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Books for School: Number of lessons

PACK ONE: Id-ul-Adha and the Hajj This is one of the resource sets that can be found in the books for schools pack. This pack supports two of the units from the QCA (Qualifications and Curriculum Authority) Scheme of work for RE in Key Stage 2. The first being Unit 2C: Celebrations Generic and the second being Unit 5B: How do Muslims express their beliefs through practices? This pack contains 5 sections of teacher notes, 6 sections of activity sheets (which are photocopiable) and 1 dear diary story book (which is also photocopiable). LESSONS a) The first lesson is called Time to celebrate. The learning objectives of this are to explore which celebrations are important to children personally, to distinguish between personal and collective celebrations and to compare the differences in time and place, by looking at the diverse ways special occasions are celebrated. To achieve these aims, children are required to complete various tasks. - For example, one of the tasks includes children interviewing each other about celebrations and filling out a chart that is included in the pack. When they are finished, they are required to use these notes to write a magazine article. - Another activity children may execute is interviewing a grandparent/parent or older neighbour on how they celebrated the same occasion in the past. Children must then compare their answers to their own experiences of the same celebration. - A follow on activity for children is to collect the interviews they have conducted and compare how occasions were celebrated in the past and compile them into a book called Celebrations Now and Then for example. b) The second lesson can be called Id in the context of the lunar calendar and the learning objectives for this lesson are to understand that Muslim celebrations are based on the lunar calendar and to appreciate the effects of using the lunar calendar in relation to festival timings. - This can be conducted through a whole class activity for example time lines can be drawn on the white board, and children can come up individually and draw the various stages of the moon to show for example a new month begins with the crescent of the new moon. - A follow on group activity can be conducted where children discuss in groups the difference between celebrating a special day such as Id in two different seasons, such as summer and winter. - Children can then represent their ideas in a brainstorming session, in which they record their ideas in a spider diagram.
c) A third lesson which teachers can take is called The story of Prophet Ibrahim

(Abraham) peace be upon him and the learning objective here is to understand that the celebration of Id-ul-Adha gains its meaning from the story of Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh).

Children will need to do some research and reading on the story of this Prophet and his connection with Id-ul-Adha. B4S have various websites that the children can go on to find accurate and precise information as well as a selection of books. The children can also be introduced to the importance of the Prophet Ibrahim in three faiths: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. After doing some research, the children can be asked to put together statements given on the story of the Prophet and put them in order, on the Story circle activity sheet which is provided. The follow on activity for children is to imagine a situation where someone has to give away or share something very precious to them. Students can then write this out and act it out in a role play with a partner.

d) The fourth lesson which can take place is called Contemporary setting of Id-ul-Adha, the Rashid family celebrating Id. The learning objectives are to identify the key features of celebrating the Id-ul-Adha day and to recognise cultural diversity in the way Id is celebrated. - This activity contains a profile of a real Muslim family and high-lights the main parts of the day from the mothers and daughters perspective. - The children can then use this to organise a celebration of their own for example, a function for local senior residents, a cultural evening or maybe an international food bazaar. - Based on this, the children can advertise their event by designing leaflets, posters, presentations and so forth. e) The final lesson can be called Dear Diary and the lesson objectives are to understand that special occasions can have a religious meaning and significance, to make the connection between Id-ul-Adha and Hajj and, to explore the meaning and significance of Hajj as the journey of a lifetime. - This section contains a story which takes the view of a childs experience leading up to Id-ul-Adha and in parallel; it looks at the experience of his grandparents who set off for Hajj. - As a whole class warmer, an introduction to journeys by the teacher can be given using maps, or pictures, representing the widest range of journeys from local to the more distant. - For an individual task, the children can paint a scene of the Kabah and the surrounding Grand Mosque. - As a final treat, this pack contains a popular Egyptian Id recipe using dates. It is very straight forward and not only sounds great but also tastes great to! - As a follow up activity, students can research various Id recipes from all around the world using books and the Inter net.

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