nity, and Espada and Kruger majority leader post, and that recent elections,” he said in Travels in Old Afghanistan,” a travel
wait two more years to take reveled in their new-found this situation would need to be a written release. “By stating memoir, at a book party this evening.
charge of the Senate than to prominence in the Demo- remedied by the full Senate in that reform in the Senate can- This remote country has changed
simply serve the interests of cratic leadership. Meanwhile, January. not include bargaining away little since the summer of 1970 when
the few,” he said, character- throughout the weekend, At a particularly odd press civil rights, Senator Smith has Field bummed around there, learn-
izing the negotiating tactics Smith, in the face of unanimity conference in Albany that day once again demonstrated his ing the language and discovering the
of the Gang of Three as “self- in press accounts of what hap- (see the online version of this commitment to standing up bisexual nature of the male popula-
serving politics.” pened last week, continued article for video coverage), for all New Yorkers.” tion. Westbeth Community Room,
Smith’s statement capped to insist that no specific deals Smith named Bill Stachowski On an upbeat note, Van 57 Bethune St. at Bank St., 7 p.m.
a week of drama that gripped had been struck. of Buffalo, who had been in Capelle continued, “The Pride Free. For more information, call 212-
Albany and spilled over down- On December 5, the day line for the Finance post Kru- Agenda looks forward to con- 675-6430.
state during the weekend between Smith’s meeting with ger would now be given, dep- tinuing to work with Sena- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
when many of Greater New the Gang of Three and his sit- uty majority leader. However, tor Smith when the legislative
York Democrats went home. down with other members of Smith would not confirm the session starts.” However, with NIGHLIFE
In Manhattan on December 6, his caucus, out gay Demo- identity of the majority leader a bow to the political reality Plug In
Smith met with at least some of cratic Senator Tom Duane of Stachowski would be depu- that even if the Democrats run Bob Mould and Richard Morel
his Democratic colleagues, in Chelsea, who years ago intro- ty to, nor for that matter did the Senate, GOP votes would bring their famed Blowoff party, a big
an effort to quell unhappiness duced a marriage equality bill, he name the Finance chair be needed to get gay marriage hit in DC, to Chelsea for an evening of
among many of them, progres- said he had not been briefed who had bumped the new over the goal line, he added, “In late night gay electronic dance. Join
sives in particular, about what on details of the negotiations deputy from that slot. Faced the meantime we will be work- music-loving hipsters, beer-drinking
they had heard of the deal and argued, “You know, right with those questions, Smith ing with legislative leaders — men’s men, dance music enthusiasts,
struck two days before. now, it’s Malcolm Smith versus abruptly announced he was Democrats and Republicans… and muscle men for a rare time with
Now, observers are left to Dean Skelos. I’m for Malcolm leaving for another meeting, to earn the votes we need to both men DJing. Highline Ballroom,
assess the relative weight in Smith. That is the question on and Stachowski was saddled bring the marriage equality bill 431 W. 16th St. Doors open at 11:30
the negotiations’ collapse of the the table.” with an irate Capitol press to the floor of the Senate for p.m. $20 at the door. You must be at
marriage issue, other qualms Alan Van Capelle, executive core demanding to know why passage.” least 18.
Democrats had about the con- director of the Empire State they had been called to a news Ethan Geto, a longtime gay ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
cessions made to Diaz, Espa- Pride Agenda, New York’s conference where no questions political insider who informally
da, and Kruger, and unhap-
piness that Espada voiced on
December 9 about whether he
LGBT rights lobby, which
worked hand-in-glove with
the Democrats to flip the Sen-
were being answered.
The following day, Tuesday,
Espada bailed on the deal,
advised the Pride Agenda in
its negotiations with Demo-
cratic leaders over the past FILM
was really getting the deal he ate and helped attract more griping, “I feel tremendously week, had high marks for Van Mid-Summer
understood last week. than $1 million to that cause, dismayed and disappointed Capelle’s steadiness. Homosex Comedy
The Gang of Three had told Gay City News, “Not one that the office of the major- “It was untenable for the Chillfest’s Second Saturday Series
never articulated a coherent single senator has told me that ity leader has been gutted and gay community and the returns with “Were the World Mine,”
rationale for their common dis- as part of the deal that was reduced to a sad joke on all Empire State Pride Agenda, which takes a daring leap from
sent except for their ability to reached there was an agree- New Yorkers, but particularly which played such a critical Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s
exact what each of them want- ment to delay the timing for the Latino community.” Diaz role in the Democratic wins in Dream” to every gay high school boy’s
ed individually from Smith. marriage. Malcolm Smith has echoed the sense of wounded the Senate this year, to leave fantasy, when the wistful and beau-
Espada had voiced unhappi- earned the opportunity for ethnic pride. The fat lady was unanswered the questions tiful Timothy (Tanner Cohen) uses a
ness with the lack of Latinos our community to give him cued. about the marriage equality love potion to turn his whole school,
in top state positions, and a chance to explain what the Smith has taken a gamble bill,” he told Gay City News. including the jocks, passionately gay.
Smith agreed to bifurcate what deal is.” — he and his fellow Demo- “Their efforts demonstrated a LITM, 140 Newark Ave., btwn.
had in recent years been two On December 8, two days crats may well be consigned level of political maturity and Erie & Grove Sts., just steps from
jobs combined into one — the after meeting with Smith, to another two years in the political clout as manifested the Grove Street PATH station, 2
roles of president pro tempore another Senate Democrat, minority. And whether in by the statement by Malcolm p.m. Admission is $8 at the door and
and majority leader. Under who did not wish to be quoted the minority or the majority, Smith this morning.” there is a cash bar.
this scheme, Espada would by name and would not dis- Smith has undoubtedly gotten Asked to assess what role he ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
become majority leader, which cuss the specifics of the cau- at least some of his Senate col-
early reports indicated would cus gathering, nevertheless leagues wondering whether he 䉴 MALCOLM SMITH, continued on p.9 䉴 DEC 13, continued on p.11
11 - 17 DEC 2008 Legal/9
Don’t Ask Circuit Split Persists
9th Circuit refuses to reconsider three-judge ruling that new, post-sodomy rules apply
BY ARTHUR S. LEONARD protection for “homosexual conduct.” rence was based on a due process adversely affecting gay people.
The panel ruled that the government rather than equal protection finding. O’Scannlain also argued that the

he San Francisco-based US must show a good justification for The panel did not challenge prior 9th panel’s decision failed to accord the
Court of Appeals for the 9th dismissing Major Margaret Witt, an Circuit cases that sexual orientation deference to the executive and leg-
Circuit, in a December 4 Air Force nurse, because of her rela- is not a “suspect classification” for islative branches on military policy
announcement, rejected an attempt tionship with a civilian woman. The which any discriminatory govern- mandated by Supreme Court prec-
by the government to have a larger panel did not specifically find Don’t ment policies would be held to “strict edents.
“en banc” panel of the court recon- Ask, Don’t Tell unconstitutional on scrutiny,” the highest standard of Judge Andrew J. Kleinfeld, who
sider a decision issued by a three- its face, but its majority held that the judicial review. was appointed to the court by George
judge panel earlier this year finding policy’s application in any particular In three separate opinions, six H.W. Bush, dissented separately,
that constitutional analysis of the case is subject to “heightened scru- judges on the 28-member court, joined by Judge Carlos T. Bea, a
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell military policy tiny,” placing the burden on the gov- joining one or more dissent, rejected recent George W. Bush appointee.
must now take account of the 2003 ernment to show that military dis- the decision to deny en banc review. Kleinfeld did not challenge the pan-
Supreme Court sodomy ruling. The charge was necessary to achieve the All the dissenters were appointed by el’s Lawrence analysis, instead focus-
announcement noted that the origi- stated justification, which Congress Republican presidents. ing solely on the deference argument.
nal panel voted against rehearing the identified as preserving “good order Judge Diarmuid Fionntain “The general constitutional right
case, and that the call for en banc and morale.” O’Scannlain, a Reagan appointee, to sexual liberty competes against
review fell short of a majority on the In earlier 9th Circuit cases, the in a lengthy opinion joined by three the especially high level of defer -
full circuit. policy was presumed constitutional other judges, argued that Lawrence ence we are required to extend to
The court’s action enhanced the and the burden was on the service narrowly held that states could not Congress and the President regard-
possibility that Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell member making the challenge to use the criminal law to penalize the ing military affairs, and few liber -
will end up in the Supreme Court, show it had no rational justifica- private consensual sexual activities ties prevail against that deference,”
unless the incoming Obama admin- tion. Courts have consistently ruled of gay adults, rejecting the conclu- he wrote, specifically pointing to a
istration chooses not to appeal the that the extensive legislative hearing sion that the government could not 1986 Supreme Court ruling that the
ruling further as part of a general record leading to the policy’s enact- enact policies that place burdens on military could discipline an Ortho-
reconsideration of the policy. If an ment provides that rational justifica- gay people because of their sexual dox Jewish chaplain who insisted
appeal is not filed, the case goes back tion. activities or identities outside the on wearing his religiously-mandated
to the district court for a trial in line Given the fact that Witt conducted criminal law context. He strenuous- head covering in circumstances vio-
with the earlier ruling, a process that her relationship discreetly — living ly objected to the panel’s conclusion lating military dress regulations.
could take a year or more to resolve. with her partner in a house more that Lawrence mandated heightened
Candidate Barack Obama prom- than 250 miles from the military scrutiny for any government policy 䉴 MILITARY, continued on p.12
ised to end Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell hospital where she worked — and
during his presidential campaign, maintained the support of her peers
but reports coming from his transi- after her relationship became public,
tion team as well as advocacy groups
such as the Servicemembers Legal
Defense Network have suggested
that quick action is unlikely. The
doubts were raised about the good
order and morale justification in this
case. The three-judge panel, howev-
er, left the determination to the trial

president-elect has stressed that he judge, who originally dismissed the
would likely reach for Pentagon con-
sensus on the issue before acting
and some key congressional Demo-
case based on pre-Lawrence prec-
The Witt decision was the first by
crats, such as House Armed Services
Chairman Ike Skelton, are not yet on
a federal appeals court to find that
Lawrence required a higher level of
board with a change. judicial review than “rational basis” WOMANHOMILISTONTHESECOND
The May 21 panel decision in Witt
v. Department of the Air Force broke
in a case asserting that federal pol-
icy placed an unconstitutional bur- 3UNDAYOFEACHMONTH
new ground, holding that prior 9th den on an individual’s liberty. Witt’s 0REACHINGON$ECEMBER*AMIE-ANSON -$IV
Circuit decisions that upheld the argument that Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
military policy were no longer valid
given the Lawrence v. Texas sodomy
violated her right to equal protec-
tion of the law was rejected, however, 0LEASEJOINUSFOROUR
decision, which found constitutional since the panel concluded that Law- #HRISTMAS%VELITURGY
䉴 MALCOLM SMITH, from p.8 Agenda appear bor ne out in the 7EDNESDAY $ECEMBER PM
emphasis in Smith’s statement on
felt Governor Paterson played in block- the principle of civil rights not being
ing the original deal struck, Geto said, negotiable. But, his spokesman,
“It is my impression that David Pater- Hank Sheinkopf, even as he insist-
son played a very constructive role in ed he could not speak to the agree-
resolving this to the satisfaction of the ments reached during the December
gay community.” Geto went on to warn 4 meeting “because I was not there,” 
that the three rebellious Democrats largely debunked the importance of
“will have to think long and hard about marriage equality in the collapse of
not voting for the Democrats to be the the negotiations.
majority.” “What happened was that yesterday
“If they keep the Republicans in, the Espada decided to change the rules, $IGNITY.EW9ORKMEETSEVERY3UNDAYNIGHTATPM
voters in their districts will understand withdrawing his support for Senator FOR-ASSANDASOCIALAT3T*OHNSINTHE6ILLAGE#HURCH
that it means no reform of the rent reg- Smith,” Sheinkopf told Gay City News. 7ESTTH3TREET&ORMOREINFORMATION PLEASEVISIT
ulation laws, no greater tenants rights “And the leader said, ‘You know what? USATWWWDIGNITYNYORGANDWWWDIGNITYUSAORGORCALL
protections, and I think that those vot- That’s it.’ If these guys want to talk to   
ers will rebel and turn them out.” us as Democrats, that’s fine. Other-
Geto’s accolades for the Pride wise, tough luck.” #%,%"2!4).'4(%7(/,%.%33!.$(/,).%33/&,'"4#!4(/,)#3
10/ Remembrance 11 - 17 DEC 2008

Eleanor Cooper Dies at 68

Pioneering lesbian activist gave more than 35 yeas to the community
BY ANDY HUMM When the Firehouse “The gover nor’s guide-
burned down in 1973, LFL lines are a publicity stunt

leanor Cooper, who moved to the Women’s Cen- designed to take the heat off
began her lesbian ter on West 20th Street with the state and put it on gay
activism in the early other feminist groups. She men,” she told the T imes.
1970s, was a leader in the made a living as an exter - “They ignore everything we
passage of the New York City minator with Lady Killers, know about AIDS. It’s also
gay and lesbian rights bill in which did non-toxic bug kill- a thinly veiled attempt to
1986, and managed to stay ing. reinstate the state’s sodomy
active through most of her last State Senator Tom Duane laws.”
13 years in a nursing home, of Chelsea, himself a veteran When the US Supreme
died of complications from a gay activist, said, “She dedi- Court upheld the constitu-
series of strokes and sepsis on cated her life to the feminist tionality of Georgia’s anti-
December 6. She was 68. and LGBT communities and sodomy law in 1986, Cooper
Cooper is survived by her our movements. She even was one of the leaders of a
longtime partner, Jay (once shoveled coal at the Women’s massive protest on Fourth
Joy) Kallio, who was at her Center to keep it going. She of July that wound its way
side and whom she was able could be really war m and through hundreds of thou-
to marry in a service per - then really contentious and sands of tourists downtown
formed by the Reverend Pat she gave it to all of us. She celebrating the 100th anni-

Bumgardner, pastor of the sacrificed her entire life” for versary of the Statue of Lib-
Metropolitan Community the movement. erty. Activist David Wynyard
Church NY, earlier this year. In June of 1977, Miami wr ote, “The story of that
The couple’s marriage, how- voted in a referendum led by march and direct action pro-
ever, was never legal due to Anita Bryant to repeal its gay In 2005, Eleanor Cooper was honored in a Pride celebration hosted by City Comptroller test has long been forgotten
Cooper’s inability to travel rights ordinance, a reversal William C. Thompson, Jr. except by some of us who
to Canada or Massachusetts that shocked and roused organized it. The commu-
because of her disability. the lesbian and gay nation. “Thinking back on those leagues,” Smith said. nity should honor this brave
Bumgardner administered The San Francisco response years, it is striking how much Cooper had a tart tongue woman.”
the last rites to Cooper last was just immortalized in fun they were,” Thorstad for those who opposed gay Even after consignment to
week, anointing her as “our “Milk” about Harvey Milk. In wrote, “how much laughter rights. When the extent of the Jewish Home and Hos-
leader and prophet.” New York, Cooper and Betty and hilarity existed side by FBI surveillance of lesbian pital after a severe stroke in
“She had an indomitable Santoro of LFL joined with side with our serious efforts and gay groups came to light 1995, Cooper kept up her
spirit,” Kallio, the love of her GAA veterans such as David to mobilize gay visibility and in 1995, she told the New activism, from participating
life, said. “She just contin- Thorstad and Father Leo militancy.” York T imes, “They’re very in meetings of Disabled in
ued to fight and fight and Joseph of the gay Church of Joyce Hunter, also a CLGR good at spying on us, but Action to passing out palm
fight against all odds, from the Beloved Disciple to forge spokesperson with Coo- they’ve never been good at cards with her one good hand
putting together a march on the Coalition for Lesbian and per and now co-director of spying on people like those for the City Council cam-
Washington [in 1979] to sur- Gay Rights (CLGR) and revi- the Community Collabora- miserable creatures in Okla- paign of the late Philip Reed.
viving three and a half days talize the campaign for a city tion Core at the HIV Center homa” who blew up the Kallio said that Cooper, in
after being taken off a ven- lesbian and gay rights bill. for Clinical and Behavioral federal building and killed her wheelchair, once joined a
tilator in septic shock and (This reporter was recruited S t u d i e s , N e w Yo r k S t a t e scores of people. When Mayor picket line of Certified Nurs-
aspiration pneumonia. The by Cooper to join the Coali- Psychiatric Institute and Michael Bloomberg appealed ing Assistants outside the
staff in the hospital shook tion that June as a repre- Columbia University, said, a decision ordering him to home, prompting some of
their heads in wonderment sentative of Dignity, the gay “I always thought Eleanor issue marriage licenses to the other wheelchair-bound
that she lived.” Catholic group, and went was brilliant. She was a very same-sex couples in 2005, social justice types inside to
Eleanor Cooper was born on to join her as a spokes- fine analyst of the issues we Cooper said, “He screwed come out with their chairs
on September 10, 1940 in person for the group.) The faced” and “an ardent femi- us thoroughly. Nasty man.” and walkers.
Knoxville, Tennessee, to par- Coalition grew to 50 gay and nist.” And when the city gay rights Cooper was honored at city
ents who were school teach- non-gay groups and the bill Tom Smith, another CLGR bill suffered one in a series Comptroller William Thomp-
ers. She went to the New- passed in 1986 when Cooper leader and later president of defeats in 1979, she said, son’s 2005 LGBT pride cel-
comb College for Women at was serving as its executive of Stonewall Democrats, “Some of the bigots in the ebration, making it down to
Tulane University in New director. r ecalled her tr emendous City Council don’t think we the Community Center for
Orleans. She married Wayne Thorstad wrote in an patience with callers to the had suffered enough humili- the ceremony. It was the last
Cooper and moved with him e-mail that the Miami defeat CLGR hotline, “even some of ation.” time she was together with
to New York in 1961 to go to brought lesbian separatists them who were screaming, Cooper saw that bill the late Betty Santoro.
Columbia University’s School back together working with crying, raging for hours.” He through to passage in March Kallio remembers being
of Library Science for an art gay men, despite concerns asked her about why she 1986, working night and depr essed over the 2004
history degree, shortly before about losing their identities put up with that when the day on lobbying and orga- election results when John
waking up to her lesbian and independence. “I often group’s mission was civil nizing efforts. She went on Kerry lost to George Bush. “I
identity. She taught art his- talked with Eleanor about rights and said she replied, to lobby in Albany for hate complained to Eleanor that
tory to disadvantaged youth this,” he wrote, “and her “These laws, these rights crimes legislation on behalf we were losing ground.”
in the South Bronx. approach was pragmatic (it are more important to the of CLGR. And before there “Don’t mour n,” Cooper
After Stonewall, she was in both our interests to poorest and most broken of was ACT UP, she played a replied. “Organize.”
became a part of the scene at join in some common endeav- us, the people who are most lead role in AIDS activism, A memorial service at the
the Firehouse, an early gay ors) even though occasionally mentally fragile. Rich people spearheading a 1985 law- Community Center some-
and lesbian center on Wooster tensions between male and can find another job, another suit against Governor Mario time in January will be
Street, and was a member of female groups would sur - home, but our most vulnera- Cuomo and the state health announced soon. Cooper’s
the group of women who split face.” He noted the key role ble can’t protect themselves.” department for issuing body was donated to further
from the Gay Activists Alli- CLGR played in organizing “This was a standard that guidelines for closing com- medical education at Mount
ance (GAA) there and formed the first national March on Eleanor made for herself and mercial sex establishments Sinai Hospital, where she
Lesbian Feminist Liberation Washington for Lesbian and she expected nothing less that cited anal and oral sex, died. “It was her final act of
(LFL) in the early 1970s. Gay Rights in 1979. from her friends and col- but not vaginal sex. public service,” Kallio said.


