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5) Overshoot is an expression used when talking about a ship's steering ability.What does this mean?

It is the way a ship continues to turn after counter-rudder is applied. 12) Your ship is equipped with a right handed propeller.As you go full astern from full ahead, the ship is sheering to starboard.Is there anything you can do to reduce the change in heading? Put the rudder hard to starboard. 13) You are meeting another ship in confined waters. What can happen as the ships approach each other? Initially the bows of the ships will be pushed away from each other. 14) In ship handling terms, which of these overtaking situations is the most dangerous? A large vessel overtaking a small vessel with little difference in speed between the two vessels. 16) How should you minimize squat effect? Decrease the speed. 17) In relation to squat effect, which of the following statements is incorrect? Squat results in a decrease in ship's draft. 18) You are transiting a narrow channel. What can happen in this situation? The bow could be pushed away from the bank. 26) A ship turns around a point called the 'pivot point'. What is the usual position of this point when the ship is at full sea speed? At about 1/4 of the ship's length from the bow.

28) In the diagram of a ship's turning circle, what is the distance B known as?

Tactical Diameter 30) The position of the pivot point when making sternway is approximately.... one quarter of the length of the ship from the stern 32) In a narrow canal, a ship proceeding at half speed ahead swings towards the port bank of the channel. As the bow approaches the bank, it would initially.... be rejected away from the bank by the pressure 36) Over what length of time should a diesel powered vessel be slowed down from full sea-speed to manoeuvring speed? 1 hour. 47) What shape of hull does a course-stable ship usually have? A ship with a long, slim hull

48) What shape of hull would you say a course unstable ship would have?

A ship with a lenght to beam ratio greater than 5.5

54) The rudder is in hard over position, propeller stopped. The ship is turning slowly. What can we do to make her turn faster without increasing forward speed?

Give a kick ahead.

55) What is the correct way in approaching the SPM, taking the prevailing wind, current and waves into consideration?

As in example 2

57) The rudder is hard over, full ahead in shallow water.How much lift force remains when the engine is stopped?

About 10%

64) You have made a turning circle at full speed in deep water. You are now going to make one with initial speed, slow ahead. Do you think the diameter will differ from that of initial full ahead?

The diameter will be the same whatever initial speed we have when starting the turn

73) When is the master required to be on the bridge during transit of the Suez Canal?

The master or this qualified representative must be on the bridge at all times 77) The maximum height that a pilot should be required to climb on a pilot ladder before reaching the deck or stepping onto an accommodation ladder is: 9 mtrs

78) If making a new pilot ladder onboard, which of the following ropes would you use in its construction as side ropes on which the steps are fastened?

Uncovered manila rope 83) Your vessel is moving in Panama Canal waters. When must the master be on the bridge? When entering or leaving a lock, passing through Gaillard cut, berthing&unberthing, anchoring or heaving anchor

87) At what latest time shall doors, sidescuttles, gangway doors, cargo-and coaling ports and other openings which are to be kept closed watertight at sea be closed at the start of the voyage?

Before leaving the port

88) What does this crane signal indicate?

Raise the boom, lower the load

89) What does this crane signal indicate?

Raise the boom

96) Which one of the following types of rope is the most dangerous to work with?


98) What is the correct definition of:-lee side?

The side from the wind

99) Your ship is equipped with 2 different types of grabs,small and large, with cubic capacities of 5m3 and 10m3 respectively. Maximum crane load for grab service is 16 tons including grab weight. You are going to discharge a dry commodity having a stowage factor of 1,4 T/m3. What will be the suitable grab for this operation?


100) Your crane is designed for Grab Service with a hoisting load of 16 tons including grab weight. Grab weight: 8 tons, Grab cubic: 10m3. You are going to discharge a cargo of dry minerals having a stowage factor of 0,7-0,8 t/m3. What will be the maximum weight of the cargo you are allowed to have in each grab?

8 tons

102) The vessel is going through the illustrated turning procedure. What is the name of this turning procedure?

Scharnow Turn

103) The vessel is going through the illustrated turning procedure. What is the name of this turning procedure?

Williamson Turn

106) Signals used by aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations to direct ships towards an aircraft, ship or person in distress. What is the meaning of the signal?

The aircraft is directing a vessel towards an aircraft or vessel in distress

111) What is the search pattern system called using more than one ship?

Parallel System

112) What is the possible position of a ship in distress called?


