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Blackpool Scorpions Respect Code of Conduct Cheerleaders, Spectators and Parents/Carers We all have a responsibility to promote high standards

s of behaviour in Cheerleading. Blackpool Scorpions supports the Code of Conduct recommended by BCA to ensure that cheerleading can be enjoyed in a safe, positive environment. Remember that Cheerleading is a time for all members to develop their technical, physical, teamworking and social skills. Winning isnt everything. Play your part and observe Blackpool Scorpions Respect Code of Conduct for Spectators and Parents/carers at all times. I will:

Remember that cheerleading can be competitive but that children participate for fun Applaud effort and good display as well as success Always respect the decision made by the Coaches Let the Coaches do their job and not confuse the team members by telling them what to do Encourage team members to respect all other competitors and their team members Avoid criticising other teams members for making any mistakes mistakes are part of learning Never engage in or tolerate, offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour towards any team member, other parents/carers or management team of Blackpool Scorpions or other Cheer teams including over social network sites such as Facebook

I understand that if I do not follow the code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by Blackpool Scorpions Management I may be: Issued with an Informal or Formal warning Asked to leave Blackpool Scorpions if I am issued with more than 2 warnings (Informal or Formal) Required to meet with the Management Team within Blackpool Scorpions Obliged to leave the competition venue by Blackpool Scorpions Requested by Blackpool Scorpions not to attend any future competitions Suspended or have my Blackpool Scorpions membership revoked Required to leave Blackpool Scorpions along with any dependants I have read and understood the Blackpool Scorpions - Respect Code of Conduct



Name in Print........................................................................................................................

Blackpool Scorpions Cheerleaders Agreement

Blackpool Scorpions Coaches will try and incorporate the following into their Squad constitution highlighting character building skills through: Teamwork Health and Fitness Self Esteem Discipline Friendship and Respect

General Rules which all Cheerleaders should follow Always be punctual Attend every training session Always have a good warm up Participate to the best of you ability Take care of your appearance - always be neat Always dress properly for practice Hair must be tied back, and no hats must be worn during practice For safety reasons YOU MUST NOT ANY WEAR JEWELLERY No sweets, gum or snacks when in uniform No swearing - behave appropriately Maintain a positive attitude at all times - SMILE!! Treat each other with respect this includes other squads!!! Be kind, courteous, polite and friendly to others - do not gossip Talk to your coach if you have any problems And most importantly, ALWAYS HAVE FUN!!

I have read and understood the Blackpool Scorpions Cheerleaders Agreement



Name in Print........................................................................................................................

Name of Child if under age 12 years ....................................................................................

Actions which may be used where necessary Late for Cheer Late for cheer 3 times Persistent Lateness for cheer Lack of concentration during executed stunts Chewing Gum Non removal of Jewellery Continued none removal and wearing of Jewellery Persistent none removal and wearing of Jewellery Not ready to train on time Late for Performance/Fundraiser Run/conditioning exercise for the equivalent minutes lateness Informal Warning + the above Run/conditioning exercise Formal Warning and consideration of dismissal from team 10 minute conditioning exercise 25 push-ups 25 push-ups + informal warning 25 push-ups + Formal Warning Consideration of Dismissal from Team 25 push-ups Run/conditioning exercise for double the equivalent minutes lateness Informal Warning Formal Warning Consideration of Dismissal from Team Entire group 25 push-ups + 10 minutes conditioning Informal warning Formal Warning Consideration of Dismissal from Team Dismissal from Blackpool Scorpions Consideration of seriousness of incident and consideration of dismissal from Blackpool Scorpions.

Unexcused Absence Continued unexcused Absence Persistent Unexcused Absence Disruptive behaviour/Talking through Coaching Bad/Disrespectful Attitude Continued Bad/Disrespectful Attitude Persistent Bad/Disrespectful Attitude Excessive and disruptive influence on the squad Disrespectful, negative or hurtful comments on social media websites, texts or verbally

(N.B. any Formal warnings required will be issued/communicated to Parents and Carers of all children under the age of 13) Any action or dismissal from Blackpool Scorpions will only be taken as a last resort, and that every reasonable attempt will be made to avoid situations likely to lead to such action through squad discussion and positive encouragement, by example and by finding ways to correct negative trends. Breaking any team policies or other problems will be dealt with as seen fit by coaches and Blackpool Scorpions Management. The above list of actions is not exhaustive and therefore may be added to or reduced, based on coaches discretion.

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