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Sunday, 30 June 2013

The Director Of Public Prosecutions Head Office GPO Box 3104 Canberra ACT 2601 Attention: Regarding

Petition and Evidence Brief

Dear Director Greetings I have just been printing out some stories to support the evidence brief against Kevin Rudd MHR lodged with the Parliament and you for chargers to be laid and prosecutions to start in the courts for these changers I allege. 1) I should explain remember on the TV News after Kevin Rudd won the ballot for Labour Leader in the Labour Caucus Room. And before he was sworn into Office of Prime Minister again. There was a legal question surrounding Kevin Rudd being asked if he could be sworn in to Julia Gillard, The Government Solicitor General and the Governor General? Please find enclosed Rudd / Gillard Legally Cannot Stand As Prime Minister of Australia.

So all these people lied, look at the date of the story, I did it on Thursday 23rd Feb 2012, so this has been in the public domain for people to read since then. I also sent a copy to the Governor General, Tony Windsor, Bill Shorten, and 10 Copies each to a number of people in Julia Gillards Office and Kevin Rudd Office, they all just ignored me and these letters. They all ignored the Constitution, of who can stand legally for Parliament, you might as well throw that whole document in the rubbish bin for all these two major parties and politicians will follow its rules set down on cement. The rest of the file is about Libya and all those stories the Mainstream Media were given orders from the Labour Government not to report. This murder and cold blooded killing stops now! Just read about the poor Priest Beheaded, tortured in Syria by the Rebel Terrorist. They are the same Rebel Terrorist Kevin Rudd met with back in 2012 when Julia Gillard sent him over there while still Foreign Minister before he was sacked. This dim with Kevin Rudd, little does he know Julia Gillard sent Rudd there hoping the Rebel Al Qa`eda Terrorist supported by the USA, NATO etc would do to Col Gaddafi and Ambassador Stevens to Kevin Rudd, then that would get him out of the way.

So Kevin Rudd is caught in the thick of things as, things are back firing all around the place around Obama. There is allot to read in supportive evidence for these chargers. Lastly I should advise before you feel sorry for Kevin Rudd or your Office try to get him off these chargers I allege. What Law on the statue Books says Prime Minister and politicians are above the Law and can break any Laws they like

But the people are not above the Law and the Laws on the books should be used as hard and strongly as possible against the people ordinary citizens

With that said, there is allot to go though and read, I would strongly recommend you take time out for the week end to spend with me here in Ballarat so I can explain and put into context all your going to read now. I am only on the Disability Pension so cannot afford to come there to meet you and talk about these matters. Yours truly Lloyd T Vance XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX

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