18) You are standing on the bridge and are eye witness to a man falling over board. Which of the following actions are to be considered as the correct manoeuvre in this situation?

Direct Turn

119) You are duty officer on the bridge. A person is reported missing. Which of the following actions are to be considered as the correct manoeuvre in this situation?

Scharnow Turn

122) A 6-men inflatable liferaft shall be carried as far forward as is reasonable and practicable. Where is the best stowing position?

Under the forecastle

124) What is the minimum number of lifebuoys carried by a cargo vessel of more than 200 metres in length?


126) What is the Morse Code Signal Letter used by a vessel in response to an aircraft is request for assistance in a rescue operation?

127) Romanian merchant-and fishing vessels have to participate in the AMVER system. What is the purpose of AMVER?

Automated mutual vessel rescue system for plotting vessels with the purpose of rescue

128) What colour flare is used to signal a safe landing for small boats?


130) Which letter from the Morse code is used to signal a safe landing place (sound or light)?

136) What is a 'Search and Rescue Region' (SRR)?

An area of defined dimensions within which search and rescue services are provided

139) On which frequency are navigational and meteorological messages normally sent on the NAVTEX system?


140) By what date must ALL vessels fully comply with GMDSS requirements?

1st February 1999

143) On what wave band does the search and rescue radar transponder operate?

9 GHz

144) Your vessel is not in distress and not taking part in a distress operation. How would you impose radio silence on vessels which are interfering the distress traffic?

Seelonce Distress

146) The portable VHF radio-telephones required to be carried by GMDSS regulations should have which channels as a minimum?

Channel 16 and minimum others simplex channel in VHF band

147) What is the minimum number of portable two way VHF radio-telephones for use in survival craft, that should be carried onboard vessels which comply with GMDSS regulations > 500 GRT ?

minim 3 sets

148) What is the meaning of this flag in the International code of signals?

You are running into danger

149) You are approaching a port when you see three flashing red lights in a vertical line at the entrance.What does this indicate?

Serious emergency-all vessels to stop or divert according to instructions

150) In the international code of signals what does this flag mean?

I am manoeuvring with difficulty. Keep clear of me

152) Which VHF channel should be used for intership navigation safety communications?


4) On the radio telephony 2182KHz frequency when are the 'silence periods'?

For 3 minutes starting on the hour and half hour

9) What is the meaning of this flag signal?


60) Code signals concerning requests and general information on medical matters normally consist of:

Letter M plus two other letters

161) Which signal should you send to show that you have completed your morse code transmission?

Morse signal AR

166) Which one of the given requirements regarding survival craft muster and embarcation arrangements do not correspond with present regulations?(SOLAS III/10)

Searchlight to be provided at the launching station

167) Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of a survival craft do not correspond withpresent regulations? (SOLAS III/13.1)Each survival craft shall be stowed:

So that neither craft nor stowage arrangement interfere with the general operation of the ship

168) Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of lifeboats and liferafts do not correspond to present regulations? (SOLAS II/13.3-13.6)

Liferafts intended for throw-overboard launching shall be stowed midships secured to means for transfer to either side

169) Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of rescue boats do not correspond to present regulations? (SOLAS III/14)

Rescue boats shall be stowed attached to launching appliances

170) Which one of the listed requirements regarding the launching and recovery arrangements for rescue boats do not correspond to present regulations? (SOLAS III/16)

The release mechanism shall be of an automatic type approved by the Administration

172) How much liferaft capacity should be provided on a conventional cargo ship of more than 85 meters in length, built after July 1986?

100% of the complement if it can be readily launched on either side of the ship. If it cannot be readily launched on either side, 100% must be provided on each side

173) How much liferaft capacity should be provided on a conventional cargo ship of more than 85 meters in length?

100% of the ships complement on each side

174) During helicopter evacuation of an injured man, what course should the ship steer?

As instructed by the helicopter pilot

76) A ship is fitted with david launched liferafts. How often should onboard training take place, including, when practicable, the inflation and lowering of a liferaft?

Every four months

178) How many thermal protective aids are carried in each liferaft?

10%of the number of persons the liferaft is designed to carry, or two, whichever is the greatest

180) How many hand held distress flares are carried in each liferaft?

186) What is the minimum number of immersion suits that are required to be provided for each open lifeboat under SOLAS rules?

189) How much water per person is provided in a lifeboat not equiped with a desalting apparatus?

