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How To Increase Your Bench Press Max By 30 % In Just 4 Weeks

Published By Massive Growth Technologies 58 Corning Road North York, Ontario M2J 2M1 Canada Legal Notices The training and nutritional advice presented in this book are based on the training, personal experience, and research of the author. Because everyone is physically different, the author and the publisher urge you to consult a health physician or professional before you embark or use any suggestions contained in this book. Not all exercises or diets are suitable for everyone. The publisher does not advocate the use of any particular diet and exercise program, but firmly believes that the information presented in this book works. Because of the inherent risks involved in undertaking any physical or nutritional program, the author and the publisher are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations, or techniques taught or suggested in this book. Please do not use this book if you are unwilling to assume this risk. If for any reason you should feel any discomfort or pain when you exercise, please do not continue. The instructions and advice presented are in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Consult your physician before you embark on the program. It is a sign of true wisdom and not cowardice, to seek a second or third opinion This publication should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. 2004-2005 by Rob Maraby For mail orders, write Rob Maraby Publishing, 58 Corning Road, North York, Ontario M2J 2M1, Canada All rights reserved. The text of this publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written consent from the publisher.

Publishers Note: There may be typos in these manual and other errors of a grammatical nature. When I write, I write as I speak and in a straightforward, non-technical way. I am often very excited as I write, but I dont have a degree in English, so I ask you to bear with my literary style. You might find it unconventional and maybe annoying. But if it is realistic and cutting edge information you are looking for, this manual will give it to youNOTE: THIS IS NOT A MASS BUILDING SYSTEM, IT IS A STRENGTH BUILDING SYSTEMWE USE THIS SYSTEM TO BUILD THE STRENGTH NEEDED TO BE USED WITH THE RIGHT ROUTINE SUCH AS THE MASSIVE CHEST PROGRAM(HTTP://WWW.MASSIVECHEST.COM ) TO PACK ON INCHES ON YOUR CHEST! Ok if you are like most you can press 135lbs or a respectable 225lbs. That is the norm in any gym 225lbs. Pressing 315lbs is a rarity in most gyms, not one in a thousand bodybuilders can use 315 lbs and if you can push 4 plates (405lbs)YOU ARE MOST LIKELY the king of the bench in your city! Now bench-pressing 405lbs puts you in the league of legends. Why? Because not even the Steroid filled Olympians do this on a regular basis! And if you can bench press 405lbs, you most likely will have barrel for chest! Your gym mates worship the ground you walk and guys just stop with mouth agape whenever you press. And if you can bench press more than 405lsb you are truly a FREAK. Even so I am going to show you how to increase your bench press even more. Now listen the bench press is one of the best exercises for chest development, but it is not necessarily the best! There are other exercise like the dip and incline and decline presses that can build hulking chest mass. But in this report I am going to assume you want a massive press! The point I want to make is you can apply this same technology to just about any chest exercise there isyes even an isolation exercise like the dumbbell fly. Now get this if you have a big bench press-it is ultra rare that you wont have a gigantic chest-very rare but at the same time, the best chests in the world have been built using weights that are usually in the 75-80% 1MR range versus people who use singles and maximums reps each chest workout! The goal here is this to increase your bench maximum so you can use it to build muscle mass, rather than just to build your bench power for the sake of benching!

The Mind Factor

I DONT KNOW how many times I have talked about it, but it is not nearly enough. If you are going to put your body and future success under a bar you better have the mind set, or the bench press will eat you up and spit you out like a rotten fruit! You need to prepare yourself mentally for every set and rep. Every rep should be taken seriously as a setand the best way to do that is to visualize the goal (a bigger chest or a bigger bench press) that you wish to attain in your minds eye with the bench press, the bar and the weights. Doing this allows you to focus on the task at hand, which is to bench the hell out of those weights! You can find more advanced and scientific steps to get the mind and muscle connection by getting the mind factor manual! At NEVER SQUAT AND GO THROUGH THE MOTIONSif you do, you are asking for serious trouble and injury! You must be focused when performing this routine Oh by the way big bench presses means a pouring of anabolic hormones that seep and jump start you gains I other muscles like the, back, shoulders and even the arms, plus you tend to stimulate overall body mass because you are using the stabilizer muscles all through the movement. Furthermore the heavier the weights (whiles using good form) the more you stimulate your CNS or central nervous system, this mechanism recruits the maximum amount of muscle fibers needed to lift the load- this tends to activate the fast twitch fibers, which have the best potential for massive growth) This maximum fiber recruitment does not occur when you use weights that are sub maximum as seen in most chest routines, which tend to target the endurance fibers, which have less potential for growth In other to target the most muscle fibers and thus get the greatest growth potential we need to use maximum weights Here Is The Workout Start out with a stretching exercise to get the muscle steady for action. Stretching is essential because of the following: 1. You prepare the joints and muscles for the motion and stress to come. 2. You literally extend the range of motion of the muscle. This allows you to obtain a better stretch while performing the movement. 3. You will help avoid injuries. By stretching you are stretching a stiff, contracted muscle. Muscles can contract but they cant stretch by themselves It is also a fact that as your muscles get bigger and stronger they tend to shorten. You must prevent this by stretching before and after exercising. There are several ways you can stretch-Below I have described and illustrated two kinds. Each stretch should be held for 15-45 seconds. :