DEC 13, from p.8



Sugar Plums
The Vital Theatre Company and the
Shirim Klezmer Orchestra present “The
Klezmer Nutcracker,” based on Ellen
Kushner’s award-winning book “The
Golden Dreydl,” Michael McLaugh-
lin and David Harris’ arrangement of
Tchaikovsky, and choreography by Dax
Valdes. Linda Ames Key directs. Vital Honorees at the December 2 anniversary of St. Vincent’s Comprehensive HIV Center included (in alphabetical order) Michael Adams of SAGE; Jesus Aquais of Aid for AIDS; Richard Burns of
Theatre Company, 2162 Broadway the LGBT Community Center; Kenneth Cole from the amfAR board; Sharen I. Duke of the AIDS Service Center; Kevin Frost of amfAR; Marjorie Hill of GMHC; Dr. Robert L. Johnson of the New
at 76th St., fourth fl. Sat., Sun. 11 Jersey Medical School; Karen Pearl of God’s Love We Deliver; Regina R. Quattrochi of Bailey House; Jane D. Schwartz of the Paul Rapoport Foundation; Wendy Stark of the Callen-Lorde Com-
a.m. & 1 p.m. through Jan. 3. Also, munity Health Center; Dr. Monica Sweeney from the city health department; Daniel Tietz of ACRIA; Arthur Y. Webb of Village Care of New York; and Phill Wilson of the Black AIDS Institute.
Dec. 18, 19, 22 26, 7 p.m.; Dec.
29-Jan. 2, 1 p.m. Tickets are $20 at 䉴 ST. VINCENT, from p.3 body [with a new infection] they are infected, more likely six new adolescents,” Urbina or 212-579-0528 out in the field they’ll call us to infect others if they have said. “This year, to date, we’ve
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ a batch tests positive, the sam- on our cell and we will arrange unsafe sex. identified 19.”
ples are tested individually to for that patient to be seen “You identify those persons The 19 fall broadly into two
PERFORMANCE find the infected person. that day,” Urbina said. “We in a timely manner and get groups.
Before We Were “At this point, about 70 per- definitely offer them start- them out of their sexual net- “One are the young men
Green cent of the HIV testing that we ing on anti-retroviral thera- works,” Urbina said. who have sex with men and
Elephant Larry, New York’s criti- would be doing is being sub- pies. I think it’s still debatable The health department those have kind of the tradi-
cally-acclaimed sketch comedy group, jected to pooled testing,” said whether there is a clinical began sending patients with tional risk factors, substance
premieres their new show, “Elephant Dr. Susan Blank, assistant benefit to starting patients on these acute infections to the use, lots of sexual partners,
Larry Presents The Dump,” where all commissioner in the health anti-retrovirals during acute center in August. unsafe sex,” Urbina said.
the action takes place in the most mag- department’s Bureau of Sexu- infection.” “They’ve identified 16 cases “Then we’re seeing another
ical, beautiful place in the world –– a ally Transmitted Disease Con- Blank said, “It has been of persons in acute HIV infec- group of youth, and that’s
garbage dump. Critics have hailed the trol. “It is being done in high a really terrific partnership. tion,” Urbina said. “The vast about six of those 19, where
company for bringing to mind Monty volume clinics with highly at- It’s really seamless for the majority are young men who they’re homeless and typical-
Python, “Kids in the Hall,” and Second risk persons.” patients. Saint Vincent’s is have sex with men.” ly they’re acquiring HIV from
City, yet never coming off as knockoffs. These newly infected indi- especially well equipped to These new technologies older men and by older I mean
The PIT, 154 W. 29th St. Dec. 13, 20, viduals are referred to the handle people in this stage of come as new HIV infections ten to 20 years older.”
7 p.m. Tickets are $8 at BrownPaper- center for possible treatment their infection. Their help has are declining in every city pop- While the center can point or 800-838-3006. and counseling, though the been essential in our ability to ulation except men who have to any number of success sto-
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ information is most helpful in do this.” sex with men. Saint Vincent’s ries among its patients, these
changing their sexual behav- People who are newly infect- is seeing more new infections new cases, sadly, mean its
GALLERY ior. ed are highly infectious and, in young New Yorkers. door will remain open for some
Paris Via Lagos & “When they identify some- because they do not know “Last year, we identified time.
New York
“Fantasy and Simulacrum” is a
saucy, sexual, erotic conversation and 䉴 BRIEFS, from p.7 Sean Maloney Mountain” on December 8, Best Actor to Penn. the strategic plan as well as for
engagement between Iké Udé’s alter Out in Albany “an expurgated version which “Milk” also won the Stanley “capacity building” for its board.
ego, Visconti, and Paris Hilton, and is Christianity.” Rich Cisik of the Sean Patrick Maloney, an left it up to viewers to imag- Kramer Award from the Produc- Stacey Easterling of Atlantic
both a reference to and departure from National Association of Evan- aide to disgraced New York ine exactly how Ennis Del Mar ers Guild of America, given for a said, “SAGE’s pioneering work in
“Beyond Decorum,” his seminal con- gelicals called it “a cult.” Governor Eliot Spitzer who (Heath Ledger) and Jack Twist work that “dramatically illumi- the field is key to insuring that LGBT
ceptual photographic series of cloth- HRC protested the ad and continued to work for Governor (Jake Gyllenhaal) put the poke nates provocative social issues.” Americans can obtain a reasonable
ing and shoes paired with titillating the Times for running it. AIDS David Paterson, resigned his in cowpoke,” the UK Guardian It doesn’t hurt Oscar chanc- quality of life in later years.”
text appropriated from adult personal and gay activist Peter Staley post as first deputy secretary reported, despite the fact that es for a straight actor to play a
advertisements. Utilizing a cacophony wrote on his blog, “HRC, defend on December 9. The New York the lovemaking was “on the gay or transgender role. Wil- Big Boost for
of visual material culled from gossip us. What say you? Should HRC Post reported that Maloney had tepid side” to begin with. liam Hurt won for portraying a Broadway
blogs, porn sites, wallpaper samples, spend some of its millions on a the title of “special counsel” to Aurelio Mancuso of Arcigay, gay man in “Kiss of the Spider Cares
fashion/lifestyle magazines, and full-page ad?” Spitzer, “allowing him to invoke Italy’s gay rights group, told the Women,” Tom Hanks for doing Shows may be closing and
film, Udé’s new hybrid pictorial style attorney-client privilege to newspaper, “We want to know so in “Philadelphia,” and Hil- times may be hard, but the
employs free association and an absurd Newsweek: avoid testifying to investigators who decided to show ‘Broke- lary Swank won Best Actress theater community raised more
sense of humor in rendering works “The Religious probing the scandal” surround- back Mountain’… with such for playing transman Brandon than $3 million for Broadway
both whimsical and monumental. Born Case for Gay ing the use of the State Police blatant 1950s-style cuts. Who Teena in “Boys Don’t Cry.” Cares/Equity Fight AIDS this
in Lagos, Nigeria, and now New York- Marriage” to investigate former Republi- had the presumption to think an year, culminating in the 20th
based, Udé’s work is held in the perma- Newsweek made this its can Senate Majority Leader Joe adult public could not handle Big Boost for edition of the “Gypsy of the Year
nent collections of the Guggenheim and cover story, Lisa Miller writ- Bruno. As the newspaper noted, the sight of kissing and intima- SAGE Competition” on November 28.
the Smithsonian National Museum. ing, “Religious objections to Maloney survived a scandal that cy between two men?” SAGE, Services and Advo- The company of “Equus,” led
Stefan Stux Gallery, 530 W. 25th St. gay marriage are rooted not took down four Spitzer aides. cacy for Gay Elders, just scored by visitors Richard Griffiths and
Tue.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m. through Jan. in the Bible at all, then, but Paterson called Maloney “Milk,” Penn two big grants. The Calamus Daniel Radcliffe, raised $203,749,
24. 212-352-1600. in custom and tradition. The “a trusted adviser and friend,” Win Critics Foundation has given the New more than any Broadway show.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ Bible was written for a world but the Post reported that “the Awards York-based group a $1 million The Chicago production of “Jer-
so unlike our own, it’s impos- governor had told associates in “Milk,” the Gus Van Sant matching grant over four years sey Boys” raised $220,000, the
DATING sible to apply its rules, at face recent weeks that he had lost biopic about gay San Francisco for implementing the group’s most of any touring show.
Keep Warm at value, to ours.” She dealt with confidence in Maloney,” who city supervisor and martyr Har- new strategic plan, “one of the Broadway Cares praised the
Christmas polygamy and other non-tradi- was an unsuccessful out gay vey Milk, was named Best largest awards the foundation “Hairspray” company for rais-
Looking for a great boyfriend? Deep- tional marital arrangements in candidate for New York attor- Picture of the year by the New has ever given,” according to ing more than $2 million for the’s founder, psychotherapist scripture. ney general in 2006. York Film Critics Circle and its the SAGE release. SAGE has group, with Harvey Fierstein,
Ken Page, says he has the answers –– The religious right is in a star, Sean Penn, Best Actor for to get individuals, foundations, who has returned to the show
tried and true, non-superficial methods tizzy over the piece, but News- Italian TV his portrayal of Milk. Josh Brolin and corporations to match the as Edna Turnblad for its final
of meeting men you will stick with. week editor Jon Meacham Breaks got the group’s Best Supporting donation in order to receive it. weeks, putting them over that
LGBT Community Center, 208 W. wrote, “History and demograph- ‘Brokeback’ Actor nod for playing Supervisor Atlantic Philanthropies gave mark by auctioning off Edna’s
ics are on the side of those who Italy’s state TV station, Rai2, Dan White, Milk’s assassin. SAGE $500,000, its largest to autographed underwear to an
䉴 DEC 13, continued on p.12 favor inclusion over exclusion.” broadcast some of “Brokeback The LA Film Critics also gave an LGBT group, also to help with audience member for $2,500.

Larry Craig Rejected Again 7 NIGHTS
Minnesota appeals court rejects Republican’s bid to overturn conviction 䉴 DEC 13, from p.11

BY ARTHUR S. LEONARD expressive conduct should be 13th St., 7-9 p.m. Admission is $20.
treated the same as speech, Register and learn more at deeperdat-

he Minnesota Court of but the court pointed out that Page warns that you should
Appeals has rejected the Supreme Court has recog- be prepared to connect with someone
an attempt by Senator nized more leeway for the gov- special.
Larry Craig, the Idaho Repub- ernment to deal with potential- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
lican now in his last month in ly disruptive conduct than with
office, to withdraw his guilty speech. The court also found NIGHTLIFE


plea to a disorderly conduct that the statute was sufficient- The Saint Has No
charge arising from his arrest ly clear and not, as the ACLU Clothes
on June 11, 2007, at the Min- claimed, too vague to meet the Daniel Nardicio celebrates the
neapolis-St. Paul International constitutional requirement of holidays with a religious-themed event
Airport. An undercover police informing the public what con- where there will be more men worship-
officer claimed that Craig duct was prohibited. ping on their knee’s than at St Peter’s!
solicited him for sexual activity Craig had argued that the His “Evening Service (Special Mormon
in an airport restroom, by sig- statute was unconstitution- Edition)” features totally naked Mor-
naling to him from an adjacent ally applied to him, since the mon Boy dancers, with special Mormon
hall, and had invaded his pri- First Amendment protects Boy calendars and T-shirt give-aways.
vacy by staring at him through Larry Craig’s mug shots taken after his June 11, 2007 arrest at the Minneapolis-St. Paul any expressive conduct that Johnny Dynell DJs. At 1 a.m., former
the crack along the stall door. Airport. falls short of “fighting words,” Aiden frontman Wil Francis’ alter ego
Upon his arrest, Craig iden- speech likely to provoke a vio- William Control performs, and at 2 a.m.
tified himself to Sergeant David the following: Engaged in con- only where the criminal intent lent response. But the court there will be a chance to win $300 in
Karsnia, the undercover offi- duct which I knew or should originates in the enforcement found that the state has a the “So You Think You Can Suck?” con-
cer, as a United States senator, have known tended to arouse officials of the government legitimate interest in protecting test overseen by judges Ben Andrews,
and later pled guilty to disor- alarm or resentment of others, rather than in the mind of the those in public restrooms from porn star Spike, and Adam Klesh. The
derly conduct by mail rather which conduct was physical accused,” he wrote, quoting unwanted invasions of their guys from will be
than appearing personally at a (versus verbal) in nature.” a prior Minnesota Supreme own privacy. on hand to meet and greet you, plus
hearing. Craig hoped the mat- In effect, Craig merely para- Court case. “Here, the com- “The conduct charged here hand out DVDs. The Woodshop, 24
ter would not become public, phrased the disorderly conduct plaint clearly indicates that the occurred in a place in which Ninth Ave. at 14th St., fifth fl., 10
but word got to the press and statute without detailing his criminal intent originated in the ordinary citizen might feel p.m. Tickets are $25 at;
the situation blew up in his own conduct. the mind of appellant, not in most eager to ‘avoid unwanted $30 at the door; $15 for those under 25.
face. At first he announced he The court rejected his argu- the officer.” communication,’” wrote Tous- Information at 718-384-5776
would resign his Senate seat, ment, pointing out that the trial On the more important issue saint. Noting the particular ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
then decided to serve out the judge also had the complaint of the constitutionality of police needs of those who could be
remainder of his term but not
stand for reelection.
Craig also initiated a pro-
and the arresting officer’s state-
ment, which went into explicit
detail about Craig’s conduct.
using disorderly conduct stat-
utes to arrest gay men engaged
in restroom cruising activity,
considered a “captive audi-
ence” of a speaker’s message,
the judge wrote, “We believe COMMUNITY
ceeding to withdraw his guilty Craig’s argument that there Craig and the ACLU pursued that appellant’s conduct was A Dykey Holiday
plea, arguing that the conduct was no evidence that the trial different strategies. Craig — a invasive of the privacy of Brooklyn’s Lesbian Herstory
in which he engaged was inof- judge had actually consulted politically conservative married another and may properly be Archives holds its annual holiday
fensive and, possibly, constitu- the complaint and the officer’s man who claims he is not gay prohibited as disorderly con- “books-plus” sale of great gifts includ-
tionally protected as freedom statement was also rejected, or bisexual despite the publica- duct… Even if appellant’s foot- ing fiction, poetry, pulps, mysteries,
of speech. The American Civil the court pointing out that a tion of interviews with men who tapping and the movement of sci-fi, non-fiction, LPs, music cas-
Liberties Union of Minnesota written transcript is made of claim to have had restroom his foot towards the undercov- settes, and vintage T-shirts. Everything
filed an amicus brief, support- all court proceedings, which he sexual encounters with him er officer’s stall are considered is priced to move at 50 cents-$1. You
ing Craig’s constitutional claim could have ordered to support — argued that the law’s appli- ‘speech,’ they would be intru- can also take a tour of this repository
by arguing that the statute is his argument about what the cation to his conduct violates sive speech directed at a cap- of Sapphic tradition across the ages.
overbroad on its face. The trial judge did or did not consider, First Amendment free speech tive audience, and the govern- 484 14th St., btwn. Eighth Ave. and
court rejected both arguments, but had failed to do so. The rights, but he was not attack- ment may prohibit them.” Prospect Park W., noon-5 p.m.
refusing to allow Craig to with- court found no abuse of discre- ing the constitutionality of the Craig released a state- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
draw his guilty plea. tion by the trial judge in refus- statute as such. The ACLU, ment to the press announc-
Writing for the Court of ing to allow Craig to withdraw concerned primarily with safe- ing that he still maintains his FAMILIES
Appeals, Chief Judge Edward his guilty plea. guarding First Amendment innocence and is looking into It’s All About the
Toussaint, Jr., rejected Craig’s Devastating to Craig’s cause, rights, attacked the statute the possibility of appealing Kids
argument that his guilty plea Toussaint also rejected his directly, claiming that its lan- this ruling to the Minnesota As long as we’re knocking ourselves
should be considered invalid claim that Karsnia “had at least guage is overbroad by sweeping Supreme Court. He continues out for the holidays, let’s take the time
because the trial court lacked partially invited appellant’s in significant amounts of pro- to insist that “nothing criminal to let the children have their fun. Cen-
details regarding the basis of conduct by means of his own tected speech. or improper occurred at the ter Kids hosts its Family Play Day and
his written guilty plea when the conduct.” Toussaint rejected The court did not agree with Minneapolis airport,” accord- Holiday Gathering, featuring crafts,
judge accepted it. In that writ- the implication that Craig was either argument. The ACLU’s ing to a December 10 report in music, and foods of the season. LGBT
ten plea, Craig had stated: “I did entrapped. “Entrapment exists argument suggested that the Idaho Statesman. Community Center, 208 W. 13th St.,
2-4 p.m. For more information, or to
register your family, visit
䉴 MILITARY, from p.9 dissents by his colleagues. granted for the first time in a The government has three families.
“I’m not sure who’s right,” gay military case, because the months to decide whether to ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Finally, Chief Judge Alex Kosinski wrote, “but I am sure US Court of Appeals for the 1st file a petition, and in light of
Kosinski, another Reagan that this is the type of case we Circuit, based in Boston, ruled the change in administrations, MUSIC
appointee, dissented, joined need to take en banc because on June 9 that the military pol- the Justice Department could Movin’ On Up With
by two judges, taking no it ‘involves a question of excep- icy was subject to heightened apply for an extension. Kosin- Klezmer
position about whether the tional importance,’” quoting scrutiny but was saved from ski commented that granting Metropolitan Klezmer performs
panel was right or wrong, but language from the rules gov- attack by the deference require- en banc review would have in all kinds of formations, including
arguing instead that en banc erning federal appellate proce- ment. This creates a split in cir- the merit of delaying the case, the ever LGBT-popular Isle of Klezbos.
review should be granted dures. cuit authority on a question of giving the new administration Today, join Klezbos leader Eve Sicu-
because of the case’s impor- If the government seeks national importance, making time to review the policy, and lar on drums, in a special quartet also
tance. He credited both the Supreme Court review, the a denial of review by the high perhaps make Witt’s challenge
work of the panel, and the odds are good that it would be court unlikely. moot. 䉴 DEC 14, continued on p.22