3 litre

191) You are approaching the shore in a lifeboat when you see a person holding a white flag. He is moving it in a horizontal motion from side to side. What does this indicate?

Landing here is highly dangerous

193) Which of the following actions should be done before throwing this type of inflatable liferaft over the side?

Check that the painter is made fast to a secure point and that the sea below is clear

194) How should the painter of a liferaft which is fitted with a hydrostaticrelease be secured to the ship?

Secured via a weak link to a secure part of the ship

195) How much food per person is supplied on a liferaft?

Not less than 10000kj

197) For how long and at what speed is a fully loaded lifeboat designed to operate in calm weather?

6 knots for 24 hours

199) GMDSS regulations require that vessels carry two-way VHF for survival craft. How many are required, and when do the regulations apply?

3 sets for ships of 500 GRT and upwards and all passager ships

201) During a helicopter evacuation, the helicopter lowers his winch wire to the deck. Which of the following should NOT be done with the winch wire?

All of the mentioned actions

204) What equipment is provided in a liferaft to help you keep warm in cold weather?

Help insulation, in addition to the thermal protective aids (10% of complement, minimum 2)

207) A lifejacket should be provided with:

A whistle and a light

208) An enclosed lifeboat is fitted with a self-contained air support system. With the engine running, what is the minimum period of time the air should remain safe and breathable?

10 minutes

210) What signal, if any, is specified in SOLAS as the 'Abandon ship' signal?

The 'Abandon ship' signal is not specified, only the general emergency alarm signal is stated

211) Passenger ships have a normal requirement of 1 lifejacket per person +10% for children. In addition to this, how many lifejackets have to be provided on deck or at the muster stations?

5% extra

214) Which one of the listed routine test and inspections of life-saving appliances is not required by the regulations?

General emergency alarm to be tested daily 220) Semicercul periculos se situeaza, in raport cu directia de deplasare a depresiunii tropicale, in emisfera sudica : In partea stanga 222) Cand nava se afla in semicercul periculos vantul deriveaza nava catre :

Centrul ciclonului 225) Cand o nava aflata in semicercul manevrabil poate prsi mai repede zona de actiune a ciclonului ? In cazul curbarii traiectoriei 226) Ce se intelege prin 'cadranul mai periculos' ? Cadranul anterior al semicercului periculos 227) O nava suprinsa de ciclon in emisfera nordica se afla in semicercul periculos : Cand nava tine o capa preventiva, iar vantul gireaza in sens retrograd 228) O nava suprinsa de ciclon in emisfera sudica se afla in semicercul manevrabil : Cand vantul gireaza in sens retrograd 231) Cand se stabileste relevmentul centrului ciclonului si semicerculin care se afla nava, in situatia cand nava se afla langa vortex : Vantul taie izobarele sub un unghi de 60 grade 233) In emisfera nordica, cand nava se afla in semicercul periculos, aceasta trebuie sa mentina : O alura de capa preventiva, cu vantul din Pv Tb intre 10 - 45 grade 235) In emisfera nordica, cand nava se afla in semicercul manevrabil, aceasta trebuie sa mentina : O alura cu vantul din Pp Tb 237) Daca nava se afla centrului ciclonului, este suficient : Sa micsoram viteza pentru a lasa ciclonul sa se indeparteze 246) n timpul navigaiei prin zone cu adncimi mici se va ine cont de faptul c: Efectul crmei este mai mic, nava guverneaz mai greu, iar viteza se reduce cu 20 25% 252) La manevra navei pe vreme rea se va: Analiza fora de izbire a valurilor, alura corect fa de val i consecinele asupra rezistenei navei

253) Pentru a se evita situaiile periculoase, atunci cnd nava trebuie s ntoarc la drum opus n vnt i val, manevra se execut astfel Se mrete viteza pe ct posibil ( pentru a trece ct mai repede prin poziia cu valul din travers), dup care sencepe giraia 255) Tangajul navei depinde de raportul dintre lungimea navei (L) i lungimea de und a valului (?), situaia cea mai nefavorabil fiind atunci cnd: L = ?, nava se poate afla cnd cu prova i pupa pe cte un val, cnd cu centrul pe coama valului iar prova i pupa suspendate 257) n general coliziunea produce avarii la corpul navei care genereaz de cele mai multa ori guri de ap. Apa mbarcat prin acestea poate provoca urmtoarele situaii la bord, care va afecta stabilitatea navei: nclinarea, apuparea sau aprovarea navei

