Fort Lee High School

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Fort Lee High School

Student Council Constitution

The student council shall be the student government organization of Fort Lee High School. It shall
be the body designed to serve the community of Fort Lee, by providing an active and representative
voice that allows students, staff members and any interested party to maintain the right to have an
influence and impact on the decisions of Fort Lee High School. This shall be the primary function
of the council.

Secondary functions, which shall be carried out when not in conflict with the primary purpose,
1. the promotion of critical thought, knowledge, school spirit and unity by the support and
preservation of activities and rules which are deemed beneficial to the student.
2. providing a link of communication between students, faculty, and administration.
3. to oversee and make recommendations for charter of the clubs of Fort Lee High School.

The student council shall work as the legislative body of the student government. The judiciary body
of the student government will be represented by the assigned staff member, Fort Lee
administration and appointed officers (nonstudent council members who represent a specific
student body). The executive body will be represented by the elected officers of the general
assembly. As such, schoolwide elections shall be held by the student council, electing student council
members and class officers. Student council officers shall be elected within the council. If class
officers cease to exist, the student council shall occupy the legislative and judiciary branches of
student government and will operate accordingly.

Article I:
The Student Council Representative Body
(The Legislature)

Section 1: The Powers and Duties of the Members of the Student Council Representative Body

I. To act as a representative or liaison for his or her respective homeroom.
II. To attend all Congressional Assemblies.
III. To report class issues and concerns to the Student Council, at meetings in order for the issues
and concerns to be addressed.
IV. To report back to the homeroom the minutes of each monthly Student Council meeting.
V. To actively and effectively communicate with his or her homeroom to ensure that his or her
homeroom is receiving the right information about current events and/or issues.
VI. To enlist in, and actively volunteer and participate in, Congressional Assemblies and
Committee hearings.
VII. To collect any revenue from the students, clubs and organisations attending/established in
Fort Lee High School
VIII. To do the work assigned to him or her at the time assigned by any member of the Student
Council Executive Board, or by the Chairperson of the Committee.
IX. To share opinions and ideas with the General Assembly of the Student Council.
X. To contribute to the monthly progress report of a Committee.

Section 2: House of Representatives

I. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members (Representatives) who are to be
elected each year by the 30th of September.
II. Homerooms of each grade level nine through twelve will have only one representative to
represent them in the Student Council General Assembly.
III. Representatives must have attained the following criteria in order to run for office:
a. Students wishing to represent a homeroom must be a member of that homeroom he or
she wishes to represent.
b. Students must submit an application, Student Council Candidate Endorsement Form,
which consists of its own requirements:
i. Three Faculty Signatures;
ii. Twenty Student Signatures;
iii. Class Advisor's Signature;
iv. Student Council Advisor's Signature; and
v. A Prepared Speech (preferably covering the candidate's vision on how he or she
would represent the Homeroom and Fort Lee High School)
c. Upon submittal of an application, a candidate running for a representative position must
make a speech before his or her homeroom on a date specified by the Student Council
Executive Board.
IV. Representatives will be elected by each Homeroom on the date specified by the Student
Council Executive Board.
V. The Candidate who has accumulated the most votes within a Homeroom shall be named the
Representative of his or her respective Homeroom.
VI. In the event there occurs a vacancy in the Representation from any Homeroom, the Executive
Board shall issue Writs of Election thereof in order to fill the vacancy.

Section 3: Meetings

I. The Legislative body of the Fort Lee High School Student Council must meet with the
Student Council Executive Board at least once per month. These meetings will be referred to
as Congressional Assemblies.
II. Congressional Assemblies will be held on the first week every month in the Media Centre,
unless they shall by Law appoint a different day.
III. The seating at Congressional Assemblies will be divided by House of Legislature and Officer
and Class Status.
IV. Emergency meetings will be determined by the Executive Board in conjunction with the
Student Council Advisor based upon upcoming events and/or issues.
V. The Representatives and Senators of each class must also meet with their respective Class
Officers in order to deal with internal affairs. Class Officers are responsible for dealing with
such Meetings.
Article II
The Executive Board

