Nancholi - Her Excellency The President's English Speech 260713 Final

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Republic of Malawi





The Chief Justice Richard Banda, SC, (retired); The Vice President of the Republic of Malawi, Right Honourable Khumbo Kachali; The Honourable Minister of Health, Hon Catherine Gotani Hara, M.P.; Honourable Ministers and Deputy Ministers present; The Chief Secretary, Mrs. Hawa Ndilowe; The Secretary for Health, Dr. Charles Mwansambo; Senior Government officials present here; All Representatives of the development partners; The Chief Executive Officer of Blantyre City council Mr. Ted Nandolo; The District Health Officer for Blantyre, Dr. Owen Malema; Traditional Authorities present;

All Members of Parliament present; Acting Secretary General of the Ruling Peoples Party and Members of the National Executive Committee Distinguished delegates

I feel very happy to be here in Blantyre and especially at this place in the urban of Blantyre district yet to perform another important event for this country. Having done a similar event in Luvwere in Mzimba, I found it very compelling to come again here and be with the people of this area as we commence the project of constructing a new and modern health centre here in Nancholi.

I am aware that while there is so much demand for services in the rural areas, the urban population suffers as much and at times even more. Just as an example, the HIV prevalence is more in the urban at 17.4 percent than it is in the rural at 8.9

percent and this in itself makes the demand for HIV services such as HIV Counselling and testing, access to Anti Retro viral treatment huge. We therefore have an obligation as

Government to ensure that people are able to access health care services when needed.

As a country, it is high time we recognized health as an important resource. The reality of living a healthy life is what we are seeing now at this rally. If most people were sick and are admitted in hospitals or at home, it would not be possible for us to come and be here together. We therefore do recognize the efforts being made by the Ministry of Health and other partners to work in this area and strive to improve our lives so that we dont suffer from disease and other conditions.

I also want to remind you that while I have put so much effort in reducing maternal mortality in Malawi, I have in many

occasions after seeing the huge gaps in the health sector mobilized resources to cover more challenges beyond maternal health. For example, when this country had low levels of medicines and supplies six months ago, the international call that I made towards this gap gave in more results than I expected such that at that time, we received immense support to address the gap. I also have in mind that considering the inadequate numbers of various specialists in the hospitals, I have been working with different specialist institutions including the African Union diasopra doctors to come and assist us in the areas of need. This I am doing because of the passion I have towards matters related to health.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen Therefore, when I stand here again to launch the construction of a new health centre, I feel proud of the strides we are making. I do expect that this health center is one of the great resources we can give to the people of Nancholi and

surrounding communities. As said before, the need for health care services is increasing every day because of the new diseases we are experiencing in our society.

I have been told that this facility will be a modern health centre with a capacity to respond to the demands of the urban population. I believe this is long time dream for the people here having waited for this project for a long time. The distances that people have been walking and the costs incurred to access health care will now be reduced once the facility is completed. The diseases that people have been suffering in this area will be managed within the same area. In addition, the congestion at Queen Elizabeth Central hospital (QECH) will also be reduced thereby giving the doctors at QECH more time to look at specialised conditions other than the primary health care needs. Urban health centres are therefore important resource for the district as well as the central hospitals. What makes me even

happier is the fact that being a modern health centre, pregnant women will be attended to at this facility without travelling long distances to seek maternity services. I feel this project contributes to the reduction of maternal mortality in this country.

Finally, my government is committed to uplift the lives of Malawians and ensure they access quality health care when sick. As we begin the construction of this new facility, let me ask the local leaders to support the project as regards security. May I ask the people here to own the project and do things to support it and not necessarily to frustrate it. This health center will be yours.

In closing, let me ask how many of you have gone to register? Can I see your hands? It is very important that all

of us who will be 18 years and older in May 2014 should register now in order to be able to vote. With these remarks I now declare that the project to construct a modern urban health center here at Nancholi is officially launched.

May God Bless you all and bless our country Malawi

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