260) Manevra navei cu incendiu la bord presupune executarea urmtoarelor activiti:

Orientarea navei astfel nct flcrile incendiului i fumul s fie aduse sub vnt, fr a pune n pericol brcile de salvare i plutele de salvare 263) Care este cel mai important element de care trebuie sa se tina cont la dezesuarea navei ? Ora mareei inalte 264) La esuarea voluntara a navei ancorele se fundarisesc : Cu circa 200 - 250 m inainte de atingerea fundului 266) Ce semne trebuie sa poarte o nava esuata ziua ? Trei bule negre 267) Ce lumini trebuie sa poarte o nava esuata noaptea Doua lumini rosii pe verticala si luminile de ancora 271) Pescajele unei nave esuate cu prova pe mal trebuie inaintea inceperii operatiunii de dezesuare : Sa creasca la pupa si sa se micsoreze la prova 272) Cantitatea de marfa necesara a fi descarcata, pentru a aduce nava in stare de plutire se face dupa formula : P = 100 ?T*t P = 12 ?T*t

P = ?T*S Toate trei sunt corecte 273) Este corecta legarea la ureche ( prova si pupa) a unui remorcher la o nava esuata ca jetul curentului de apa respins de elicele remorcherului sa spele solul de langa bordul navei esuate ? Da 278) Elementul principal de scoatere a navei de pe uscat il constituie : Vremea 279) Coeficientul de tractiune/impingere, ale remorcherelor cu elice cu pas fix este : 0,11 - 0,12 tone la fiecare unitate de putere 281) Ce este mai important in cazul unei esuari voluntare ? Toate trei sunt corecte 286) Semnificatia pavilionului 'G' din Codul International este: Am nevoie de pilot 287) Semnificatia pavilionului 'H' din Codul International este: Am pilot la bord 288) Cand o nava nu are pavilionul tarii in care face escala cu ce pavilion de cod il inlocuieste? Litera 'H' 290) Semnificatia pavilionului 'P' din Codul International este: Adunarea echipajului la bord, nava gata de plecare 292) Un semnal format din 7 sunete scurte transmis prin soneriile de alarma ale navei inseamna: Abandonarea navei 293) Care sunt mijloacele cu care se pot transmite semnale morse luminoase de la nava? Toate mijloacele de la a,b si c

295) Dac: R1- tensiunea pe remorc; Re- rezistena elicelor stopate de la nava remorcat; Ra- rezistena aerului pe care o ntmpin nava remorcat; tensiunea total la care este supus remorca (R) se poate calcula cu formula: R= R1+ Re+ Ra; 296) Lungimea parmei de remorcaj n porturi trebuie s fie: Ct mai mic, cu lungimi de 25 50 m; 297) Ruperea unei parme de remorcaj pe timpul marului de lung durat se produce datorit faptului c: Nu s-a folosit o parm de remorcaj rezistent, lung, grea i suficient de elastic; 298) Manevra de apropiere de nava ce urmeaz a fi remorcat n siaj, trebuie s se fac: Pe un drum paralel cu nava remorcat la o distan de 20- 30 m, prin bordul din vnt; 300) Pentru manevrele de remorcaj portuar, numrul de remorchere se stabilete astfel: De comandantul navei prin pilot, n funcie de condiiile meteo i de mrimea navei; 301) Pe timpul remorcajului schimbrile de drum: Nu trebuie s fie mai mari de 5 8 puncte la crm; 302) Pe timpul marului la remorc se vor executa urmtoarele activiti: Supravegherea permanent a remorcii i respectarea vitezei de remorcaj; 303) Care din regulile urmtoare privind marul cu nava la remorc NU este corect? Dac remorcherul trebuie s ntoarc, nava remorcat trebuie s orienteze crma n bordul ntoarcerii pentru a slbi parma de remorcaj i astfel a nlesni ntoarcerea; 304) Care din urmtoarele msuri de siguran pe timpul remorcajului maritim NU este corect? Pe timpul remorcajului nu se va mai modifica lungimea parmei de remorcaj.

