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Boden Davidson, #266119

1300 Clay Street, Suite 600
Oakland, CaliIornia 94612
Telephone: (510) 250-2470
Attorney Ior PlaintiII, CONTRA PIRACY
CONTRA PIRACY, a non-profit ) Case No.: C13-1133 EDL
Association, organized and existing )
under the laws of Switzerland, and ) NOTICE OF FILING OF DOCUMENTS
Assignee of the copyright in ~All Things ) IN RESPONSE TO COURT'S ORDER
Fall Apart, a motion picture ) OF 1UNE 21, 2013
Plaintiff, )
v. )
DOES 1 - 2919, )
Defendants. )
Attached here are the 'Member Services Agreement between Contra Piracy and
Hannibal Inc.d/b/a Hannibal Pictures and the Contra Piracy Statutes, reIerred to in the Member
Services Agreement, in response to the Court's Order oI June 21, 2013.
RespectIully submitted,
DATED: June 24, 2013
By: /s/ Boden Davidson
Boden Davidson, No. 266119
C13-1133 EDL
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ConLra lracy
Worldwlde AssoclaLlon for lnLellecLual properLy

CCn18A l8AC? - Worldwlde AssoclaLlon of rlvaLe lnLerneL-lnvesLlgaLlon-Companles,
klrchmaLLsLrasse 36, 6312 SLelnhausen, Schwelz

SelLe 1

8olf Schudel
SennweldsLrasse 43
6312 SLelnhausen

I. Name, kes|dence and urpose
ArL.1 name:
1he assoclaLlon conslsLs under Lhe name CCN1kA IkAC - Wor|dw|de Assoc|at|on for |nte||ectua| property
(Contra |racy - We|twe|ter Verband fr ge|st|ges L|gentum) - also: ,Lhe AssoclaLlon) accordlng Lo Lhe
prlnclples of ArL.60ff. of Lhe Swlss Clvll Code.
ArL.2 8esldence:
1he AssoclaLlon exlsLs slnce lLs foundlng on 14.03.2009 and has lLs maln resldence ln SLelnhausen, kanLon Zug,
ArL.3 urpose:
1he AssoclaLlon has Lhe followlng purposes:
romot|on of Interests of Inte||ectua| roperty k|ghts no|ders
a. Lo susLalnably proLecL and Lo promoLe Lhe professlonal, soclal and economlc lnLeresLs of Lhose members,
who are holders or admlnlsLraLors of lnLellecLual roperLy rlghLs (e.g. copyrlghL, anclllary copyrlghLs,
Lrademark and paLenL rlghLs),
b. Lhe purpose (ArL. 3a) ls also achleved by provldlng and procurlng legal advlce wlLh regards Lo Lhe
aforemenLloned rlghLs,
c. ln order Lo prevenL Lhe vlolaLlon of lnLellecLual roperLy rlghLs of lLs members Lhe AssoclaLlon wlll provlde
comprehenslve lnformaLlon and ubllc 8elaLlons servlces ln a [olnL efforL wlLh lLs cooperaLlon parLners and
oLher assoclaLlons.
d. Lo promoLe solldarlLy and a loyal compeLlLlve behavlor Lhrough muLual debaLe, coheslon and professlonal
e. Lo promoLe Lhe exchange of conLacLs and experlences among naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal holders of
lnLellecLual roperLy rlghLs,

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ConLra lracy
Worldwlde AssoclaLlon for lnLellecLual properLy

CCn18A l8AC? - Worldwlde AssoclaLlon of rlvaLe lnLerneL-lnvesLlgaLlon-Companles,
klrchmaLLsLrasse 36, 6312 SLelnhausen, Schwelz

SelLe 2
romot|on of Interests of 8us|nesses from the Cn||ne Content Sector
f. Lo susLalnably proLecL and promoLe Lhe professlonal, soclal and economlc lnLeresLs of Lhose members
offerlng dlglLal conLenL Lo consumers for paymenL. ln Lhls conLexL, Lhe AssoclaLlon offers prevenLlve acLlons
and enforcemenL agalnsL Cnllne-fraud and paymenL defaulL Lo lLs members.