Section 1: Executive Power

I. The Executive Power shall be vested in the President and the members of his or her Cabinet.
II. The Student Council Executive Board shall be comprised of:
a. A President;
b. A Vice President; (Transition from VP1/VP2 to sole VP will commence at 2014
election, unless otherwise noted)
c. A Secretary;
d. A Treasurer; and
e. A Sergeant-at-Arms
III. In order to run for a Position on the Executive Board, a candidate must have attained the
following criteria:
a. The Candidate must, at the time of election, be a member of the Student Council.
b. The candidate must have served a minimum of one full year as a member of the Fort
Lee High School Student Council, in good standing. Good Standing is defined as having
no more than two strikes or any counts of misconduct at the discretion of the
c. The candidate must be a member of the incoming Senior class, with exception to the
office of Sergeant-at-Arms.
d. Candidates must maintain a minimum of a 3.0 GPA with no failing grades.
e. The Candidate may nominate himself or herself or be nominated by another person.
f. The Candidate must submit an application, Student Council Officer Endorsement Form,
which consists of its own requirements:
i. A Signature from the Student Council Advisor
ii. Four Faculty Signatures
iii. Two Administrator Signatures
iv. The Class Advisor's Signature of the Candidate's current class.
g. Upon Submittal of an Application, a Candidate running for a representative position
must make a speech before the Congressional Assembly on a date specified by the
current Student Council Executive Board.
IV. The voting for officers will immediately proceed the speeches. Voting will be through Secret

Section 2: Duties

I. Each officer position consists of specific duties, or responsibilities; however all officers share
the following duties apply to the Executive board in conjunction to the Legislative Assembly:

a. To maintain constant and accurate representation in all matters that pertain to Fort
Lee students, staff (certified and noncertified), administration, parents, and
community welfare.
b. To provide aid to the students, the school and the community.
c. To host school functions which may include, but are not limited to pep rallies,
dances, and teacher appreciation.
d. To create an atmosphere that promotes student involvement in both the council
and other student organizations at Fort Lee High School.
e. To help create, alter, and support rules for the welfare of Fort Lee community and
the betterment of
the school.
f. To promote new activities and achievement of excellence throughout Fort Lee
High School by participation and interest in high school activities.
g. To create bodies amongst its membership when necessary to achieve general and
specific goals of the council.
h. To promote good relations between Fort Lee High School and other schools.
i. To evaluate itself and determine its values.
j. To promote respect, and help in maintaining school and private property.
k. To oversee and help coordinate student council and class officer elections.
l. To oversee, recommend the chartering of, and recognition of clubs at Fort Lee
High School.

II. The President is responsible:

a. To guide the Student Council in identifying and accomplishing its aims and objectives.
b. To plan an agenda for all meetings and make it available for review.
c. To be the official spokesperson of the Student Council.
d. To confer regularly with the Student Council Advisor.
e. To be held responsible for the progress of the Student Council.
f. To preside over all Congressional Assemblies and direct such meetings with efficiency,
order, and purpose.
g. To call special, or emergency, Congressional Assemblies.
h. To submit appointments for Committee Chairpersons.
i. To organise and facilitate class officer elections.
j. To represent the students at Administrative Council meetings, when necessary.

III. The Vice President is responsible:

a. To work closely with the president and perform all duties assigned to him or her by the
b. To assume the duties of the President in his or her absence.
c. To confer regularly with the President and other officers.
d. To oversee all committees.
e. To monitor weekly duties.
f. To attend school meetings in order to represent the Student Body (if delegated by the
g. To book locations for events.
h. To organise and facilitate homeroom representative elections.
i. To shadow higher officers to offer assistance, as needed.

IV. The Secretary is responsible:

a. To take minutes of all Student Council Meetings.
b. To take and record attendance at all meetings.
c. To maintain files of Student council meetings and event planning, for future reference.
d. To send out proper notice for all special, or emergency, Congressional Assemblies.
e. To inform the administration of all regular and special Congressional Assemblies.
f. To work with committees to organise needs.
g. To send out thank you letters to people and/or organisations.
h. To shadow higher officers to offer assistance, as needed.

V. The Treasurer is responsible:

a. To keep records of all financial transactions.
b. To supervise any monetary transactions sponsored by the Student Council and its clubs
(Fundraisers, Dances, etc)
c. To assume all duties as prescribed by his or her superiors.
d. To shadow higher officers to offer assistance, as needed.

VI. The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible:

a. To keep a Historical Diary of all Student Council events and activities. These include
newspaper clippings, handbills, pictures, etc)
b. To assume the role of a Public Relations liaison to the Class Councils and Student Body.
c. To assume the role of Web-Master and post events on the Student Council Website.
d. To shadow higher officers to offer assistance, as needed.

