Computer Tips and Tricks Todd Mcelmurry July 10, 2008

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odd McElmurry

Todd McElmurry Network Administrator

Curtis Blakely & Co., P.C. P. O. Box 5486 Longview, TX 75608 903.758.0734

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

What we will discuss today:

Preventive Maintenance Clean that puppy up. What does that error mean? Software/Hardware Whats new and wheres it all going? What is best for me and my Company?

What can I do to keep me free from frustration?

System cleanup
Internal (The Operating System, etc.)

Cleanup of files Clean Startup (MSCONFIG) Disk Cleanup and Defrag Updates Malware/Spyware cleanup AntiVirus Protection

External (The PC itself)

Organization Upgrade of Older Equipment

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

System Cleanup
Internal: Cleaning up your system internally can extend the life of it. These are a few of the simple tasks that you can do once a week, once a month, quarterly, or even once a year.

Clean up Temp folder Choose, Start, Run, %temp%

Delete all files that are found here Edit, Select All, File, Delete Then make sure to empty the Recycle bin.

Start, Run, type in MSCONFIG

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

Cleaning up the System Disk Cleanup and Defrag

Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools

Disk Cleanup
Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Disk Cleanup

What does it do?

Allows you to select files on the Hard Drive that you want to remove. These files include but are not limited to: Temporary Internet Files Recycle Bin Compressed Setup Files Microsoft Office Setup Files

Each item will give you a description of what files it includes

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry


Choose the Drive you want to clean up (Scan may take a while, depending on size of drive)


Choose the files you want to delete

Disk Defrag
Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Disk Defragmenter

Defragmentation The process of rewriting parts of a file to contiguous sectors on a hard disk to increase the speed of access and retrieval. When files are updated, the computer tends to save these updates on the largest continuous space on the hard disk, which is often on a different sector than the other parts of the file. When files are thus fragmented, the computer must search the hard disk each time the file is opened to find all of the file's parts, which slows down response time.

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

Performing a defrag at least once a quarter will help out dramatically, especially if you have a large amount of data that you are accessing from your local Hard drive.
The Steps for a defrag include: 1. Start the Defrag Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Disk Defragmenter

Performing a defrag at least once a quarter will help out dramatically, especially if you have a large amount of data that you are accessing from your local Hard drive.
The Steps for a defrag include: 2. Choose the drive to defrag

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

Performing a defrag at least once a quarter will help out dramatically, especially if you have a large amount of data that you are accessing from your local Hard drive.
The Steps for a defrag include:


Defragment Click on Defragment

You will now see the files being moved. Depending on the size of the drive and how long since the last defrag this may take some time.

Updates (Windows and other Software)

Often when we think of updates we only think Windows, this is not true.

Windows Updates can be schedule in Control Panel to be downloaded and installed at a specific time. Computer must be powered on and a user logon must be initiated if needed. Software Many of your software titles release service packs and other hot fixes periodically. Most update links are found under Help. System itself There are times where the Computer itself will have updates available for equipment drivers and other equipment that reside on it. Check the manufacturers website for more details.

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

Adware, malware, and spyware Scans

There are quite a few products out there on the market to scan and protect your system from adware, malware, and spyware. What are these: adware - any software application in which advertising banners are displayed while the program is running. malware - any program or file that is harmful to a computer user. Thus, malware includes computer viruses, worms, Trojan.worms/viruses, Trojan.worms/viruses, and also spyware , programming that gathers information ... spyware - any technology that aids in gathering information about a person or organization without their knowledge.

Fight adware,malware, and spyware

Be mindful of sites you visit, email links you click on Use software to protect from and to check for new invasions
Spybot Search and Destroy HiJack This Lavasoft Adware Adware Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool Tool Many, many others others

Most AntiAnti-Virus software suites now have built in protection for these

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

Anti-Virus Protection

AntiAnti-virus Protection is a must. AV protection on it first.

DO NOT operate any PC without

AV Software not only protects from computer viruses, they protect protect you from identity theft, malware/spyware, hacking attempts, etc.

You get what you pay for.

I stand firm behind this. There are plenty of free AntiVirus suites out there online, but these only receive virus signature files occasionally, occasionally, don dont have extra protection (spyware, identity theft, etc.).

What Whats right for me?

All provide protection, some provide heuristic scans (look for files files created a certain way and block them before a signature file is created.) Read reviews

Top Anti-Virus companies

Symantec (Norton AntiVirus) AntiVirus) Panda Trend Micro McAfee AVG

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

External (The PC Itself)

Canned Air Your friend in the battle of Food, Dust, and Paper
Blow off the fans, keyboards, Ports (USB, NIC, etc.)

