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< path/types_phenomena/causes_conditions_results.html> Causes, Conditions, and Results Causes 1-Acting causes (byed-rgyu, Skt.

karanahetu) nng tc nhn (nhn tc hnh) 2-Simultaneously arising causes (lhan-cig 'byung-ba'i rgyu, Skt.sahabhuhetu) Cu hu nhn (nhn bm sinh, nhn bn tnh) 3- Equal status cause (skal-mnyam-gyi rgyu, Skt. sabhagahetu) -- ng loi nhn (nhn cng loi) 4- Congruent causes (mtshungs-ldan-gyi rgyu, Skt.samprayuktahetu) Tng ng nhn (nhn tng ng) 5- Driving causes (kun-'gro'i rgyu, Skt. sarvatragohetu) Bin hnh nhn (nhn cng lp) 6-Ripening cause (rnam-smin-gyi rgyu, Skt. vipakahetu) D thc nhn (nhn chn mi) Conditions 1-Causal conditions (rgyu-rkyen, Skt. hetupratyaya) -- nhn duyn 2-Immediately preceding conditions (de-ma-thag rkyen, Skt.samanantarapratyaya) Th duyn (duyn k lin) 3-Focal condition (dmigs-rkyen, Skt. alambanapratyaya) S duyn duyn (duyn i tng) 4-Dominating condition (bdag-rkyen, Skt. adhipatipratyaya) Tng thng duyn (duyn ch cht) Additional Causes and Conditions 1-Obtaining causes (nyer-len-gyi rgyu, Skt. upadanahetu; material causes) -- Th nhn nhn (nhn th nhn) 2-Simultaneously acting conditions (lhan-cig byed-pa'i rkyen, Skt. sahakaripratyaya) -Cu hu nng tc duyn (duyn bn tnh tc hnh) 3-Similar-family causes (rigs-'dra'i rgyu, Skt. sajatiyakaranam) -- t tc nhn (nhn h tng t) 4-Natal sources (rdzas, Skt. dravya) of things -- Sinh duyn (duyn ngun) Vasubandhu discusses five types of results: 1-Ripened results (rnam-smin-gyi 'bras-bu, Skt. vipakaphalam) -- vin thc qu (qu chn mi) 2-Results that correspond to their cause (rgyu-mthun-gyi 'bras-bu, Skt. nishyandaphalam) ng lu qu (qu tng ng) 3-Dominating results (bdag-po'i 'bras-bu, Skt. adhipatiphalam, overriding results, comprehensive results) tng thng qu (qu ch ti cao) 4- Man-made results (skyes-bu byed-pa'i 'bras-bu, Skt.purushakaraphalam) -- nhn-to qu (qu nhn to) 5- Results that are states of being parted (bral-'bras, Skt.visamyogaphalam) -- ly h qu (qu ngng kt)

From Asanga phn ny dng li v phi dch ngha (tng t nh ting Anh, li khng c Phn ng i km nn rt kh tra cc Wy-lie format ca ting Tng hin khng tra cu c) 1-Acting causes that produce as their outcome ('byung-ba'i byed-rgyu) 2-Acting causes for abiding (gnas-pa'i byed-rgyu) 3-Acting causes that serve as a reliance (rten-pa'i byed-rgyu) 4-Acting causes for making things clear (gsal-ba'i byed-rgyu) 5-Acting causes for changing something ('gyur-ba'i byed-rgyu) 6-Acting causes that separate something ('bral-ba'i byed-rgyu) 7-Acting causes for transforming something (bsgyur-ba'i byed-rgyu) 8-Acting causes for having confidence (yid-ches-pa'i byed-rgyu) 9-Acting causes that make us gain confidence (yid-ches-par byed-rgyu) 10-Acting causes that allow for an attainment ('thob-pa'i byed-rgyu) 11-Acting causes that are conventions (tha-snyad-kyi byed-rgyu) 12-Acting causes on which something depends (ltos-pa'i byed-rgyu) 13-Acting causes that throw (from a distance) ('phen-pa'i byed-rgyu) 14-Acting causes that immediately accomplish (mngon-par 'grub-pa'i rgyu) 15-Acting causes that take care (yongs-su 'dzin-pa'i byed-rgyu) 16-Acting causes that ingratiate (rkud-par byed-rgyu) 17-Acting causes for gaining with certainty a specific type of rebirth (so-sor nges-pa'i rgyu) 18-Acting causes that are simultaneous (lhan-cig byed-rgyu) 19-Acting causes that are discordant (with the result) (mi-mthun-pa'i byed-rgyu) 20-Acting causes that are not discordant (with the results) (mi-mthun-pa ma-yin-pa'i byed-rgyu)