romot|on of Interests of Internet Invest|gat|on Compan|es
g. Lo susLalnably proLecL and promoLe Lhe professlonal, soclal and economlc lnLeresLs of Lhose members
offerlng lnLerneL lnvesLlgaLlon servlces,
h. Lo promoLe solldarlLy and a loyal compeLlLlve behavlor Lhrough muLual debaLe, coheslon and professlonal
l. Lo promoLe Lhe exchange of conLacLs and experlences among naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal lnLerneL
lnvesLlgaLlon Companles,

II. Membersh|p
ArL.4 Member CaLegorles:
AJmlssloo coo be qtooteJ to tbe followloq loJlvlJools/leqol petsoos.
a. 8lghLs holders of lnLellecLual roperLy 8lghLs, lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo, copyrlghLs, anclllary copyrlghLs,
Lrademark and paLenL rlghLs,
b. Cnllne-ConLenL-rovlder,
c. lnLerneL-lnvesLlgaLlon servlces rovlder,
d. lndlvlduals who are professlonal mysLery shoppers,
e. lnLerneL Servlce rovlders as well as l1-fabrlcaLlon and relaLed servlces companles,
f. aLrons,
g. lndependenL experLs who have been expllclLly acknowledged by Lhe AssoclaLlon and sLakeholders.

nooototy ooJ ltee Membets
h. Members or lndlvlduals who make ouLsLandlng conLrlbuLlons Lo Lhe AssoclaLlon may be appolnLed as honorary
or free members by Lhe AssoclaLlon. Ponorary members are exempLed from Lhe annual membershlp paymenL.

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ConLra lracy
Worldwlde AssoclaLlon for lnLellecLual properLy

CCn18A l8AC? - Worldwlde AssoclaLlon of rlvaLe lnLerneL-lnvesLlgaLlon-Companles,
klrchmaLLsLrasse 36, 6312 SLelnhausen, Schwelz

SelLe 3

III. Adm|ss|on, Departure, Lxpu|s|on, Membersh|p Iees
ArL.3 Admlsslon:
1he appllcaLlon for admlsslon musL be addressed Lo Lhe resldenL of Lhe AssoclaLlon ln wrlLLen form. 1he
LxecuLlve CommlLLee may re[ecL appllcaLlons for admlsslon wlLhouL any furLher reasons. 1he declslon of Lhe
LxecuLlve CommlLLee ls flnal. 1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee decldes lf admlsslon ls granLed Lo Lhe appllcanL.
ArL.6 ueparLure:
ueparLure from Lhe AssoclaLlon ls posslble aL Lhe end of each calendar year sub[ecL Lo a Lhree monLhs prlor
wrlLLen noLlce addressed Lo Lhe resldenL. 1he membershlp also ends by deaLh of Lhe member.
ArL.7 Lxpulslon:
1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee may expulse a member LhaL has or may cause damage Lo Lhe repuLaLlon of Lhe
AssoclaLlon or a member LhaL does noL fulflll lLs sLaLuLory obllgaLlons and sLlll falls Lo fulflll Lhese obllgaLlons afLer
a remlnder has been glven.
ArL.8 Membershlp lees:
ueparLed or expulsed members are noL enLlLled Lo Lhe relmbursemenL of already pald membershlp fees. 1he
member ls obllged Lo pay Lhe membershlp fee aL Lhe amounL based on Lhe members overall Llme of
membershlp. Any appllcaLlon for admlsslon, lncludlng cases of re[ecLlon, ls sub[ecL Lo charges.
IV. k|ghts and Cb||gat|ons
ArL.9 voLlng 8lghL:
1hose members admlLLed Lo Lhe AssoclaLlon are enLlLled Lo a voLlng rlghL aL Lhe Ceneral Assembly.
ArL.10 Annual Membershlp lee:
Lvery member ls obllged Lo pay an annual membershlp fee. 1he amounL and sLrucLure of Lhe membershlp fee ls
seL by Lhe Ceneral Assembly.

