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Gtnngna~ nf flie Ilniteb ~tatez

lllualjingtnn, OQt 20515

July 3,2013 His Excellency Nawaz Sharif Prime Minister Islamic Republic of Pakistan Islamabad, Pakistan Dear Mr. Prime Minister:
CongraLulations on your election victory. The peacefi.ii transfer of power from one civilian government to another is an important milestone in the history of your country. The people of Pakistan deserve credit for their energetic participation in the election process. As members of the United States Congress, we look forward to strengthening the relationship between our nations.

As you begin your term, we respectfully request that you prioritize the grave situation facing religious minorities, including Shia Muslims, in Pakistan. We welcomed your statement before the National Assembly in which you declared that your government would improve the condition of religious minorities. We encourage you to fUlfill this commitment by proactively and vigorously preventing violence against religious communities, and by arresting and prosecuting those who commit or incite acts of violence. We are patti ularly concerned by the spike of targeted violene against Pakistans Shia Muslim comniunity. Pakistani Shias face daily discrimination at work, school and in the political process According to the Human Rights Comthission of Pakistan, at least 531 people were killed lastyeatin 199 sectarian-related terrorist attacks againstMuslim sects, mainly Shias. Human Rights Watch has documented more than 230 targeted killings of Shias in the first threemoiith~ of this year alone. Actual figures are likely higher. Recent Shia attacks across Pakistan include the March Abbastown bombing and the large-scale attacks in Quetta in February. Religious sites, schools, clinics, public gatherings and the individual homes of Shia leaders have been targeted. Police and security services have been unwilling or unable to take action against the groups behind these attacks. Targeted violence is not confined to Pakistans Shia community. The independent U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has documented cases of targeted violence against Pakistanis of many religions, including Christians, Hindus and Ahmadi Muslims. In March, rioters in Punjab province destroyed Christian homes over allegations of blasphemy. Hindus have suffered from kidnappings. rapes, and forced conversions in recent months. Hundreds have fled for India. Ahmadi Muslims live under laws criminalizing aspects of their faith and endure religious discrimination, including the


desecration of their holy sites and unequal voting rights. Each of these faith groups plays an integral role in Pakistans diverse society. We know these challenges are difficult and are not unique to Pakistan. We ask that you take action against the militant groups and all those who carry out targeted violence against religious communities. We stand ready to assist your new government in taking the difficult political, economic and legal steps to fully protect religious groups and prosecute the perpetrators of violence. We look forward to working with you on this issue and other U.S.-Pakistani issues to promote unity and ensure Pakistans future as a stable and prosperous democracy. Sincerely,

eith Ellison Member of Congress

Member of Congress

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Moran ber of Congress

jY Runya,


Member of Congress


J. M


.peier ~er of Congress

Jbsiitts Member of Congress

.1 1 / ac~-Schakowsky -mber of Congress


Chris Van Hollen Member of Congress


McGovern ember of Congress

Mark Pocan Member of Congress

Member of Co~tess

Alan Lowenthal Member of Congress

Rush Holt Member of Congress

Andr Carson Member of Congress

Bill Pascrell Member of Congress

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