313) Numarul transponderelor radar ce sunt prevazute pentru o nava de pasageri sau nava de transport marfuri mai mare de 500 TR este: Doua 314) Numarul de transpondere radar ce sunt necesare pe navele de transport mai mare sau egal cu 300 TR dar nu mai mare de 500 TR este: Unu 315) Transponderele radar se depoziteaza: In asa fel incat sa poata fi rapid plasate pe orice ambarcatiune de salvare 316) Radiobalizele EPIRB COSPAS/SARSAT emit pe frecventa de: 406 MHz sau 406/121,5 MHz 319) Numarul minim al rachetelor de semnalizare depozitate pa sau langa puntea de navigatie este: 12 rachete parasuta rosii 321) Care este procentajul minim de colaci prevazuti cu lumini cu autoaprindere? 0.5 325) Instructiunile de exploatare pentru mijloacele de salvare se afiseaza: In conditii de vizibilitate ale iluminatului de avarie 329) Echipamentul mijloacelor de salvare colective trebuie sa fie depozitat: In fiecare mijloc de salvare echipamentul complet alocat 330) Eliberarea barcilor de salvare din dispozitivele de fixare trebuie sa se poata face: Manual 331) La ce adancime se declanseaza automat plutele de salvare ce au ramas pe nava la scufundare? metri 333) Care este frecventa exercitiilor de abandon a navei pentru echipaj? Saptamanal cu lansarea a minim o barca pe luna si cu manevrarea prin apa la cel putin 3 luni pentru fiecare barca

336) Mijloacele de protectie termica trebuie sa functioneze satisfacator pentru temperaturi ale aerului intre: Minus 30 grade C la plus 20 grade C 338) Care este durata minima de emitere de fum cu debit uniform la plutirea in apa linistita pentru un semnal combinat? 3 min 339) Care este inaltimea maxima de lansare la apa a unei plute normale incat atat pluta cat si echipamentul ei sa poata fi folosite in conditii normale? 18 m 340) Care este inaltimea de la care se poate sari repetat in pluta de salvare de catre persoanele ce se ambarca atat cu / cat si fara cort ridicat? 4,5 m 341) Care este viteza de remorcare in apa calma, pentru o pluta de salvare complet incarcata si echipata? 3 Nd 345) Cate kilocalorii trebuie sa asigure ratiile de hrana pentru fiecare persoana din pluta de salvare? 5000 Kcal 349) Cate din compartimentele plutelor gonflabile pot fi avariate fara a diminua capacitatea plutei? 50% din compartimente 351) Inaltimea maxima de cadere libera in apa ce poate fi suportata de o barca de salvare complet echipata si cu persoane la bord este de: 3m 353) Ce tip de motoare sunt aprobate pentru propulsia barcii de salvare Cu aprindere prin compresie 356) Viteza minima de mars inainte pentru o barca de salvare cu motor complet incarcata cu numarul de persoane prevazut si echipament complet si cu tot echipamentul auxiliar in functiune este de: 6 Nd

357) Sursa de lumina din interiorul barcii de salvare trebuie sa asigure iluminatul timp de: 12 ore 359) Care este numarul de topoare cu saula ce trebuie sa existe intr-o barca de salvare? Doua, cate unul la fiecare extremitate 367) Pe partea superioara a barcii de salvare inchise se inscrie: Indicativul de apel al navei 368) Barcile de salvare protejate la foc trebuie sa fie dotate cu: Instalatie de pulverizare a apei 370) Echpamentul barcii de urgenta trebuie sa fie asigurat in interiorul barcii: In totalitate, mai putin cangile 372) La ce interval de timp se intorc curentii de la vinciurile de lansare a barcilor de salvare? 30 luni 374) Ascultarea continua este: Ascultarea radio neintrerupta decat pentru intervale scurte cand capacitatea de receptie a navei esteblocata de propriile comunicari Un satelit geostationar INMARSAT in care se asigura alertare continua prin satelit 381) Statia radio a navei va fi marcata cu: Indicativul de apel, identitatea statiei, si cu alte coduri pentru operarea statiei radio 382) Comanda canalelor VHF trebuie sa fie asigurata din urmatoarele puncte ale puntii de navigatie: In apropierea pozitiei de guvernare si cand este necesar de pe partile laterale ale puntii de navigatie 384) DSC VHF transmite alerte de primejdie pe canalul : VHF / CH.70

379) Zona Maritima A3 este zona in care comunicatiile sunt acoperite de cel putin:

386) n cadrul pregtirilor pentru abandonarea navei ntr-o perioad de timp delimitat, ofierul de cart va stabili: Poziia navei, direcia pn la rmul spre care se pot ndrepta mijloacele de salvare sau ruta cea mai apropiat de navigaie.

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