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Multilingual Education Program

Report on teaching skill development workshop for two primary schools
in Panchthar District, Nepal

10 - 16 April 2009

a. To motivate the teachers and School Management Committee members to use the students
mother tongue, in addition to Nepali and English to provide quality education the students in
primary school
b. Teach the teachers how to use mother tongue and Nepali language materials in ECD and grade
one classes
c. To secure a commitment from the participants to implement effective multilingual education in
their primary schools

a. Participants are aware about the importance and effectiveness of multilingual education
b. Teachers have the basic skills necessary to introduce multilingual education
c. School management committee chairpersons and teachers are committed to implement
multilingual education in coordination with parents, District Education Office, LiLDA and

Resource person:
Mr. Pushker Kadel, Program Manager, LDC-Nepal

Support Staff:
! Mr. Dilendra Kumar Subba, LiLDA Project Director,
! Mrs. Bhimahang Aangdambe, LiLDA Asst Education Coordinator
! Mr. Bhawani Tawa, LiLDA Asst Business Manager

Date: 10 - 16 April 2009

Venue: Phaktep, Panchami, Panchthar
No of Participants: 16 (8 F & 8 M) See Annex 1 for details

1. Opening program: Introduction and sharing by the participants of their experience in teaching
2. Discussion about multilingual education (MLE)
3. How to produce graded reading materials
4. Teaching methodologies: existing practices and how they can be improved
5. Use of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in the classroom
6. Teachers role in develop positive and effective learning environment in the classroom
7. Pre reading and writing activities: demonstration and practice
8. Teaching using the multi-strategy method
9. Training review
10. Closing program

1. Opening program

Workshop opening Experience sharing

Mr. Dhruba Kumar Chemjong, Resource Person, District Education Office and Miss.Bhadra
Kala Chemjong opened the workshop. Mr. Chemjong said. “I support this program and will
provide support from District Education Office.” Each participant shared their experiences in
teaching and their expectation about the workshop based on following questions:
! Who am I
! What I do I have to do to be a good teacher
! Why I become a teacher.
! What are the expectations of students, parents, communities, teachers, government and
NGOs from the school
! What are the characteristics of a good teacher
! What enables a teacher to be an effective teacher

2. Discussion about Multilingual Education

Teachers are listening the article about teacher and making notes

The participants discussed the role of teachers and how they help shape the student’s attitude to
school and create a child centered learning environment. One important issue raised by the
teachers was the importance of support from the educational ministries to enable them to
continue to develop their understanding of pedagogy. In addition they stressed that the political
structure had a significant impact on schools (in many cases negatively) and that they are not
kept up to date on the requirements or changes to national education policies. At the end of
session the participants agreed to use what they are going to learn in the workshop in their
classrooms and are committed to up-date their knowledge and skills through self-study.

What is MLE? Why MLE and how MLE works
During this presentation, which was based upon the charts below the participant, came to the
conclusion that for an effective MLE program in the school to succeed the local community and
DEO have to give their full support.

Language situation in primary school Education and development process

They also asked. “How will LDC-Nepal and LiLDA support the program? What kinds of
support will possible from our side to their schools”. It was difficult for us to give words to
them because we do not have funding for the program. However we said, we will use our all
available resources and capacity to make success this program.

3. Process of regular production of Graded Materials

The teachers agreed to work guided by the following graphics and notes as well as to follow the

Material Development process and Assumption as well suggestion to the teacher

4. Teaching methodology: existing practices and its improvement

Collecting existing practices and

suggested steps to teach

5. Teachers' role in four skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing

Four skills and teachers' roles in two tracks

6. Teachers' role to develop positive and effective environment in school and area of learning

One primary school in Phakthep Grade one Classroom in Duruwa, Dang

The session was started based on these photographs. We asked the teacher how they could
contribute to improving their school. The teachers agreed that the situation in the school needs
to be improved. They also went on to say “We have to change ourselves first and then work
with SMC and community to further improve the school facilities”. Both schools and SMC
chairpersons are planning to organize a community and parents meeting to make a plan to
improve their respective primary schools.

As our observation in both primary schools, local community needs to take lead to improve
school environment. Project has to involve building capacity of school management committee
and school administration to implement effective multilingual education.

7. Pre reading and writing activities:

This was new to the participants and they made a commitment these skills in their classrooms

8. Model teaching using multi strategy method and practice

Both teachers are in practice

9. Review the practice session and whole program

Mr. Shree Prasad Bishwakarma, teacher said. “This training was completely different from
government training. He added that to do as the workshop in the school we must have change
ourselves first and we can get support and sympathy from the community. We need regular
support from LiLDA and LDC-Nepal in future”.

Miss. Bhadra Kala Chemjong, teacher said. “This workshop helps us to clear understand about
MLE and how it will work and review existing teaching methodology. We will play our role as
our position. This is the big opportunity for our school implements MLE in east Nepal for
develop as model school”.

Mr. Ganga Pd. Chemjong, SMC chairperson said. “We are ready to support from our side and
I would like to give thank LiLDA and LDC-Nepal enable to introduce MLE in Panchthar
through our school”.

10. Closing program

This workshop was an encouraging for us because the teachers and School Management
Committee members are very positive about the program. LDC-Nepal and LiLDA need to seek
more secure grants to support and implement of MLE program in these schools. Grants should
cover the salary of support staff, Limbu material development, teacher training and NGO
administrative costs.

Group photograph of the workshop participants

Submitted by:
Pushker Kadel
Program Manager, LDC-Nepal


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