Article III
Resignation and Expulsion
Section. 1. Discipline

I. In the event there is a formal complaint issued against any member of either the Student
Council Executive Board or the Student Council Legislative Assembly, a Disciplinary
Committee will review the complaint.
II. The Student Council Executive Board will serve as the Disciplinary Committee. This includes
all five members of the Student Council Executive Board. In addition, a building administrator
and the Student Council Advisor must be present at this committee's hearings.
III. The Student Council Executive Board reserves the right to develop a Disciplinary Committee
with Members who are appointed. These appointments will be performed by the President
and subject to the approval of his or her Cabinet.
IV. All matters pertaining to the dismissal of a member will be handled solely by the Disciplinary
Committee and faculty on the case.
V. The procedure for the dismissal of a member must follow as:
a. Member makes a motion for the forcible removal of a Party.
b. The Motion carries if it receives two seconds.
c. The Party in question must be informed of the motion.
d. The Disciplinary Committee decides whether it will hear the case.
e. The Party named for removal speaks in his or her defense if so desired.
f. The Party must vacate the room for further discussion procession and Committee Vote.
g. A minimum of two-thirds majority vote by the Committee is necessary for the motion of
the Party's dismissal from office.
VI. If the tally results in a two-thirds vote of the Disciplinary Committee, the Party is to resign
from office, and the Executive Board shall take prescribed measures to fill the vacancy. The
Student Council advisor and President shall speak with the Party about the reasons for
coercive dismissal.
VII. If the aforementioned Party does not feel that suspension is warranted, he or she may appeal
the decision in writing to the Appeals Commission, which will then present the case to the
building Principal.
VIII. A member undergoing disciplinary investigation will be barred from Congressional
IX. If the aforementioned member is the President, then the Vice President shall assume all
presidential Duties provided in Article Two, Section Two, Subsection Two.

Section 2: Reasons for Disciplinary Action:

I. In order to form a basis upon which any member may move on the matter of the discipline of
another member or officer, this Section will serve as the guidelines for what is considered an
action that requires the Disciplinary Committee to take on the task of taking any disciplinary
measures on the member or officer.
II. A student who misses three Congressional Assemblies will be dismissed from the Student
a. Members are excused from an Assembly if they are absent from school with an Excused
Absence, attending a special activity, or have prior approval from the advisor and/or the
III. A student who fails a course or falls below the required "C" average will be placed on
Probation for one marking period to focus improving their grades. In their absence, they will
be replaced by an alternative. Failure to bring up their grades to the required average will result
in dismissal from the council.
IV. A violation of the District Code of Conduct resulting in suspension from school and/or Civil
Law will result in the immediate dismissal from the Student Council.
V. Any lack or inability of an officer from communicating with his or her other officers will result
in disciplinary action. This is not limited to the Student Council Executive Board. If a member
of either the Executive Board or General Assembly launches a formal complaint in writing, to
the Disciplinary Committee, disciplinary investigation will be taken.
VI. Failure to inform the Alternate Representative about current events and/or about attending a
General Assembly meeting in lieu of the Main Homeroom Representative will result in
disciplinary action.
VII. Failure to attend a General Assembly meeting without proper notification in advance to the
Executive Board in writing will result in disciplinary action.
VIII. Failure to attend a Student Council event without proper notification in advance to the
Executive Board in writing will result in disciplinary action.
IX. Failure to complete a task delegated by an Executive Board Officer or Committee Chairperson
will result in disciplinary action.
X. Failure to abide by this Constitution or any rules set forth by the Student Government or the
Administration will result in disciplinary action.
XI. Failure to act or behave appropriately on one or multiple occasions will result in disciplinary

The Student Council Executive Board reserves the right to take disciplinary action when necessary
and proper as validated by the Student Council Advisor. The Student Council Advisor reserves the
right to meet with members of the disciplinary committee in it is entirety to discuss disciplinary
actions he or she wishes to take against any member of the General Assembly or Executive Board.

Section 3: Line of Succession

I. In the event the President of the Student Council is tried and forcibly removed, submits a
formal resignation, or is unable to carry on his or her duty in any way, shape or form, proper
succession is due.
II. The President will be replaced by the Vice President;
III. The Vice President will be replaced by the Secretary;
IV. The Secretary will be replaced by the Treasurer; and
V. A new Treasurer will be appointed by the President.

