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K. M.

Associate Professor, Mem. ASME.

Y.-S. Chai1
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712

Biaxial Loading Experiments for Determining Interfacial Fracture Toughness

The paper establishes the range of in-plane fracture mode mixtures and contact zone sizes that can be obtainedfrom an edge-cracked bimaterial strip under biaxial applied displacements. The development of a suitable loading device for and the application of crack opening interferometry to interfacial crack initiation experiments is described. The crack initiation process under bond-normal loading is examined in detail for a glass/epoxy interface in order to establish a hybrid optical interference/ finite element analysis technique for extracting mixed-mode fracture parameters.

Introduction It has become increasingly clear that the fracture resistance of composite materials can be strongly affected by the toughness of the interface between constituents. The reliability of microelectronic devices, which may contain a large number of different interfaces, may also be compromised by their toughness. The same may also be true of structural adhesively bonded joints and coatings subjected to hostile environments. If a crack is constrained to grow along the interface, then the growth is inherently mixed mode in nature and a suitable parameter must be found that characterizes critical and subcritical growth over a range of mode mixes. The purpose of this paper is to describe the examination and development of a method for providing mixtures of mode I and II over a wide range of mode mixes. Although any interfacial fracture test will, in general, involve some mode mix, a series of specimens loaded in different ways, a single specimen under biaxial load or a change in delamination shape will usually be required to determine interfacial toughness over a range of mode mixes. The first strategy was recognized early by Malyshev and Salganik (1965) and Gent and Kinloch (1971) and later by Takashi et al. (1978), but fracture mode mixes were not explicitly extracted. Trantina (1972) using scarf joints, Anderson, DeVries, and Williams (1974) using cone, peel, and blister specimens, Liechti and Hanson (1988) using blister specimens, Cao and Evans (1988) using symmetric and asymmetric double cantilever beams, fourpoint flexure (Charalambides et al., 1989a) and composite cylinder (Charalambides and Evans, 1989b), and Rosenfeld et al. (1990) introducing the microindentation test all used finite element analyses to extract fracture mode mixtures. Analytical
' Currently Assistant Professor, Yeungnam University, Seoul, South Korea. Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY

stress intensity factor solutions were obtained for blister specimens (Arin and Erdogan, 1971), sandwich specimens (Suo and Hutchinson, 1989), and brazil nut sandwiches (Wang and Suo, 1990). Single specimens under multiaxial loads were employed by Mulville et al. (1978) and Liechti and Knauss (1982a,b) and suggested by Suo and Hutchinson (1990). Finally, in the realm of thin coatings, a clever use of residual stresses has been made in determining the effect of mode III on interfacial toughness by examining the shape of the delamination emanating from a straight cut made through the coating to the substrate interface (Jensen et al., 1990). A simplified analysis for extracting three-dimensional mode mixes from curved delamination fronts in thin films has recently been presented by Chai (1989). The approach that was chosen here for obtaining a wide range of mode mixes was to use a single specimen in conjunction with a biaxial loading device. The stress analysis of the specimen and loading is considered first in order to establish the potential mode mix range and crack-face contact effects. The development of the biaxial loading device and the measurement of normal crack opening displacements (NCOD) is then described. A hybrid procedure for extracting stress intensity factors based on the measured NCOD and complementary finite element analyses is then discussed with reference to crack initiation under some initial experiments bond-normal loading. The results of a series of experiments over a wide range of mode mixes are presented in a companion paper (Liechti and Chai, 1989). Specimen Geometry and Analysis The choice of specimen geometry was motivated by a number of factors. First, it was desirable to have a specimen that gave rise to crack-length independence of fracture parameter and mode mix. This feature simplifies data reduction, particularly for crack propagation studies and allows cracks to be initiated and arrested by suitable control of the loading. The use of a single specimen minimizes variations in surface preparations
Transactions of the ASME

Discussion on this paper should be addressed to the Technical Editor, Prof. Leon M. Keer, The Technological Institute, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, and will be accepted until two months after final publication of the paper itself in the JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS. Manuscript received by the ASME Applied Mechanics Division, Nov. 10, 1989; final revision, Apr. 4, 1990.

