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Association Internationale pour l'Histoire du Verre

International Association for the History of Glass

Thessaloniki, Greece, 2009
Programme and Abstracts
The 18
Congress of AIHV on the
Congress of the International Association for the History of Glass
21-15 September 2009
AIHV, Hellenic Committee
Archaeological Museum of essaloniki, Hellenic Ministry of Culture
Programme and Abstracts Book
Editorial and layout: Anastassios Antonaras, Despina Ignatiadou
Revision of texts: Nadia Coutsinas, Despoina Tsiafaki
Design and production: Ziti Publications -

he Organizing Committee of the 18
Congress of the International Association
for the History of Glass welcomes you to essaloniki.
is congress is the outcome of a great eort to organize our triennial meeting for
the rst time in Greece, and the Balkans.
Our 18
meeting has attracted an impressive number of international speakers
from 30 countries and all 5 continents. Ahead we have a full program of 150 com-
munications in two parallel sessions of lectures and two poster sessions. We hope
that this meeting will oer us more than an overview of new nds; that it will be the
forum of the exchange of views and the sharing of knowledge over the advances of
our research.
e 18
Congress coincides with the exhibition Glass Cosmos, currently on dis-
play at the Archaeological Museum of essaloniki. Glass products were present in
the everyday and the religious life of the northern Greeks and were consequently
buried with their owners. Eleven northern Greek museums, ephorates of antiquities,
and university excavations oered nds to be exhibited on loan, on the occasion of
the congress.
Finally, the organizing committee would like to express its thanks to the institu-
tions and bodies of the city that supported the eort.
e Organizing Committee

Clasina Isings
Independent scholar
Polyxeni Adam Veleni
Archaeological Museum of essaloniki
Stella Drougou
Aristotle University of essaloniki
Ioannis Stratis
Aristotle University of essaloniki
Honorary Committee
Congress Organization Committee
Academic Committee
Despina Ignatiadou
Archaeological Museum of essaloniki
Anastassios Antonaras
Museum of Byzantine Culture
Nadia Coutsinas
Independent scholar
Christos Gatzolis
Archaeological Museum of essaloniki
Despoina Tsiafaki
Cultural and Educational Technology In-
stitute, Xanthi
Anastassios Antonaras
Museum of Byzantine Culture
Stefano Carboni
Art Gallery of Western Australia
Emel Erten
Gazi University, Ankara
Danielle Foy
Maison Mditerranenne des Sciences de
lHomme, CNRS
Ian Freestone
Cardi University
Yael Gorin-Rosen
Israel Antiquites Authority
Julian Henderson
Nottingham University
Despina Ignatiadou
Archaeological Museum of essaloniki
Janet Duncan Jones
Bucknell University, Lewisburg
Ingeborg Krueger
Independent scholar

Irena Lazar
University of Primorska, Piran
Yiannis Maniatis
National Center for Scientic Research
Georgianna Moraitou
2nd Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical An-
Marie-Dominique Nenna
Maison de LOrient et de la Mediterranee,
Lisa Pilosi
e Metropolitan Museum of Art
Jennifer Price
Independent scholar
ilo Rehren
Institute of Archeological Materials and Tech-
nology UCL
Birgit Schlick-Nolte
Independent curatorial associate
Yoko Shindo
Research Institute for Islamic Archaeology &
Culture, Tokyo
Jane Shadel Spillman
e Corning Museum of Glass
Eva Marianne Stern
Independent scholar
Michael Tite
Independent scholar
Pavlos Triantafylidis
Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical An-
David B. Whitehouse
e Corning Museum of Glass
Nikos Zaharias
University of Peloponnese, Kalamata
Society of Friends
of the Archaeological
of essaloniki
of Byzantine
of essaloniki,
V. Papageorgopoulos
of essaloniki,
P. Psomiadis