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ConLra lracy
Worldwlde AssoclaLlon for lnLellecLual properLy

CCn18A l8AC? - Worldwlde AssoclaLlon of rlvaLe lnLerneL-lnvesLlgaLlon-Companles,
klrchmaLLsLrasse 36, 6312 SLelnhausen, Schwelz

SelLe 4

V. Crgan|sat|on and Management
ArL.11 8odles of Lhe AssoclaLlon:
1he 8odles of Lhe AssoclaLlon are:
1. 1he Ceneral Assembly
2. 1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee
3. 1he AccounLlng 8evlslon Cfflce

ArL.12 Ceneral Assembly:
1he ordlnary Ceneral Assembly ls called up by Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee and wlll be held annually. 1he
exLraordlnary Ceneral Assembly may be called up by Lhe resldenL or by requesL of one Lhlrd of Lhe members.
1he lnvlLaLlon ls made vla 14 days prlor wrlLLen noLlce Lhrough a closed envelope, fax or L-Mall. 1he lnvlLaLlon
shall lnclude a llsL of Lhe lLems of Lhe agenda.

ArL.13 Cuorum of Lhe Ceneral Assembly:
8esoluLlons of Lhe Ceneral Assembly requlre Lhe slmple ma[orlLy of all presenL ellglble voLes. AmendmenLs of Lhe
SLaLuLes requlre Lhree quarLers of all presenL ellglble voLes.

ArL.14 CompeLencles of Lhe Ceneral Assembly
1. Approval of Lhe mlnuLes, of Lhe annual reporL and Lhe annual flnanclal sLaLemenL
2. Approval of Lhe 8evlslon 8eporL and supporL Lo Lhe 8odles of Lhe AssoclaLlon
3. LlecLlon of Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee, of Lhe AccounLlng 8evlslon Cfflce and Lhe resldenL
4. SeLLlng of Lhe Membershlp lees
3. 8esoluLlons on oLher requesLs

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ConLra lracy
Worldwlde AssoclaLlon for lnLellecLual properLy

CCn18A l8AC? - Worldwlde AssoclaLlon of rlvaLe lnLerneL-lnvesLlgaLlon-Companles,
klrchmaLLsLrasse 36, 6312 SLelnhausen, Schwelz

SelLe 3

ArL.13 Chalr of Lhe Ceneral Assembly:
1he Ceneral Assembly ls chalred by Lhe resldenL. ln case of Lhe resldenLs absence, Lhe assembly ls chalred by
an LxecuLlve 8oard Member.

ArL.16 Ma[orlLy of voLes:
1he Ceneral Assembly makes lLs resoluLlons by Lhe slmple ma[orlLy of all presenL ellglble voLes. ln Lhe evenL of a
Lle, Lhe chalrman has Lhe casLlng voLe. 1he chalrman absLalns from all oLher voLlngs.

ArL.17 LxecuLlve CommlLLee:
1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee conslsLs of Lhe resldenL, Lhe CounLry 8epresenLaLlves and aL leasL Lwo oLher members.
AfLer a Lwo year Lerm, members of Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee may sLand for re-elecLlon. WlLh Lhe excepLlon of Lhe
resldenL, Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee consLlLuLes lLself and appolnLs ln parLlcular Lhe AcLuary and Lhe auLhorlzed

ArL.18 resldenL:
1he resldenL runs Lhe buslness of Lhe AssoclaLlon. Pe oversees Lhe assoclaLlons maLLers and calls up Lhe
LxecuLlve CommlLLee lf necessary. ln urgenL cases he has Lhe rlghL Lo lnlLlaLe resoluLlons of Lhe LxecuLlve
CommlLLee vla clrcular leLLer. 1he resldenL has sole slgnaLure.

ArL.19 CounLry 8epresenLaLlves
1he CounLry 8epresenLaLlves represenL Lhe AssoclaLlon Lo Lhe ouLslde. 1hey possess legally blndlng slngle
slgnaLure auLhorlLy und carry ouL admlnlsLraLlve as well as represenLaLlve duLles on behalf of Lhe AssoclaLlon.

ArL.20 AcLuary:
1he AcLuary admlnlsLers Lhe member reglsLry and Lhe correspondence.

