Rudd Gillard Legally Cannot Stand As Prime Minister of Australia

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Rudd / Gillard Legally Cannot Stand As Prime Minister of Australia

Thursday, 23 February 2012 From The Desk Lloyd T Vance South East Asia Canberra ACT Australia

Hello Fellow Australians And friends around the World, as many of you would know by now Australian Foreign Minister who was Ex Prime Minister, is now challenging Current Prime Minister Julia Gillard for the Top Job as Prime Minister of Australia.

Anybody want to guess what the Controlled Mainstream Zionist Kharza Media in Australia isnt reporting?
This will show how corrupt and controlled Australian Media is by the Zionist Kharza Jews, by them not reporting this information. It will also show how ALL Australians Yes friend ALL Australians are living in a Police State Nazi Fascist country. So Australia is no different than other countries to have fallen, USA, England, France, and Canada etc.

If I tried to go public with this information, The Whole Organs of the State (Country) would descend upon me Victorian Police, Australian Federal Police, ASIO, I would even have Military SAS Troops coming down ropes from their Helicopters above with guns blaring. The following will also Show & Prove, How stuffed our Justice and Court System is that as an Australian I cannot Act Legally myself because of the High Court Costs. A Justice and Court System is only as good as the System is open and available to All Australians from the Rich right down to the poorest person in the street being able to Afford The Cost of being able to take Legal Actions. If a Justice & Court System Costs are too high where people cannot take and afford it, then we have NO Justice System at all in a country. With that said onto the story Remember all the information your about to read now is PUBICLY available so what your about to read is NOT some deep dark secret. Instead of watching that idiot box and the rubbish American TV Shows and reading that good for nothing Fish & Chip rag Newspaper Murdoch owns why dont you. Yes You fellow Australians do some reading, research and investigations of your own.

Rudd / Gillard Legally Cannot Stand As Prime Minister of Australia

This is why Kevin Rudd & Julia Gillard Legally Cannot Stand As Prime Minister! Not only why they cant stand as Prime Minister But also..They are Illegally holding their seats in the Australian Parliament Both should be charged by Australian Federal Police & ASIO and Prosecuted by The Federal Director of Prosecutions. But dont expect that to happen anytime soon. And if you think I am picking on Kevin Rudd & Julia Gillard, I hate to break the bad news but Opposition Leader Tony Abbott MHR & Deputy Leader of Opposition Julie Bishop MHR are also holding their seat in the Australian Parliament Illegally. 1) First I will deal with Tony Abbott & Julie Bishop why and how they are Illegally holding a seat in the Australian Federal Government.
Read Here: At the bottom of the page where it says + Load more events (Click For More stories)

Scroll through and read the following stories and letters.


Parties wrestle over pro-Israel label in Australian Campaign Letter to Bill Shorten MHR Australia Letter to Tony Windsor MHR Australia 1 Letter to Tony Windsor MHR Australia 2 Letter to Australian Electoral Office Letter to Governor-General Quentin Bryce AC All is explained in these Letters, NONE of these people wrote back to reply, comment which means they are all corrupt. 2) Why Julia Gillard Cannot Stand As Prime Minister and Is Illegally holding a seat in the Australian Federal Parliament. Read here: -

Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act

Chapter I. The Parliament.
Part IV - Both Houses of the Parliament 43. A member of either House of Parliament shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a member of the other House.

44. Any person who (I) Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power Current Prime Minister Julia Gillard MHR has legal actions taken out against her in the Supreme Court of Victoria suing her under these grounds, the Court Actions are on the waiting list to be heard and have been since 2007 approx. Now go on and keep reading: (ii.) Is attainted of treason, or has been convicted and is under sentence, or subject to be sentenced, for any offence punishable under the law of the Commonwealth or of a State by imprisonment for one year or longer. The Word & Sentence here is Attainted Of Treason
So going right back to when she was Deputy Opposition Leader in 2007 and when these Legal Actions first started she should have resigned her seat, until Court proceedings finished. Instead she and her advisers Deliberately Snubbed The Law and went onto becoming a Minister of the Crown, so is now protected from these Legal Actions and Proceedings by. Sub-section iv does not apply to the office of any of the Queen's Ministers of State for the Commonwealth, or of any of the Queen's Ministers for a State.

She then went on to stab Kevin Rudd in the back and claim the Top Job as Prime Minister of Australia. Disclaimer: - Please excuse me if I am reading and understanding the Laws wrong, until somebody in the Legal Profession an Australian Barrister or QC points out different. 3) Why Kevin Rudd Legally Cannot Stand As Prime Minister of Australia Again read here: -

Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act

Chapter I. The Parliament.
Part IV - Both Houses of the Parliament 43. A member of either House of Parliament shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a member of the other House. 44. Any person who (i.) Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power Go right back to the 2007 Australian Election, while he was Opposition Leader, he PUBLICLY declared his guilt in this area before the Whole Australian People.

And before the Whole Australian Mainstream Media. A) Go back to Election Night when he claimed Victory who was the first (Person or People) he thanked? Yes right! The United States of America he said along the lines and words. He said and I quote! I would like to thank The United States of America they are the best friend of Australia they ever had? Along those lines.So publicly on Tape Video before the Whole 22 Million people in Australia, he. The Word & Sentence here is Attainted Of Treason He Attained himself Publicly of 44. Any person who (I) Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power Then went onto being sworn in as Prime Minister of Australia and then protected by.
Sub-section iv does not apply to the office of any of the Queen's Ministers of State for the Commonwealth, or of any of the Queen's Ministers for a State.

