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Social service report

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Definition of Survey

On the survey questions used Polls about public opinion, public health surveys,market research surveys,government surveys and censuses are all examples of quantitative research that use contemporary survey methodology to answers questions about a population. Although censuses do not include a "sample", they do include other aspects of survey methodology, like questionnaires, interviewers, and non response follow-up techniques. Surveys provide important information for all kinds of public information and research fields, e.g., market research, psychology, health professionals and sociology. A single survey is made of at least a sample (or full population in the case of a census), a method of data collection (e.g., a questionnaire) and individual questions or items that become data that can be analyzed statistically. A single survey may focus on different types of topics such as preferences (e.g., for a presidential candidate), opinions (e.g., should abortion be legal?), behaviour (smoking and alcohol use), or factual information (e.g., income), depending on its purpose. Since survey research is almost always based on a sample of the population, the success of the research is dependent on the representativeness of the sample with respect to a target population of interest to the researcher. That target population can range from the general population of a given country to specific groups of people within that country, to a membership list of a professional organization, or list of students enrolled in a school system (see also sampling (statistics) and survey sampling). Survey methodology as a scientific field seeks to identify principles about the sample design, data collection instruments, statistical adjustment of data, and data processing, and final data analysis that can create systematic and random survey errors. Survey errors are sometimes analyzed in connection with survey cost. Cost constraints are sometimes framed as improving quality within cost constraints, or alternatively, reducing costs for a fixed level of quality. Survey methodology is both a scientific field and a profession, meaning that some professionals in the field focus on survey errors empirically and others design surveys to reduce them. For survey designers, the task involves making a large set of decisions about thousands of individual features of a survey in order to improve it.

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2.1 AIM

Social Service Program in June/July 2013 as a part of partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of B.TECH. Degree of M.G.University,Kerala. House visit , data collection and imparting awareness on lifestyle improvement for environmental protection and energy management.

2.2 OBJECTIVES OF SURVEY Intact with more people around us and know more about people around as their life style. Make people aware about large energy consumption result in large quantity of CO2 emission. Make awareness about Green House Effect and Global Warming. Make awareness about methods of energy generation and its effect on environment. Make awareness on cutting trees and make people to plant more trees in surroundings. Make people aware of buying star rated equipments. Awareness of water conservation. Awareness on household waste treatment and it management. Make people know more about pipe compost and ways of effective use of pipe compost. Understand about the condition of water in our surrounding and know whether there is any scarcity of pure drinking water. Make awareness on shortage of energy that the nation is facing and hence effective management of energy is required in all levels. Ways of avoiding mosquito breeding and necessity of proper waste treatment in order to avoid diseases from mosquito bites.
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Necessity of using degradable bags for carrying goods instead of plastic bags as plastic is not a bio degradable material.

Burning of plastic creates environmental pollution & air pollution. Make awareness on climatic changes and the factors affecting climatic changes. Ways of improving the living standard of the people around us.

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The process of house visit was conducted in different parts of the Poonjar Thekkekkara panchayath.The main aim of visit was to interact with people living around, know more about their life style, standard of living etc. The objectives of house visit also include collecting some information about their basic necessities of every individual like water, energy, food, clean living conditions etc. The house visit was conducted individually and datas were collected in an orderly manner. The datas were then analysed properly and depending on the datas and analysis done on datas a conclusion is being reached.


The major objective of the survey involves meeting and interacting with the people in and around our house hold and in our locality. These meeting and talking to people helps to understand more about their life style, the problems that they are facing and also help to understand their needs. This interaction with people also helps them to ask their doubts on various problems that they are facing and is our duty to help them and to clear the doubts. Bringing awareness on proper waste treatment and facilitating clean and healthy surroundings of house. Collecting more datas on mosquito and chances for mosquito breeding. It is also necessary to understand the ways and measures that are taken by each individual house hold to reduce mosquito breeding and mosquito bites. Energy management measures taken in each house and monthly consumption on electricity is to be discussed. The thoughts and believes of each person on the climatic change and the factors that they believe is causing the climatic changes in our surroundings are to be noted and reported to the respective authorities. The importance of rain water harvesting and the different ways by which these process a can be carried out should also be informed to the members of the house. Further making people aware on the present condition of the world and also the importance on conservation and reduce usage of our natural resources that are available to us in order to conserve it to the future generations on earth also.