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ConLra lracy
Worldwlde AssoclaLlon for lnLellecLual properLy

CCn18A l8AC? - Worldwlde AssoclaLlon of rlvaLe lnLerneL-lnvesLlgaLlon-Companles,
klrchmaLLsLrasse 36, 6312 SLelnhausen, Schwelz

SelLe 6

ArL.21 Cashler:
1he Cashler ls responslble for Lhe flnanclal LransacLlons. Pe musL properly keep Lhe accounLs and presenLs Lhe
annual flnanclal sLaLemenL and Lhe annual budgeL Lo Lhe Ceneral Assembly. Pe leLs Lhe 8evlslon Cfflce revlew all
relevanL records, Lhe cash desk and Lhe recelpLs aL all Llmes lf requlred. 1he Cashler possesses legally blndlng
collecLlve slgnaLure wlLh a board member for Lhe AssoclaLlon.

ArL.22 8evlslon of AccounLlng
8evlslon of AccounLlng ls handed over Lo a compeLenL member. 1hls experL has Lhe rlghL Lo supervlsory conLrol
wlLh regards Lo Lhe Cashlers acLlvlLles aL all Llmes.

ArL.23 roLocol:
A member of Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee musL keep Lhe mlnuLes of Lhe Ceneral Assembly. uurlng Lhe LxecuLlve
CommlLLees meeLlngs Lhe member also keeps Lhe mlnuLes on Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLees resoluLlons.

ArL.24 8equlred Cuorum of LxecuLlve CommlLLee:
1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee has a quorum lf Lhe ma[orlLy of lLs members ls presenL. ln Lhe evenL of a Lle, Lhe
chalrman has Lhe casLlng voLe.

ArL.23 Lxpenses:
Members of Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee and oLher members carrylng ouL Lasks asslgned Lo Lhem by Lhe AssoclaLlon
wlll aL leasL recelve a relmbursemenL of Lhelr relaLed expenses lf Lhe relevanL recelpLs and lnvolces are provlded.

ArL.26 llnanclal LlLeracy:
1he resldenL and Lhe LxecuLlve 8oard has rlghL of dlsposal for unforeseen cosLs Lo t 3,000-, whlch are noL
lncluded ln Lhe annual budgeL. LxcepLlons are Lhe servlces under ArL. 29 ff.

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ConLra lracy
Worldwlde AssoclaLlon for lnLellecLual properLy

CCn18A l8AC? - Worldwlde AssoclaLlon of rlvaLe lnLerneL-lnvesLlgaLlon-Companles,
klrchmaLLsLrasse 36, 6312 SLelnhausen, Schwelz

SelLe 7
ArL.27 LlablllLy:
Cnly Lhe AssoclaLlon ls llable for Lhe AssoclaLlons obllgaLlons. Any personal llablllLy of Lhe members for Lhe
AssoclaLlons obllgaLlons ls excluded.

VI. Inte||ectua| roperty k|ghts Management Scheme

ArL.28 8lghLs ManagemenL:
a. Members of Lhe AssoclaLlon accordlng Lo ArL. 4 a), b) may apply for Lhe lnLellecLual roperLy 8lghLs
ManagemenL Scheme. 8lghLs and clalms wlll be asserLed by Lhe AssoclaLlon worldwlde and ln accordance wlLh
Lhe prlnclples of represenLaLlve acLlon or by oLher legal means lf permlLLed under Lhe respecLlve law of Lhe

b. AcLlvlLles of Lhe AssoclaLlon ln accordance wlLh ArL. 28 a) and under Lhls secLlon requlre a wrlLLen appllcaLlon
of Lhe member addressed Lo Lhe resldenL. 1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee may re[ecL Lhls appllcaLlon wlLhouL
glvlng any furLher reasons. 1he declslon of Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee ls flnal. 1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee may
also declde Lo cease Lhe AssoclaLlons acLlons on behalf of Lhe member accordlng Lo ArL. 28 a) and under Lhls
secLlon, ln whole or ln parL, aL any Llme afLer Lhe approval of Lhe appllcaLlon wlLhouL glvlng any furLher
reasons. 1hls declslon of Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee ls also flnal. ArL 29 c) and ArL30 c) remaln unaffecLed

c. uurlng Lhe AssoclaLlons acLlvlLy ln accordance wlLh ArL. 28 a) and under Lhls secLlon, Lhe member wlll noL
asserL clalms arlslng from rlghLs lncluded ln Lhe 8lghLs ManagemenL Scheme, ln and/or ouL of courL, aL lLs own
dlscreLlon and/or wlll asslgn Lhlrd parLles Lo do so.