You must stretch between sets and after a set Lets discuss the first method Using the bench press exercise, people will call this a regular warm up, but for me that is not true. Why argue with results, in the little time I have been training, which is now eight years, I have yet to injure myself. I have never pulled any muscle. Zilch, zero and I rarely stretch the conventional way. I am just too lazy for that, and as I mentioned earlier I am very strong for a natural weight lifter. I routinely squat close to 550 pounds for 20 repetitions. I routinely use 100-pound dumbbells for my chest and I can curl 70-pound dumbbells. This is impressive for someone who started out of shape and as weak as a pretzel. Enough about me lets move on. So we start with the bench press. In my case I will use just the empty bar with no weights. I use this to stretch by performing regular repetitions. However, I make it a point to do full repetitions and make the stretch at the bottom position extra long and deep. I will take the bar as far below as it will comfortably go, hold that stretch position for a good minute (feeling the muscle stretch to the maximum), push the bar right back up and hold the contraction for 30 seconds. I will repeat this for five to six repetitions. Most injuries occur at the stretch position (bottom position) and not the contraction position, (top position) so I stretch and hold it where it matters. Remember, we are trying to do the least amount of work possible .We have absolutely no time to throw away. Time is too precious, remember anything more than required is detrimental to your fat loss muscle-building progress and it constitutes overtraining.

Conventional stretching exercises There are four stretching exercises that I recommend The lat stretch, the chest stretch, the hamstring stretch and the shoulder stretch

Do you need to stretch between sets? Because the program is brief; it is not necessary. Workouts are only 15 minutes at the most. Save the stretching for before and after an exercise if you wish. Conventional trainers tend to stretch between sets, but when you use high-intensity bodybuilding. You are performing only one set, so it is not necessary. Furthermore stretching works best and safer when your body temperature is elevated and consequently when the muscle is warm with blood. Most conventional programs suggest you ride a bike or hop on the treadmill as a warm up program. I advice you to refrain from that, such practices consume valuable energy. If you do insist on using the conventional stretching practices, I would suggest you do it after your workout, not before. The chest stretch Stand about one feet away from a door. Now grab the top of the door or a bar with your arms at shoulder width apart. You should be looking down and your arms should be above your torso as shown. Keep your knees bent to protect your lower back. Now pull down on the bar and feel the stretch. The higher you place your hands, the more the stretch on the upper chest and the shoulders. This exercise also stretches your upper back muscles, so try for a full stretch and hold that position for a count of 30. Repeat as necessary.

This system is best used on a 4 day a week schedule, which means you will be training chest twice in a week, every 3 days. Which means you will be done with these system In 30 days this essentially means you will have a heavier lift every 30 days! And you might want to ask your gym to ordering in more 45lbs Olympic plates, you are just about to scare the hell out of your gym buddiesthey are going to accuse you of taking steroids

and you are going to love bench pressing especially when you see your weights skyrocket through the roof! -And the attention you get guys and ladies alike! And even if you cant bench press for medical reasons, you can still use this system on the dip, dumbbell fly, and peck deck and cable crossover. All you need to do is apply is the principles and pesto you will be the king of the bench. That is right if for some reason you cant bench press you can use the dumbbell fly or dip. Those who cant squat or even leg press for medical reasons can use flyes if they get the ok from their doctors!

How To Squat The squat is rather simple to execute. Start with feet shoulder width apart Incline bench press/flat bench press/both barbell and dumbbell presses Place sufficient weight on the barbell (or dumbbell). The barbell should be at eye level. Lie back on an incline bench (decline/flat). Set to an angle of 25-35 degrees inclination (a higher angle tends to place most of the stress on the front shoulders, which is not what we are targeting with this exercise). Make sure your feet are firmly planted on the floor and that your back is flat on the bench (there is a tendency to arch the back which should be avoided) Also, you should not move your head during the movement from side to side. Straighten your arms to press the weight from the rack. Begin by lifting the bar to arms length. Now lower the bar with elbows out and arms parallel to the floor. When the bar reaches an inch or two above neck level, press the bar back to the starting position. The key points: Lower the weight to the neck and not the chest (as conventional programs advocate). Keep elbows out and straight.

