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Ranchi Youth For Christ

73, East Station Road Ranchi 834 001. Mob. 99341 56797

A study outline for Exodus.

Ex. 1: 1 14 Four Shaping centuries v. 6 7 Death and Growth Silent dropping away and silent growth. Ex. 2: 1 10 The Ark among the flags. - It is remarkable that all the persons in this narrative are anonymous. - The mothers motive in braving the danger. - Worlds history in that tiny coffer among the reeds - Gods wonderful providence. 2: 23 25; 3: 9 10 Israels cry and Gods answer Cry of misery and God of pity. 3: 1 The bush that burned and did not burn out. 3: 10 20 The call of Moses. 7: 12 The Power of Aarons rod. 11:1 10 A last merciful warning. 12: 1 14 The Passover: Expiation and a Feast. A memorial and a prophecy. 13: 9 Thought, Deed, Word. - Gods great deliverance should be constantly before our thoughts. - The great deliverance is to be ever present in practical life. - The great deliverance is to be ever on our lips. 14:19 31 A path in the sea. 15: 2 My strength and Song (Also in Isaiah 12:2 and Psalms 118: 14). 15: 13 The Shepherd and the Fold 15: 17 Then Ultimate hope. 15: 23 25 Marah 16: 4 12 The Bread of God. 17: 8 9 Both sides of the shield. 17: 15 Jehovah Nissi. 18: 3 4 Gershom and Eliezer. 18: 21 Jethros valuable advice - The Ideal Statesman. 20: 1 11 The Decalogue part 1: Man and God Relationship with eternal God. (a) The revelation which precedes and lays the foundation for the commandments. I am the Lord thy God (b) The strong temptation to polytheism which the Israelites to resist. (c) The second commandment forbids all representation

(d)The third commandment must be so understood as to bring it into line with the two preceding as of equal breadth and equally fundamental. (e)The fourth commandment The Sabbath. 20: 12 21 The Decalogue part 2: Man and man Relationship with fellow human beings 21: 5 6 The Servant hood Ears bored to the door post Irreversible mark of a servant. 23: 13 The Feast of Ingathering in the end of the year Think of the past as still living in and shaping the present. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (Gal. 6: 7) 25: 30 The bread of the presence 25: 31 The Golden Lampstand 28: 12, 29 The names on Aarons breastplate. 28: 36 HOLY TO THE LORD. Compare Zechariah 14:20 and Rev. 22: 4 30:1 The Altar of incense: (a) This altar shows us what prayer is (b) This altar shows us where prayer stands in the Christian life. (c) This altar shows us how prayer is to be cultivated. 30:12 Ransom for souls. (a) Meaning: I am enrolled among the people and the army of a Holy God. (b) Identity: All men are equal (c) Its use: Melted down for use in the sanctuary. 30:15 (1) Equality of all souls (2) Universal sinfulness (3) One ransom. 32:1 8 The Golden calves 32: 15 26 The swift decay of love 32:26 Who is on the Lords side? 33:12 23 The Mediators threefold prayer. 34:6 God proclaiming His own name. 34:7 Sin and Forgiveness 34:29 Blessed and Tragic unconsciousness 35:21 An old subscription list 40:1- 16 The copies of the things in the heavens

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