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Rajab Calendar

7th month of the Hegirah Calendar

The traditional way of fasting in the Holy Months of Rajab and Shaaban is kept with in the Most Noble Naqshbandi tariqat, or Path, as follows:

al-Shuhr al-hurum

The Sacred Months

1st of Rajab sunset, Thursday 28th August 2003* First Friday night of Rajab also sunset, Thursday 28th August 2003 Lailat ul-Isra (heavenly ascension) 27th of Rajab sunset, Monday 22nd September* Allah Almightys Most Beloved One, Muhammad, The Glory of all Creation, made many heavenly ascensions, but the 27th of Rajab is the traditional remembrance of these great events.Tuesday 23rd September 2003 *dates should be confirmed nearer the time according to lunar sightings

i. ii. iii.

Fast during daylight hours every Monday and Thursday. Fast the 13th, 14th, and 15th of the Lunar month. Fast the 26th and 27th of Rajab Note of Caution

A spiritual exercise must be like clothing for the murid. It is a most natural and easy thing to wear suitable and well fitting clothes, especially such a cloak of honour as found in the Naqshbandi Way. But if the exercise exceeds the capacity of the murid, it becomes like a heavy weight. If the exercise doesnt fit, he or she must carry it around like a heavy burden, and will be looking for the first opportunity to dump it. Take from these devotions, according to your capacity!

The Sacred Months

Some Useful Practices for the Holy Month of Rajab

Rajab Calendar
7th month of the Hegirah Calendar

The traditional way of fasting in the Holy Months of Rajab and Shaaban is kept with in the Most Noble Naqshbandi tariqat, or Path, as follows:

al-Shuhr al-hurum

The Sacred Months

1st of Rajab sunset, Thursday 28th August 2003* First Friday night of Rajab also sunset, Thursday 28th August 2003 Lailat ul-Isra (heavenly ascension) 27th of Rajab sunset, Monday 22nd September* Allah Almightys Most Beloved One, Muhammad, The Glory of all Creation, made many heavenly ascensions, but the 27th of Rajab is the traditional remembrance of these great events.Tuesday 23rd September 2003 *dates should be confirmed nearer the time according to lunar sightings

i. ii. iii.

Fast during daylight hours every Monday and Thursday. Fast the 13th, 14th, and 15th of the Lunar month. Fast the 26th and 27th of Rajab Note of Caution

A spiritual exercise must be like clothing for the murid. It is a most natural and easy thing to wear suitable and well fitting clothes, especially such a cloak of honour as found in the Naqshbandi Way. But if the exercise exceeds the capacity of the murid, it becomes like a heavy weight. If the exercise doesnt fit, he or she must carry it around like a heavy burden, and will be looking for the first opportunity to dump it. Take from these devotions, according to your capacity!

The Sacred Months

Some Useful Practices for the Holy Month of Rajab

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

KUi Rajab
Such is the barakat, or blessing of this month, that it has traditionally been the month of khalwat, or seclusion and withdrawal from this world for 40 days and nights, and fasting during daylight hours. Every Prophet through to Jesus Christ and Muhammad s.a. has kept this practice, and all the awliya, or Saints, and Holy Ones also. Our beloved Sheikh has given us the good tidings that we are not excluded from its blessings and forgiveness if we make the intention at the start of the month, and, setting aside a quiet moment every day, even if it is just a few minutes, contemplate, and be near our Lord for a while.

niyaat - Intention
nawaitu al-arbaeen I intend to perfrom the forty days of retreat, nawaitu al-uzla I intend to retreat in Isolation, nawaitu al-khalwa I intend to retreat in Solitude nawaitu al-sulouk I intend to perform the Retreat nawaitu al-itikaf I intend to follow the Path nawaitu riaada I intend to perform the Spiritual Practices lillahi taala fi haathal- jaami for Allah the Highest, in this place of worship

The following awrad, or special recitations, have been given as a part of our daily practices for this month. Whatever you may do of it, a little part of it, or all of it, may Allah Bless you, and forgive us!

Rajab daily:
2500 Astaghfirullah 1000 La ilaha ill'Allah 100 La ilaha ill'Allah Muhammadur Rasulullah spread out during the month: 16000 Ya Latif 30 Rakat
(in the first Suratul Iklas, in the second'Qul-ya-ayyuha-l-Kafirun...')

1st-10th of Rajab: 100 Subhanallah-il-Hayy-il-Qayyum 10th-20th of Rajab: 100 Subhanallah-il-Ahad as Samad 20th-30th of Rajab: 100 Subhanallah-ir-Ra'uf

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

KUi Rajab
Such is the barakat, or blessing of this month, that it has traditionally been the month of khalwat, or seclusion and withdrawal from this world for 40 days and nights, and fasting during daylight hours. Every Prophet through to Jesus Christ and Muhammad s.a. has kept this practice, and all the awliya, or Saints, and Holy Ones also. Our beloved Sheikh has given us the good tidings that we are not excluded from its blessings and forgiveness if we make the intention at the start of the month, and, setting aside a quiet moment every day, even if it is just a few minutes, contemplate, and be near our Lord for a while.

niyaat - Intention
nawaitu al-arbaeen I intend to perfrom the forty days of retreat, nawaitu al-uzla I intend to retreat in Isolation, nawaitu al-khalwa I intend to retreat in Solitude nawaitu al-sulouk I intend to perform the Retreat nawaitu al-itikaf I intend to follow the Path nawaitu riaada I intend to perform the Spiritual Practices lillahi taala fi haathal- jaami for Allah the Highest, in this place of worship

The following awrad, or special recitations, have been given as a part of our daily practices for this month. Whatever you may do of it, a little part of it, or all of it, may Allah Bless you, and forgive us!

Rajab daily:
2500 Astaghfirullah 1000 La ilaha ill'Allah 100 La ilaha ill'Allah Muhammadur Rasulullah spread out during the month: 16000 Ya Latif 30 Rakat
(in the first Suratul Iklas, in the second'Qul-ya-ayyuha-l-Kafirun...')

1st-10th of Rajab: 100 Subhanallah-il-Hayy-il-Qayyum 10th-20th of Rajab: 100 Subhanallah-il-Ahad as Samad 20th-30th of Rajab: 100 Subhanallah-ir-Ra'uf

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