I’m anti violence

and pro community.
Everyone values community. We’re no different. That's why I stand behind
the New York City Anti-Violence Project. AVP works to end violence in our
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help, call 212-714-1141 or visit
Live without fear
11 - 17 DEC 2008


Tell Obama, Clinton: Act Now for UN
646.452.2500 Decriminalization

646.452.2502 ext week, in an histor- ity,” according to a statement Malta, Mexico, Montenegro, cal risk for the new adminis-
ic event for the global released by French Minis- Netherlands, New Zealand, tration in doing so — public
EDITOR IN-CHIEF & CO-FOUNDER gay community, for ter Of Human Rights Rama Norway, Poland, Portugal, opinion polls all show that
the very first time a declara- Yade after conferring with a Romania, San Marino, Ser - large majorities of Americans
646.452.2503 tion in favor of the universal delegation from this gay alli- bia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, oppose the criminalization
decriminalization of homo- ance (see “France Fights for Sweden, Switzerland, The of same-sex relations, and
Duncan Osborne sexuality will be presented at Decriminalization,” May 22, Former Yugoslav Republic of no serious political leader
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS the United Nations and read 2008, a link to which appears Macedonia, United Kingdom, or elected official supports
Christopher Byrne (Theater), Susie Day, from the podium of the Gen- on the online version of this Uruguay, and Venezuela. making homosexuality a
Doug Ireland (International), eral Assembly. This declara- editorial at Opposition to universal crime. Our own United States
Brian McCormick (Dance)
Dean P. Wrzeszcz tion has already been formal- In the ensuing months, a decriminalization is strong, Supreme Court in 2003
ly signed and endorsed by the working group of countries and led by an alliance of the affirmed the right for sexual
Betsy Andrews, Seth J. Bookey, governments of 55 UN mem- was formed to agree on word- Vatican and Islamic govern- minorities to be free from
Anthony M.Brown, Kelly Jean Cogswell, ber states. ing for the declaration and ments. It will undoubtedly prosecution by striking down
Dean Daderko, Tate Dougherty, Andres Duque,
Michael Ehrhardt, Steve Erickson, Nick Feitel, Unfortunately, the U.S. is collect signatures from UN take several years to achieve all the remaining laws crimi-
Jim Fouratt, Joe Fyfe, Deborah Garwood,
Erasmo Guerra, Emily Harney, Andrey Henkin, not among them. member states. With France support from a majority of nalizing homosexual sex still
Frank Holiday, Andy Humm, James Jorden, According to a detailed on the books.
Brendan Keane, David Kennerley, Gary M. Kramer,
Arthur S. Leonard, Rachael Liberman, report released this past May We urge you to call on both
Michael T. Luongo, Lawrence D. Mass,
Winnie McCroy, Eileen McDermott,
by the International Lesbian
and Gay Association, which
We call on our principal national President-elect Obama and
Secretary-designate Clinton
Gregory Montreuil, Ioannis Mookas, Carrie Moyer,
Stephen Mueller, Christopher Murray,
David Noh, Wayne Northcross, Lori Ortiz,
represents LGBT groups in organizations — HRC and to announce immediately
more than 100 countries, that they will put the prestige
Pauline Park, Sheila Pepe, John Reed,
Nathan Riley, Andrew Robinson, Gerard Robinson,
“In 2008, no less than 86
NGLTF — to speak up for global of the United States behind
Chris Schmidt, Sarah D. Schulman,
Jason Victor Serinus, Linda Shapiro,
David Shengold, Gus Solomons Jr., David Spiher,
member states of the United LGBT solidarity. the UN declaration when they
Drew B. Straub, Stefen Styrsky, Jerry Tallmer, Nations still criminalize con- take office next month.
Stefanos Tsigrimanis, Kathleen Warnock, sensual same-sex acts among Furthermore, we call on
Benjamin Weinthal, Lee Ann Westover,
James Withers, Kai Wright, Susan Yung adults, thus institution- in the lead, this working the United Nations. But next our principal national orga-
GRAPHIC DESIGNERS ally promoting a culture of group was made up of repre- week’s unveiling of the decla- nizations, the Human Rights
Mark Hasselberger, Jamie Paakkonen hatred. Among those, seven sentatives of the governments ration with such widespread Campaign and the National
SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT OF ADVERTISING have legal provisions with of the Netherlands, Ukraine, international support is a Gay and Lesbian Task Force,
FRANCESCO REGINI the death penalty as punish- Argentina, Gabon, Japan, giant first step toward the which have to date shunned
646.452.2496 ment.” (A link to the report and New Zealand. day when the world commu- international issues on the
appears in the online ver - Now the declaration is set nity will finally declare that gr ounds that it was “not
ADVERTISING MANAGERS sion of the editorial at gayci- to be presented before the sexual minorities should be their mission” to speak up for
MICHAEL RYAN UN General Assembly some free to live as they wish with- global LGBT solidarity, make
646.452.2490 The idea for a statement time between December 15 out threat of imprisonment or an exception on this historic
COLIN GREGORY of principal by the United and 20. Although a precise death. occasion, and join in call-
646.452.2468 Nations in support of decrim- date and hour will only be The absence of the United ing on the incoming Obama
inalizing homosexuality glob- scheduled within 48 hours States from the list of signa- administration to announce
ally was the brainchild of prior to the reading of the tories of this declaration is a its support for the UN decrim- Professor Louis-Georges Tin, declaration due to the press glaring one, and should be inalization declaration.
JASON SHERWOOD the founder of IDAHO, the of other business, France unacceptable in our democ- To miss this unparalleled
646.452.2471 International Day Against and the working group have racy. And while it is more opportunity to strike a blow
Homophobia, and the presi- already scheduled a press than unlikely that the Bush for the freedom from persecu-
JASON SPARKS dent of the Paris-based conference for December 18 administration, given its track tion of lesbians, gays, bisexu-
646.452.2505 International Committee for to unveil the decriminaliza- record of political homopho- als, and the transgendered
LORET GAMBOA IDAHO. The campaign for the tion declaration and its sig- bia, will support this UN dec- everywhere on this planet
646-452-2483 declaration was launched in natories at UN headquarters laration, when Barack Obama would be a crime against November 2006 when IDAHO, in New York. was running for president the conscience of American
DALE KANZLER at a Paris press conference, The declaration is non-bind- he repeatedly proclaimed his democracy.
646.452.2484 unveiled a list of hundreds ing on UN member states, and commitment to an end to dis- Here is the full text of the
of VIPs who supported it, will not be put to a vote until crimination against our fam- declaration to be presented at
ACCOUNTING including five Nobel Prize a majority of the world body’s ily of sexual minorities. the U.N. next week:
winners, ten Pulitzer Prize 192 countries have signed on “I’m running for President
646-452-2477 winners, two former French to it. But next week’s presen- to build an America that lives We have the honor to make
prime ministers, and six tation of this unprecedented up to our founding promise of this statement on human
Rivendell Media / 212.242.6863 Academy Award winners (see affirmation that same-sex love equality for all — a promise rights, sexual orientation, and
Web master “Bold Move for UN Action,” must never be a crime has that certainly extends to the gender identity on behalf of
Arturo Jimenez November 21-27, 2006, a already been signed by the fol- LGBT community,” the pres- […] link to which appears on the lowing countries — Andorra, ident-elect said while a can- 1 — We reaffirm the prin-
Gay City News, The Newspaper Serving Gay and Lesbian NYC, is pub-
lishedby Community Media, LLC. Send all inquiries to: Gay City News, online version of this editorial Argentina, Armenia, Australia, didate, in one of many similar ciple of universality of human
145 Sixth Ave., First Fl., NYC 10013 Phone: 646.452.2500 Written
permission of the publisher must be obtained before any of the contents at Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and comments. rights, as enshrined in the
of this paper, in part or whole, can be reproduced or redistributed. All
contents (c) 2008 Gay City News. This past May, after a year- Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, The time is now for Obama Universal Declaration of
Subscriptions: 26 issues, $90.00 long lobbying campaign by Canada, Cape Verde, Central and his secretary of state- Human Rights whose 60th
(c)2008 Gay City News. All rights reserved. IDAHO and an alliance of African Republic, Chile, Croa- designate, Hillary Clinton, anniversary is celebrated this
Gay City News is a registered trademark
of Community Media, LLC.
French LGBT groups span- tia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, to make good on that prom- year, Article 1 of which pro-
John W. Sutter, President ning the political spectrum Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, ise by announcing that the claims that “all human beings
Fax: 646.452.2501;
E-mail: from right to left, the French Finland, France, Gabon, Geor- Obama administration will are born free and equal in
government promised to push gia, Germany, Greece, Hun- support the UN declaration dignity and rights”;
for “a European initiative call- gary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, on decriminalization of homo- 2 — We reaffirm that every-
ing for the universal decrimi- Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechten- sexuality.
nalization of homosexual- stein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, There is very little politi- 䉴 UNITED NATIONS, continued on p.30
11 - 17 DEC 2008
Malcolm Smith’s Surprise Averts Progressives’ Despair

o one knows if the Kruger is not exactly the man munity had contributed more action must not be taken. put the rebels on notice.
Democrats will control to safeguard state programs than $1 million to the Senate The third rebel, Pedro Espa- The game of chicken is on
the State Senate, but during the budget cuts Albany Democratic Campaign Commit- da, Jr., wanted a senior title and it will not be easy for Espa-
it is clear that the party has is facing. Good government tee in 2008, its leaders soliciting — majority leader, a post that da, Kruger, and Diaz to join the
avoided a catastrophe. groups were furious. contributions from all over the would report to Smith as Sen- Republican caucus. The Dem-
Malcolm Smith is the leader And what is worse, Kruger nation. It would be impossible ate president. This move back- ocrats would campaign and
of the Senate Democrats and replaced Bill Stachowski of for the Democrats to have won fired. In a sign that no one had campaign hard against them
under normal circumstances, Buffalo, who everyone expected the majority without the help of given detailed thought to the in two years. They are from
he would be majority leader to be Finance chair. Rejecting gay donors. That was no secret negotiations, it was learned solidly Democratic districts
come January. But first he had Stach was akin to declaring — it was in the funny papers. that the office has legal author- and would probably lose their
to negotiate with three rebels — war on upstate interests. The Smith had given marriage ity to make appointments and seats. It is no surprise that the
variously called the three amigos upstaters are a minority in the equality a strong endorse- carry out duties that properly gang of three counterpunched
or the three thugs. They claimed Democratic Party, and they ment in a speech before the belong to Smith. As it became and called for a new Democrat-
to want to help Hispanics, but need a powerful committee to Empire State Pride Agenda, clear that Smith intended to ic leader to replace Smith.
in fact they made demands that protect their interests. Kruger’s the chief gay lobby in Albany, make Espada’s post ceremoni- For the first time, Malcolm
would have caused a serious appointment was ill-advised at the group’s fall dinner in al, the Bronx rebel balked and Smith is winning praise for
split in the Democratic Party and divisive. Upstate voters 2007. Democratic Governor pulled out of the deal. his leadership after denounc-
and demeaned its moral stand- have an option — they can David Paterson has repeatedly The new Democratic major- ing a deal that “would reduce
ing. choose Republicans, and pre- offered deeply personal state- ity was digging its grave. our moral standing and the
And the catastrophe was sumably many of them would ments of support for marriage Then Malcolm Smith pulled long-term Senate Democratic
invited when Malcolm Smith if they believed Senate Demo- equality. a rabbit out of the hat at a commitment to reform and to
agreed to their demands last crats were looking after New Had Diaz’s proposal to post- news conference in Albany on change… Real reform cannot
Thursday. One rebel, Carl Kru- York City and screwing the rest pone a vote won, it would have Wednesday morning. He called and should not ever include
ger, a Brooklyn politician whose of the state. been a betrayal of such magni- the three rebels’ bluff. Without limiting the civil rights of any
primary concern is state con- And Ruben Diaz of the Bronx, tude that the gay community their votes, Smith could not New Yorkers.”
tracts, was given a powerful a fervently religious Pentecostal would have had little choice become majority leader. The The Empire Pride Agenda
post — chairman of the Finance minister, wanted to stop mar- but to declare war on the Dem- trio could make the Republi- applauded his stand. Demo-
Committee. This committee riage equality from coming to a ocrats. Alan Van Capelle, the can leader, Dean Skelos, the crats are heartened. The Party
exerts great influence on the vote. This demand threatened leader of the Pride Agenda, was majority leader for two more may become a progressive
state budget and approves nom- to split the Democrats and not being consulted, and so he years. Smith said the hell with force. It is certainly more unit-
inations to important posts like weaken their standing as prin- was unable to offer his advice it. If I have to stay in the minor- ed. But the outcome of this
state boards and the judiciary. cipled leaders. The gay com- that Smith’s planned course of ity for two more years I will. He contest remains uncertain.