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As the major objectives of the survey is generally related to the environment and its aspects with directly or indirectly affect the nature. Hence it is necessary to visit the houses and its surroundings and observations of the surroundings are to be noted down. Further it is also necessary to make awareness to the people on the needs of keeping the house and its surroundings clean and well organised as these can keep as free from diseases. Another major factor is keeping the house and its premises clean and avoid water getting stagnant can reduce the breeding of mosquitos and hence reduce the spread of diseases. Keeping the locality of the house clean is necessary to reduce the chance of even polluting even our sources of drinking water like wells, pound etc. The dumping of household waste in the premises of the house and in open places must be avoided. These brings in the necessity of either a pipe compost in the house and those houses with more members can prefer a Biogas plant as these is a major source of reducing the use of LPG cylinders and hence can reduce the expenses spread on energy every year. The most of the premises of house that I visited were properly maintained and were kept clean and free from dumping of waste. But there is a better chance for improvement is required in some of the houses too.


Providing necessary suggestions and advices to the people is a very essential part of the survey. For these the survey team must prepare them self for proving necessary guidance and advice to the people in each house hold. These suggestions are to be provided to the people depending on the measures and methods that are adopted in each house. The suggestions provided to the people must be effective and their must not be any chance of complaints. The suggestions must only be provided on proper evaluation on the house and surroundings. Make sure that the suggestions provided to the people are effective and free from errors. The duty of the survey team also includes providing necessary advices to the people. These advices provided to the people must be simple and easy to implement.

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Some of the advices & suggestions provided are Avoid wastage of electricity and increase use of CFL lamps. Avoid the wastage of food materials and grains. Avoid disposal of house hold waste in open place and also introduce proper disposal of waste such as pipe compost, biogas plant etc. Avoid cutting down of trees and land degradation. Avoid water to stay stagnant in and around the house hold as these may facilitates mosquito breeding. Avoid wastage of water and also take effective ways of water conservation like rainwater harvesting in the houses. Use more renewable energy sources of energy like solar water heaters, solar cookers etc in our house. Switching off the fridge and other high power consuming equipments at peak and also avoid use of iron box at night from 6pm-10pm.

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The availability of water for our needs is very essential. So the availability of water is very much essential. The following survey was conducted in poonjar thekkekkara panchayath within a day span of 15 days. At the beginning of survey there was no rain and the people were suffering from water scarcity. But as the survey proceeded the rainy season began and the shortage of water came to an end. Hence on the Basic of the survey conducted only about 20% of the totals of 100 houses were suffering from water scarcity, and the remaining percentage have no scarcity of water. Most of the people that say they have water scarcity meet their minimum water requirement from the panchayath water supply system through the water authority of the state. During days of high water scarcity most of the houses depend on the water supply from panchayath through the Tanker Lorries. The houses with wells in their house meet the demand of water from the wells at the time of scarcity during the summer months.


The drinking water scarcity is a major factor on concern during the summer months in our state. Clean and safe drinking water is the fundamental right of each citizen in the nation. It is the duty of the government and the local authorities to meet this need of drinking water to the citizens. In our panchayath most of the houses contains wells or tube wells for meeting their drinking water demands. On the conduction of survey in our locality in the 100 houses it is seen that only less than 20% (around 16-18%) of the houses only suffer from drinking water scarcity. These houses also suffer from drinking water scarcity during the summer months from February to May. The people that generally suffer from the water scarcity are generally the people that are not financially sound and that they cannot afford buying water from privet individuals or water suppliers at a high cost. A very few number of households also use the pipe water for their drinking and cooking purpose after boiling the pipe water. A good number of houses own there on wells and they do not suffer any scarcity
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of drinking water. About 80% of the houses that I visited were free from water drinking water scarcity. The availability of the rain early is the major factor which recharges the wells and other water sources. Hence the reduction in water scarcity mainly depends on the monsoon rains.