Section 4: Members are expected to follow the basic rights and responsibilities of all students. They
are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly manner and to remember whom they are
representing at all times. Members will be considered leaders within the school and must respect
that standing.

I. Any member who is unable to fulfill these expectations may choose to step down as a student
council member.
II. Any member who resigns is expected to write and submit a formal letter of resignation to the
council and the administration.

Article IV

Section 1: Institution

I. The Power to Establish a Committee of any sort shall be vested solely in the President of The
Student Council Executive Board. It is then the responsibility of the Vice President to oversee
the functions and operations of such Committees. The Secretary shall then work with the
Committees in order to organise needs. Any financial dealings required by committees will be
brought up to the Treasurer of the Executive Board.

II. Committees are to be formed by Fort Lee High School's Student Council in order to delegate
Student Council Responsibilities to specialised bodies.

III. A Committee shall be defined as a body formed by the Student Council, tasked with delegated
responsibilities and overseen by the Executive Board.

IV. Two sorts of Committees may be established:

a. Standing Committees
i. Standing Committees are permanent committees that are delegated specific
responsibilities outlined in the Student Council Constitution. The Executive Board
shall oversee all actions of the committees. Standing Committees are required to
meet at least once between Congressional Assemblies and may meet more
frequently at the discretion of the Committee Chairperson. Standing Committees
not included in the original, ratified draft of the Constitution may be added to the
Student Council through the amendment process proscribed in this Constitution.

b. Select or Special Committees
i. Select and Special Committees are temporary committees created for clearly
specified purposes and may ascend to permanent status, although it is not
necessary they do. The Executive Board shall oversee all actions of the
committees. Select and Special Committees are required to meet as often as
necessary as defined by the Committee Chairperson in order to meet the goal it
wishes to achieve.

b. In order to establish a Select or Special Committee, the President must present, to
the Student Council Executive Board, in writing a Declaration of Intent for the
Committee he or she is wishing to establish.
i. The Declaration of Intent must include:
i. The Name of the Committee;
ii. The Purpose for Creating the Committee;
iii. The Responsibilities of the Committee;
iv. The Appointed Chairperson of the Committee; and
v. The House to which the Committee belongs.

Section 2: Membership

I. The President of the Executive Board shall appoint a Committee Chairperson with the
approval of his or her Cabinet to act as the chief representative to each respective Standing
Committee. The Committee Chairperson must be a member of good standing.
a. The duties of a Committee Chairperson will be as follows:
vi. Schedule and preside over all committee meetings of their respective committee.
vii. Direct and monitor the various activities of the committee as well as maintain
committee records.
viii. Appoint a Committee Vice Chairperson, with the approval of the Committee and
Executive Board, who will preside over meetings in the absence of the
ix. Appoint a member of the Committee to serve as Committee Secretary tasked with
writing and submitting minutes from all meetings to the Student Council
x. Report on current committee planning and past events at each Student Council
meeting and submit this report, in writing, to the Executive Board Vice President.
xi. Report on committee operations to the Student Council Executive Board when
notified to do so.
xii. Failure for a Committee Chairperson to comply with his or her duties will result in
disciplinary actions.
I. Any member of either House wishing to be a member of a Committee must enlist online the
day of the Congressional Assembly discussing the committees. Members may enlist in only
one Committee. The Executive Board reserves the right however to reassign a
Representative or Senator to an alternate Committee if there remain no seats in the said
II. Members will be held responsible for any and all tasks delegated to him or to her by any
superior. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.

Section 3: Constitutionally Defined Standing Committees

I. Under the Constitution of the Fort Lee High School Student Council, the following
Committees will be established from inception of the Council upon the ratification of this