Don Dont be afraid to open it up every now and then. Blow out the inside, get those dust bunnies off the Processor fan, and off the the system board.

Clean that Baby Up!!!!

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

Organization is one of the more important parts of being efficient on your PC. If youve ever had to hunt for a file that you knew you had, only to find yourself searching for what feels a lifetime, only to have to ask for someone to resend it to you and then a day later you find it, you know how important being organized can be. On your PC at any given time there are hundreds of places you can put a file, My Documents, the Desktop, the root directory (C:\) etc. A computer just like a file cabinet needs to be organized. You wouldnt just put papers in a file cabinet without a way of being able to find them easily in the future (tabs, folders, etc.) would you? So why drop files on your computer randomly expecting to be able to easily find them in the future. Sure you could use Search, but first youd have to at least know either the name of the file, when it was created, or where you thought you saved it at.

One Cluttered Desktop

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

Oh theres were everything is.

Advantages of keeping things clean and organized

1. Allow you to do more, save more time.

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

Advantages of keeping things clean and organized

2. Find things a lot easier, be more efficient

Is it time for something new?

Upgrade of Older Equipment

How Often Do I need to Upgrade?

Every 3 to 5 years When software you use dictates it

What do I need to look for?

Processor Speed (Multi(Multi-core Processors now available) Memory (1GB minimum, more the better)
Note: 32 Bit system will only read up to and use 3.2GB

Choose an Operating System that will work with your software and equipment.
XP vs. Vista Windows 7?

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

Helpful Commands and Tools

Sfc /scannow Start, Run, sfc /scannow (This will require that you have the Operating System CD in case it comes upon files it needs to repair) Chkdsk /* (This will need to be run from a DOS Prompt outside of windows)
In order to get to DOS outside of windows run the Windows Setup CD at bootup, bootup, You will see the following options, Setup Windows XP now, Press Enter To Repair Windows XP Installation using Recovery Console, Press R To quit Setup Without Installing Windows XP, Press F3 You will want to choose R, load the recover console and from the DOS Prompt run chkdsk /r

Helpful Commands and Tools

Belarc Advisor This utility will display all the parts of your system (Hardware and Software) giving you a report that you can use to determine what you have on and in your system.

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

Belarc Output

Software/Hardware - Whats new and wheres it headed?

Remote Access
GoToMyPC LogMeIn Windows RDP

PC PCs/Laptops
MultiMulti-Core Processors GB GBs of Memory HDD/Flash

Adobe Microsoft Office

Word Excel Outlook

Widescreen vs. Dual Monitors

Operating Systems

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

Remote Access

Very Secure

$20 per month (discount with group purchase) Free - $12.95 per month

Ease of Use
Very Easy


Very Secure

Pretty Easy

Windows RDP .com/windowsxp/usin g/mobility/getstarted /remoteintro.mspx

Only as Secure as the connection you are logging in from and to.

Free can only be used on one workstation on a network through the router.

Very Easy

Software Adobe (PDFs)

Free Adobe Reader PrimoPDF (Creator)

Purchase Acrobat (Adobe Pro or Standard) Docudesk PDF Writer

CutePDF Writer

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

Adobe Product Comparison

Acrobat 8 features
Create PDF documents from any application that prints, including one-button creation from Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Protect PDF documents with passwords and 128-bit encryption no Apply restrictions on printing, copying, and altering PDF documents Create PDF documents with one-button ease from Microsoft Outlook, Internet Explorer, Publisher, and Access, as well as Lotus Notes Compile comments from all reviewers into a single PDF document and sort, filter, and print as needed for easy reconciliation Save Adobe PDF files as Microsoft Word documents, retaining the layout, fonts, formatting, and tables, to facilitate reuse of content Complete tasks more quickly with a streamlined user interface, new customizable toolbars, and a "Getting Started" page to visually direct you to commonly used features Enable Adobe Reader users to participate in reviews with complete commenting and markup tools, including sticky notes, highlighter, lines, shapes, and stamps Enable Adobe Reader users to fill and save PDF forms locally for offline use Enable Adobe Reader users to digitally sign PDF documents no no no no yes yes no no yes no yes yes no yes yes no yes yes no yes yes no yes yes no yes yes no yes yes




Office 2007 Whats new?

