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MODELS For a simple scene like this but where the objects are so near to the camera you will need pretty good and high-poly models. The glass and part of the spoon was modelled in SU. The spoon was then subdivided with Whaat's "Subdivide and smooth" plugin with 1 iteration in order to give it that "crumpled" look. Finally you can find some good diamonds models on this site. Very important: your models should be in correct scale for renders like this. Moreover all the objects have to touch perfectly the plane due to the reflections.

MATERIALS The diamonds and the silver materials were made, as a test, using some IOR data found on the net and then converted to N-K data with this nice little program , but I believe that using KT's N-K metals and gems materials will lead you exactly to the same result. In order to obtain a sligtly "old look" for the spoon I've added a yellowish "rock procedural" in the reflection slot and balanced the two weights: 0.5 for the fresnel conductor in the specular slot and 0.5 for the rock procedural in the reflection slot. The glass is a standard dielectric glass material. As support of the objects I've made an acrylic-like material's platform: a dielectric glass with a very dark color in refraction slot and a IOR of 1,491 (have a look here to know how the material looks like in real life).

LIGTHING An HDRI (it's called Dining room of the Ennis-Brown House) was used in this scene. You can download it here. A horizontal IES light was added in the background between the ground plane and the back panel. Anyway I don't know exactly how much that light has contributed to the final result since you have a black panel as background. Remember to switch off the "linear lightflow" for a correct behaviour of the HDRI. In the advanced settings panel go to settings-->advanced options-->scenes-->"your scene name"-->default global settings-->right click on the little green thumbnail.

You have also to rotate the HDRI and check the reflections and the reactions of the different materials to the light trying to find a result that you like. For global's rotation see this tutorial. SCENE SET UP This is pretty simple. An opaque black ground plane in order to stop the visibility of the HDRI through the glass platform, a black glass platform with 1 cm of tickness where the objects are placed and an opaque black vertical panel which has the function to hide the view of the HDRI.

CAMERA AND HDRI POSITION This is the most tricky part because you want the HDRI reflected only on the objects and not on the highly reflective black glass platform and also you didn't want to see the HDRI as a background image. So you have to combine the camera position, the HDRI rotation and finally the position of the black vertical panel until you reach a satisfying result.

RENDER SETTINGS Remember that due to the materials features you need to enable Volume Lighting in Settings->Scene-->Global settings and you have to use only MLT, BiPT or MLT(BiPT) presets.

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