Proposition 1984

ook at your paycheck. turies of hardship. But there uals appeared to be just anoth- least 90 percent of all muggers, into HETEROSEXUALITY’S
Did your company take are limits. er harmless identity group. pickpockets, corporate pollut- MATRIMONIAL DOMINATION
out again for Iraqi quag- Marriage, for instance. Show They stayed in their place. We ers, slumlords, child pornogra- OF THE ENTIRE GLOBE!
mire-maintenance? Now, look me where in the Bible it says tolerated them. Heck, weren’t phers, and fascist dictators are Accident? No! Through
around. Is the crime rate going that two people of opposing we all “just people”? … HETEROSEXUALS! patient research, I have uncov-
up in your neighborhood? Do genders, by becoming legally Then I got up the nerve to WHY ARE THESE DEVI- ered a vast, international con-
you suspect your nifty new wed, should be able to get enroll in the School of Ameri- ANTS ALLOWED TO MARRY spiracy of Militant Heterosexu-
iPhone is tracking your every Social Security, food stamps, can Ballet. My application was EACH OTHER? DON’T THEY als who seek total worldwide
move? Are you worried that and income tax benefits. turned down: they wanted HAVE ENOUGH RIGHTS? supremacy over Planet Earth!
the economic meltdown will Shocking? Yes! SIMPLY BY someone whose posture was a I have begun an anthro- Their behavior is being con-
leave you homeless, starving, GETTING MARRIED, Hetero- little “straighter.” The economy pomorphic study of Hetero- stantly monitored by their Mili-
and naked in the streets? Per- sexuals derive some 2,400 started to tank and several of sexuals. Oh, they start off tant Heterosexual president,
haps you are already home- entitlements — approximately my friends were “laid” off their innocently enough. As babies, Big Breeder. “Big Breeder Is
less, starving, and naked in the 1,000 federal and more than jobs. A nuclear family moved Heterosexuals are often quite Watching” is one of the mot-
streets with your new iPhone? 1,300 state – FEW OF WHICH into our neighborhood — and cute. Many of them, however, tos of the Breederhood. Others
Would you agree there is a CAN BE OBTAINED OUT - rents skyrocketed. cry all night and drool a lot — include: (1) Freedom is Mar-
Problem? SIDE THE BONDS OF LEGAL So I began to look around. I the first signs that something riage; (2) War Is Cute When
You know what the Problem MATRIMONY! Imagine Hetero- realized that what I had been is not right. It’s Between the Sexes; and (3)
is, don’t you? Heterosexuals. I sexuals being allowed to visit watching was part of a care- As Heter osexuals gr ow Ignorance Of And Alienation
have evidence. spouses in hospitals; claiming fully orchestrated plan. “They older, they watch TV for hours From My Wondrously Prote-
Everywhere you go — there joint privileges to adopt and teach God-knows-what filth — depraved programs such an, Polymorphous Libido Is A
they are. Walking. Talking. Eat- raise children; gaining immi- in our schools,” I thought, as “Family Guy” or “MASH” Small Price To Pay For World
ing. Buying things. Going to the grant residency status; obtain- “inherit each other’s estates, reruns, designed to implant Domination.
“Men” or the “Ladies” room. ing bereavement or sick leave. get conjugal visits in prison — the psychosexual desire ONLY Ignoring the problem won’t
Not that there’s anything Disgusting! and there’s nothing we can do for others of the “opposite” make it go away. So get righ-
wrong with that sort of thing. AND THAT’S WHY WE’RE IN about it.” sex. Then, they go outdoors to teous: Go up to each and every
We all have our repulsive little THE MESS WE’RE IN TODAY! Or was there? I got some engage in shame-based play- Heterosexual you see on the
quirks, I suppose. Some of my These “special rights” facts. Did you know that: Het- time activities such as “house” street. Ask them to think about
best friends are straight — invoked by connubially-wed- erosexuals comprise at least or “doctor.” Soon, all they can the chaos in the Middle East
“heavy in the loafer,”“friends of ded Heterosexuals have upset 90 percent of the population? think of is buying nudity-pro- and the economic meltdown;
Britney,” if you will. We admire the natural order of things. That this “population” is teem- moting hygiene products and about domestic surveillance
these people for their sports They are against God’s Plan for ing with huge numbers of mug- getting a place of their own, so and starving in the streets. Tell
stadiums; their automated Us. Hark, you can almost hear gers, pickpockets, corporate they can procure other Hetero- them THEY have caused these
tollbooths; that slaphappy sit- God retching. polluters, slumlords, child por- sexuals with whom to enjoy fre- problems.
com humor that has allowed I admit they had me fooled nographers, and fascist dicta- quent and legal erotic relations. Then get them to give you
Heterosexuals to survive cen- for a while. At first, Heterosex- tors? It therefore follows that at Thus are they indoctrinated their paychecks.

ABOUT PREZISTA Please read Important Safety Information below, and appetite, or pain, aching or sensitivity on your right
talk to your healthcare professional to learn more side below your ribs
PREZISTA (darunavir) is a prescription medicine.
about PREZISTA. • Skin rashes have been reported in patients taking
It is one treatment option in the class of HIV (human
immunodeficiency virus) medicines known as PREZISTA. Rarely, PREZISTA has been reported to
protease inhibitors.
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION cause a severe or life-threatening rash. Contact
• PREZISTA, together with Norvir® (ritonavir), has your healthcare professional if you develop a rash
PREZISTA is always used with 100 mg ritonavir (Norvir®)
rarely been observed to cause liver problems that • Taking PREZISTA with certain medicines could
in combination with other HIV medicines for the
may be life-threatening. It was not always clear cause serious and/or life-threatening side effects or
treatment of HIV infection in adults.
if PREZISTA caused these liver problems because may result in loss of its effectiveness. Do not take
• The use of other medicines active against HIV in some patients had other illnesses or were taking PREZISTA if you are taking the following medicines:
combination with PREZISTA/ritonavir (Norvir®) may other medicines. Your healthcare professional dihydroergotamine (D.H.E.45®, Migranal®), ergonovine,
increase the likelihood of your overall treatment should do blood tests prior to initiating combination ergotamine (Wigraine®, Ergostat®, Cafergot®,
response. Your healthcare professional will work treatment including PREZISTA. If you have chronic Ergomar®), methylergonovine, cisapride (Propulsid®),
with you to find the right combination of other hepatitis B or C infection, your healthcare professional pimozide (Orap®), oral midazolam, triazolam (Halcion®),
HIV medicines should check your blood tests more often because rifampin (Rifadin®, Rifater®, Rifamate®), indinavir
• The long-term effects of PREZISTA therapy are you have an increased chance of developing (Crixivan®), lopinavir/ritonavir (Kaletra®), saquinavir
unknown at this time. It is important that you remain liver problems (Invirase®), lovastatin (Mevacor®), pravastatin
under the care of your healthcare professional Talk to your healthcare professional about the (Pravachol®), simvastatin (Zocor®), or products
PREZISTA is not approved for the treatment of HIV signs and symptoms of liver problems. These may containing St. John’s wort
infection in pediatric patients. include yellowing of your skin or whites of your • Before taking PREZISTA, tell your healthcare
eyes, dark (tea-colored) urine, pale-colored stools professional if you are taking sildenafil (Viagra®),
PREZISTA does not cure HIV infection or AIDS, and
(bowel movements), nausea, vomiting, loss of vardenafil (Levitra®), tadalafil (Cialis®), atorvastatin
does not prevent passing HIV to others.

PREZIS2183-F_BridgeAd_DR.indd 1-2

Belief {
in myself
in my doctor
in my care
dosing for adults taking HIV meds for
the first time.

PREZISTA must be taken with 100 mg

ritonavir (Norvir®) and with food.
PREZISTA must be taken in combination
with other HIV meds.

Talk to your healthcare professional to

see if PREZISTA is right for you.

Please visit

(Lipitor®), atorvastatin/amlodipine (Caduet®), or – Do not breastfeed if you are taking PREZISTA. You you experience these or other symptoms, talk to your
rosuvastatin (Crestor®). This is not a complete should not breastfeed if you have HIV because of the healthcare professional. Do not stop taking PREZISTA
list of medicines. Be sure to tell your healthcare chance of passing HIV to your baby or any other medicines without first talking to your
professional about all the medicines you are • High blood sugar, diabetes or worsening of diabetes, healthcare professional
taking or plan to take, including prescription • Please refer to the ritonavir (Norvir®) Product
and increased bleeding in people with hemophilia have
and nonprescription medicines, vitamins, and been reported in patients taking protease inhibitor Information (PI and PPI) for additional information on
herbal supplements medicines, including PREZISTA precautionary measures
• Tell your healthcare professional if you are taking • Changes in body fat have been seen in some patients For adults taking HIV meds for the first time:
estrogen-based contraceptives (birth control). PREZISTA taking HIV medicines, including PREZISTA. The cause PREZISTA 800 mg (two 400-mg tablets) must be
might reduce the effectiveness of estrogen-based and long-term health effects of these conditions are not taken at the same time with 100 mg Norvir once daily

contraceptives. You must take additional precautions for known at this time every day.
birth control, such as condoms
• As with other protease inhibitors, taking PREZISTA may PREZISTA must be taken with food (the type of food is
• Before taking PREZISTA, tell your healthcare strengthen the body’s immune response, enabling it to not important).
professional if you have any medical conditions, begin to fight infections that have been hidden. Patients You are encouraged to report negative side effects of
including allergy to sulfa medicines, diabetes, liver may experience signs and symptoms of inflammation prescription drugs to the FDA.
problems (including hepatitis B or C), or hemophilia that can include swelling, tenderness, or redness Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
• Tell your healthcare professional if you are pregnant or • The most common side effects related to taking Please see Important Patient Information on
planning to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding PREZISTA include diarrhea, nausea, headache, and the next page for more information, or visit
– The effects of PREZISTA on pregnant women or abdominal pain. Uncommon but severe side effects
their unborn babies are not known. You and your such as inflammation of the pancreas and increased
healthcare professional will need to decide if taking blood fat levels have also been rarely reported. This Distributed by: Tibotec Therapeutics/Division of Ortho Biotech Products, L.P.
Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807-0914
PREZISTA is right for you is not a complete list of all possible side effects. If ©2008 Tibotec Therapeutics 11/08 28PRZ0249 PREZIS2183F

11/19/08 4:40:03 PM


PREZISTA® (darunavir) Tablets
PREZISTA does not reduce the risk of passing HIV to Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take
Patient Information about others through sexual contact, sharing needles, or including prescription and nonprescription medicines,
PREZISTA (pre-ZIS-ta) being exposed to your blood. For your health and the vitamins, and herbal supplements. PREZISTA and
for HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Infection health of others, it is important to always practice many other medicines can interact. Sometimes
safer sex by using a latex or polyurethane condom serious side effects will happen if PREZISTA is taken
Generic name: darunavir (da-ROO-nuh-veer) or other barrier method to lower the chance of with certain other medicines (see “Who should not
sexual contact with any body fluids such as semen, take PREZISTA?”).
ALERT: Find out about medicines that should NOT be vaginal secretions, or blood. Never re-use or share
taken with PREZISTA. Please also read the section needles. Tell your doctor if you are taking estrogen-based
“Who should not take PREZISTA?”. contraceptives (birth control). PREZISTA might reduce
Ask your doctor if you have any questions on how to
Please read this information before you start taking prevent passing HIV to other people. the effectiveness of estrogen-based contraceptives.
PREZISTA. Also, read the leaflet each time you renew You must take additional precautions for birth control
your prescription, just in case anything has changed. WHAT SHOULD I TELL MY DOCTOR BEFORE I TAKE such as a condom.
Remember, this leaflet does not take the place of PREZISTA?
Tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions, Tell your doctor if you take other anti-HIV medicines.
careful discussions with your doctor. You and your PREZISTA can be combined with some other anti-
doctor should discuss your treatment with PREZISTA including if you:
HIV medicines while other combinations are not
prior to the first time you take your medicine and at • are allergic to sulfa medicines. recommended.
regular checkups. You should remain under a doctor’s • have diabetes. In general, anti-HIV medicines,
care when using PREZISTA and should not change or such as PREZISTA, might increase sugar levels Tell your doctor if you are taking any of the following
stop treatment without first talking with a doctor. in the blood. medicines:
WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION I • have liver problems, including hepatitis B Type of Drug Examples of
• have hemophilia. Anti-HIV medicines, such as (Brand Names)
PREZISTA, together with NORVIR® (ritonavir), has
rarely been observed to cause liver problems which PREZISTA, might increase the risk of bleeding. Antiarrhythmics bepridil
may be life-threatening. It was not always clear if • are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. (to treat abnormal lidocaine (Lidoderm®)
PREZISTA caused these liver problems because The effects of PREZISTA on pregnant women or heart rhythms) quinidine
some patients had other illnesses or were taking their unborn babies are not known. You and your amiodarone (Cordarone®)
other medicines. Your healthcare professional doctor will need to decide if taking PREZISTA is digoxin (Lanoxin®)
should do blood tests prior to initiating combination right for you. If you take PREZISTA while you are flecainide (Tambocor®)
treatment including PREZISTA. If you have chronic pregnant, talk to your doctor about how you can propafenone (Rythmol®)
hepatitis B or C infection, your healthcare be included in the Antiretroviral Pregnancy
Registry. Anticoagulants warfarin (Coumadin®)
professional should check your blood tests more (to treat and prevent
often because you have an increased chance of • are breastfeeding. Do not breastfeed if you are blood clots)
developing liver problems. Please also read the taking PREZISTA. You should not breastfeed if
section “What are the possible side effects of you have HIV because of the chance of passing Anticonvulsants carbamazepine (Tegretol®,
PREZISTA?”. HIV to your baby. Talk with your doctor about the (to treat epilepsy and Carbatrol®)
best way to feed your baby. prevent seizures) phenobarbital
Rarely, PREZISTA has been reported to cause a phenytoin (Dilantin®,
severe or life-threatening rash. Contact your WHO SHOULD NOT TAKE PREZISTA?** Phenytek®)
healthcare provider if you develop a rash. Your Together with your doctor, you need to decide
healthcare provider will advise you whether your whether taking PREZISTA is right for you. Antidepressants trazodone (Desyrel®)
symptoms can be managed on therapy or whether (to treat depression) desipramine (Norpramin®)
Do not take PREZISTA if you:
PREZISTA should be stopped. Anti-infectives clarithromycin (Biaxin®)
• are allergic to darunavir or any of the other
ingredients in PREZISTA (to treat bacterial
WHAT IS PREZISTA? infections)
PREZISTA is an oral tablet used for the treatment of • are allergic to ritonavir (NORVIR®)
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection in • take any of the following types of medicines Antifungals ketoconazole (Nizoral®)
adults. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired because you could experience serious side (to treat fungal itraconazole (Sporanox®)
Immune Deficiency Syndrome). PREZISTA is a type effects: infections) voriconazole (Vfend®)
of anti-HIV medicine called a protease (PRO-tee- Type of Drug Examples of Antimycobacterials rifabutin (Mycobutin®)
ase) inhibitor. Generic Names (to treat tuberculosis or
HOW DOES PREZISTA WORK? (Brand Names) Mycobacterium avium
Ergot Derivatives dihydroergotamine complex)
PREZISTA blocks HIV protease, an enzyme which is (to treat migraine (D.H.E. 45®, Migranal®)
needed for HIV to multiply. When used with other ß-Blockers metoprolol (Lopressor®,
and headaches) ergonovine (to treat high blood Toprol-XL®)
anti-HIV medicines, PREZISTA can help to reduce the ergotamine (Cafergot®,
amount of HIV in your blood (called “viral load”) and Ergomar®) pressure, heart attack, timolol (Betimol®,
increase your CD4 (T) cell count. HIV infection methylergonovine or heart failure Combigan®, Istalol®,
destroys CD4 (T) cells, which are important to the or to lower pressure Cosopt®, Timoptic®)
immune system. The immune system helps fight Gastrointestinal cisapride in the eye)
infection. Reducing the amount of HIV and increasing Motility Agent
(to treat some Benzodiazepines midazolam administered
the CD4 (T) cell count may improve your immune (to treat anxiety and/or by injection
system and, thus, reduce the risk of death or digestive conditions)
trouble with sleeping)
infections that can happen when your immune Neuroleptic pimozide (Orap®)
system is weak (opportunistic infections). (to treat psychiatric Calcium Channel felodipine (Plendil®)
conditions) Blockers nifedipine (Adalat®)
PREZISTA is always taken with and at the same time (to treat heart disease) nicardipine (Cardene®)
as 100 mg of ritonavir (NORVIR®), in combination Sedative/hypnotics oral midazolam
with other anti-HIV medicines. PREZISTA should (to treat trouble with triazolam (Halcion®) Corticosteroids dexamethasone
also be taken with food. sleeping and/or anxiety) (to treat inflammation fluticasone propionate
Herbal Product St. John’s wort or asthma) (Advair Diskus®, Cutivate®,
DOES PREZISTA CURE HIV OR AIDS? Flonase®, Flovent Diskus®)
(Hypericum perforatum)
PREZISTA does not cure HIV infection or AIDS. At HMG-CoA Reductase atorvastatin (Lipitor®)
present, there is no cure for HIV infection. People HMG-CoA Reductase lovastatin (Mevacor®,
Inhibitors Altoprev®, Advicor®) Inhibitors pravastatin (Pravachol®)
taking PREZISTA may still develop infections or other (also known as statins) rosuvastatin (Crestor®)
conditions associated with HIV infection. Because of (also known as statins) simvastatin (Zocor®,
(to lower cholesterol Simcor®, Vytorin®) (to lower cholesterol
this, it is very important for you to remain under the
levels) levels)
care of a doctor. Although PREZISTA is not a cure for
HIV or AIDS, PREZISTA can help reduce your risks of Antimycobacterial rifampin (Rifadin®, Immunosuppressants cyclosporine
getting illnesses associated with HIV infection (AIDS (to treat tuberculosis or Rifater®, Rifamate®, (to prevent organ (Sandimmune®, Neoral®)
and opportunistic infection) and eventually dying Mycobacterium avium Rimactane®) transplant rejection) tacrolimus (Prograf®)
from these conditions. complex) sirolimus (Rapamune®)

