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Bear Brylls at the Olympics

EQUIP Totem Pole Register RESP Akela MIN 15 ACTIVITY Grand Howl Prayer Register Inspection : Running Shoes

DATE: 2012/07/27
TIME 4.30

Did you know that the Olympics are being held in the UK this year & that Bear Grylls is the Chief Scout there? So he definitely will not be missing out on the games. The ceremony always starts with the lighting of the torch, but its lost so we need to find it.
4.45 5 Steam Release: Where is the Olympic torch? Cubs run around to find hidden colour coded items to build their torch; they must work together in their sixes to complete the torch. First six finish wins. Torch puzzle pieces Julie

Now that we have found the Olympic torch the games can begin! 4.50 10 BASES: Olympics mins All to work together in their sixes. each 1. Ping-Pong with 1 Set plastic cups half-filled with water in 3-5 min rows. Label cups for scoring, with cups place change closest to cubs worth one point and farther over back more points. Set out a bucket of ping-

Timer; record keeping for points. Table; Bucket; water; pingpong balls; labels; plastic cubs. Shower caps; cheese puffs; shaving cream; rope. Simone

pong balls. Each cub gets 30 seconds to throw as many balls as possible into the cups. The six with the most points wins. 2. Snack Toss Start a one-minute timer. Pairs in same six must get a shower cap onto one teammates head & cover the cap with shaving cream. Then the capless teammate standing behind a tape or rope line a feet away tries to throw cheese puffs into the shaving cream. The team will get a point for every puff that remains on the cap at the end of the minute. 3. Shake-a-thon Slide an empty rectangular tissue box onto a belt by cutting slits into the boxs short sides. Remove one panel of the plastic film & insert 7 ping-pong balls. Wearing the belt with the box at the back, each cub has 30 seconds to try to make the balls bounce out of the box by shaking their body. The cubs get a point for each ball that comes out of the box. 4. Pool Noodle Agility Course Set up as per instructions attached. Cubs to work through course in their sixes one cub at a time.


Ping-pong balls; empty tissue boxes; Robe/belt.


Pool noodles; duct tape;

Mike (assistance needed)

Boy was that not fun?

5.35 10 TEAM ACTIVITY : MEDAL MAKING Take a small paper plate and colour either Gold, Silver or Bronze. Add ribbon. These will be handed out. (Perhaps we might need t0 make them all gold or multicoloured) Notices Grand Howl Prayer Medals on string Richard

Remember next week you need to bring SCISSORS to exchange for a trading card.
5.50 10

Birthday: Ethan Leslie 28/07/2003

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