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2 Interior plants, planting medium, granular material, mulch and plant containers as shown on Drawings and as specified herein.

REFERENCES B. AAN - American Association of Nurserymen: Botanical Listing, Tagging and Sizes C. AJCHN - American Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature: Latest Edition of Standardized Plant Names D. ANSI - American National Standards Institute: ANSI Z60.1 E. American Standard for Nursery Stock

ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials: ASTM C 136 Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates


AOAC - Association of Official Analytical Chemists: Official Methods of Analysis


Royal Horticultural Society: Dictionary of Gardening


ALCA - Associated Landscape Contractors of America: Guide to Specifications for Interior Landscaping


SUBMITTALS A. Prior to commencing delivery and installation at Project premises, submit samples of the below-listed items to the Engineer for inspection and approval: Mulch Planting medium Polystyrene (peanuts)

12800-1 ITCC in Riyadh Residential Complex J10-13300 Interior Plants And Planters


FOLIAGE PLANT STANDARDS A. B. Provide plants, as specified on Drawings, of a quality and size equal to or surpassing Foliage No.1; grade as described below. General Specifications for Canes, trunks, stems and branches: 1. 2. Visibly free of pests and pathogens which could, by their presence, induce (or contribute to) the decline of the plant. Reasonably free of conspicuous scarring evidence; scars, conspicuous or not, must be substantially healed, providing no point of entry for deleterious pathogens of boring insects. There must be no splitting of canes or trunks at branching points. Canes or trunks: Well formed, sturdy and well rooted; therefore, stable and self-supporting in the growing container. Plant Height: Overall plant height shall be measured from base of growing container to mean foliage top. Cane Height: With some cane plant varieties, quality is determined by the height of rooted canes. Cane heights shall be measured from the base of the growing container. Overall height of plant shall be from base of growing container to mean foliage top.

3. 4. 5.


General Specifications for Foliage: 1. 2. Visibly free of pests and pathogens which could, by their presence, induce (or contribute to) the decline of the plant. Reasonably free of any chlorosis, yellowing or poor chlorophyll formation, turgid and substantially erect, as well as substantially free of blemishes resulting from mechanical, chemical, pathological or pest-induced damage. Cleaned of dust and water-borne pesticide and fertilizer residues at time of project acceptance. Present in such quantity as may be required to produce an appearance representative of species. Foliage Width and origin: Measured across mean foliage width dimension, not including random outstanding branches. Foliage origin along a main trunk, cane or stem shall be measured from soil line. Note that width of foliage to be specified as percentage of total plant height for best proportion.

3. 4. 5.


General Specifications for Root System and Soil Mass: 1. Root system: Well-developed and upon inspection, shall be found to be visibly free of pests and/or pathogens. Development shall be adequate to:

ITCC in Riyadh Residential Complex J10-13300

Interior Plants And Planters


Be well distributed throughout the container, such that roots visibly extend on all sides to inside face of growing container. Conversely, root formation within container, shall not have developed to the point where it becomes excessive (pot-bound) and prohibits water from permeating to fine water-absorbing root hairs. Afford firm support and insure physical stability of plant parts above soil. Maintain life systems required to produce vigorous, healthy growth.

b. c. 2.0

Growing medium shall be comprised of such constituents as may be necessary to provide: a. b. c. Thorough drainage and satisfactory aeration of root zone. Soil mass should be as uniform as possible. Adequate moisture and nutrient retention as may be necessary to promote vigorous but controlled plant growth. Sufficient density in the growing container to insure stability of entire unit, plant and container.

3.0 4. 5. 1.5

Growing medium shall be visibly free of pests, pathogens and weeds. Growing medium shall be free of chemical residues which could be harmful to consumers. The pH of medium should be in the acceptable range for plants.

DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION A. Coordinate delivery and installation activities with the Engineer. Inform the Engineer at least forty-eight hours prior to commencement of work at Project premises. Transport plants via enclosed and environmentally controlled vehicles through personnel experienced in handling live plants. Unless otherwise stipulated herein, protect plants from adverse environmental conditions during delivery phases and installation. Protect plants stored at Project premises during installation from damage, theft or deterioration of health or appearance. Coordinate interior planting activities during delivery and installation so as not to interfere unduly with work of other trades. Leaving planting work area(s) clean of litter and debris at the close of each workday. Maintain a qualified planting Supervisor at Project premises. Supervisor shall notify the Engineer at start and completion of each work day. Supervisor shall act as Contractor's authorized agent in all communications with the Engineer.

