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Balloon Prayers This activity could be applied to a variety of topics and themes or just used for a prayer time

change. For example, use balloon prayers to celebrate special occasions, such as Christmas, a church anniversary or baptism and dedications: What are some Thank you God prayers we could say about this event? What are some Please God prayers we could say? eg. Please God use our church to share your love in our neighbourhood.

The basic idea is to: - have a short discussion to brainstorm/share some prayer points related to the theme, give each child a balloon and invite them to blow it up but not tie it off (they can blow it up as large or small as they like). Some children will require help blowing their balloons up. Leaders could use a balloon pump beforehand to pre-stretch the balloons or let children use a balloon pump. invite children to call out a one-sentence prayer or say it quietly inside (God hears both) and then let go of their balloons. The balloons will then release the air, flying around the room, possibly bumping back into some of the children and making a variety of fun sounds! (Its unlikely the children will keep their eyes closed during this prayer time and its advisable to let them open their eyes so that flying balloons do not surprise them.)

Using Balloon Prayers with Adults I have used this activity with a group of adults who were being trained for a community outreach event with a circus theme. When the balloons were released it felt, and sounded, very irreverent particularly when people started to giggle and laugh. But then we realised the joy of communicating with God and this experience of prayer energised and excited us. A great way to feel after praying! We were reminded that prayers dont have to be quiet and still, proper and ordered. We knew that the event we were training for would be chaotic and messy and we hoped it would be great fun filled with families and laughter. Really, this way of praying summed this up for us. Here are the presenters notes for how we used the Balloon Prayers at this training event. Hand out balloons one to each person. I invite you to stand and look at your balloon, think about it - its colour, shape, size. Consider its potential, its potential to grow, float, bounce. Its potential to be played with, to be a decoration, to inspire us today. If you would like to, blow up your balloon but do not tie it off. Hold your balloon up. Im going to start us in prayer and then invite you to say a one-sentence prayer for children in our community, in our schools and churches, and for children who will attend the outreach event. When youve said your prayer, either aloud or quietly, let your balloon go. Lets pray: Dear Jesus, thank you for breath, life, colour, play. Thank you for children. Let my balloon go. Allow time for others to pray. Dear Jesus, we praise you that you are at work in the lives of children before we meet them. May we be your hands and heart and speak your words when we meet with them. We trust that you will continue to be at work in their lives after our encounter with them. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

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