Place yourself firmly o the bench. Now place your feet firmly on the ground using a wide stance. This is important because it provides a base and foundation or a launch pad to press the weights with ease! Now your shoulders and upper back should also be pressed firmly on the bench and you should have a little arch on your lower back. Now squeeze your upper back together, which will lift your chest above your shoulders. Your hand width should make your lower arms perpendicular to the floor when you lower the bar to your chest Now press the weight off the rack, with firm wrist and you squeezing the bar for all its worth-this is to make sure your wrist remains straight throughout the movement! The bar should be above your neck! - Not nipples. The higher the bar is above your chest the more the stress is placed on the chest, likewise the lower the bar is over your chest, the stronger the stress on the deltoids. Make sure your elbows are straight and point to the sides. The straighter the elbows the more chest involvement you get, as soon as the elbows travel at a 45 degree angle towards your feet, the more deltoids are involved! To drive the weights, you want to drive your feet into the ground, without raising your butt. Flex your upper back as you do this (but not your butt). You want to think like you want top push yourself away from the bar and not pushing the bar away from you. This mind set will ensure you use the right muscles to press. Inhale as you lower and exhale as you press up, a lot of people like to inhale hold breath at the bottom and exhale as you explode the weight from your chest! If you use this, make sure you get the ok from your doctor-because it causes high blood pressure but it is effective in pressing more explosively Squeeze the bar as you bench press; it helps maintain form and concentration

SOME MORE TIPS: 1. If you want to bench big and get a big chest you got to train your triceps and shoulders on separate workout. Big shoulders and Triceps are the foundation for a big bench and a big chest. Also when you bench and lift the weight of the rack, you need strong shoulders and triceps to help keep the weight centered at all times-and you need strong shoulders and arms for that! Check a great shoulder building program at and a big arms program at 2. Always bench in a power cage with safety pins at a level that is about 2 inches above neck level. That way if the you cant lift the weight; the pins will catch the falling bar. You can get the best and cheapest power cage, bench press unit and multi-gym units from 3. Never try to catch a failing bar! Lets say you are bench pressing and you reach a point where your muscles give out! Let the weights fall, never try to save a lift, doing so will cause injury! 4. Use a partner at all times, it is not only injury prevention; it could also save your life and help increase the intensity of your workouts. 5. Also breath properly when you bench, do not hold your breath doing so can lead to a rise in blood pressure and can cause a fatal injury. Or if you choose to hold your breath, hold it only at the bottom just before you press the weights back up. Small rapid breaths can help you complete more repetitions-use it and see for yourself. 6. Dont forget to train the rest of your body as well. Strong legs and a string back result in a bigger bench, you also want to get the right nutrition plan rolling for a bigger bench, find out how by clicking this link

How To Determine Your I MR Maximum repetition is the amount of weight you can carry for 1 maximum repetition The best way to get your 1MR is by trial and error, you pick a weight you can lift for 10 reps and slowly add weights until you can get only one rep. For instance if you can press 200lbs for 10 reps, you could add 250 and maybe get 4 reps, then from that estimate your 1 MR to be 280. Note I said 280 rather than 270 because you are tired from your first set so 270 is a bad estimate of your 1MR .if after a warm-up you loaded the bar with 280 lbs you would most likely be able to get 280lbs as your 1MR. Please make sure to warm-up and stretch before loading the bar with maximum weights!

Reps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Multiply weights by 1.0 1.031 1.064 1.099 1.137 1.177 1.22 1.266 1.328 1.37

This is how you use the table: the table above applies to numbers within the range of 210, anything lower than 2 is your 1MR and anything higher than 10 wont be accurate! Lets say you can press 200lbs for 10 reps, and then to determine your 1MR, take your weight, which is 200lbs, and multiply it by 1.37. We use 1.37 because we were able to get 10 reps from 200, and 10 in the chart points to 1.37, so we get 274, which is close to my estimate of 280. Now use this number you got for your 1mr TO CALCULATE YOUR percentages below! Set Day 1 Day 4 Day 7 Day 11 Day 15 Day 20 Day 24 1 10*50% 10*50% 10*50% 10*50% 10*50% 10*50% 10*50% 2 10*55% 8*60% 6*601% 6*65% 6*65% 6*65% 6*65% 3 10*60% 8*70% 6*70% 5*75% 4*80% 4*70% 5*80% 4 10*70% 8*75% 6*80% 5*85% 4*80% 4*85% 3*90% 5 10*75% 8*80% 6*80% 5*85% 4*90% 2*95% 2*95% 6 10*45% 8*80% 6*85% 5*85% 4*90% 3*95% 2*95%

To Train To Failure Or Not! In this program you are not training to failure, furnace training with 50% of your maximum taken to failure should give you about 18-28 reps to failure! Yet note ion day 1 workout 1 we are performing only 10 reps. this is not taking the set to failure! In this program we are trying to build strength and then use this strength to build muscle! So do the exact number of reps indicate on the chart, no more no less! Calculate your 1MR before starting the program and then compare to your new 1MR after the program and I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised

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