a. Committee on Board Relations
i. Such Committee will deal will any and all Board of Education related tasks. The
Chairperson will be required to attend the Meetings of the Board of Education
where and when they are held. The members will confer regularly with the
Chairperson to discuss plans for issues concerning the Board of Education. The
Chairperson will then bring up the issues and plans to the Vice President for any
further action.
b. Committee on Fundraising
i. Such Committee will focus on specifically raising funds for the Student Council. It
will aim to plan and develop all sorts of fundraisers to complete its goal. The
members of the Fundraising Committee will report to their Chairperson any and
all ideas that they wish to provide for raising funds for Student Council. The
Chairperson will take note of such ideas and report them to the Student Council
Treasurer in order to confirm its feasibility and further the motion for the
fundraising event.
c. Committee on Cause
i. Such Committee will make its goal to deal specifically with the philanthropic
contributions of Student Council. It will be required to research causes for or to
which the Student Council may provide aid. It is highly recommended that the
Representative or Senator wishing to join this committee also join the Fort Lee
High School Key Club in order to perform his or her duties more efficiently.
d. Committee on Public Relations
i. Such Committee is delegated with the specific task on informing Students and
Teachers on upcoming events and procedures. By nature all members are
considered part of this committee as this committee deals with one of the main
tasks of communication both within the school and within the greater Fort Lee
e. Committee on Planning
i. Such Committee is tasked with creatively developing and stimulating interests in
the school community. This committee is highly interdisciplinary and will require
its members to work both independently and in conjunction with the other
committees on the Senate and House floor.

Article V
Class Councils

Section 1: Structure

I. Each respective class of freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors will have its own
individual Class Councils. These Class Councils will consist of an Executive Board and
Homeroom Representatives. The Executive Board will consist of a President, Vice President,
Secretary, and Treasurer. The Executive Board will be selected through a democratic system
of election as proscribed in this constitution, for which they will serve a term of one year
beginning with the day of Inauguration in June of the previous year. The Homeroom
Representatives will be elected by popular vote of the Homeroom. Such procedure has been
prescribed in Art. I 2. The Class Councils will be responsible for directing matters which
pertain specifically to activities limited to their own classes. However, members of the Class
Councils will also serve as individual members of the Student Council with full voting
privileges, representing the whole of the Fort Lee High School Student Council. Class
Councils are required to hold at least one meeting before each Student Council meeting.

Section 2: Officer Duties

I. The duties of the Class President will be to:
a. Act as the chief representative for his or her respective class.
b. Effectively and fairly delegate all class responsibilities to other class officers,
representatives, class committees, or him/herself unless otherwise stated by this
c. Be responsible for monitoring the progress of any class activities.
d. Maintain regular communication with the Class Advisor.
e. Preside over at least one Class Council meeting before each Student Council meeting
and submit a written report to the Student Council Executive Board and Class Advisor.
f. Meet regularly with the Student Council Sergeant-at-Arms and serve as the chief liaison
between the Executive Board and the Class Council.

II. The duties of the Class Vice President will be to:
a. Act as president and chief representative of the respective class in the absence of the
Class President and/or on any occasion in which such action is appropriate.
b. Assist in planning and implementation of all class activities.
c. Monitor and report on all Homeroom Representatives to the Class Advisor, and
Student Council Vice President.

III. The duties of the Class Secretary will be to:
a. To Compile thorough Class Council meetings' minutes and attendance for each meeting
held by the Class Council. A copy of these records are to be promptly submitted to the
Student Council Secretary.
b. Regularly disseminate information to homeroom representatives.
c. Assist in the planning and implementation of all class activities.

IV. The duties of the Class Treasurer will be to:
a. Report the financial activity of the class at all Class Council Meetings. This will require
meeting with the Class Advisor monthly.
b. Meet regularly with the Student Council Treasurer in order to reconcile the Class
c. Assist in the planning and implementation of all class activities.

Section 3: Class Officers must keep in mind that their roles are to be taken seriously at all times.
They must help lead their class in maintaining a positive and supportive attitude for all Student
Council Activities and work, as well as support the students and faculty/administration at all times.

Article VI
Clubs and Organisations

Section 1. Formation

I. In order to form a club or an organisation, proper documentation meeting the following
criteria must be submitted to the Executive Board of the Student Government:
a. Name of Organisation
b. Purpose of the Organisation
c. Four Officers and Three members
d. An advisor
e. A draft of a constitution. In the event the organisation does not have one, a basic
one will be provided, which will last for 2 semesters, after which one drafted by the
organisation must be submitted.
f. Acknowledgement of a source of funding, unless not needed.
g. Responsibilities the organisation will be undertaking.
II. The Executive Board will then designate a member of the Student Government to the case
to track its progress and report to the student, who submitted the documentation, the status
of formation.
III. The Executive Board will then arrange to meet with the administration and the President
and Vice President of the organisation, in order to discuss and create a charter for the club.

