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As behavior Kahayon is and Aquino on the cited on their book General from that the the

Psychology (published by National Bookstore, 1995), Integrated dependent information also received environment. Furthermore, they mentioned

stimulation of the receptor alone does not produce sensation but it is generated by the activation of the brain (cerebral cortex, in particular) which perceives the information. Likewise, the aforementioned also stated that the relation between the stimulation and the perception depends on many factors. Before we go further, let me try to feed you with some definition of the terms used: SENSATION is the simple experience that arises from the stimulation of the sense organ. RECEPTORS energy. STIMULUS is anything which initiates an organic study. PERCEPTION refers to the interpretation of a stimulus-as differentiated from the simple experience of stimulation. This Perception. questions: a. How does the learning/principles relate to me and my behavior? b. Instances/situations/experiences to validate or invalidate the principles. term In paper has focus it on would the Characteristics the of are cells or groups of cells specialized to respond to relatively small charges in a particular kind of




CHARACTERISTICS OF PERCEPTION 1. Perception is limited to sensory discrimination. Our perception of of the the things around it us depends our primarily on (1) condition of the organism; and (2) properties stimulus, thus affects ability to discriminate among stimuli in environment. 2. Perception is selective and subjective. Our focus on the stimuli around us is likely to be based REACTION: a. it I can relate to these principles personally and found true based on my personal experiences. My behavior towards perceiving things are found to be subjective and also limited to my sensory discrimination. b. There are instances in my personal accounts wherein I have been witness to the truth of these principles. For example, theres an instance during my younger years wherein I went to school with just a little sleep because the night before, I was forced to attend to my grandmother whos in the hospital. On the way to school, I almost got an accident because a motorcycle which I perceived to be still a block away almost hit meI crossed the street unaware that it was just 3-5 meters away from me. At school, on that same day, I was also scolded by my teacher because I was not able to answer her question which I thought was directed to my seatmate. Also, during dance competitions or presentations, our attention is mainly focused on the music and our dance routines than on the external noise and whats happening on the audience. on what we choose to perceive and likewise subjective.

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