Rain water harvesting is one of the most important methods of water conservation. The rain water harvesting is used to overcome the water scarcity in summer. It also helps to preserve the lakes, ponds and rivers. The water wasted during rain can be preserved for future use. The rain water harvesting is generally done either by recharging the well and also filtering the rain water and direct use. Only 38 %( of 100 houses) only have any of the water conservation methods. Among these houses about 85% (of 38 houses) have the water conservation method which involves the Recharging of wells directly from the rain water by the use of rain water storing pits which are use to penetrate more water to the soil and hence improve the underground availability and hence recharges the well and other water sources. The other method of water harvesting involves filtering and direct use. A very few houses only 15 %( of 38 houses) use these method of Rain water harvesting. In these of harvesting the rain water is directly collected in tanks and the filtered and can be used directly after filtering.


The electricity conception in all the 100 houses was determined separately. The conception is generally determined in two months and is determined in units consumed. The maximum conception rate among them in units is between 200-250 units. Almost 40 %( of the 100 houses) have this consumption. The minimum consumption rate in units is about 350-400 units and the percentage of houses having these conception is about 4% (of the 100 houses).The other consumption ranges also come in the survey. The consumption of electricity is mainly determined by the energy meter that is installed by the state electricity board in each house. The consumption of electricity can be reduced in the house by the use of the CFL lamps in the house over the incandescent lamps. Further the use of the high power
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consuming equipments like motors and iron box at peak from 6 pm -10 pm can also reduce power consumption. The refrigerators can be turned off for a few hours at night on peak time is very effective in the power consumption. The power conservation is very important as this can save more power as our state is facing a large shortage of power. And hence effective management of power is very much important in the case of proper conservation.


Mosquito menace is one of the major problems in our state. Our region is also having the same problem. So I consider this as an important aspect of our survey during the season of dengue fever which is caused by mosquito bite. 54% of have the problem of mosquito. The mosquito breeding is the major problem of mosquito bites. The mosquito breeding can be avoided by preventing the water to stay stagnant in the premises of the house. The mosquito breeding is avoided by the use of pesticides that are used to kill the mosquitoes. When the mosquitoes are breaded it is necessary to keep oversells free from mosquito bites. The most important method of doing it is by the use of chemicals like mortine mosquito liquid to kill mosquitoes. The mosquitos bats are also used to kill the mosquitoes. The people also use hands to kill the mosquitoes by beating them and killing. These insects are the cause of most of the disease hence it is necessary to kill and to avoid the breeding of the mosquitoes to have a safe and healthy life .The clean environment is also important to avoid the growth and breeding of mosquitoes.


The plastic bags and disposable bags are uses by the people commonly. The survey conducted in our panchayath in about 100 houses most of them prefers plastic bags than the disposable bags. The survey conducted about 64% (of 100 houses) prefers plastic than the paper bags. The main reason is that most of the shops uses and give plastic bags when buying goods. The people also say that it is better to carry goods in plastic bags during the time of rain. The plastic bags are most preferred by the people as it is used to carry more goods as it has more strength to carry weight. But actually the plastic bags are a threat to the

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environment. The plastic is a non degradable material and hence disposed to the ground it stays as it is after years. The plastic bags used can be disposed by burning them off. These burning of plastic can create pollution and can damage the ozone layer of the earth. The plastic bags can be and disposed by collecting them and then giving them for recycling. This is the most efficient method of disposing of plastic bags. It is necessary to bring awareness in the people about the use of disposable paper bags in our daily use as it is environmental friendly and free from pollution and also are degradable material.