B. C. D. E.


ITCC in Riyadh Residential Complex J10-13300

Interior Plants And Planters

G. H. I. 1.6

Planting procedures and methods shall be in conformance with the accepted industry practices and as specified herein. Upon completion of installation, notify the Engineer and schedule with the Engineer inspection of Work. Correct any deficiencies found in installation as a result of the Engineer's inspection.

HORTICULTURAL SERVICES A. During delivery and installation, maintain and care for plants installed or temporarily stored at Project premises and guarantee their health and appearance until acceptance by the Engineer.


GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENT A. Plant Replacement Guarantee: 6. During phases of Work under this Agreement, replace plant(s) that deteriorates in health and appearance so as to become of lesser specification and/or grade from that originally installed at no extra cost. Perform plant replacements with the same species, size and grade plant(s) as was in place at the beginning of service period; or with another plant of comparable value that is acceptable to the Engineer.



Guarantee the work and materials specified herein for a period of 12 months after date of substantial acceptance by the Engineer.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PLANT MATERIALS A. 2.2 Plants for Interior Planters: As indicated on Drawings and Planting Schedules.

MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS I. Planting Medium: A soil mixture of a neutral pH-value consisting of commercially prepared blend of peat, organic compost, bark fines, washed sand and commercially approved fertilizers. Soil mixture shall be free from noxious weeds, manure, litter, insects, plant disease organisms or other deleterious matter and shall be supplied in the manufacturer's original packing. Mulch: Spanish Moss or approved equal, air-dried and treated with a fireretardant material. Furnish mulch in a minimum layer of 25 mm to cover the interior planters. Filter membrane: Spun-bonded polypropylene fabric manufactured by an integrated process of fiber spinning and bonding and having the following characteristics: Weight : 136 g/m
12800-4 Interior Plants And Planters



ITCC in Riyadh Residential Complex J10-13300

L. M. N.

Thickness : 0.50 mm Multi-Directional Test Strength: 100 N/m2 Elongation: 32 percent- minimum elongation Pore Size : 120 micrometers

Drainage layer: Angular gravel containing no fines, nominal size from 10 - 20 mm, provided in layers 75 mm thick as a minimum. Protection Board: Where required, provide manufacturers standard protection boards as approved by the Engineer. Planter Pots: Where required, provide manufacturer's standard rigid durable terra cotta pots of sizes indicated on Drawings and as approved by the Engineer. Peanuts: Manufacturer's standard polystyrene beads, type and size of which shall be as approved by the Engineer.

O. 2.3

PLANTERS P. Planters: Type, size and selection shall be as indicated in Drawings.

PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION OF INTERIOR PLANTS AND OTHER MATERIALS A. In Fixed Masonry or Concrete Planters: 1. 2. 3. Install protection board in the bottom of fixed planters with cut outs above drains. Place a drainage layer of 10 - 20 mm gravel over protection board to a uniform depth as required. Install filter membrane over the drainage layer and up the sides of planter to coincide with finished level of planting medium (not including mulch layer). Provide a minimum of 150 mm overlap at joints and adhere to planter wall, along top edge, prior to backfilling with planting medium. Place planting medium over filter membrane to a level 75 mm of the top of planter after tamping. Remove nursery pots and directly plant the plants into planting medium. Space plants evenly in the planter. Spread a 25 mm layer of mulch around the plants to totally cover the planting medium in each planter.

4. 5. 6. B.0

In Architectural Pottery: 1. Provide a drainage layer in the bottom of each pot, 50 - 75 mm thick.

ITCC in Riyadh Residential Complex J10-13300

Interior Plants And Planters

2. 3.

Remove plant(s) from the nursery container(s) and plant directly into the architectural pottery. Install planting medium under and around root balls as necessary to bring plant to vertical position and proper height within pot. Firm planting medium around root ball to minimize future settlement. Spread evenly a uniform layer of mulch, 25 mm thick over planting medium so that no soil shall show.

4. 3.2

CLEANING AND PROTECTION Q. R. Remove debris, dirt as well as packing materials from areas of Work, leaving it in a clean and a neat condition. Provide the necessary protection for the work of other trades during work as well as protection for interior planting performed in areas where construction is not over yet and as directed by the Engineer. During construction period and through guarantee period plants or planters broken, damaged, dead, or unacceptable to the Engineer for non conformance to the requirements specified herein shall be replaced with similar items conforming to the requirements or an equivalent item previously approved by the Engineer at no extra cost to Owner. END OF SECTION


12800-6 ITCC in Riyadh Residential Complex J10-13300 Interior Plants And Planters

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