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TEN EMERGING TECHNOLOGY THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD Universal Translation; Computerized translation more accurate and

efficient and more adaptable to new languages. Distinct from speech recognition and synthesis, the technology behind universal translation has matured in recent years, driven in part by global business and security needs.

Synthetic Biology; might build entire organs for transplantation. "We want to create a set of biological components, DNA cassettes that are as easy to snap together, and as likely to function, as a set of Legos," says Tom Knight, an MIT computer-engineer-cum-biologist, and the graduate advisor who turned Weiss on to the idea.

Nanotechnology: Technology for microscopic devices: the art of manipulating materials on a very small scale in order to build microscopic machinery T-Rays; Narrow slice of the electromagnetic spectrum, people have long sought ways to see beyond the limits of visible light. a new part of the spectrum: terahertz radiation, or t-rays. Able to easily penetrate many common materials without the medical risks

of x-rays, t-rays promise to transform fields like airport security and medical imaging, revealing not only the shape but also the composition of hidden objects, from explosives to cancers.

Distributed Storage; Technology known as distributed storage could do just that, transforming data storage for individuals and companies by making digital files easier to maintain and access while eliminating the threat of catastrophes that obliterate information, from blackouts to hard-drive failures.

RNAi Interference; RNA interference (RNAi) tiny double-stranded molecules of RNA designed to target a certain gene can, when introduced into human cells, specifically block that gene's effects. diseases such as AIDS could-in theory-be arrested or cured. Power Grid Control; developing hardware and software to track electric flows across continent-wide grids several times a second, identify disturbances, and take immediate action. While such "wide area" control systems remain largely theoretical, Rehtanz and his ABB colleagues have fashioned one that is ready for installation today.

Microfluidic Optical Fibers; Whose prototype devices, called micro fluidic optical fibers, may be the key to superfast delivery of everything from e-mail to Web-based computer programs, once "bandwidth" again becomes the mantra.

Bayesian Machine Learning Uncertainty-learning patterns, finding causal relationships, and making predictions based on inevitably incomplete knowledge of the real world.

Personal Genomics; practical tool that will enable doctors and drug researchers to quickly determine whether a patient's genetic makeup results in greater vulnerability to a particular disease, or makes him or her a suitable candidate for a specific drug. Such tests could eventually revolutionize the treatment of cancer, Alzheimer's, asthma-almost any disease imaginable. And Cox, working with some of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies, has gotten an aggressive head start in making it happen.

Others are : Data mining and machine learning and pattern regornition Geograpghic information system

Opening Comma Delimited Files in MapInfo Professional You can export tables to comma delimited .csv text files. You can open .csv files from our File > Open dialog box as well. To open a comma delimited file: 1. From the File menu, click Open to display the Open dialog box. 2. From the Files of type box, select Comma delimited CSV (.csv). 3. Navigate to the folder that contains the file you want to open and click it to select it. 4. Click Open to display the Comma Delimited CSV Information dialog box. he Delimiter option buttons in this dialog box are disabled intentionally because commas are he only expected delimiters in this file format. 5. Select the File Character Set for this file from the drop-down list and select the Use First Line for Column Titles check box if applicable. 6. Click OK to open the file. When you export a file to a comma delimited (CSV) format, a Comma Delimited CSV Information dialog box displays. In this dialog box, you can select a new delimiter, choose the file character set,

and choose to use the first column in the file for column headings. When you have made your selections, click OK. To create a MAPINFO_MAPCATALOG manually: 1. If the RDBMS requires owners and users, then create the user MAPINFO with the PASSWORD MAPINFO in the specific database where the mappable tables are located. 2. Create the table MAPINFO_MAPCATALOG in the database. The Create Table statement must be equivalent to the following SQL Create Table statement. It is important that the structure of the table is exactly like this statement. The only substitution that can be made is for databases that support varChar or text data types; these data types can be substituted for the Char data type. 3. Create a unique index on the TABLENAME and the OWNERNAME, so only one table for each owner can be made mappable. 4. Grant Select privileges to all users on the MAPINFO_MAPCATALOG. This allows users to make tables mappable. The Update, Insert, and Delete privileges must be granted at the discretion of the database administrator.

Creating a Data Source Connection

The first step to working with data in a DBMS is setting up a data source connection on your machine to the DBMS. This is necessary for a DBMS installed on to your machine or on the network. SQL Server and Post GIS require an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) connection and Oracle Spatial requires an Oracle Call Interface (OCI) connection. You must have the ODBC driver or OCI installed on your machine before creating a data source connection. MapInfo Professional installs or updates Windows ODBC drivers if they are older than the version that MapInfo Professional supports. For non-Windows databases, such as Oracle and PostgreSQL with PostGIS, consult with your database administrator for information on how to obtain and install the driver provided with your database. Creating a Data Source Connection to SQL Server Before you begin, you need a SQL Server driver installed on your machine. Check with your database administrator to install the driver for your database. You need to know the SQL Server name, and the login ID and password if required. To create a new SQL Server data source connection: 1. From the File menu, select Open DBMS Connection. 2. If the Open DBMS Connection dialog box displays, select ODBC from the list and then click New.

3. In the Select Data Source dialog box, select either the File Data Source or the Machine Data Source tab and then click New. You can share the connection information for a file data source with other users on the network if they have the necessary drivers, because it is stored in a file. You cannot share the connection information for a machine data source, because it is stored in the registry on the local computer. 4. In the Create New Data Source wizard: a. Select the type of data source to create: User Data Source or System Data Source. Make a selection to display the description for it in the wizard. Click Next to continue. b. From the driver name list, select the SQL Server driver you have installed for the database and then click Next. c. Click Finish. 5. In the Create a New Data Source to SQL Server wizard set the following. If you are unsure of the settings to use for your database, consult with your database administrator. a. In the first screen provide the following information: Description Optionally, type a description if you plan on connecting to more than one database and would like a description for this connection. From the

Server list either select from the list or type the name of the SQL Server to connect to. Click Next. b. In the next screen, select how SQL Server will verify the authenticity of the login ID. Optionally select to connect to SQL Server to obtain default settings for more configuration options. Click Next. c. Keep the default settings (check with your database administrator) and click Next. d. Keep the default settings (check with your database administrator) and click Finish. 6. In the ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog box, click Test Data Source. 7. In the SQL Server ODBC Data Source Test dialog box, click OK. If there were errors, click OK to return to the ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog box. Click Cancel to return to the Create a New Data Source to SQL Server wizard and use the Back button to view your settings and make changes. Return to step 5. 8. In the ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog box, click OK. 9. In the Select Data Source dialog box, under the Machine Data Source tab, your new SQL Server connection displays in the list of available data source connections. Click OK.

In the SQL Server Login dialog box, type your login ID and password if required and click OK. You must now create a map catalog for the database,

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