Abe Y., Kikugawa T., Tantrakarn K.,
Nakai I.
Synchrotron radiation x-ray analysis of an-
cient colored glass from Egypt
Beesley E., Smirniou M., Usmanova E.,
Peters R.
Characterisation of glass from Lisakovsk,
Biernacki A. B.
Glass production in the Roman and early
Byzantine city of Novae / Moesia Secunda
Boschetti C., Leonelli C., Corradi A.
e earliest wall mosaics and the origin of
glass. An archaeological and archaeometric
study on Roman Age glass from Italy
Boschetti C., Nikita K., Veroinesi P.,
Henderson J., Leonelli C.
Glass in mosaic tesserae: Two interdiscipli-
nary research projects
Diani M.-G.
Nouvelles attestations de verres anciens
dans le Muse L. Pogliaghi - Varese
Gluevi S.
Glass workshops in ancient Zadar
Ikeda .
Core-formed grass vessels from Sinai pe-
ninsula, Egypt
Klenina E.
Roman and Byzantine glass wares from
dwelling block 55 in Chersonesos in Tauri-
ca. Typology and Chronology.
Loukopoulou P., Moropoulou A.
Byzantine gold-leaf glass tesserae. A closer
look at manufacture technique and decay
Malama P., Darakis K.
Glassworking in Amphipolis during the Ro-
man period
Mavromichali K.
Functions and users of glass vessels from
the 1
century B.C. with the invention of
the free-blowing technique till the medie-
val ages
Moraitou G.
Past conservation and restoration interven-
tions on the Kenchreai opus sectile panels.
e Greek approach
Ployer R.
Glass from Palmyra. Finds from the excava-
tions in the so called Hellenistic town
Popa A., Mustea S.
Glass nds in the eastern Carpathian re-
gions from the time of the Roman province
of Dacia
Posrrn Pnrsrxrarioxs

Roehrs S., Smirniou M., Mare M.
e British Museums Amarna glass sh
scientically investigated
Rumyantseva O.
Les perles en verre du Caucase du nord du
II-III sicle. La technologie de fabrication et
la composition chimique
Sterrett-Krause A.E.
New nds of core-formed glass from Apol-
lonia in Albania
Stolyarova E.K.
Chemical composition of glass and faience
beads from the Belbek IV necropolis
Silvano F.
Glass nds from Antinoopolis, Egypt
Sakalis A., Tsiafaki D., Antonaras A.,
Tsirliganis N.
M-XRF analysis of late Roman glass from
Tartari F.
New glass ndings from Durrachium
Umut . .
2006 Glass nds in the Roman theater at
Azuma Y., Tantrakarn K., Kato N., Nakai I.
Scientic analysis of ancient glass collection
of Miho Museum
Boulogne S.
La vaisselle dcore du site dal-Shihr au Y-
men (IX-XVIIme sicle). Importations et
productions locales
Cerna E., Hulinsky V., Podliska J.
To the question of the origin of enamel-
painted glass from 12
centuries in Bo-
Diani M.-G., Hreglich S., Moretti C.,
Tonini C.
Lead glass with wonderful emerald col-
our. A parallel between an Antonio Neris
recipe and the composition of a green glass
vase in Pogliaghis museum
Greiner-Wronowa E., Pusoska A.,
Wrona J.
The influence of gradient temperature
changes on a glass reaction intensity with
VOC in museum cabinets
Henderson J., OHea, M.
Glass from Qasr al-Hayr al Sharqi, Syria:
Evidence for a new technology
Hulst M.
Novelty glasses from the Dutch Golden Age.
Extraordinary glasses from the 17
excavated in the city of Amsterdam
Kanyak S.
Weathering on the glass nds from the Mar-
maray Metro Subway excavations in Sirkeci
Koroglu G.
Byzantine period glass objects from Mersin
- Yumuktepe Mound
Kos M., mit .
Comparison between Faon de Venise and
early 17th century Middle-European glass

Kunicki-Goldhnger J.J., Nawrolska, G.
Unusual glass vessel excavated from the
medieval cesspit in Elblag, Poland. Late
form of a claw beaker?
Kunicki-Goldhnger J.J., Kierzek, J.,
Freestone, I.C., Maoewska-Buko, B.,
Nawrolska, G.
e composition of window glass from the
cesspits in the old town in Elblag, Poland
Kato N., Shindo Y., Nakai I.
e scientic analysis and typological in-
vestigation of Islamic plant-ash glass main-
ly unearthed in the Raya/Tur area (9