Kitchen waste is the major environmental problem of our entire state. All local authorities are facing the crisis of the disposal of waste. The waste materials disposed in common places can cause contagious diseases to spread throughout the region. In my survey all the people in the houses visited are very much aware of this. All of them are aware of the different methods of waste disposal at their premises itself. This is due to the steps taken by the poonjar thekkekkara panchayath officials to adopt disposal of the waste at their origin itself. 100% of the houses are aware of the pipe compost method of kitchen waste disposal. This is one of the major projects of our municipality with the help of the state government to give the pipes used for the disposal, free of cost to all the houses in the panchayath area. This works well and is 100% successful in some of the houses I visited for the survey. Even though all are aware of the different waste disposal methods only 9% of them are using the kitchen waste biogas plant. Even though this a very effective method ordinary people are not able to adopt this. This is due to the higher initial cost of installing the equipments. This is more effective to the people because of the availability of bio-gas which also will save the use of LPG which is becoming costly now.

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4.8. CHANGE OF WEATHER PATTERN Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. It may be a change in average weather conditions, or in the distribution of weather around the average conditions (i.e., more or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change is caused by factors that include oceanic processes (such as oceanic circulation), biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics and volcanic eruptions, and human-induced alterations of the natural world; these latter effects are currently causing global warming, and "climate change" is often used to describe human-specific impacts. In this survey 69% of the people have the feel that the climate of our locality has changed. They also feel that this is due to the change in the environment which is manmade.


Only 25% of the people have the opinion that life style pattern can change with the change in the climate. The life style pattern actually determines the type and way of life each person prefers. The modern days the life style has a good influence on the environment. The life style pattern has been a great influence on our health too. The increase in the use of vehicles reduces walking and hence increases health problems. They also lead to air pollution. The increase in the use of fast food and other instant food items reduces our health and make as sick. The life style pattern like the use of more vehicles can create green house effect and which creates global warming. The cutting down of trees and forest is also a major factor in the cause of climatic change.

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The survey conducted in the POONJAR THEKKEKKARA PANCHAYATH on the environmental and other problems faced by the people helps in knowing more about our locality. The interaction with the people helps in the knowing more about the life of the people. On the basic of the survey and interaction with people I suggest some recommendations and the ways of improvement of the life style pattern of the people. The water scarcity is a problem during the summer months from March and April but as the survey was on June& July as it was heavy rain most people said there was no water scarcity. The best way of facing water scarcity is by the proper ways of rain water harvesting. It is best if some steps were taken by panchayath so that rain water harvesting is done properly. The use of bags made of paper and other degradable materials are to be promoted instead of plastic bags. It is better if the shops prefer the use of paper bags to packs items for its customers. The kitchen waste disposal is almost done efficiently in the panchayath as by giving the pipe compost to all the houses and making awareness in the use of the compost. The use of the biogas plant made from the plastic barrels made with a small investment is a major source of reducing the use of LPG conception in the house and a source of good organic fertiliser for the plats in the house hold. The mosquitoes are a major cause of the disease in our locality. Even though the waste disposal is done it is also necessary to keep the places free from water getting water stagnant in the different places of the panchayath. It is also necessary to take steps to kill and to avoid the growth of the Larva of the mosquitoes. Proper mosquito killing chemicals are to be used in the rubber plantations of the locality as they are the major producers of the mosquitoes Chlorination of water tanks and chemical treatment of water is also very important for mosquito killing.

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The survey conducted in the Poonjar Thekkekkara panchayath on the Environmental and other factors and problems faced by the people were observed. The survey was conducted in 100 houses of the panchayath and depending on the interaction with people the observations are made. The survey helps as in interacting with more and understanding there actual problems. The survey made helps in understanding the actual problems and necessities of the people and also helps in providing their needs. The survey also helps in making the awareness in the mind of the people about the need of rain water harvesting and importance of clean drinking water. The power consumption and ways of reducing the power consumption and methods to implement it is also important. Methods to reduce the mosquitoes and methods to kill them are also being brought to observation. The methods of kitchen waste disposal are also adopted. The observations and believes of the people on the climatic change are also being noted.