Toolbar replaced by The Ribbon Ribbon File formatting (xml format) .docx , .xlsx , .dbfx , etc. .docx, .xlsx, .dbfx,
Conversion utility available on Microsoft's website for opening 2007 format files in Previous versions of Office

Ability in Excel to surpass 65,536 rows (Over 1 Million) Ability in Excel to surpass 256 columns (16,384) Increased amount of Memory Excel can use from 1GB to Maximum allowed by Windows

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

MS Office 2003 vs. 2007

Office 2003 Classic Toolbar Addin for Office 2007

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Excel

MS Office 2003 vs. 2007

Office 2003 Classic Toolbar Addin for Office 2007
$30 USD for all $16 USD per app Download w/ Optional CD Rom Purchase = viewArticleBasic&articleId=9017851#classic viewArticleBasic&articleId=9017851#classic

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

Versions of Office

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

Hardware (Laptops, PCs)

-Core Multi MultiMulti-Core

Processors -cores within multi Processors now now are are using using multimulti-cores within the the same same processor -tasking and multi processor chip. chip. This This allows allows for for true true multimulti-tasking and allows allows for for a a system system to to use use the the processor processor more more efficiently. efficiently. Processor Data Out Core1 Core2 Data Out


1GB Minimum now with most PC orders Memory is maxed out on 3232-bit O.S. at 4GB (3GB apps, 1GB Kernel) for XP and full 4GB equally divided in Vista 6464-bit O.S. will support up to 4GB (Equally divided) in XP 6464-bit version and 128GB (Vista Business Enterprise), 16GB (Vista Home Premium), 8GB (Vista Home Basic) in Vista.

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

Data In

odd McElmurry

Hard Drives / Flash Drives

Hard Drives (Physical platters)

Hard Drives come in many sizes

Internal Choose the size that will fit your needs (Check system board requirements on what can be supported)
80GB 1TB (PC) 500GB HDD for Laptops now

External (USB, Firewire, Firewire, etc.)

Terabyte +

Flash Drives (Chip)

USB (KB 100GB) SSD (Solid State Drive) Up to 832GB, possibly 1.6TB with 3.5 3.5 model <More commonly size is 32GB 125GB>
Used more in new ultra portable laptops in lieu of a physical HDD HDD

Monitors How many?

According to recent survey done at the University of Ohio the increase of productivity for a novice user using either a Widescreen Monitor or a Dual monitor was the same as adding 76 more work days to the calendar.
Question: How do I know it its right for me? me? Answer: Try it out and see. see.

Many of us have a spare monitor lying around the office, and most most Dual Monitor video cards are less than $150, so for basically $150 $150 + the time it takes to install the new card and attach the new monitor you youve gained 76 more work days for each employee. You do the math.

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

So which scenario is right for me? Dual or Widescreen

My personal opinion is Dual Monitors, but what you have to take into consideration for your office is: 1. What is more cost affordable for my office? Two Monitors + a Dual Monitor video Card or one Widescreen monitor What is my work like, can I achieve it better on two monitors or one Widescreen? Recommendations are: Spreadsheets, Word Processing, or any side by side comparisons are better performed on dual monitors. Graphics, design models, are better performed on a Widescreen so the model is fluid all the way across with no break in between.


Operating Systems

Windows Operating Systems

Windows XP Home Professional Windows Vista Home Basic Home Premium Business Ultimate Enterprise

MAC Operating Systems

MAC OS X Leopard

Linux Operating Systems

(Linux Kernel with a GNU is an O.S.)

Unbuntu Red Hat Suse

Multiple Operating Systems (Unix, Linux, Max OS X) can now be authenticated in Windows Active Directory. (Likewise software)

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

You can still order from most resellers thru Jan. 31, 2009, but as of June 30, 2008 no more OEM XP CDs will be made, and only low cost AEEE style laptops will be able to get XP installed. By first Quarter 2010 they will no longer offer support for Windows XP.

Whats on the Horizon.

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

Office 14 (Office 2009) First half of 2009

Windows 7 Due 2010

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

What is Best for you and your Company?

Operating System
XP vs. Vista (Decision will be made for you soon enough) MAC thats O.K. well forgive ya. Linux expect a learning curve, but very stable O.S.

The suite that works best for you. There are conversion utilites out there for receiving XML files into earlier versions.

What ever your needs dictate.

My opinion is everyone needs at least Standard in their office, or at minimum a utility that can create PDFs.

Reference Material
Operating Systems:,,,, Office 2003 vs. 2007: Adobe 8.0: Software purchase:
$30 USD for all $16 USD per app Download w/ Optional CD Rom Purchase

Office 2003 Classic Toolbar Addin for Office 2007 =viewArticleBasic&articleId=9017851#class viewArticleBasic&articleId=9017851#class ic

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

odd McElmurry

Additonal Features in Excel 2007

Tips to fix BSOD by Charlie White

Likewise Software (Multiple O.S. authenticated in AD)

urtis Blakely & Co., P.C. 403 Judson Road ongview, Texas 75605 903) 758-0734

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