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Copyright 1991 by ASME

f2 A"

Ui (x,,h)

= (0, vo)

Table 1 MATERIAL TYPE Epoxy Glass YOUNG'S MODULUS, E(GPa) 2.07 68.9

Material properties POISSON'S RATIO, v .37 .20 HARDENING EXPONENT (n) 5


^ 1 ,


(MPa) 34.5


-Ui(x,,-h) = (u,0)

w = 17.78 cm

h = 1.27 cm

Fig. 1

The edge-cracked blmaterial strip specimen

Epoxy-glass Dundurs' parameter a 0.935 /3 = -0.188 Bimaterial constant = +0.0604 Ramberg Osgood Representation:

Table 2 Energy release rates under bond-normal and tangential displacements


dim) 1.27 0

o (fim) 0 1.27

G{J/m>) NUMERICAL 0.04669 0.22160

G(J/m2) ANALYTICAL 0.04673 0.22160

(DEG) -74.03 16.00

The energy releasejate can also be obtained from K and its complex conjugate K through
-90 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Ratio of Applied Displacements (u 0 /v 0 )

Fig. 2 The range of mixity available under positive bond-normal displacements

which affect the intrinsic adhesion or toughness which, in turn, control the overall toughness (Argon et al., 1989). It also means that the specimen should be amenable to biaxial loading. Continuing the desire the make measurements of NCOD near the crack front in order to assess the importance of nonlinear, three-dimensional, and crack-face contact effects (Liechti and Knauss, 1982; Liechti and Hanson, 1988) required that at least one material be transparent. Glass was chosen for this work, but transparency need not be limited to the visible spectrum. In view of these considerations, the specimen geometry and loading that was adopted was the edge-cracked bimaterial strip shown in Fig. 1. The homogeneous strip geometry is well known for its linear compliance versus crack-length relation for sufficiently long cracks (Knauss, 1966; Rice, 1967). The extension to the bimaterial case under bond-normal loading has been made by Atkinson (1977) and energy arguments yield the bond-tangential contribution so that G= (1-21.!)
A*l(l - Vi)

(3) V-l y-\ Following a comparison (Ginsburg, 1987) of techniques for extracting mixed-mode interfacial fracture parameters based on crack opening displacements (Smelser, 1979), virtual crack closure (Raju, 1986) and a conservation integral approach (Yau and Wang, 1984), the latter was found to be most satisfactory and was incorporated as a post-processing routine in the finite element code VISTA (Becker et al., 1984). The auxiliary solutions required for the technique were taken from the paper by Smelser (1979), taking into account the stress intensity factor definition in Rice (1988). The invariance of energy release rate and mixity over the range of crack lengths used in the experiments was established for unit applied displacements normal and tangential to the interface. For the same displacement level (Table 2), the bond-normal displacements give rise to an energy release rate that is approximately four times higher than that produced by tangential displacements. This can also be seen from equation (1) which differs from the finite element solutions shown by less than 1 percent. Under some general combination of applied bond-normal and bond-tangential displacements, the real and imaginary parts of the complex stress intensity factor can be written as G= Ki = aK\"o) + bK\vo) K2 = aKiU0) + bKiV0) (4) (5)

(1 - >i) | (1 - ya)

KK 4 cosh ire

where t6"o) and A^"o), /'= 1,2 are the base stress intensity factors due to unit applied displacements tangential and normal to the in the notation of Fig. 1. interface, respectively, and the coefficients a and b are load From the analysis by Knauss (1966) we expect the steady- factors. In view of the crack length invariance of K and (4) state solution (1) to be valid for a/h>2. This expectation was and (5), only two finite element analyses are required in order verified by finite element analysis (Chai, 1990). However, a to map out the spectrum of mixities that can be obtained from more important contribution of the finite element analysis was the geometry and loading shown in Fig. 1. in the extraction of the mode mix associated with any particular . The range of mixities that can be obtained for i>0>0 are combination of materials and 0 and v0. The definitions of shown in Fig. 2. Pure bond-normal displacements (wo = 0) give complex interfacial stress intensity factor K, bimaterial con- rise to a mixity of 16 deg, bringing out the mismatch between stant, e, etc., that was used in this work follow those given by the glass and epoxy elastic properties (Table 1). A 1:1 ratio of Rice (1988). bond-tangential to bond-normal displacements is required to The mode mix or mixity, i/-, was taken to be produce i/* = 0 deg, whereas a - 7 : 1 ratio gives rise to i / < = 90 deg. The mixity does not drop much below - 6 0 deg for w0/ =tan (2) t>o>20. Thus, for positive bond-normal displacements, the range of mixities is essentially - 6 0 d e g < ^ < 9 0 deg.
/ i 2 ( l - "2)