Vasubhandu elaborates on the causes (S. hetu, Tib. rgyu) and conditions (S. pratyaya, Tib. rkyen, Pli: paccaya) involved in the production of results (S. vipkaphalam, Tib. rnam-smin-gyi 'bras-bu), karma being one source of causes and results, the "ripening cause" and "ripened result."[53]} Generally speaking, the conditions can be thought of as auxiliary causes. Vasubhandhu draws from the earlier Sarvstivdin Abhidharma treatises to establish an elaborate Buddhist etiology with the following primary components: Six Causes:

Acting causes (S. kraahetu, T. byed-rgyu) all phenomena, other than the result itself, which do not impede the production of the result. This includes (a) potent acting causes, such as a seed for a sprout, and (b) impotent acting causes, such as the space that allows a sprout to grow and the mother or the clothes of the farmer who planted the seed. Simultaneously arising causes (S. sahabhuhetu, T. lhan-cig 'byung-ba'i rgyu) causes that arise simultaneously with their results. This would include, for

instance, characteristics together with whatever it is that possesses the characteristics.

Congruent causes ( Skt. samprayuktahetu, T. mtshungs-ldan-gyi rgyu) a subcategory of simultaneously arising causes, it includes causes share the same focal object, mental aspect, cognitive sensor, time, and slant with their causes primarily referring to the primary consciousness and its congruent mental factors. Equal status cause (S. sabhagahetu, T. skal-mnyam-gyi rgyu ) causes for which the results are later moments in the same category of phenomena. For example, one moment of patience can be considered the cause of the next moment of patience. Driving causes (S. sarvatragohetu, T. kun groi rgyu) disturbing emotions and attitudes that generate other subsequent disturbing emotions and attitudes in the same plane of existence, though the two need not be of the same ethical status. Ripening cause (Skt. vipkahetu, T. rnam-smin-gyi rgyu) - the karmic cause or efficacy.[54]

Four Conditions:

Causal conditions (S. hetupratyaya, T. rgyu-rkyen) - corresponds to five of the six causes, excepting the kraahetu, which corresponds to the three conditions below Immediately preceding conditions (S. samanantarapratyaya, T. dema thag rkyen) - a consciousness which precedes a sense or mental consciousness without any intervening consciousness and which produces the subsequent consciousness into an experience-ready entity Focal condition (S. alambanapratyaya, T. dmigs-rkyen) - or "object condition" an object which directly generates the consciousness apprehending it into having its aspect, e.g. the object blue causes an eye consciousness to be generated into having the aspect of blue Dominating condition (S. adhipatipratyaya, T. bdag-rkyen) -

Five Types of Results:

Ripened results (S. vipakaphalam, T. rnam smin gyi 'bras-bu) - karmic results.[55] Results that correspond to their cause (S. niyandaphalam, T. rgyu-mthun gyi 'bras-bu) - causally concordant effects Dominating results (S. adhipatiphalam, bdag poi bras bu) - the result of predominance. All conditioned dharmas are the adhipatiphala of other conditioned dharmas.[56] Man-made results (S. puruakraphalam, T. skyes bu byed-pa'i 'bras-bu) - a result due to the activity of another dharma

Results that are states of being parted (S. visamyogaphalam, T. bral 'bras) - not actually a result at all, but refers to the cessation that arises from insight.

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