B) But it gets better for our friend Kevin Rudd MHR

If Australian Federal Police and ASIO were doing their job properly and werent corrupt organizations. Yes fellas I am calling you all out down right corrupt.
They should have arrested him and charged him publicly for the same thing while campaigning. So thats (Two Chargers or Breaches) of the same Act Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power Read here: Rudd finds it important to meet war criminal Henry Kissinger to get advice

AGAIN in 2009 Rudd meets with Kissinger to get new world order "advice"

Look at Rudd running around and the media hyping him up as the architect of the sort Pacific Union So in 2007 Kevin Rudd as Opposition Leader was not protected by the following having secret meetings with Henry Kissinger. Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power
Sub-section iv does not apply to the office of any of the Queen's Ministers of State for the Commonwealth, or of any of the Queen's Ministers for a State.

But in 2009 was protected when he met with Kissinger. ButBut, anybody want to guess what the BUT is? Come on people try?

C) I suppose I will have to help people, that all being said, Kevin Rudd during the 2007 & 2009 Campaigns and up to now.

Thats if ASIO was doing there dam jobs properly should have been charged with the following. Under the ASIO Act, the Attorney-General, the
Minister to whom ASIO is responsible, has issued guidelines on how ASIO should perform its functions relating to politically motivated violence Attorney-General's Guidelines in relation to the performance by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation of its functions relating to politically motivated violence 1.1 These guidelines are given by the Attorney-General to the Director-General of Security pursuant to sub-section 8A(2) of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979 ("the ASIO Act") and are to be observed in relation to the performance of that part of the Organisation's functions that relate to politically motivated violence (PMV).

Politically Motivated Violence

2.2 "Politically Motivated Violence" means: -

(A) Acts or threats of violence or unlawful harm that are intended or likely to achieve a political objective, whether in Australia or elsewhere, including acts or threats carried on for the purpose of influencing the policy or acts of a government, whether in Australia or elsewhere. Read here: -

ASIO, Australian Federal Police Corrupted Compromised


Australia helping USA, NATO, England, Israel, France to over throw Col Gadhaffi in Libyia anybody? And read here: Australia Kevin Rudd Should Be Tried For Treason War Crimes Australia helping England, Israel and United States of America over throw The Government and President of Iran & Syria anybody?

But it gets Better!

(B) Acts that -

(ii) Are directed to overthrowing or destroying, or assisting in the overthrow or destruction of, the government or the constitutional system of government of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory.

"Fresh Thinking" Rudd's "Adherence To A Foreign Power" called the "New World Order"

World Order"

"Rudd draws his New

"Time for a New World Order PM" Today Australians are being indoctrinated without our RIGHT at referendum into the "New International Order" agenda.

Other deceptive names used..."Globalist" "Globalism" "Global Governance"

People make sure you know and research and investigate what we mean by The New World Order or A One World Government. What we mean is this simple: A One World Government made up and (Owned Controlled) by the Zionist Kharza Jewish Bankers and run by United States of America. And them in turned controlled by Israel. Kevin Rudd wants to destroy & assist in the overthrow or destruction of, the Government Constitutional System of Government of the Commonwealth of Australia. And hand power over to United States of America and Israel and ultimately these Zionist Kharza Jewish Bankers.

Which is against the ASIO Act Not only is it against the ASIO ACT and there is NO outer clauses for what Kevin Rudd wants to do like this again to protect him.
Sub-section iv does not apply to the office of any of the Queen's Ministers of State for the Commonwealth, or of any of the Queen's Ministers for a State.

Julia Gillard has signed onto the same policy behind closed doors, actually both sides of Parliament and Political Parties have signed on. This is sheer down right criminality and mind bloggling these Elected Representatives who are Elected to serve the Australian Citizens want to sell us out and give away our country. And to think ASIO, Australian Federal Police, Federal Director of Public Prosecutions and all State Premiers and State Governments in Australia. And nobody in the Zionist Kharza Mainstream Media is speaking out, cannot speak out because all Organs Of The State will be used to silence anybody speaking out is a very sad day for Australia. Even me just writing this and putting this up on line the Whole Organs of the State (Country) could come after me Victorian Police, Australian Federal Police, ASIO, SAS Australian Military. Or Israeli Mossad / USA CIA Assassination team to SHUT ME UP.

But as a proud Australian who gives NO support to any Political Party or Politicians. I give my Loyalty Patriotism to my fellow Australians to build a better country and World for all of us to live in. I pledge my Loyalty Patriotism to my fellow Australians to work for injustice issues, expose corruption, evilness happening in the World and my country to build a better place. I cannot SHUT UP any longer and have to speak out and by writing and exposing these things written above, hopefully somebody will see it with the Money & Power to Act to turn back the plans, ambitions, agenda so the system is working for Australian Citizens instead of the Zionist Kharza Jewish Bankers.

Freedom Collective A Bit About Us!

Freedom Collective is a small group of like mind people dedicated to seeking peace and truth in a world of lies and deceit. Lloyd T Vance is an Australian Researcher and Investigator, writer for a few Alternative News & Current Affairs websites, Co Author of 38 Books Exposing False Flag Terrorism Attacks carried out by Police & Intelligence Agencies on behalf of corrupt politicians in bed with Evil Entities.

Lloyd T Vance is a No Non-sense, tells it like it is guy, I think its from his family background 1 / 32 part relative to Australian Bush Ranger Ben Hall, who fought against Police at the Eureka Stockade in Victoria.


Steve Johnson is Lloyds Associate, he is an Investigator, Researcher, Website Creator, Writer, Co Author, Video Producer Director and Singer and an all around good guy. Along with about 8 retired Police, Military and Intelligence Agents and 3 more interested helpers we are Freedom Collective behind the scenes team.

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