-\ul r1 n + XV

+ Ml M2



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SEPTEMBER 1991, Vol. 58 / 681

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BOND - TANGENTIAL LOADING ( n . > 0 ) 0.2 AUj/Juol






\ ^
0,2 0,4 r/a 0.6 0,8 0 0.01

-e-Contact - a - Inicrpcnelration

0.02 r/a





- e - Contact -B-Inteipenctration Aiii/luol (Interpenetration)

j 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05

Fig. 3

r/a Crack opening displacements under various loadings

Another interesting aspect of the proposed specimen geometry and loading is the extent of crack-face contact. For two semi-finite bodies with a central interface crack, Comninou (1978) found that, under a shear load, frictionless contact could occur over as much as 33 percent of the crack length. Even larger contact zones are possible for compression and shear, although complete contact can never occur. Experimental evidence of these trends has also been provided (Liechti and Knauss, 1982). The stress analysis for this portion of the work was conducted with the ABAQUS finite element code3, making use of special gap elements to eliminate interpenetration of crack faces. The response of the glass and epoxy was considered to , be linearly elastic using the properties noted in Table 1. The size of the smallest elements surrounding the crack tip was 2xl(T 4 /!. The components, Auh of the displacement jump across the crack faces were taken to be A, = H<1>-"P> (6)
3 The permission to use ABAQUS under academic license, granted by Hibbit, Karlsson, and Sorensen, Inc., is gratefully acknowledged.

where the superscripts (1) and (2) refer to the epoxy and glass, respectively. Under bond-normal loading (Fig. 3), Aw2 w a s always positive, implying no crack-face contact within the resolution of the mesh. However, the tangential crack opening was negative over a small region (r/a < 0.02). Positive bondtangential displacements gave rise to some contact (Fig. 3) near the crack tip and mouth (r/a = 1). The near-tip contact zone was 0.007r/a. When the constraint was removed to allow interpenetration of crack faces, the near-tip interpenetration region was more than double the contact zone. Comninou (1978) also noticed that contact zones were smaller than interpenetration zones; For negative bond-tangential loading, Fig. 3 and its insert indicate that there was some opening at the crack tip but the crack faces were in contact over most of the crack length (96 percent). When interpenetration was allowed, the open region was again crack length (96 percent). When interpenetration was allowed, the open region was again smaller (r/a< 0.02). The noted differences between sizes of the contact zones and interpenetration regions did not give rise to any variations in energy release rate values. This is probably due to the asTransactions of the ASME

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Fig. 4

Biaxial loading device

sumption of frictionless contact, although an analysis of cohesive mode II cracks in an adhesive layer did not reveal much change in energy release rate when frictional contact was allowed (Liechti and Freda, 1989). Moreover, energy release rate values calculated using the conservation integral approach and crack-opening displacements (VISTA) and virtual crack extension (ABAQUS) were all within 1 percent of the values obtained from (1). A positive bond-normal applied displacement yielded positive K 1 and K 2 values. Surprisingly, the conservation integral calculation indicated that K 1 > for positive bond-tangential displacements, in spite of the local crack-tip closure (Fig. 3). The positive K, value may have been due to the fact that the contours were evaluated in regions where the crack was opening. The K 2 value was negative under uo>O, which seems reasonable. All crack initiation experiments described later involved combinations of Uo and Vo that gave rise, to a total K 1(4) that was positive at initiation. Under combined tension and shear, Comninou and Schmueser (1979) found that K 2 was a nonlinear function of load ratio due to variations in contact lengths. As a result, one would think that the superpositions in (4) and (5) are invalid. However, the nonlinearity did not appear in the edge-cracked bimaterial strip in the sense that the energy release rate was linearly proportional to (u~+ v~) even when crack contact was allowed.

