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Manuscript No.


Factors influencing customer buying motives with special reference to Sri Lanka Telecom Broadband at micro level: A case study at Sri Lanka Telecom PLC - Sri Lanka.
Pradeep Randiwela1 University of Colombo-Sri Lanka T. S Widanachchi

Abstract Motives are the drives, impulses, wishes or desires that initiate the sequence of activities known as behavior. Behind any purchasing action, there are several factors, which are playing an influential role where that makes the customer to perform the task. This study examines key influential factors that motivated and moves the customer towards a purchase and determines the level of influence that each influential factor has contributed to the scenario. Focusing on the set-up in depth, the research explores the factors influencing customer buying motives, with special reference to Sri Lanka Telecom Broadband at micro level. The main objective of this study is to assess the degree of influence generated by influencing factors of customer buying motives. It is also intended to classify them based on their gravity at buying decisions. This will provide an insight and help future marketing activities of the company. In-depth discussion with internal product development and marketing groups of the company coupled with a comprehensive survey based on a questionnaire distributed among sample of broadband users at micro business and residential level has been used as the dominant research strategy. Results of the study reveals that Emotional factor is the dominant influential factor among others, with 4.0229 mean value whilst, purchase orientated (3.5720), result oriented (3.5500), profit or money oriented (3.2937) and experience oriented (2.9750) factors respectively, has taken the remaining positions in the influential order. The research reveals that the emotional factor should be given top most priority at each respective marketing attempt with the required attention to other factors accordingly. Key words: Consumer behavior, consumer preferences, buying motives, purchasing decision.

Senior Lecturer in Marketing, Former Dean Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

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