PREZIS2183-F_BridgeAd_DR.indd 3-4


Type of Drug Examples of Patients taking 600 mg of PREZISTA twice daily • immune reconstitution syndrome. In some
Generic Names If you miss a dose of PREZISTA (one 600 mg tablet patients with advanced HIV infection (AIDS) and
(Brand Names) (cont.) or two 300 mg tablets) or ritonavir (NORVIR®) by a history of opportunistic infection, signs and
Narcotic Analgesics methadone more than 6 hours, wait and then take the next dose symptoms of inflammation from previous
(to treat narcotic of PREZISTA (one 600 mg tablet or two 300 mg infections may occur soon after anti-HIV
withdrawal and tablets) and ritonavir (NORVIR®) at the regularly treatment, including PREZISTA, is started. It is
dependence) scheduled time. If you miss a dose of PREZISTA believed that these symptoms are due to an
(one 600 mg tablet or two 300 mg tablets) or ritonavir improvement in the body’s immune response,
Neuroleptics risperidone (Risperdal®, (NORVIR®) by less than 6 hours, take your missed
(to treat schizophrenia Risperdal® Consta®, dose of PREZISTA (one 600 mg tablet or two 300 mg enabling the body to fight infections that may
or bipolar disorder) Risperdal® M-TAB®) tablets) and ritonavir (NORVIR®) immediately. Then have been present with no obvious symptoms.
thioridazine take your next dose of PREZISTA (one 600 mg tablet The most common side effects include diarrhea,
PDE-5 Inhibitors sildenafil (Viagra®) or two 300 mg tablets) and ritonavir (NORVIR®) at the nausea, headache, and abdominal pain.
(to treat erectile vardenafil (Levitra®) regularly scheduled time.
dysfunction) tadalafil (Cialis®) You should always take PREZISTA and ritonavir Tell your doctor promptly about these or any other
Selective Serotonin paroxetine (Paxil®) (NORVIR®) together with food. unusual symptoms. If the condition persists or
Reuptake Inhibitors sertraline (Zoloft®) worsens, seek medical attention.
If a dose of PREZISTA or ritonavir (NORVIR®) is
(SSRIs) skipped, do not double the next dose. Do not take
more or less than your prescribed dose of PREZISTA
anxiety, or panic disorder) or ritonavir (NORVIR®) at any one time. PREZISTA 300 mg tablets are orange, oval-shaped,
film-coated tablets mentioning “300” on one side
Tell your doctor if you are taking any medicines that WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS OF and “TMC114” on the other side.
you obtained without a prescription. PREZISTA?
Like all prescription drugs, PREZISTA can cause PREZISTA 400 mg tablets are light orange, oval-
This is not a complete list of medicines that you
should tell your doctor that you are taking. Know side effects. The following is not a complete list of shaped, film-coated tablets mentioning “400” on
and keep track of all the medicines you take and side effects reported with PREZISTA when taken one side and “TMC” on the other side.
have a list of them with you. Show this list to all of either alone or with other anti-HIV medicines. Do PREZISTA 600 mg tablets are orange, oval-shaped,
your doctors and pharmacists any time you get a not rely on this leaflet alone for information about
side effects. Your doctor can discuss with you a film-coated tablets mentioning “600” on one side
new medicine. Both your doctor and your and “TMC” on the other side.
pharmacist can tell you if you can take these other more complete list of side effects.
medicines with PREZISTA. Do not start any new PREZISTA, together with NORVIR® (ritonavir), has HOW SHOULD I STORE PREZISTA TABLETS?
medicines while you are taking PREZISTA without rarely been observed to cause liver problems which Store PREZISTA tablets at room temperature (77°F
first talking with your doctor or pharmacist. You can may be life-threatening. It was not always clear if
ask your doctor or pharmacist for a list of medicines (25°C)). Short-term exposure to higher or lower
PREZISTA caused these liver problems because
that can interact with PREZISTA. some patients had other illnesses or were taking temperatures [from 59°F (15°C) to 86°F (30°C)] is
other medicines. Your healthcare professional acceptable. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you
HOW SHOULD I TAKE PREZISTA? should do blood tests prior to initiating combination have any questions about storing your tablets.
Take PREZISTA tablets every day exactly as treatment including PREZISTA. If you have chronic
prescribed by your doctor. You must take ritonavir This medication is prescribed for your particular
hepatitis B or C infection, your healthcare condition. Do not use it for any other condition or
(NORVIR®) at the same time as PREZISTA. professional should check your blood tests more
• For adults who have never taken anti-HIV often because you have an increased chance of give it to anybody else. Keep PREZISTA and all of
medicines, the usual dose is 800 mg (two 400 mg developing liver problems. your medicines out of the reach of children. If you
tablets) of PREZISTA, together with 100 mg (one suspect that more than the prescribed dose of this
Talk to your healthcare professional about the signs
100 mg capsule) of ritonavir (NORVIR®), once daily and symptoms of liver problems. These may include medicine has been taken, contact your local poison
every day. yellowing of your skin or whites of your eyes, dark control center or emergency room immediately.
• For adults who have taken anti-HIV medicines in (tea colored) urine, pale colored stools (bowel This leaflet provides a summary of information about
the past, the usual dose is 600 mg (one 600 mg movements), nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, or PREZISTA. If you have any questions or concerns
tablet or two 300 mg tablets) of PREZISTA, pain, aching or sensitivity on your right side below
together with 100 mg (one 100 mg capsule) of about either PREZISTA or HIV, talk to your doctor.
your ribs.
ritonavir (NORVIR®), twice daily every day. Rash has been reported in 10.3% of subjects For additional information, you may also call Tibotec
PREZISTA and ritonavir (NORVIR ) should be taken
® receiving PREZISTA. In some patients, PREZISTA Therapeutics at 1-877-REACH-TT or 1-877-732-2488.
together at the same time every day. If you have has been reported to cause a severe or life-
questions about when to take PREZISTA and threatening rash. Contact your healthcare provider **The brands listed are the registered trademarks of
ritonavir (NORVIR®), your doctor can help you if you develop a rash. Your healthcare provider will their respective owners and are not trademarks of
decide which schedule works for you. advise you whether your symptoms can be Tibotec Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
managed on therapy or whether PREZISTA should
Take PREZISTA and ritonavir (NORVIR®) with food. be stopped.
The type of food is not important. Swallow the whole
tablets with a drink such as water or milk. Do not Other relevant severe side effects reported at an
chew the tablets. uncommon or rare frequency were inflammation of
the liver or pancreas, increased blood fat levels,
Continue taking PREZISTA and ritonavir (NORVIR®) diabetes, and changes in body fat.
unless your doctor tells you to stop. Take the exact
amount of PREZISTA and ritonavir (NORVIR®) that Some side effects are typical for anti-HIV medicines
your doctor tells you to take, right from the very in the same family as PREZISTA. These are: Manufactured for Tibotec, Inc. by:
start. To help make sure you will benefit from • high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) and diabetes. JOLLC, Gurabo, Puerto Rico
PREZISTA and ritonavir (NORVIR®), you must not This can happen in patients taking PREZISTA or
skip doses or interrupt therapy. If you don’t take other protease inhibitor medicines. Some Distributed by:
PREZISTA and ritonavir (NORVIR®) as prescribed, patients have diabetes before starting treatment Tibotec Therapeutics
the beneficial effects of PREZISTA and ritonavir with PREZISTA which gets worse. Some patients Division of Ortho Biotech Products, L.P.,
(NORVIR®) may be reduced or even lost. get diabetes during treatment with PREZISTA. Raritan NJ 08869
Patients taking 800 mg of PREZISTA once daily Some patients will need changes in their
diabetes medicine. Some patients may need new Patent Numbers: 5,843,946; 6,248,775; 6,335,460 and
If you miss a dose of PREZISTA (two 400 mg tablets) diabetes medicine. other US patents pending
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400 mg tablets) and ritonavir (NORVIR®) at the • changes in body fat. These changes can happen in owner.
regularly scheduled time. If you miss a dose of patients taking anti-HIV medicines, including
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11/19/08 4:40:15 PM
20/ Theater 11 - 17 DEC 2008

His Own Worst Enemy

Craig Lucas play buckles under strain of Iraq, depression, sexuality, and kitchen sink
Playwrights Horizons
416 W. 42nd St.

o one can accuse Craig Lucas
of not having a fertile mind. Through Dec. 23
Tue.-Sat. at 8 p.m.; Sat. at 2:30 pm;
After all, the multi-award
Sun. at 2 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.
winner has created a range of potent,
probing dramas, many with overt gay Or 212-279-4200
motifs, such as “Prelude to a Kiss,”
“The Dying Gaul,” “Reckless,” and the
book for “The Light in the Piazza.” Not high school (this is a play by openly
to mention the 1990 groundbreaking gay Lucas, remember), sparks are
film about the burgeoning AIDS epi- rekindled.
demic, “Longtime Companion.” “I’m not gay,” Billy doth protest. If
So it is with no small measure of one of the dramatic threads is finding
dismay that I must report that in out if he will truly come out to him-
Lucas’ latest overstuffed effort, “Prayer self and his family, it is a weak thread
For My Enemy,” his brilliance has indeed. The sequences of the boys
gone haywire. It’s as if he gathered all roughhousing, meant to generate heat,
of the scraps of discarded ideas from are just plain awkward.
two decades and tossed them into this Billy’s bipolar father, Austin, is a

gumbo of a play. Problem is, although recovering alcoholic and Vietnam vet
the work has some bite, it’s mostly who is obsessed with the New York
mush. Yankees and documentaries about ele-
The year is 2003, the place is phant behavior. He can’t understand Jonathan Groff as Billy and Zachary Booth as Tad ponder whether fuck-buddies can ever go home again, and other
upstate New York, and the protagonist why his “fagboy” son would volunteer too often-trod ground.
is cute-as-a button Billy, who’s decid- for war when the blood-soaked hell he
ed to enlist in George Bush’s Army, was drafted into, filled with atrocities her up, and Billy is shipped off to Iraq, Not even the superb performances
partly to prove that he’s more macho against humanity, is still unbearable to “kill people he doesn’t know.” from some of the biggest talents on
than his fem looks suggest. When he years later. But that’s not all. There’s a seeming- Broadway can rescue this muddle.
runs into his scraggly old buddy, Tad, Before you can say “closet case,” Tad ly unrelated, and frankly preposterous, Jonathan Groff, the Tony award win-
who he used to mess around with in marries Billy’s older sister and knocks story line following Dolores, a lonely ner for “Spring Awaking,” imbues
woman in her 40s caring for a moth- Billy with dignity and grace. Victoria
er suffering from a series of strokes. Clark, Tony winner for “Light in the
Engaged to a self-absorbed “Manhat- Piazza,” makes the kooky Delores
tan-centric” psychiatrist, she prefers utterly engaging, uncovering depths
the folksy intimacy of the country. of charm and conviction. As Aus-
(Lucas himself now lives alone in Put- tin, Skip Sudduth (“South Pacific”)
nam County, about an hour outside conveys the pathos of a damaged life
of New York City.) barely salvaged.
When her path finally crosses Aus- Tony winner Michelle Pawk (“Hair-
tin’s one fateful night, she mistakes spray”) as Billy’s mother, Cassie Beck
him for an enemy and lashes out, (“The Drunken City”) as Billy’s sister,

Serving Our Community...

For over 20 years, God’s Love We Deliver has improved the health There’s a common link among most of
and well-being of men, women, and children in the New York City
metropolitan area, who are living with HIV/AIDS, cancer, and other these sorry souls — the lust for drink and
life-altering illnesses. Lexapro — but it is not enough.
Our staff of over 1,400 dedicated volunteers and generous donors
help us provide nutritious and delicious meals and nutritional
counseling to our clients from our kitchen in SoHo. with disastrous results. Later — you and Zachary Booth as Tad, gamely
guessed it — she prays for him. Got strive to make sense of their charac-
all that? ters.
War, murder, disease, autism, fam- What’s more, in an attempt to enliv-
ily dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, en the proceedings, Lucas employs a
recrimination, depression, repression, device by which characters blurt out
addiction, homosexuality, polyamory, their interior feelings, while the others
community, mortality, infinity, city aren’t supposed to hear. Director Bar-
versus country, man versus animal, tlett Sher, apparently resting on his
faith versus logic — it’s all here. As laurels from “South Pacific,” should
the title suggests, “Prayer For My have figured out a way to make it
Enemy” is also about opposing forces, clearer when these asides were hap-
and the triumph of charity over hate. pening. The line between reality and
While Lucas has devised a common the surreal is diminished, but so is
link among most of these sorry souls our desire to understand it.
— the lust for drink and Lexapro — For all that Lucas has to say,
it is not enough. A glittering liquor “Prayer For My Enemy, ” which runs
cart, it should be noted, is the center- a lengthy hour and 40 minutes with-
FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE piece of John McDermott’s spare set out intermission, ultimately commu-
VISIT WWW.GODSLOVEWEDELIVER.ORG, design. nicates very little. In this case, the
OR CALL US AT 212-294-8100 Motivations and logic are out the angry playwright from upstate may be
window. his own worst enemy.

Space Age Dawns

Sperone Westwater examines global shift
from Expressionism

Gunther Uecker’s “The White Mill,” 1964, incorporates two nail-covered disks that rotate, on a pedestal, to mesmer-
izing effect.

BY GREG MONTREUIL experiments with new materials and

methods within his signature penetrat-
An important historical group show ing marks. Here “Concetto spaziale,”
now at Sperone Westwater examines 1960, with dark poured enamel, is a
activities of the Zero Group, which standout. The next room has Daniel
worked from 1957 through 1966. Orig- Spoerri’s “Untitled,” 1964, capturing
inating in Düsseldorf, Otto Piene and a moment with its surreal paintbrush
Heinz Mack formed an artistic alliance frozen in mid-stoke.
in reaction against Expressionism. Works by Enrico Castellani punctu-
“Zero” was chosen as the group’s name ate the exhibit. He created painting by
in the spirit of the number that pre- manipulating the surface of the canvas
cedes a space lift-off. Through exhibi- from behind, the raised and depressed
tions and publications, the movement structure picks up light and shadow in
branched out to include artists from subtle, fascinating ways. Texture unifies
other countries in Europe and South a wall of matt off-white works and illus-
America and from Japan. trates the common sensibilities of this
The initial exhibitions were one-eve- diverse group. Adolf Luthers “Demate-
ning events, held in artist studios; in rialization,” 1962-1966, is strong in its
the video and photos at the entrance transformation of materials — round
to the Sperone Westwater showing, one eggshells dipped in plaster.
can sense the camaraderie and celebra- A small room to the side could be a
tion they embodied. This is an exten- chapel. It contains the Yves Klein trin-
sive show with a sensual humanity; it ity of modest monochromes. Two soak
provides a great opportunity to broad- up light and resonate with grandeur
en the art community’s knowledge of while the third, a gold-leafed panel,
this fertile time. The manipulation of dazzles.
materials is paramount here, and the Jean Tinguely’s “Radio WNYR,”
exhibition brings together known and circa 1962, disrupts any reverence
lesser-known artists in cohesive juxta- the viewer might be engaged in. This
position. wacky kinetic sculpture moves spas-
Light and properties were of major modically and plays mistuned radio
concern to many of the artists present- noises. Other works in the room touch
ed. Otto Piene incorporates glow lamps on metaphysical alchemy, with the art-
in his totemic “Electric Anaconda,” ists using fire and soot to create the
1965, which illuminates the darkened images. Both menacing and beauti-
room of his work behind the reception ful, “Stacheldraht,”1962, a painting by
area. Gunther Uecker uses everyday Dutch artist Armando, has protruding
nails to create dynamic plays of light barbed wire that challenges the mono-
and shadow. “The White Mill,” 1964, chrome surface.
incorporates two nail-covered disks Several artists recycle everyday
that rotate, on a pedestal, to mesmer- objects — Arman and Jan Hender-
izing effect. ikse employ coins, corks, and indus-
In Piero Manzoni’s “Achrome,” 1960, trial parts to create their compositions.
wall pieces were made with mate- Henk Peeters wall piece “61-26,” 1961,
rial soaked in cobalt chloride that still creates mysterious wonder with its
glows in the dark 50 years later. Nanda scrimmed surface.
Vigo, one of the few women exhibited, This extensive exhibition shows the
plays with surface structure by slicing wide range of approaches, materials,
strips of textured glass and mirrors to and techniques that inhabited the spir-
refract and distort light. it of the Zero Movement. With its inter-
Lucio Fontana, from an older gen- national scope and range of explora-
eration, is well represented in this tion, it helped spawn the diversity and
exhibition with his ongoing exploration connectivity, and many of the ideas, of
in the series “Concetto spaziale” that the art practices of our present day.
22/ Books 11 - 17 DEC 2008