(1) Yo measurement

(2) "o measurement

Fig. 5 Measurements of applied and normal crack opening dlsplacements

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Fig. 6 craek-tace contact and extens io n under a sequen tial loading : bcn d-tanqentlal displacements follow ed by bond-normal disp lacement s

3 Experimental Aspects
From the preceding analysis it is clear that the development of a special biaxial loading device was requ ired. The relatively low toughness of interfaces led to the additional requirem ent that the applied displacement s be controlled with high resolution. Furthermore, since with slightest add ition of bondnormal displacements removes the contact zones that arise under bond-tangential displacements, it was important to min-. imize any interaction (crosstalk) between the two loadin g modes, The stiffness of the loading device had to be high enough that the crack initiation process (slow extension) and steady growth could be examined. Finally, the desire to measure normal crack opening displacements (NCOD) in order to examine nonlinear and three-d imensional effects in the cracktip region meant that microscope access be pro vided. A schematic of the loading device is shown in Fig. 4 and a
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more detailed descript ion is given in Chai (1990), The stepper motors , ball screws, and optical encoders were used in a computer-controlled feedback loop to pro vide independent displacement control to a resolution of I.27/Lm, Stiff load cells measured the reactions normal and tang ential to the interface. The relative displacements of the clamped bound aries of the specimens were also measured in the two directions using miniature capacitative displacement transducers having a range of 0.5 mm and resolution of 0.5 /Lm (Fig. 6). All transducers were calibrated in accordance with manufacturer 's specifications and no drift was observed over periods much longer than the time scale of the experiments. In ord er to examine near-tip asymptotics, crack-face contact, and three-dimensional effects, it was necessary to make measurements in the crack-front region in addition to globally applied displacements and their associated reactions. Crack opening interferometry, which has revealed interest ing nonTransactions ot .the ASME

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v o / V(lc = 0.0 v 0 /v oc = 1.0 v o /v 0c > 1.0 (steady propagation) ?$r



p Z3' r/


1 ^cTo m = 0.43 1 / 5 - f cr^1

icy ! /


LOG r (|im) (a) Crack Tip NCOD Asymptotics

1 a = 76.7 mm v o c = 9.35 [im

o'vc 1.00


A > -



<^r Y

rT fi< /\ JXT*^ _ 0.00

y i

Distance from Crack Front, r ((.tm)

Fig. 7 ysis

Crack-tip asymptotics and comparisons with finite element anal-

linear and three-dimensional effects in the past (Liechti and Knauss, 1981,1982b; Liechti and Hanson, 1988), was therefore employed in this study. A 45 deg mirror was mounted in one of the grips to introduce a beam of monochromatic light through the glass for reflection by the crack faces. The reflected beams interfere and the resulting fringe patterns were resolved by a microscope with a 100-mm working distance. For the normal incidence and airfilled crack used here, a dark fringe of order m is a contour
of NCOD, AJB2, given by

to be synchronized with those of the applied displacements and reactions. A series of video frames is shown in Fig. 6 to illustrate crackface contact and propagation under sequential loading in which positive bond-tangential displacements were applied first, followed by bond-normal applied displacements. The first frame, taken at a slight preload, indicated some initial opening. The crack front was convex in the direction of crack growth and, with proper specimen alignment, was symmetric with respect to the specimen midthickness. In the second frame, the fringe density decreased (indicating decreasing NCOD) under positive bond-tangential loading. However, crack closure had not yet occurred, due to the slight preload. Crack closure can be seen in the third frame which corresponds to the maximum level of bond-tangential displacements that were applied. Although it is not possible to discern crack extension under contact, the fourth frame, taken just after bond-normal displacements were initiated, indicates that such crack extension had indeed occurred. This interpretation of events is based on the fact that the crack faces immediately opened up to the new crack length upon application of bond-normal and further crack extension did not occur until some time later (frame 5). A slight discontinuity in the fringe pattern reveals some blunting at the original crack front. The sixth frame was taken during steady crack growth. Although detailed analyses have yet to be conducted, it appears that steady growth at a given load combination is characterized by a constant fringe spacing or NCOD profile. Although quantitative comparisons between measured and predicted contact zone sizes will follow in a companion paper, the contact zone shown in Fig. 6 was indeed small as was predicted in Fig. 3(b). Chiang et al. (1988, 1989) did not observe any contact zones in their experiments, even though the contact zones should have been much larger for their specimen and loading. In view of our experience here, a number of possibilities come to mind. First of all, the cracks used for their work were formed by Teflon inserts which give rise to relatively large initial gaps. Secondly, the displacement measurements (1988) were made at the specimen edge and the stress measurements (1989) were averaged through the thickness. In both cases three-dimensional effects could have contributed to the lack of contact. Finally, our observations indicate that very small bond-normal displacements eliminate contact and great care must be taken in loading device design and specimen alignment as was outlined in Section 2. 4 Analysis of Crack Initiation The measured NCOD, by themselves, do not provide sufficient information with which to extract mixed-mode fracture parameters of interest, particularly during crack initiation. A previously developed hybrid experimental/finite element analysis procedure (Liechti et al., 1987) was again implemented. The procedure consists of matching the measured NCOD and finite element solutions in a region of linear elastic response and then using the matched finite element solutions to extract the mixed-mode fracture parameters. The validity of the procedure is established here and applied to a detailed analysis of crack initiation under bond-normal loading. A sequence of NCOD profiles was taken from the center of a series of interference patterns, corresponding to the center of the specimen, far removed from any edge effects. Cracktip asymptotics were examined through logarithmic plots of NCOD versus distance from the crack front (Fig. 7(a)). At low load levels, the data fall on one straight line which, in these experiments, had a slope of 0.52. The expected value is, of course, 0.5 and the slightly higher value may indicate that higher-order terms are having some effect. As the load level was increased, a point was reached where the plots took on a bilinear form. The particular examples shown here are at the
SEPTEMBER 1991, Vol. 58 / 685

