Seay Minusssss

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Gimme Shelter By Jacob Bullard

FADE IN: INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT A bedside table comes on screen. On the bedside table is an iPhone, a clock, and a wallet. The iPhone turns on and begins vibrating. Taylor Seay is calling. On clock we can see that the time is 1:23 AM. The man that was sleeping reaches over and grabs the phone. He answers the call. MAN (half asleep) Hello. Taylor is crying hysterically on the other line. The man takes the phone away from his ear angrily. MAN (confused) Taylor, whats wrong? CUT TO: INT. HOTEL BATHTUB - NIGHT Taylor is sitting in the bathtub. Her hair is in a pony tail and her eye make up is running down her face. She is overreacting. She would wait until the next morning to call STEPHEN, her older brother, but she wants to exagerate the situation and cause attention. TAYLOR (crying) David fucking kicked me out. INTERCUT Stephen jumps out of bed. STEPHEN Where are you? Are you alright? TAYLOR Im not alright. Im crying in a hotel bathtub at one oclock in the morning. STEPHEN Why the hell happened? What the fuck happened that pissed him off so much that he kicked you out at one in the morning. (CONTINUED)



Taylor stops crying, because he didnt kick her out at one. He kicked her out around seven oclock the previous day. She kept that part to herself. TAYLOR He came home late and told me to pack my stuff and get out. He couldnt even give me a reason. FLASHBACK: INT. KITCHEN, DAVIDS MANSION - DAY Taylor is sitting at the kitchen table. David is standing up in front of the table. DAVID (using his body to emphasize his anger) All you do is sit around and waste all my money on useless shit that you dont need. TAYLOR Everything I buy has a purpose! David walks over to the counter and opens up the drawer. He pulls out a bangle. CLOSE ON the bangle showing that the bangle has the initials of the days of the week on it. DAVID Why do you need this? TAYLOR It tells me what day of the week it is. DAVID Why dont you know what day of the week it is? TAYLOR Its just for looks. I know what day of the week it is! Im not a fucking retard! DAVID What day is it? TAYLOR Umm... END FLASHBACK.


INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT STEPHEN I cant believe he would just kick you out like that. INTERCUT TAYLOR Stevie, can you do me a really big favor. STEPHEN Im a a 27 year old man, dont call me Stevie. TAYLOR Okay! I dont have a job, and I need a place to stay so I was just wondering if... STEPHEN Are you gonna get a job? TAYLOR Yes, Im gonna find a job, and Ill move out as soon as possible. STEPHEN Swear to God. TAYLOR Im not gonna swear to God. Stephen hangs up. Taylor looks at her phone. She taps on the redial button. CUT TO: INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Stephen sets his phone on the bedside table. At the exact second he sets it down it begins to ring again. He picks it up again, answers the call, and put the phone up to his ear. STEPHEN Hello. INTERCUT




TAYLOR I swear to God Ill get a job as soon as I possibly can.

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