Going Out and Coming Back 7 DAYS

Raphael Kadushin marshals top gay writers on what travel means in our lives
THE LIFE OF POETRY can’t travel now, or if you’re 䉴
DEC 14, from p.12
By MURIEL RUKEYSER thinking about future trips,
Paris Press you get a sense of immersion featuring Debra Kreisberg on clarinet
256 pages; $14.95 in the place, what it really and sax, Ismail Butera on accordion,
feels like to be in Prague or and Dave Hofstra on bass. Lenox Hill
BY TIM MILLER Cairo. Neighborhood House, 331 E. 70th
And you get a real narra- St., 2 p.m. Free, but a donation of $5 is

ay people everywhere tive story as well, so you can suggested.
imagine the “Big Trip” read the pieces in “Big Trips” ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
that may break open as travel stories or as, really,
the doors to romance, per - short stories. GALLERY
fect love, or maybe just that Fleshing Out
perfect beach. Is there some- TM: In fact some of them Street Life
thing about gay folks and are short stories, in the sense Catherine Opie’s body of photo-
travel that makes us always that you are mixing fiction graphic work, created since the early
ready to “get out of Dodge”? and nonfiction in this anthol- 1990s, spans such diverse genres as
When we think of the ogy. How do you justify that? studio portraiture, landscape photog-
famous 20th century queer R K : Well, I think most raphy, and urban street photography to
travelers and adventurers travel writing is a form of fic- explore notions of communal, sexual,
— Lawrence of Arabia, Sir tion, in the sense that most and cultural identity. From her early
Richard Burton, Amelia Ear- travel writers are just see- portraits of queer subcultures to her
hart, Richard Halliburton — ing a fragment of a place and expansive urban landscapes, Opie has
it almost seems as if there projecting their own fictions offered profound insights into the con-
is something compelling onto that place. You don’t ditions in which communities form and
gay people to push beyond really know Vienna or Paris the terms by which they are defined.
boundaries in search of love or Marrakech in a week or Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth
and ourselves. two, so you are always cre- Ave. at E. 89th St., Sat.-Wed., 10
The extraor dinary new ating a story, even if you are a.m.-5:45 p.m.; Fri., 10 a.m.-7:45 p.m.
anthology “Big Trips: More pretending to be an objective Through Jan. 7. Admission is $18; $15
Good Gay Travel Writing,” journalist. You’re partly see- for students & seniors; pay what you
edited by Raphael Kadushin, ing what you want to see or wish Fri. after 5:45 p.m.
builds on his earlier collec- what you are looking for. ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
tion, “Wonderlands,” digging And in some ways fiction,
even deeper into the psychic, because it doesn’t have to The Even Couple
emotional, and sexual adven- stick to any rules or conven- Gilbert and George met in 1967
tures of travel, in a rich vari- tions, can capture the emo- while students in London and began
ety of stories and essays by tional reality of a place bet- to create art together, developing a
such luminaries as Edmund ter, and it can take on bigger uniquely recognizable style both in their
White, Dale Peck, Martin Raphael Kadushin offers a travel book that is really a wonderful short story collection. themes. A lot of the pieces in pictures and in their presentations of
Sherman, and many other “Big Trips,” in the end, aren’t themselves as living sculptures. Over
remarkable literary voices. one from Mack Friedman, came in when I asked people just about a single trip. They 40 years, they developed a new format
All this comes together Aaron Hamburger, and Cliff for pieces. tackle universal issues too, that created large-scale pictures, visu-
in an anthology of dynamic Chase to people like Edmund But what came in was like why we travel, what ally and emotionally powerful, through
writing about travel that White, who, of course, is one just naturally balanced and drives our wanderlust, what a unique creative process. The Brooklyn
makes us want to book our of our finest American writ- no writer wrote about the we are really looking for when Museum is the final venue in an interna-
next flight, or at least gets ers, and Andrew Holleran same place. So the anthol- we travel, and even how we tional tour that marks the first retrospec-
ogy jumps all over the world, define our sense of home. tive of the artists’ work in more than 20
which is great for vicarious years. The exhibition was organized by
travel readers, since none of TM: And also issues like the Tate Modern, London, with the col-
“These aren’t just great gay writers, us can really afford to trav- how and why we fall in love. laboration of the artists, who consider
but great writers period.” el much right now. It skips I was surprised at how many this to be the definitive presentation
from Cor fu to Sicily, San pieces in the anthology are of their art. 200 Eastern Parkway at
Francisco, Egypt, Province- half travel story and half Washington Ave. near Grand Army
town, Mexico, Vienna, Rome, romance. Aaron Hamburg- Plaza. Wed.-Fri., 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sat.
us dreaming of other places, and Dale Peck. Prague, Florida, the English er’s story about his infatua- 11 a.m.-6 p.m. (until 11 p.m. first
our own personal “Big Trips.” And Martin Sherman, who countryside, London, Dor - tion with Lucas, the perfect Sat.); Sun. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Exhibition
Gay City News spoke with is probably best known for dogne, Paris, Morocco, the Czech porn star, and Dun- runs through Jan. 11. Admission is
editor and author Raphael his play “Bent.” I always wish Greek islands, and northern can Fallowell’s subtle, erotic $8; $4 for students & seniors.
Kadushin about gay lives I’d had the chance to see the Spain. It’s like a grand tour flirtation with a man in Sici- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
and journeys. Broadway production of that on paper. ly, and Michael Klein’s poetic
play when Richard Gere And the third thing that story about his affair during COMEDY
starred in it. makes the book worth read- a perfect Provincetown sum- Three Gals and a
TIM MILLER: There seem And these aren’t just great ing, I think, is the depth of mer are as much love stories Little Lady
to be so many travel books gay writers but great writers the pieces. These aren’t con- as anything else. Were you Gals Corey Kahaney (“Last Comic
coming out these days? period, so they each have a sumer travel pieces, which consciously looking for that Standing”), Carmen Lynch (Comedy
What sets this apart from the distinctive voice that goes you can get in any magazine intersection, between travel Central), and Kate McKinnon (Logo’s
pack? through you. or website. You’re not going and romance? “Big Gay Sketch Show”) are joined by
RAPHAEL KADUSHIN: The second thing that was to find the ten best bistros RK: No but I think it’s lil’ Paul Case for Brad Loekle’s popular
Well, I think three things. fun for me in editing the book in Paris kind of travel writ- sort of inevitable. I think the Hell’s Kitchen show, “The Electro Shock
First, I think it’s just the and that distinguishes it is ing here, or the thread-count impulse that fuels our wan- Therapy Comedy Hour.” Therapy, 348
range of strong writers, real- the range of destinations the story, or 18 hours in Lon- derlust, the hunger for new W. 52nd St., 10 p.m. No cover charge
ly the best of both young gay writers took on. I didn’t try don. Each writer is really experience and sensation, and $6 cosmos all night.
voices and established gay for any geographical balance; exploring the sensibility of
writers. So you have every- I thought I’d just see what the place they visit, so if you 䉴 TRAVEL, continued on p.23 䉴 7 DAYS, continued on p.24

䉴 TRAVEL, from p.22 RK: It starts out as sort of a bur- bone’s excitement over being in
lesque, as this series of almost comical Mozart’s Vienna.
is to some extent a sensual, erotic accidents happen to this young Ameri- But the second part, called “Com-
impulse, and it’s the same thing, in can boy living in London. He meets ing Back,” is about travelers who are
a way, that drives our search for sex this very handsome, slightly older really tired of traveling, who are look-
and love and a real personal connec- British journalist who is being kept by ing for some sense of a home. And
tion. So I think it becomes a natural a sugar daddy, and they go off on this those are less romantic pieces, but
part of a lot of travel writing and prob- tour of Yorkshire, past all these odd in some ways, for me, more moving.
ably half the stories in here have some literary sites —Whitby, where Bram So you have a wonderful story by
elements of a love story. Stoker’s Dracula landed, and Beatrix Andrew Holleran, about his visit to
Edmund White’s piece is probably Potter’s house, and Byron country. So these gated retirement communities
the truest love story because it’s a dou- it’s sort of a literary tour. in Florida that he realizes could never
ble-decker love story, about an Ameri- But the story is really about, in some be a home.
can writer living in Paris who falls in ways, the two different sides of travel. And Mack Friedman’s elegiac story
love first with a French man and then One side is that sense of euphoric about a man traveling with the ashes
with a young American, from Georgia, adventure we have when we set off for of his cremated mother, back to Mexi-
who is an expat like himself and who a new place. But the other side is that co, where they once vacationed.
in some ways is more French than the sudden sense of vulnerability you feel And then the first act of a relative-
French. White describes him as lov- when you are lost in the world, and ly unknown play by Martin Sherman
ing everything French –– French man- the search for home that can result. that starred Vanessa Redgrave when
ners, clothes, food. And together the it was produced in London. It’s the
two Americans go from Paris to Moroc- TM: Do you feel that split person- perfect ending to “Big Trips,” because
co where they become pure outsid- ally? I know how much you travel it’s a two-person play set on a Greek
ers, exotics, together. So the romance yourself, as a journalist for a lot of the island, and it becomes this almost
and the travel become intertwined; travel magazines, and I would think debate between a young boy who is
the travel in some ways heightens the that gets exhausting. just starting his travels and an older
romance. poetic description of his French lover’s RK: Well you know it does; you woman named Mrs. Honey who is the
The other thing about the way travel ass, and Fallowell describes his Sicil- probably travel as much as I do. But spent, tired traveler looking to land
stories and love stories intersect has to ian crush, a man named Riccardo, as I feel it more and more, and that sort anywhere, somewhere. She just wants
do with the quality of the writing too. having the black curls and startled- of informed how I divided the pieces to go home.
Travel writers have to be sensual writ- looking arched eyebrows that you see in “Big Trips.” There are two parts to
ers if they’re good; they have to capture on statues of ancient Greeks. the anthology. The first part is called T im Miller is an inter nationally
the smell of a place, the taste of it, the “Going Out,” and it focuses on the acclaimed solo perfor mer and the
quality of the local beauty. And that TM: Your own story, which focuses wonderful rush you get from trav- author of “Body Blows” and “1001
talent for sensual, sensory description partly on the narrator’s affair with a eling, so it has pieces like Michael Beds.” He can be reached at his web-
makes for good romances. British man, is also a love story but a Klein’s description of a golden sum- site
White’s story ends with a wonderful, sad one. mer in Provincetown and Phil Gam-

w w w. GAYCIT YNEWS . c o m

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They End Up At Ease 7 NIGHTS
Annie Leibovitz retrospective captures her moments between moments 䉴 7 DAYS, from p.22


By Annie Leibovitz
Random House COMEDY
235 pages; $40 This Gay Life
Best-Selling Humorist made a
splash earlier this year with his
BY ELENA MANCINI latest collection, “When You Are
Engulfed in Flames,” and his gut-

nnie Leibovitz at splitting radio voice on Public Radio
Wo r k , ” a n e w l y International’s “This American Life.”
published retro- Tonight, he continues his chronicle
spective of the iconic photogra- of middle age gay life in America.
pher’s 40-year career, is equal Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Cen-
parts text and images. She got ter, 8 p.m. Tickets are $30-$75 at


her start in 1970, when one of
her photos of Vietnam anti-war ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
rallies in San Francisco and
Berkeley was used for the cover CABARET
of Rolling Stone magazine, It’s Just Wrong
which subsequently offered her Jackie Hoffman shamelessly
a job. retreads her meanest musical hits in
Capitalizing on the freedom Annie Leibovitz at work. an evening of song that’s just plain
she had at the magazine to wrong, called “Scraping the Bottom
pursue her projects, Leibovitz entailed flying to a mountain for Chanukah: The Most Offensive
marshaled her skill and auda- peak in order to photograph Songs of Jackie Hoffman.” Michael
ciousness to launch a lifetime him in a heroic ski pose, dur- Schiralli directs with musical direc-
vocation that would be studded ing a blizzard. With Patti Smith, tor Bobby Peaco. Joe’s Pub at the
with assignments of great cul- it required igniting kerosene Public Theater, 425 Lafayette St.,
tural and historic importance. indoors to create a wall of below Cooper Sq., 7:30 & 9:30 p.m.
This new book chronicles the flames behind the singer. Tickets are $30 at, but
59-year -old photographer’s Transitioning with ease from for table reservations, that include a
artistic journey through time news photography to portraits, $12 food or drink minimum, call 212-
and themes. from nudes to groups, and 539-8778.
“I was never thinking about adapting to digital from film, ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
the magazine when I was on Leibovitz has constantly taken

the road,” she writes. “I was in risks and reinvented herself. Ovation Sensation
the thick of it and I made my From being privately commis- Danny Calvert, who has appeared in
own decisions based on what sioned by high-profile figures, “Rent” and “Altar Boyz,” was recently
was possible. Things happen Johnny Depp in New York City, 1994. to shooting high-end ad cam- nominated for an Ovation Award for his
in front of you. That’s perhaps paigns, to covering the Balkan turn in “All Shook Up,” and won the Los
the most wonderful and mys- helicopter lifted off. is about almost losing myself, War with her now-deceased Angeles Drama Critics Circle Award for
terious aspect of photography. Her instinct for detecting and coming back, and what it partner Susan Sontag, to hold- Best Lead Actor in “Zana Don’t, returns
It seemed like you just had to golden opportunities has also means to be deeply involved in ing coveted appointments at to Scott Nevins’ “Curtain Call” to belt
decide when and where to aim served her well. She saw Mick a subject. The thing that saved magazines like Vanity Fair, and out some favorites. Splash Bar, 50 W.
the camera.” Jagger’s 1975 invitation to me was that I had my cam- winning numerous prestigious 17th St., 11:30 p.m. Admission is free
Leibovitz displayed a knack tour with the Rolling Stones era by my side. It was there to awards, Leibovitz has enjoyed a before 10 p.m.; $5 after that. You must
for capturing moments occur- as the band’s photographer as remind me who I was and what consummate career. be at least 21. Show up early and catch
ring between the main events. the chance of a lifetime. Taken I did. It separated me from Most striking is her humil- the video madness of “Musical Mon-
One such instant came the over by the project, Leibovitz them.” ity and ability to exercise days” featuring legendary big screen
morning after Richard Nixon’s developed a working symbiosis In a narrative style both can- minimal interference with the numbers.
resignation, Leibovitz’s first sig- with Jagger that she describes did and terse, she illuminates photographic process, thereby ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
nificant political assignment. as a “subject/photographer her process with each person allowing her subjects to proj-
Rather than focusing on the relationship of an obsessive she portrayed. What emerges is ect themselves to the camera. WELL-BEING
president boarding the helicop- kind…” a photographer who is respect- “I never set anyone at ease,” Happiness For The
ter, Leibovitz shot the guards “For me,” she continues, ful of her subjects’ individuality, she writes. “Either they were Holidaze
rolling up the red carpets as his “the story about the pictures physicality, and self- expres- at ease or they weren’t. That Angelo Pezzote (
sion. A fundamental principle was part of what was interest- is a gay psychotherapist, columnist,
in Leibovitz’s approach to por- ing about a picture… I know, and the author of “Straight Acting —
traiture is naturalness. There however, that I do set people Gay Men, Masculinity, And Finding
is nothing top-down about the at ease because I’m very direct. True Love.” Tonight, he will discuss
way she conducts her work. I’m there simply to take the the challenges that the holidays can
Studying her figures in their picture and that’s it.” pose. They are supposed to be about
environments and soliciting It is perhaps this quality that joy, peace, celebration, good will, and
input from them on how they inspired artists and cultural enjoying the company of family and
most preferred to be shot, Lei- icons to allow Leibovitz to pho- friends. But for many, the holidays
bovitz would often undergo tograph them in the most inti- become more about stress, loneliness,
harrowing feats to cast her mate and daring of ways. The conflict, and depression. Pezzote’s
subjects as they desired to be nude, seven-month pregnant workshop aims to help you cope better
framed. Demi Moore on the cover of with your holiday challenges and cre-
For a shoot with Keith Har- Vanity Fair and the photograph ate new beginnings for the new year.
ing, it meant following him to of John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s LGBT Community Center, room 410,

Times Square on a cold win- fetal embrace remain timeless 8-10 p.m. Free
ter night while he was wear- invocations of the powerful ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
ing nothing but body paint. intimacy that Leibovitz’s work
Moments after Richard Nixon left the White House, August 9, 1974 For Arnold Schwarzenegger, it communicates. 䉴 7 DAYS, continued on p.30


Being Funny Girls and Boys

Steven Brinberg leads LGBT homeless benefit

ne terrific way to celebrate
the holidays is a trip to Sym-
phony Space on December
20. There, a funny and fabulous show
performed by talented singers from
Broadway and the cabaret circuit will
help fund a great cause, the Ali Forney
Center, named for a queer 22-year-old
murdered in 1997 while living on the
streets of Manhattan.
“The Simply Barbra Holiday Spectacu-
lar” is headlined by Steven Brinberg, who
travels the world with a show he’s writ-
ten and performs in the persona of his
long-time idol, Barbra Streisand. This
is no lip-synched drag show or campy


dish, but more of an homage, which the
Sunday London Times calls “uncannily
accurate.” Brinberg is renowned for his
voice, which, if you close your eyes, could Steven Brinberg, in a rare public moment when he’s not
convince you that maybe, just maybe the Barbra, headlines a December 20 benefit for the Ali For-
funny girl herself was actually in Sym- ney Center.
phony Space belting it out.
Also donating their time and talent A SIMPLY BARBRA HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR
to raise funds for the Ali Forney Center Symphony Space
will be the amazing Julie Wilson. Rex 2357 Broadway at 95th St.
Reed called her “the most captivating Dec. 20 at 8 pm

septuagenarian in cabaret.” Joining $25-$65; with post-show reception,
the lineup as well is Tituss Burgess, $100-$125
currently playing Sebastian The Crab or 212-864-5400
in Disney’s “Little Mermaid” on Broad-
way, where he also appeared in “Good Without any resources and the sup- THAT KEEPS
Vibrations” and “Jersey Boys.”
Last but hardly least, the Broad-
way Boys will be singing their dynamic
port of their family, the quickest and
easiest way to find housing and money
for these teenagers is to prostitute
arrangements of show tunes and pop themselves or sell drugs, resulting in
songs in their powerful vocal harmo- high risk-sex and drug use, which can
nies fusing funk, gospel, jazz, and lead to HIV and other sexually trans-
folk. Christopher Denny is the musical mitted diseases and also exposes them
director for the extravaganza. to dangerous situations with unknown
At the time of Ali Forney’s death, johns. Too many of these kids turn to
there were no homeless centers for suicide, are assaulted, or even mur-
LGBT youth in New York. Coming out dered because of their tenuous and
of the closet used to be considered troubled lifestyles.
one of the most difficult moments in That’s where the Ali Forney Center
an LGBT person’s life and despite the located on West 35th Street steps in.
efforts of the gay rights movement, it Carl Siciliano, who runs the organi-
still is. It is estimated that one out of zation, founded the Ali Forney Center
every four LGBT adolescents has been in 2002 after years as a social worker
rejected by their family and thrown out who had counseled Forney and other
of their home. homeless young people, many of them
The Ali Forney Center is a com- gay or transgendered. Ali Forney pro-
prehensive organization dedicated vides homeless LGBT youth 16 to 24
to homeless LGBT youth, providing years old with essential services, and
them with a place to stay, support,
and access to vital social services. The
short- and long-term beds, to put them
on the path to independent living.
numbers of homeless youth in Ameri-
ca is huge — estimated at 1.6 million.
Approximately 42 percent identify
There are approximately 50 beds in six
apartments, where residents can live
for up to two years.
themselves as gay, lesbian, bisexual,
or transgendered, according to a study
Ali Forney also offers free medical
care, HIV testing, mental health servic- &%" s/.3!,%./7
from the National Gay and Lesbian es, showers, food, computer access, and
Task Force, in collaboration with the
National Coalition for the Homeless. 䉴 BARBRA, from p.25