d. AfLer Lhe approval of Lhe appllcaLlon Lhe member has Lo provlde all lnformaLlon and documenLs (Lhe
uocumenLs") requlred for acLlvlLles under Lhe 8lghLs ManagemenL Scheme, lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo, a
consLanLly updaLed llsL of Lhe relevanL LlLles and accordlng rlghLs (,Appendlx 1), all relevanL llcense
agreemenLs, Lhe relevanL dlglLal flles of Lhe LlLles and approprlaLe evldence on Lhe ownershlp of rlghLs. 1he
uocumenLs wlll be LreaLed confldenLlally and wlll solely be used by Lhe AssoclaLlon for Lhe purpose of fulfllllng
Lhe Lasks accordlng Lo ArL. 28 a) and under Lhls secLlon. AfLer Lhe end of Lhe membershlp Lhe uocumenLs wlll
be handed ouL Lo Lhe member or desLroyed aL Lhe members dlscreLlon.

e. 1he respecLlve member wlll lndemnlfy and hold harmless Lhe AssoclaLlon, lLs bodles, represenLaLlves,
employees, agenLs and conLracLors from all clalms, acLlons, sulLs, llablllLles, damages and expenses whlch Lhlrd
parLles may asserL agalnsL Lhem relaLed Lo a mlsslng ownershlp of rlghLs and/or lncorrecL and/or lncompleLe
lnformaLlon provlded by Lhe member accordlng Lo ArL. 28 d). 1hls also lncludes Lhe necessary cosLs for legal
defense and prosecuLlon.
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ConLra lracy
Worldwlde AssoclaLlon for lnLellecLual properLy

CCn18A l8AC? - Worldwlde AssoclaLlon of rlvaLe lnLerneL-lnvesLlgaLlon-Companles,
klrchmaLLsLrasse 36, 6312 SLelnhausen, Schwelz

SelLe 8

ArL. 29 ueblL AuLhorlzaLlon and AsslgnmenL of lnLerneL lnvesLlgaLlon Companles, oLher Servlce Companles and
a. 1he member wlll provlde Lhe AssoclaLlon wlLh a comprehenslve and revocable power of auLhorlzaLlon ln order
Lo perform lLs Lasks ln accordance wlLh ArL. 28 a) and under Lhls secLlon. 1he AssoclaLlon wlll ln parLlcular be
provlded wlLh a deblL auLhorlzaLlon ln order Lo asserL Lhe clalms for ln[uncLlve rellef and compensaLlon on
behalf of Lhe member. lurLhermore, Lhe AssoclaLlon wlll be enLlLled Lo asserL Lhe relevanL clalms arlslng from
Lhe rlghLs llsLed and approved by Lhe member ln Lhe 8lghLs ManagemenL Scheme ln accordance wlLh Lhe
prlnclples of represenLaLlve acLlon or by oLher legal means, ln and ouL of courL, lf legally permlLLed under Lhe
law of Lhe respecLlve LerrlLory.

b. 1he AssoclaLlon may asslgn an lnLerneL lnvesLlgaLlon Companles or servlce provlder, or a member under
ArLlcle 4 of lLs cholce ln order Lo lnvesLlgaLe or prevenLlon posslble vlolaLlons of Lhe rlghLs approved by Lhe
member for Lhe 8lghLs ManagemenL Scheme. lurLhermore, Lhe AssoclaLlon ls enLlLled Lo asslgn debL collecLlon
companles and/or law flrms of lLs cholce ln order Lo prosecuLe Lhe rlghLs vlolaLlons ln and ouL of courL.

c. 1he AssoclaLlon wlll provlde Lhe member wlLh a monLhly reporLlng on lLs acLlvlLles on behalf of Lhe member
under Lhls secLlon.