Ali2 = m\/2. (7) The wavelength X was 546-nm, yielding a resolution per half fringe (bright to dark) of 0.137 ftm. The field of view was approximately 0.5 mm and fringes could be located to within 5 /*m. The fringe patterns were recorded through a video camera and timer onto a high resolution video cassette recorder. The recordings were later analyzed using a digital image analysis system to obtain light intensity profiles along the center of the specimen. Because the fringe patterns were recorded for all times, there was no possibility of ambiguity in assigning fringe numbers and signs. The intensity profiles were filtered prior to thresholding in order to determine fringe locations. The whole procedure and fringe counting was automated so that NCOD profiles could be obtained every 1/30 of a second if necessary. The video timer allowed the NCOD measurements
Journal of Applied Mechanics

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amounts of crack extension (Aa/a 2x 10~5) could be resolved. The question arose as to what degree of crack extension constituted "initiation." The procedure that was adopted is G -^now described with reference to Fig. 8, where a number of parameters are presented as a function of crack extension. First, it can be seen that the energy release rate increased with load level and crack extension until the crack attained a steady velocity. The elapsed times from load initiation are noted for 60 15 2 various values of crack extension and indicate the energy release rate peaked just prior to dropping off slightly to a cons" 40 stant steady propagation occurred. If the load was 10 held constant during the time when the energy release rate was '55 c S increasing, then crack extension would stop. Thus, on this scale, the relatively brittle crack initiation process under bondnormal displacements as judged by the maximum G value of 18.4 J/m1 displays a response that is reminiscent of stable crack initiation in very tough materials. The critical value of energy o' ' ' ' ' 'u 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 release rate was taken to be the constant value associated with -3 steady crack extension and all quoted values of critical applied Crack Propagation (10 da/a) displacements were likewise associated with the attainment of Fig. 8 Crack extension under bond-normal displacements constant crack velocity. Since the G values in Fig. 8 were essentially derived from NCOD profiles, the results indicate that steady crack propagation is associated with a fixed NCOD critical value of applied displacement (defined later) and some- profile. what later as the crack propagated steadily. In both cases, the The other parameters noted in Fig. 8 were derived from original slope of 0.52 was retained well away from the crack logarithmic plots of the type shown in Fig. 7(a). The values front. Near the crack front the slopes reduced to 0.4 and 0.38 noted above and below the resistance curve at various degrees at the critical and post critical applied displacements, respec- of crack extension correspond respectively to the slopes of the tively. These lower slopes are indicative of some inelastic re- lines in the regions of elastic and inelastic response. Thus, it sponse but do not yield the value of - = 0.167 that would can be seen that the exponent in the elastic region was consistently the 0.52 value noted in Fig. 7(a) and that exponent 77+1 be expected from the power-law hardening exponent of n = 5 variations occurred in the inelastic region, depending on the for the epoxy (Table 1) and HRR singular fields. However, degree of crack extension, until steady crack propagation ocsome crack extension had occurred at the times that these curred. The plastic zone sizes, rp, were also recorded as a analyses were conducted and the singularities are really those function of crack extension. An increase in rp was noted during of a growing, rather than stationary crack. Shih and Asaro stable crack extension but it was then followed by a sharp (1988) recently showed that the asymptotic fields of a stationary decrease to a constant value which was associated with steady crack between a power-law hardening and a rigid one are nearly crack growth. The smaller plastic zone size during steady crack similar to the HRR fields that arise in a cracked, homogeneous, extension is presumably due to rate effects. The synchronipower-law hardening material under mixed-mode loading. On zation of changes in energy release rate values, inelastic exthe other hand, experimental analyses (Epstein, 1989) have not ponents and plastic zone sizes were all very consistent and give revealed HRR fields on the specimen surface near the tip of a picture of blunting (on a very small scale) prior to steady propagation. an interface crack. The