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Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Name Bino K Ramesh Bijo K Ramesh Mathew A M N J Sebastian E A Mohanan Aneesh Mathew Thomas Mathai Joy Joseph Scaria Gopinathan Nair Elsamma Francis joseph Jaya Daisy Joseph Joy Thomas P T Johnson thomas K V Thomas Chacko Xavier P K George Narendran M M Chacko Mathew

House name Kunathuparambil Kunathuparambil Arumpulickal Njallakattu Enjiyil Kunathuparambil Kandamparambil Varickyanickel Plathottathil Munnumattathil perumpalliyanickel kattarath mangattukunnel Kunnepurakattu Kattarath Moolechalil Mandapathil Plathottathil Padannamackal padannamackal Kunnumpurathu Enthumplackal Kavanal Mannarath Kokkattu 1/430 1/431 1/433 1/436 1/434 1/432 1/569 1/540 1/463 1/555

House No.

14/095 14/100 14/090 14/80 14/097 13/371 13/374 12/119 12/102 12/103 12/114 14/084 12/133 1/279 1/277

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Sl. No. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Joy Geoege


House name Parayaruthottam Kathalikaatil Vanipurayil Onnakaparayil Enthumplackal Puthenveetil Pithiyaveetil Enthumplackal Kallumakuzhiyil Valliyalallumakal Erthiyil Mannor Valliyamthadathil Varickayanikal Moozhayil Valliyaparambil Keethanickal Melethadathil Vettukallel Kulathunkal Vellikakathu Ozhakkal Kulathunkal Kiddekathazhe Srampickal 1/276 1/275 1/500 1/273 1/259

House No.

V V Joseph Thankachen Mathew Paul P N Sasi Joselit Manuel P K Manuel Santhosh Varkey Rosamma Thomas Keshavan Anthony Thomas devasia Thakappan Devasia Jose lukose Sunny John Joseph Devasia Joby K R Thomas Babu Thomas Rajesh Joseph K V Johns Mathew

14/078 14/087 14/088 12/123 3/12 3/13 3/014 3/015 3/016 3/18 3/020 3/021 3/022 3/023 1/447 1/450 1/260 1/458 1/459 1/462

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Sl. No. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Name V K Manoj N J Jose Thomas Siby mathew Scaria James joseph E M Madhu Purushothaman E V sasi Rajkumar George micheal K sasi Baby K P Annamma George Ayyapan Baby Johny Thomas Joseph Joseph Devasia Thomas Prabakaran Mariamma Mathai Babu Jacob Stephan Kuruvilla Raghunathan

House name Vattamattathil Nelliyaniyil Perumpalli Chakkunkal Palakeel Vaylikunnel Ettickal Valanickal Vallickanattu Raj Bhavan Puthiyaparambil Kulathinkal Ozhackal Chakarapurackal Muzhuvancheril Puthiyathalel Kunnampurathu Chirackal Muthalakuzhiyil Vettathu Puthenpurackal Vazhayil Panachikkal Thadavannal Puthenpurackal 1/272 1/320 1/638 1/439 1/440 1/446 1/437 1/657 1/453 1/452 1/440

House No.

14/092 1/361 1/457 1/464 1/466 1/551 1/554 3/067 3/066 2/228 3/064 3/062 3/60 3/57

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Sl. No. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Name Thomas Scaria Scaria Scaria Jaice Scaria Ramakrishnan Alekutty Annamma Chacko Mariamma Augustine Johny joseph Sebastian Devasia Thomman Jomol Varkey Rukmani Josekutty Thomas Joseph Mathew Abraham Ethamma Damoodran Varkey Sebastian Baby Joseph Thomas Rajesh Antony Mathew Tomy Sasi

House name Aikkerakunnel Valliplackal Valiplackal Puthenpurackal Pannichikal Chandrankunnel Muthalakuzhiyil Valliyamthadathil Kunnampurathu Pinakkattu Keecherry Karottuchirackal Moovelliyil Karippuvattathu Valliyamthadathil Valliyamthadathil Erthel Vadakkedathu Varukukalayil Kattarath Kochanimootil Neduvellil Odackal Enthumplackal Elavaumkal 3/054 3/053 3/051 3/050 3/49 3/024 3/028 3/026 3/040 3/041 3/42 3/044 3/047 1/278 3/004 3/009 3/011 3/010

House No.

12/131 14/096 12/126 13/338 13/334 13/333 13/335

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