ArL. 30 CosLs and lncome:
a. 1he AssoclaLlon bears all Lhe cosLs and Lhe assoclaLed rlsk of Lhe asslgnmenLs ln accordance wlLh 28 a), 29 a)
and 29 b). 1he AssoclaLlon ls enLlLled Lo asserL clalms for compensaLlon agalnsL Lhe respecLlve llable lndlvldual,
ln and ouL of courL.

b. lncome generaLed from asserLed clalms arlslng from Lhe 8lghLs ManagemenL Scheme ls prlmarlly used Lo cover
Lhe cosLs arlslng from acLlvlLles ln accordance wlLh ArL. 29 a) and b) and/or oLher expenses. lncome ls deflned
as Lhe sum pald ln favor of Lhe respecLlve member from an ouL-of-courL seLLlemenL wlLh Lhe alleged lnfrlnger
(,lncome). 1he respecLlve member ls enLlLled Lo a share of Lhe lncome. 1he amounL of Lhe lncome Lo whlch
Lhe member ls enLlLled Lo ls sub[ecL Lo an lndlvldual agreemenL of Lhe AssoclaLlon wlLh Lhe member aL Lhe Llme
of appllcaLlon for Lhe 8lghLs ManagemenL Scheme. 1he amounL of Lhe share ls ln parLlcular dependenL on Lhe
assoclaLed cosL rlsks of Lhe AssoclaLlon and Lhe relevanL law.

c. 8llllng Lo Lhe member ls carrled ouL on Lhe 13
of every monLh.

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ConLra lracy
Worldwlde AssoclaLlon for lnLellecLual properLy

CCn18A l8AC? - Worldwlde AssoclaLlon of rlvaLe lnLerneL-lnvesLlgaLlon-Companles,
klrchmaLLsLrasse 36, 6312 SLelnhausen, Schwelz

SelLe 9

VII. I|nanc|a| Matters

ArL. 31 lncome of Lhe AssoclaLlon
1he lncome of Lhe AssoclaLlon conslsLs of:
a. Pandllng lees,
b. Membershlp lee,
c. volunLary llnanclal SupporL,
d. lees from consulLlng and placemenL servlces
e. AcLlvlLles of Lhe AssoclaLlon accordlng Lo ArL. 28 ff.

ArL. 32 LxpendlLures:
As approved by Lhe Ceneral Assembly and accordance wlLh ArL. 23 and ArL. 26.

VII. D|sso|ut|on

ArL.33 ulssoluLlon:
1he dlssoluLlon of Lhe AssoclaLlon may only be declded by a Ceneral Assembly whlch has solely been called up for
Lhls purpose. 1he dlssoluLlon requlres aL leasL Lwo Lhlrd of all presenL ellglble voLes. lf a declslon for dlssoluLlon
cannoL be reached ln accordance wlLh Lhe aforemenLloned quorum, Lhe ma[orlLy of all presenL ellglble voLes may
requesL Lo call ln a new Ceneral Assembly wlLhln 4 weeks. A dlssoluLlon Lhen requlres Lhe slmple ma[orlLy of all
presenL ellglble voLes.

ArL.34 lunds:
A llquldaLlon commlsslon ls Lo be appolnLed aL Lhe Llme of declslon on dlssoluLlon. A flnal Ceneral Assembly wlll
declde on Lhe uLlllzaLlon of Lhe remalnlng funds, lf any.

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ConLra lracy
Worldwlde AssoclaLlon for lnLellecLual properLy

CCn18A l8AC? - Worldwlde AssoclaLlon of rlvaLe lnLerneL-lnvesLlgaLlon-Companles,
klrchmaLLsLrasse 36, 6312 SLelnhausen, Schwelz

SelLe 10

ArL.33 LnacLmenL:
AfLer Lhe Ceneral Assembly Councll ueclslon on 30.03.2012, Lhe above SLaLuLes replace all foregolng SLaLuLes.
1hey shall come lnLo force wlLh lmmedlaLe effecL followlng Lhe resldenLs slgnaLure.

SLelnhausen, May 30Lh 2012

1he res|dent 1he Actuary

8olf Schudel 8lchard M. Schnelder

!ase3:13-cv-01133-EDL Document11 Filed06/24/13 Page16 of 17
I hereby certiIy that on June 24, 2013, I electronically Iiled the Ioregoing document with
the Clerk oI the Court using CM/ECF, and service is eIIectuated by transmission oI Notices oI
Electronic Filing generated by CM/ECF to all counsel oI record and pro per parties authorized by
the Court to use CM/ECF.
By: /s/ Boden Davidson
Boden N. Davidson, #266119
C13-1133 EDL
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