extent of the plastic zone behind the crack front was A series of experiments under bond-normal applied distaken to be at the intersection of the lines representing the placements were conducted on a single specimen by unloading elastic and inelastic response in Fig. 7(a). The plastic zone very quickly once steady crack propagation was well estabsize at crack initiation (u0 = t>oc) was therefore found to be 49.3 lished. The arrested crack became the starter crack for the next /mi. Considering that the specimen thickness was 5.97 mm, experiment. This procedure gave rise to starter cracks that were the yielding was small scale in nature, thus permitting a pre- sharp and not influenced by the previous experiment. The same viously employed hybrid approach (Liechti et al., 1987) for crack extension behavior noted above was observed in all exextracting mixed-mode fracture parameters from NCOD meas- periments and the critical value of energy release rate associated urements to be considered here. The basis for the approach is with steady extension was found to be 17 J/m2 with a coefthe comparison between measured NCOD and linear elastic ficient of variation of 8.3 percent, indicating reasonable refinite element solutions of the corresponding geometry and producibility within one specimen. loadings, an example of which is shown in Fig. 1(b). The initial profile was matched by applying a suitable bond-normal displacement in the finite element analysis. The subsequently 5 Conclusions applied displacements were then added to the initial displaceThe paper has described the analysis of a single specimen ments so that measured and predicted NCOD could be properly which, when used with a specially developed biaxial loading compared. The experimental and numerical results for various device, should be capable of providing a wide range of mixtures applied bond normal displacements levels up to the critical one of mode I and mode II. A stress analysis revealed that, for were in close agreement, thus permitting the finite element positive bond-normal applied displacements, the mixity ranged solution to be used for extracting mixed-mode fracture pa- from - 60 deg to 90 deg for ratios of applied bond-tangential rameters. The favorable comparison also indicates that plane- displacement to bond-normal displacements of 10 to -7.5, strain conditions prevail at the center of the specimen. All respectively. The degree of crack face contact near the crack values of fracture parameters subsequently reported were ob- tip was relatively small (</V100) under positive bond-tangentained by matching NCOD well outside any regions of inelastic tial displacements and nonexistent (within the resolution of response. the finite element mesh) for negative bond tangential and poThe relatively high degree of magnification that was used sitive bond-normal applied displacements. to resolve the interference fringe patterns meant that very small The biaxial loading device was capable of producing steady
Time (sec) 100 108.5 109.5 110.5 111.5 112.5 113.5


Pla tic Zone Size

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crack propagation under all loading directions. Crack extension accompanied by near-tip crack face contact was observed using optical interferometry to measure NCOD. In a series of experiments under bond-normal applied displacements, the measured NCOD revealed that, for the relatively weak bond between epoxy and very smooth glass, crack initiation was accompanied by small-scale blunting whose extent was traced as a function of crack velocity. Energy release rates were extracted from linear elastic finite element solutions that matched the measured NCOD in regions of elastic response. Due to the high resolution in crack extension measurements, the energy release rates were found to increase with increasing crack extension until steady propagation occurred. The constant G value corresponding to steady propagation was taken to be the critical value and was found to be 17 J/m2 for ^=16 deg. The extension of the analyses and the procedures developed here to determine and examine the increase in Gc with positive and negative mixities is described in an accompanying paper (Liechti and Chai, 1989). Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the National Science Foundation through Grant Number MSM8813822. The digital image analysis system and some of the loading device components were provided under the University Research Instrumentation Program through the Office of Naval Research (Grant Number N00014-84-G-0175). We would also like to thank Jan Shrode for timely preparation of the manuscript. References
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Journal of Applied Mechanics

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