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Victoria In Excelsis
Tony Award-winning warmth; Dionysian Daniel
BY DAVID NOH then went right into Encores!’ ‘Juno.’
Then a teaching gig in Denmark at a

n Craig Lucas’ “A Prayer for My beautiful new theater school. Then
Enemy,” Victoria Clark pulls off right into the Michael John LaChiusa
a prodigiously difficult role, com- thing at the Zipper, which overlapped
pletely humanizing it with breathtak- with ‘The Marriage of Bette and Boo,’
ing precision and haunting beauty. which overlapped with a film I did for
I met with the Tony winner at the three weeks. I did a month of teach-
charming Café du Soleil and found ing at Juilliard and then this play
her to be an incredibly warm soul started, and, now that I’ve finally
who described herself as “The Anti- learned my lines, I am now learning
Diva” and proved it, remaining mag- music for a concert at Kennedy Cen-
nanimously unruffled, even when ter. And starting Monday, I’m work-
the waiter couldn’t understand her ing on another concert with David
request for honey and spilled salad Hyde Pierce for the American Song-
dressing on her coat. book series, all this while looking for
“I call this one monologue I do ‘Big high schools for my son.”
Mama,’ she said. “It’s a killer — three That son, Thomas, is now 14; Clark


single-spaced pages. I’ve got three described him as having “no theater
like that, a technical feat right off the aspirations. He’s very theatrical and

bat. Bart [Scher, her director] is pas- a good storyteller but he’s a little too
sionate about doing character work, confident to be an actor. We’re always
talking about your family and his- growing, thinking, searching, mor -
tory. He talks about ‘What are you The astonishingly versatile Victoria Clark, currently giv- phing — he’s very grounded and cool Dionysian party impresario and self-described playgirl
sitting on?’ Like, today, you and I ing one of her trademark stunning performances in Craig without a lot of that, an athlete, and spokeswhore Daniel Nardicio.
are having this conversation, but I’m Lucas’ “A Prayer for My Enemy.” really supportive, having grown up
wondering in the back of my mind, backstage since he was six months into TV,’ but that doesn’t fit into my life
‘Is there one more high school we can what’s written on the page is what I old. His father and I were married for as a mom, to pick up my toys and go
apply for my son? This is my night might say but what I’m sitting on is a long time. My ex is a really great co- to LA. My son would do it, but he has a
off and my boyfriend is coming over what Bart focuses on.” parent, we’re friends, but I’ve been dad who lives here and to ask them to
to set up this office wall unit for him Clark is up to any challenge after single for a long time, so it’s chal- do that — and I don’t want to be on a
and a lot of me is excited and ner - the year she’s had: “I did a read- lenging to get it all done. plane every Friday.
vous about how that’s gonna go.’ So, ing of ‘High Spirits’ at Roundabout, “I do have a boyfriend now. He’s “So I just pray about it everyday —
an ex-actor, so he totally sympathiz- maybe when he goes to college. There’s
es with me and is excited about my plenty of time, it’s not like I’m going to

career but doesn’t want it for himself. grow out of this. People think I’m 60
I met him on eHarmony, which adver- anyway and I’m so not even 50, but I
tises that they are for serious people guess I have this old soul quality.”
who don’t want to play around. I had

sort of looked at some of the profiles nd now, from high culture to
on, and Craigslist I found something a bit lower, but just
hilarious, just lonely people looking as rewarding in its own way: Is
for an instant hookup. That wasn’t there any New Yorker more fun than
two nights accommodation for me, and I dated different guys gay Party Emperor Daniel Nardicio?
on and off, who were all terrified of I joined him and his merry band
at the beautiful Chelsea commitment and moving forward — for the Proposition 8 City Hall pro-
Hotel in Atlantic City along wounded, wounded, wounded. If you test on November 15. To drive down
with a 3 day car rental try to meet a single straight man in Broadway in his self-titled “Shaggin’
courtesy of New York, they are all wounded!” Wagon,” the hot pink official Playgirl
Clark’s performance in “Light in van plastered with naked hunk mag-
the Piazza” really put her on the azine images, absurdly blasting out
map but she said, “Afterwards, no the theme from “The Jeffersons” to
one wanted to touch me with a ten- the ecstatic cheers of protesters was
foot pole. People came to me like this an unforgettable moment.
[mimes awestruck obeisance] and I Nardicio recalled other memorable
was like, ‘Just ask me!’ It’s probably party moments for me: “I did an Under-
the greatest role written for a middle- wear Party at the Slide one night. Com-
aged woman besides ‘Gypsy.’ ing down the stairs was Tilda Swinton
“But, listen, all I wanted to do my in a floor-length white Galliano gown
whole life was work on Broadway and everybody is in their underwear,
and when that happened, I was like, carrying on. ‘Ohmigod!’ I said. ‘Close
Luxe Ocean King Room for Two Nights & ‘Gosh I don’t know — I’ll do support- the door. I don’t want her to see this!’
Dinner for two at Chelsea Prime ing roles and have a great time. Well, I went up to her: ‘Are you Tilda Swin-
(up to $125, alcohol not included) okay, I would love to do a leading ton?’ ‘Yes, I’m here for the party.’ ‘This
role someday. Okay, bye,’ and that is a gay male underwear party.’ ‘Honey,
Simply log on to, started to happen. So okay, maybe I’m not getting in my underwear. I just

click on “win a trip” and you’re all set.

I’d like to be recognized, but not in had twins.’
a major way, just having the friends “Paper magazine threw a party for
I respect come backstage and say, her that night and her friend, Justin
Proud to be number one. Proud to be Gay City News. ‘You threaded your way through a Bond, had given her an invite and
Subject to availability, not valid during holidays or special event periods very difficult character.’ she’d jumped right into a cab. She
as determined by the hotel, Guests must adhere to hotel minimum stay “So when all this recognition came for stood there, delighted, and at first
requirements, (Parking, valet room and tax included) ‘Piazza,’ I didn’t really want it or respect people were like ‘Ohmigod!,’ but later
it, just thought, ‘Well, that’s sort of the she was just leaning against the bar,
Offer must be used by March 30th, 2009
Total combined package is approximately $1525.00. icing. So now I think I’ll do what every-
body does, be like Sara Ramirez and go 䉴 IN THE NOH, continued on p.27

Bell Prostate Ezee Flow Tea #4a
Within 3-5 days most men can lead a normal life again. A majority of
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help. Leonard Pearcey, Wassis, NB I cancelled my prostate sur-
COURTESY: DANIEL NARDICIO gery! Get up just once a night now. Prostate Tea really works. I’m so
happy not to face the torment of prostate surgery and possibly inconti-


nence or impotency. Albert E. Blain, 74, Schumacher, ON Even after
TURP prostate surgery and microwave therapy had to get up many
times a night. Down to 1-2 times. Tea is 100% better. Robert G. Stocker,
Eustis, FLAfter 1st year drinking the tea my PSA went down to
4.5; after 2nd year to 2.9; after 3rd year to 2.3. I highly recommend the tea. A real life saver. Thomas M. Thurston,
Tilda Swinton and Justin Bond share a legendary party Forsyth, GA. If you are considering prostate surgery, try this tea first.
moment at Daniel Nardicio’s Slide party. Austin Scarlett, before his “Project Runway” designer WOMEN suffering with incontinence, frequency and bladder infections ask for Bell Bladder Control Tea
days, when he was a go-go dancer for gay Party Emper- for Women #4b. Guaranteed to get relief usually with days. Over 100 true testimonials on our web site
saying “amazing and quick relief”, “better than antibiotic drugs”, “tea really works” and many others. Go
䉴 IN THE NOH, from p.26 or Daniel Nardicio. shopping and travelling with confidence.

talking to Justin while someone was

getting head right next to her. I was
mortified, but she said, ‘Do you think
I’ve never seen this before?’
“Playgirl originally asked me to
help with a gay party in New Orleans.
It went great so they asked me to
stay onboard, and once a month I
Libido Men are delighted with Eroxil: I feel like Hugh
Hefner. Wife is speechless about the change and loves it.
Tony Park, 46, San Francisco, CA  Eroxil is amazing. I
“Jeff Witty used to dance for me go all over the country and we throw
feel like 19 again. Erections are stronger and long lasting.
and he had an astounding body at the parties in cities with the models who As a bonus, I have more energy, significant strength increase
time. One night he just took this bottle throw out T -shirts and stuff. This at the gym and improved muscle tone. Sam Nedelkos, 39,
and poured it down his naked chest allows me to get access to the hot- Scarborough, ON Delighted with Eroxil. Succeeds where
and it went down to the tip of his cock test models. If I drove a van that said all other products I’ve tried failed.George Sanders, 60, Mount
Shasta, CA  Incredible experience! Having orgasms
while we just sat there, drinking from Honcho on it, I wouldn’t get guys off the Richter Scale like a teenager. My wife uses Erosyn.
the Tree of Life.’ This was just a year walking over and saying, ‘Dude, I Great nights. The world owes you big time. Lawrie Roberts,
before he did ‘Avenue Q.’ wanna be in that magazine!’ You 47, Toronto, ON Eroxil works great despite health
“There was the night of the Black- know how many straight guys I’ve problems including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart
attack and taking drugs. I’m grateful! John Hayes, 58,
out when we opened the Slide and 100 gotten in the back of that van who’ve Laureville, OH Regained virility in 3 days with Eroxil.
people came by and just got naked gotten naked for me on the road?” Friends had the same result. One of them is diabetic and
and Jake Shears of Scissor Sisters Nardicio also had a radio show on overweight. Dr. Louis Rolland, 75, Hyacinthe, PQ.Guaranteed to work better than any other libido product.  Read
was dancing on the bar! ‘Project Run- — rated the literally over 200 true testimonials with full names and towns on our web site.
way’s Austin Scarlett was another of Best Party Posing as an Internet Radio WOMEN ask for companion product Erosyn #7 to restore libido, interest in intimacy and ability to climax.
my dancers. He didn’t dance so much Show by Village Voice — that was Guaranteed to work better than any other libido product. Read hundreds of true testimonials on our web site
saying “Sexual desire is back”, “Intimacy like 35 years ago”, “Erosyn prevented marriage break-up”, “After 10
as create little vignettes, like spreading recently yanked off the air: “My ratings years absence can climax again”.
a blanket down and creating a sensu- were the best but they didn’t like our
This is what happened to me

ous picnic for himself.” content. I got called in for a total ream- personally. After suffering for
Nardicio describes his monthly par- ing because I said I wanted to fuck years I desperately tried
ties as “half orgy and half perfect cock- one of the sound technicians and spin everything, drugs, natural
tail party where anything can happen him around like a Lazy Susan. He was Pain free in 2 weeks! products,physiotherapy,
acupuncture, magnets and
because our space, where ‘Cruising’ adorable but I didn’t really want to,
nothing was of any real help. Finally I had relief in 2 weeks by taking
and ‘The Hours’ were filmed, natural- am not one of those gays who chase shark cartilage that was specially processed to preserve the
ly lends itself to splitting up in two. I after straights. But they gave me a half natural active ingredients. This is the kind we are now promoting.
always tell my DJ Sammy Jo to keep hour lecture. At first I internalized it I realized then that there are over 50 million men and women that are
it dance-y, don’t play really dirty sexy and thought, ‘I’m bad and shouldn’t battling the same illness and getting treatments that are not working
well, otherwise we would not have this ongoing huge health problem.
disco because it’s that already. I want have done that,’ but later realized that In the last 10 years we have helped tens of thousands of men and women to have
people to really connect and involve if I was a straight guy going on about less pain or no pain at all. This is a by-product of the food industry. No sharks are
themselves in the party. some chick I wanted to bang, they caught because of their bones/cartilage. Nick A. Jerch, President
“My favorite go-go dancers have wouldn’t have a problem.” We have real EVIDENCE that it works. On our web site you find over 100 testimo-
only two requirements — they either All this will probably go into Nardi- nials with full names and towns. All 100% true. Skeptics may call them. Here are
some examples:  Doctor suggested knee replacement after all his options
are filthy and bring the party by being cio’s someday autobiography, “titled failed with drugs and cortisone shots in knee and lower back. I recommend Bell Shark
dirty, or super fun and bring the party ‘Cock is My Business and Business Cartilage to those millions suffering needlessly like I did for 40 years with arthritis in my knees. It's a shame
that way. And that would have to be is GOOD!’ — a story of a kid born in that I was given drugs and injections all these years when a natural medicine could have spared me the endless tor-
Owen Hawk, and Chase, the go-go leg- a hardscrabble Italian farming fam- ture day and night. Pat Laughlin, Coldwater, ON My hip is 95% pain free. Pain killing drugs mask and Bell
Shark Cartilage heals. Rebecca Hite, Oroville, CAI tried another brand and pain came back. 2 weeks on
end, who was never dirty — while the ily outside of Cleveland, mother was
Bell and pain is gone again. Gert Dupuis, Hanmer, ONCancelled knee replacement. I was in pain and limp-
bar was open, anyway — but brought a stripper at the Buttercup Lounge, ing. Have no more pain now. Can square dance for hours. Anton Melnychuk, Porcupine Plain, SK.
life to a room. Owen, the porn star who survives a series of foster homes
from Dark Alley Media, would surprise and orphanages to move to New York Sold in 7000 stores across North America. See our
even me with his filthy antics and his City and become Dirty Daddy Dan- website for store
‘can do!’ attitude toward sleaze.” iel. I think my more — shall we say
Nardicio has a dream “day job” —wistful moment was a period of locations or call 1-800-333-7995 Mon-Fri 9-4 EST
with Playgirl: “My unofficial title about six months where I had sex AVAILABLE IN MANHATTAN: A Matter of Health 1478 1st Ave @ E 77th St; Ajanta
is gay marketing consultant. Play- with this one dancer and really fell Pharmacy 2718 8th Ave @ 145th Arrow Pharmacy 883 9th Ave @ 57th St; Blake Pharmacy 1868 3rd
girl’s coming out of the closet, more for him, but he wasn’t having the Ave @ 103rd St; Bliss Pharmacy 1590 Madison Ave @ 107th St; C & C Nutrition 561 W 179th St @
St.Nicholas Ave; Cash Rx Plus 746 10th Ave. @ W 51st St; Cordette Drug 52 W 39th St @ 6th Ave; Earth
or less. They’ve gotten a lot of flack thought of us actually dating. Then
Matters 177 Ludlow St @ Houston St; Elm Health 1695 1st Ave @ E 88th St; Eve Pharmacy 295
from readers in the last few years he went on to win a motherfucking Greenwich St @ Chambers St; Linda's Wellness & Recovery 160 E 84TH ST; Metro Drugs 13 East 8th
— ‘Playgirl pretends the models are Tony the next year!” St @ 5th Ave; Metro Drugs 7 West 14th St near 5th Ave; Metro Drugs 931 Lexington Ave @ 68th St; Natural
straight for the women.’ And I say, Nardicio’s next party is December Frontier Market 266 3rd Ave @ 21st St; New London Pharmacy 246 8th Ave @ 23rd St; Organic Market
‘Well, Sean Cody pretends his mod- 13, for tickets go to: http://thed- 275 7th Ave @ 26th St Windows Over Harlem 163 W. 125th Street Near 7th Ave; Cross County Pharmacy
els are straight for gay men. They’re 1514 Madison Ave. @ 103rd St.; Haircutters of Paris Inc. 92 Chambers St.; ALSO AVAILABLE AT
not straight — I know because I CAREPLUS/CVS 138 2nd Avenue, between E. 9th St. and St. Marks Place; 892 & Ninth Avenue, between W.
slept with some of them. It’s all illu- Contact David Noh at Inthenoh@aol. 57th St. and W. 58th St; RETAIL DEALERS WANTED
sion. com.


Poetry In Motion
STACKS attracts, but “Bracko” lacko
BY BRIAN MCCORMICK Weinert, Silas Riener, Andrea
We b e r, C a t h e r i n e M i l l e r

anguage, sculpture, and —moved with grace and delib-
movement coalesced erateness as they explored
with wit and poignancy the spaces and structures
in “STACKS,” a collabora- with independence and occa-
tive work exploring themes sional collisions with the text.
of collapse in the human Miller became the embodi-
body, grammar, and everyday ment of Jezebel, as repre-
objects. The connective artistic sented in Carson’s text; and,
force behind the work is poet in a compelling solo, Weinert
Anne Carson, the 2008 Lillian embodied a kind of mechani-
Vernon Distinguished Writer- cal breakdown, illustrated
in-Residence in the NYU Cre- primarily through joint-based
ative Writing Program. movement on the floor, and
Carson’s text was original- threading limbs over, under,
ly inspired by sculptor Peter and around the core.
Cole’s exploration of piled The interplay of linguistic

objects that “subvert the tradi- and physical rhythms, layered
tion of walk-around sculpture.” with the deconstructed defini-
This coincided with Carson’s tions and movement vocabu-
collaboration with choreogra- lary, was cohesive and stimu- Adam H. Weinert, Andrea Weber, and Silas Riener in “STACKS,” at NYU’s Skirball Center.
pher Jonah Bokaer about col- lating. Aaron Copp’s lighting
lapse in the human body. added to the rhythm and the Fragments of Sappho,” a poem ence, was less engaging than wrapped around their thighs
The result, a one-night tones, and created pauses and infused with the word “brack- the evening’s first piece, and and ankles. As they leapt and
event at NYU’s Skirball Cen- anticipation. The intermittent et,” indicating places where the dance choreographed by bounced and gamboled about,
ter for the Performing Arts on lateral movement of Carson’s text was missing from the orig- Rashaun Mitchell and per - they unraveled the ropes,
December 4, featured Car - makeshift podium across the inal papyri. The poem was per- for med with Marcie Mun- placing them on the stage,
son’s often wry staged reading stage served as a physical formed by a quartet — Carson, nerlyn, was not particularly at times like open brackets,
and a quartet of dancers mov- marker of time. with guest readers Elizabeth connected to the language framing empty space. The
ing and manipulating stacks Also on the program was Streb, Penelope Thomas, and — though in fairness, the two dancers were exceptional and
and rows of various cardboard “Bracko,” coined by combin- Robert Currie. works seemed not intended as the composition effective, but
boxes, as Cole also moved ing the words “brackets” and The per for mance of the a full collaboration. the difficult text and their lack
about the stage altering the “Sappho.” “Bracko” featured text, in place at four stand- The duet began with the two of rhythmic approach missed
arrangements. Carson’s celebrated trans- ing microphones, with Currie linked at the waist by a sil- the opportunity to create
The fine dancers —— Adam lations from “If Not, Winter: facing away from the audi- ver rope, which they also had cohesion.