A.D.) on the Sinai peninsula, Egypt
Lerma S. G.
Glass nds from archaeological excavation
at Santa Maria di Bano Cistercian Nun-
nery, northwestern Italy (13
Lopes F., Carvalho C., Lima A.,
Vilarigues M., Pires de Matos A.
Portuguese glass collections and produc-
tion sites
Malpica Cuello A., Fernndez Navarro E.,
Narvez Snchez J. A.
e glass in the islamic town of Madinat Il-
bira. e citadel (alcazaba), ninth to elev-
enth centuries
Newby M.
Venetian Renaissance glass from the Cau-
Ramos A.T., Lima A. M., Medici T.,
Pires de Matos A., Pichon L.,
Moignard B.
Study and analysis of seventeenth century
ligrana glass fragments from the monas-
tery of Sta. Clara-a-Velha, Portugal
Rumyantseva O., Trifunovi S.
Glass beads from Banat and Bachka, late
antiquity to great migration period (pre-
liminary research data)
Sedlkov H., Galuka L.,
Wedepohl K. H.
Byzantine glass in Uhersk Hradit-Sady,
a Christian centre of Great Moravian em-
pire (Moravia, Czech Republic)
Swan C.
Spatial and temporal considerations of
technological change: Examining early Is-
lamic glass from Ayla, Jordan
Turnovsky P.
Medieval glass nds from the excavation of
the Isa Bey Hamam in Seluk
Van Wersch L., Mathis Fr. Dupuis T.,
Strivay D.
Productions verrires lpoque mrovin-
Van der Linden V., Meesdom E.,
Devos A., Van Dooren R., Nieuwdorp
H., Janssen E., Balace S., Cagno S., Al-
feld M., Janssens K.
Analysis of champlev enamelled objects
in Belgian museum collections. Compari-
son of techniques
Staikova-tukovsk D., Plko A.
New research concerning the origin of
glass of the PbO-SiO
Wypyski M.
Technical study of enameled glass from the
Kharga Oasis, Egypt
Zeevi E.
Glass nds from Novo Brdo and their sig-
nicance in late medieval glass production
Association Internationale pour l'Histoire du Verre
International Association for the History of Glass
Thessaloniki, Greece, 2009
Programme and Abstracts
The 18
Congress of AIHV on the

Mntnmn Penelope - Dnun:s Konstantinos
Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiguities, Kavala, Greece.
mphipolis was an Athenian colony (438/7 BC) and one of the most important
settlements of Macedonia. According to the archaeological evidences and the
historic testinories Amphipolis gas proved a continuous development either as En-
nea Odoi or as Amphipolis, from the Archaic up to the early Christian times. e
rich cemeteries of Amphipolis and its surrounding area provide us important infor-
mation about the history and the society of the city and its countryside. e rescue
excavations of the last decade at the northeastern and mainly the eastern areas of the
ancient city (Eastern cemetery), revealed many graves with important nds, among
them a number of glass vessels. During the construction of the modern road system
of Egnatia Odos, two more cemeteries have been discovered at the area of the mod-
ern village Nea Kerdyllia, which was under the cultural inuence of Amphipolis. e
nds from this cemeteries can be dates to the hellenistic and the roman period.
e glass vessels comprise a great group of the nds at the cemeteries of Am-
phipolis and the area of Nea Kerdyllia and arm the existence of a local macedoni-
an workshop. Besides that, they reveal the extended commercial contacts between
Amphipolis other workshops of the eastern and western parts of the Roman Empire.
Most of those glass vessels have common features with other that have been found in
roman and early Christian period graves at essaloniki and from dierent other ar-
eas of Macedonia. All those glass vessels display a vast majority of types, colours and
decorative techniques.
is paper will focus on the selective presentation of roman and early Christian
period glass vessels from closed groups and an attempt will be done of a typologi-
cal analysis and comparative chronology according to the nds that have been un-
earthed with the glass vessels, and especially the coins.

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