The Russians Are Coming

Gergiev, Kirov, Prokofiev, and Tchaikovsky enliven New York’s late autumn
BY ELI JACOBSON al differences. The three (out of four) The dadaist charms of Prokofiev’s
concerts I attended showed the con- comic opera “The Love of Three Orang-

he past two months have seen ductor and his company at their best es” elude me. Based on a Gozzi com-
something of a “White Nights doing the repertory they perform like media dell’arte farce, it has the Russian
Festival” Goes West with Rus- no other. Gergiev’s highly idiosyncratic quality of a silly comic anecdote told
sian opera, symphonic music, and conducting style — without a baton, slowly with an archly mournful face
vocal concerts filling New York’s stages, instead oscillating his fingers — finds and droning basso profundo delivery.
with more to come. its best outlet with his home company, Usually it is played in a brisk, sardonic
It started in November with a visit by which responds like Trilby transfixed manner but Gergiev’s interpretation
Valery Gergiev and the Kirov Orches- by his Svengali. Non-Russian orches- highlighted brooding parodistic hom-
tra of the Mariinsky Theatre (the Kirov tras and repertory have proved resis- ages to Mussorgsky and even Wagner.

moniker soon to be a thing of the tant to his hypnotic powers, producing It was performed by a talented group
Stalinist past) performing four con- wildly uneven results. of recent graduates of the Mariinsky’s
certs of the theatrical music of Sergei The first concert was devoted to Young Artist Academy, who managed
Prokofiev. This came on the heels of neglected ballet scores by Prokofiev, to make a bright impression despite
some controversy over a concert Ger- many written to be produced by Diag- Prokofiev’s failure to compose reward-
giev gave in August in South Ossetia hilev’s Ballets Russes. The concert ing arias for the singers.
celebrating Russia’s defeat of the Geor- began with the rousing “Scythian Tenor Sergei Semishkur, soprano
gian army. He was accused of political Suite,” derived from a rejected ballet Felicity Palmer was dramatically strong as the Old Countess Anastasia Kalagina, mezzo Nadezhda
kowtowing worthy of the old Kremlin scenario. Full of flashing dissonances in Tchaikovsky’s “The Queen of Spades” at the Met. Serdyuk, and baritone Alexej Markov
days and of being too chummy with and pounding rhythms, it reminded were standouts. Daniil Shtoda’s ade-
Putin. Gergiev defended his actions me of a more savage and spare version “Cinderella” and ended rather limply noidal tenor found an appropriate out-
in the New York Times, saying he was of Khachaturian’s “Spartacus” score. with the “Pas D’Acier (The Steel Step),” let with his wittily played hypochondri-
motivated by outrage stoked by unpro- This was followed by the folkloric “The the least interesting of the musical ac Prince. Bass Mikhail Petrenko in the
voked Georgian violence against Osse- Tale of the Buffoon,” which also ended offerings. Hopefully, Alexei Ratmansky, role of the travesti Cook made a come-
tia, his family’s birthplace. with a rousing final dance with the who is joining American Ballet Theater dic meal of his one scene with Semish-
Great music, however, can touch entire orchestra in full cry. as principal choreographer, will look kur’s Truffaldino.
on common themes of humanity tran- The second half began with attrac- into the first two pieces as a basis for
scending political disputes and nation- tive selections from the familiar ballet new works for that company. 䉴 QUEEN OF SPADES, continued on p.29

䉴 BARBRA, from p.25 handsome and articulate 19-year-old that an opening soon came up on the a transgendered young woman, not
from Brooklyn who arrived at the Ali waiting list. far from the apartment he grew up in.
job training and placement at its drop- Forney Center in June when his moth- “I was starting to do things I didn’t Living in close quarters with the other
in center in Chelsea. The group’s wait- er made him leave. want to do,” he said with regret about kids can be a challenge, but he’s made
ing list, however, has averaged about “My grandmother was the backbone the period immediately after he left friends and said he’s building up his
200 recently. Many of the young people of the family, and when she passed on home. On Thanksgiving, when JJ confidence to get his own apartment
the group serves are black or Latino and a lot of things changed,” he said. wanted to see his brother and pick up a when he finds a job.
come from lower income homes. JJ’s mother learned he was gay coat he’d left at home, his mother made “People who need people are the
In October, the city health depart- after a friend of his inadvertently men- excuses for why he couldn’t come by. luckiest people in the world,” Barbra
ment announced its intention end a tioned the possibility of attending the JJ is now attending school to get his Streisand once sang. That’s why help-
$600,000 contract with Ali Forney in Harvey Milk School in front of her. The GED, and his ambitions include a job ing out LGBT youth and listening to
June of 2009, but the organization was relationship between mother and son in retail and college. the powerful voices of entertainers who
able to mount an effective outcry from abruptly changed. After a stormy pub- “It still hurts to know I can’t be with care may well be the very best way to
the public and elected officials to stave lic fight, he was forced to leave home my family,” he said. “I wasn’t a trouble- stave off the holiday blues.
off the cut for now. and stay with a friend who paid his maker. I tried to be the perfect child —
The statistics are alarming in and rent by picking up tricks. I wanted to go to school, get a job, do The Ali Forney Center, at 224 West
of themselves, but meeting a young At Ali Forney, JJ was housed in things for myself.” 35th Street, suite 1102, can be contact-
person rejected by his mother is both the organization’s emergency housing JJ now lives in a group home he ed at 212-222-3427. The group’s web-
heartbreaking and inspiring. JJ is a facility for 60 days and was fortunate shares with five others — four boys and site is

䉴 QUEENS OF SPADES, from p.28 his scheming Boyars and uses mili- sing some of the most punishing dra- Lady Macbeth or Tosca. Her early love
tary force to crush the rebellious Kazan matic repertory afterwards. The toll scenes with Heppner lacked chemistry
The final concert was devoted to ora- Province to unite Russia under one exacted by these roles has been evident but the tragic final aria by the banks of
torio arrangements of two film scores rule. Throughout history, in Russia and in their recent performances, though the Neva showed her at her best.
— “Ivan the Terrible” and “Alexander abroad, the same story gets played out both are still capable of distinguished Mark Delavan’s bon vivant Tomsky
Nevsky.” The “Alexander Nevsky Can- over and over again, just the names of work. Heppner had an unfortunate and Ekaterina Semenchuk’s dusky-
tata” was arranged by the composer the leaders and political parties change. evening of vocal crash and burn at the toned Pauline were richly sung and
himself and is not unfamiliar. The “Ivan The Met’s revival of Tchaikovsky’s premiere but on the second evening superbly acted. Felicity Palmer’s Old
the Terrible Oratorio” was arranged “The Queen of Spades” featured two only cracked once during his final dying Countess, despite some appropriate
posthumously by Stasevich from vocal, veterans of its premiere season in 1995 phrase. However, his cautious phrasing vocal hollowness, was dramatically the
choral, and symphonic music com- under an unfamiliar conductor, Seiji and stolid stage persona failed to create best since Leonie Rysanek. Vladimir
posed for the Eisenstein film. It is over- Ozawa. Despite a talented cast and a compellingly intense anti-hero. Stoyanov as Yeletsky had a handsome
long with a bizarre rambling structure; superbly responsive playing by the The Junoesque Guleghina had one legato that just lacked the distinctive tim-
not all the music can stand by itself Met Orchestra under Ozawa’s sensi- of her most consistent vocal outings of bre and tonal impact of Hvorostovsky.
without visuals. Dramatic structure tive baton, the second performance on late, pouring out broad phrases of rich, Further repetition hopefully will find
was imposed by some narration melo- November 24 failed to create a dramati- steady, and very loud tone. However, this cast more relaxed, unified, and
dramatically declaimed in English by cally powerful whole. her acting failed to convincingly sug- dramatically responsive. Individual ele-
the charismatic bass Mikhail Petrenko, Both Ben Heppner and Maria gest a vulnerable, inexperienced girl ments of musical distinction and a fine
who doubled as a vocal soloist. Guleghina had early successes in New — the lurching and staggering stage production by Elijah Moshinsky are
In the role of Ivan, the bass threatens York with this opera and went on to business seemed more appropriate to already in place.

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The Price of Health 7 DAYS


hursday, I bought a needed an MRI, I freaked maybe the nurse practitio- or sexual identity is added 7 DAYS, from p.24
bathrobe and paja- out more about the cost and ner will suggest early child- to the picture, the balance is
mas, packed a bag, whether my insurance would hood abuse and abuse you increasingly skewed.
and took the metro to the
hospital where I handed
over both my credit card
reimburse me than that my
body was growing strange
fruit. After all, it’s medical
verbally if you dissent. Wake
in the middle of a colonosco-
py, they’ll continue without
I’m wary, even in Paris,
where the care is good and
cost is less a factor. Hand- BOOKS
and a check so they would bills that metastasize into anesthesia because they’re ing over my body still feels Veteran
accept my 59.2 kilos of flesh crippling debt. And money too incompetent to deal with like a kind of fourth-dimen- Perspectives
to be depilated, disinfect- that shapes our experience dropping blood pressure, sion prostitution in which I Rachel Levitsky and Erica Kaufman
ed, knocked unconscious, of medicine, even health. they can’t give you mor e lose both my money and my host a new edition of “Belladonna,” a
pierced with holes, de-cyst- Health for the rich means drugs, and pleas to stop, flesh. All I own is a comput- reading series featuring the community’s
ed, and released. well-being, every part of the stop, stop from a Medicaid er, the clothes on my back, favorite writers who have inspired them.
Even paying full price, it body on track, clear skin, patient are like whispers in and everything under them Sarah Schulman, a native New Yorker,
was a bargain by American good feet, all systems go. The deaf ears. until you arrive at my beat- is a novelist, playwright, journalist, and
standards. In Paris, doctors poor are often grateful just Good luck with that uni- ing heart. Now, even that’s author of nonfiction books. Her forth-
will make a house call for for mobility and generally versal health care thing. yours. coming novel is “The Mere Future,” and
about $85. A visit to a gyne- being intact. You can have Access isn’t enough for any- And lying there, a day among her earlier works are The Child
cological clinic costs $40. A later, with my dragon breath (2007), Shimmer (1998), Rat Bohemia
sonogram is about $100. And and scars and IV drip, I (1995), and “The Sophie Horowitz Story”
a prescription of Xanax runs was tempted to tell her so. (1984). Her nonfiction work includes “The
three bucks. Laparoscopic After all, it’s medical bills that Explain to the young surgeon Gentrification Of The Mind” (forthcom-
surgery with three nights in
the hospital is a mere $5,800,
metastasize into crippling debt. smiling shyly at the American
patient all the effort I’ve put
ing), “Stagestruck: Theater, AIDS, and
the Marketing of Gay America” (1998),
surgeons’ fees and morphine into protecting this shell. All and “My American History: Lesbian and
included. In New York, that’d the male hands on my female Gay Life During the Reagan/Bush Years”
barely cover a bed pan. rotten teeth and a bad back thing resembling care. For ass in high school that I had (1995). Schulman’s plays include “Car-
For most French folks, and still proclaim when you that, the enormous gap to shove away. The dodged son McCullers”(Sundance/Playwrights
the government covers two- lose your job, “At least I have between the salaries of Madi- bottles coming from cars Horizons), and “Manic Flight Reaction”
thirds of health care costs, my health.” son Avenue doctors and the because I was a dyke and (NY Stage and Film/Playwrights Hori-
and they often have a sup- We don’t have the time or ones at public clinics has to on the street. These sudden zons). Robert Glück is the author of nine
plementary insurance that money for more. In the New end, along with the segrega- waves of hate in the media books of poetry and fiction, including two
gets the rest. For the poor York public health system, tion of patients. In fact, class that sweep you off your feet. novels, “Margery Kempe” and “Jack
and unemployed, the state you wait months for appoint- and race themselves would The walls I’ve built against the Modernist,” and a book of stories,
picks up the whole tab. The ments, then wait for hours probably have to go, along what homophobes do to you “Denny Smith.” Gluck edited, along with
best thing is, French doctors and days in waiting rooms with the culture of scorn as in their brains. What doctors Camille Roy, Mary Berger, and Gail Scott,
are competent. Even in the with all the other marginal deeply rooted in American have done in the flesh. the anthology “Biting The Error: Writers
public sphere. The hospital folks, new immigrants, work- medicine as shame and fury How I defend what I want on Narrative.” He was director of the
I went to was more highly ing poor, the crazies who are buried in people like me. to relinquish. How I want to Poetry Center at San Francisco State,
rated than the private clinic apparently don’t deserve bet- Inequality’s in the very be saved. And though she and associate editor at Lapis Press.
a friend of mine used that ter. And rarely get it. nature of the medical beast. had done this thing, cut a Dixon Place, 161 Chrystie St., btwn.
cost an extra $600 a day. The doctors seem to hate On the one side, there’s the miraculous door into a world Rivington & Delancey Sts., 7:30 p.m.
I checked it out, did price us, and secretaries sneer patient as supplicant, ask- I kept for myself, and pulled Admission is $6 at the door.
comparisons. That’s the behind our backs. Bring a list ing for help. On the other, out death, I needed more. ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
American way. To focus on of questions to an appoint- some white-coated god free
dollars and cysts. When
the radiologist said I had a
big clump in an ovary and
ment, you’ll be dismissed
as a hypochondriac. Admit
a pelvic exam was painful,
to give or withhold. And
charge you for it either way.
When money or race or sex
Visit Kelly Sans Culotte at
com. BOOKS
Sapphic Sex
In an evening of lesbian erotica,
䉴 UNITED NATIONS, from p.14 tion or gender identity; Rights Council by fifty four human rights mechanisms to Tristan Taormino (, an
5 — We are also disturbed countries requesting the Pres- commit to promote and pro- award-winning author, columnist,
one is entitled to the enjoy- that violence, harassment, ident of the Council to provide tect human rights of all per- editor, and sex educator, hosts Joan
ment of human rights without discrimination, exclusion, stig- an opportunity, at an appro- sons, regardless of sexual ori- Larkin, whose “My Body: New and
distinction of any kind, such matization and prejudice are priate future session of the entation and gender identity; Selected Poems” received the Pub-
as race, color, sex, language, directed against persons in all Council, for discussing these 11— We urge States to take lishing Triangle’s 2008 Audre Lorde
religion, political or other countries in the world because violations; all the necessary measures, in Award, and who edited four antholo-
opinion, national or social ori- of sexual orientation or gender 8 — We c o m m e n d t h e particular legislative or admin- gies, including “A Woman Like That”;
gin, property, birth or other identity, and that these prac- attention paid to these issues istrative, to ensure that sexual Zaedryn Meade, a queer butch writer
status, as set out in Article 2 tices undermine the integrity by special procedures of the orientation or gender identity whose erotica has been published in
of the Universal Declaration of and dignity of those subjected Human Rights Council and may under no circumstances “Penitalia: Collegiate Erotica,” “Best
Human Rights and Article 2 of to these abuses; treaty bodies and encourage be the basis for criminal pen- Lesbian Erotica” 2006, 2007, and now
the International Covenants 6 — We c o n d e m n t h e them to continue to integrate alties, in particular execu- 2009, “Secret Slaves: Erotic Stories of
on Civil and Political, Econom- human rights violations based consideration of human rights tions, arrests; or detention; Bondage,” “Love at First Sting,” “Fren-
ic, Social, and Cultural Rights, on sexual orientation or gen- violations based on sexual 12 — We urge States to zy,” and the forthcoming “Afternoon
as well as in Article 26 of the der identity wherever they orientation or gender iden- ensure that human rights vio- Delight”; and Chelsea Summers, who
International Covenant on occur, in particular the use tity within their relevant man- lations based on sexual orien- writes an award-winning blog, pretty
Civil and Political Rights; of the death penalty on this dates; tation or gender identity are dumb things, and whose work has
3 — We reaffirm the prin- ground, extrajudicial, summa- 9 — We welcome the adop- investigated and perpetrators appeared in Penthouse, GQ, Scarlet,
ciple of non-discrimination ry, or arbitrary executions, the tion of Resolution AG/RES. held accountable and brought and New Woman magazines, as well
which requires that human practice of torture and other 2435 (XXXVIII-O/08) on to justice; as in erotic anthologies edited by Susie
rights apply equally to every cruel, inhuman, and degrad- “Human Rights, Sexual Ori- 13 — We urge States to Bright and Rachel Kramer Bussel. KGB
human being regardless of ing treatment or punishment, entation, and Gender Identity” ensure adequate protection of Bar, 85 E. Fourth St., btwn. Bowery &
sexual orientation or gender arbitrary arrest or detention, by the General Assembly of human rights defenders, and Second Ave., 7 p.m. Free.
identity; and deprivation of economic, the Organization of American remove obstacles which pre-
4 — We are deeply con- social, and cultural rights, States during its 38th session vent them from carrying out
cerned by violations of human
rights and fundamental free-
including the right to health;
7 — We recall the statement
in 3 June 2008;
10 — We call upon all States
their work on issues of human
rights and sexual orientation
doms based on sexual orienta- in 2006 before the Human and relevant international and gender identity.


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