Section 2: Operations

I. All clubs and organisations are to comply with the policies of the Fort Lee Board of
Education, the Fort Lee High School Administration, Fort Lee High School Faculty, and
the Student Government.
II. The Student Government adheres the right to enforce its policies on clubs and
organisations, and to hold supreme authority over the organisations.
III. The Student Government adheres the right to collect revenue from the members of every
club, sport or organisation.
IV. The President of his or her respective organisation is to meet with the President on a bi-
monthly basis in order to discuss happenings of the organisation and any financial support
it needs. As per this clause, The Presidents' Society will be founded and head by the
President of the Executive Board of the Student Government Organisation. (Effective
upon ratification of the Constitution)
V. In order to promote a more efficient system in handling funds, the Student Government
will be responsible for handling any and all funds of every organisation.
a. Officers are to submit to the Executive Board Treasurer a fully documented ledger
with all acquisitions and expenditures of the organisation.
b. Progress reports, coupled with meeting agendas, are to be submitted to the
Executive Board following every meeting of the organisation. Any officer may do
so, but he or she must submit the paperwork to the Executive Board President
and/or Secretary both in person and by email.
VI. Both the Student Government and Extracurricular Organisations are to work in
conjunction to promote school unity and support each other.
VII. The Student Government may take any action necessary and proper to maintain order and
carry out the execution of any foregoing powers, along with all other powers vested by this
constitution, or in any Committee or Officer thereof.

Article VII
Electoral Procedures

Section 1. Executive Board Elections

VIII. All nominations for students wishing to run for a position on the Executive Board must be
submitted to the retiring Executive Board no later than two (2) weeks prior to the General
Assembly Meeting held in April.
IX. Elections for the Office(s) of the Executive Board are to be held on the third to last
meeting date of the Student Council General Assembly. On this date, representatives and
officers are to hear an original speech composed by the candidate.
X. Only members of the SGA at the time of the elections shall have the right to vote.
XI. All votes shall be cast by secret ballot.
XII. In the event of a tie, another election will be held in a private session among the retiring
Executive Board and Student Council Advisor. The date and time of such session shall be
determined by the Executive Board President.
XIII. All students running for a position shall have the right to campaign whilst adhering to
guidelines set forth in this Constitution, as well as the discretion of the Executive Board, the
Elections Commission, Student Council Advisor, Administration, and Board of Education.

Section 2. Class Council Elections

I. All nominations for students wishing to run for a position on the Class Council must be
submitted to the retiring Class Council no later than one (1) week prior to the penultimate
General Assembly Meeting.
II. Elections for the Office(s) of the Class Council are to be held at least one (1) week prior to
the last meeting date of the Student Council General Assembly. On the dates prior to
election, representatives and officers are to hear an original speech composed by the
III. Only members of the student body present in homeroom at the time of the elections shall
have the right to vote.
IV. All votes shall be cast by secret ballot.
V. In the event of a tie, another election will be held in a General Assembly Meeting among
sitting Student Council Representatives and Officers.
VI. All students running for a position shall have the right to campaign whilst adhering to
guidelines set forth in this Constitution, as well as the discretion of the Executive Board, the
Elections Commission, Student Council Advisor, Administration, and Board of Education.

Section 3. Campaigning

I. The candidate is responsible for all campaign materials promoting his or her candidacy.
II. The Public Relations Committee is not accountable for campaign materials.
III. Campaign materials may only pertain to the candidates campaign.
a. Campaign materials directed at other candidates campaigns falls into the categories
of team campaigning and/or slander.
i. Failure to abide by the above restrictions will result in disqualification.
IV. Candidates may not tamper with, destroy, or remove another candidates campaign materials.
a. Failure to abide by the above restrictions will result in disqualification.
V. In the event of a third party
VI. Each candidate may have no more than 50 physical pieces of campaign materials at a time.
a. These physical pieces may not exceed the following size limitations: 2 x 3 (24x32)
(6 square ft.). All physical pieces must be approved by the Student Council Advisor.
b. Candidates have a $25 spending limit on any purchased ads, including online
websites and ads.
i. Candidates must keep all receipts for any purchases made.
ii. Digital campaign advertisements must be approved by the Student Council
iii. If the candidate has made a purchase of any online advertisements (e.g.
through Facebook), the candidate must provide some form of receipt for the
c. The Elections Commission and/or Executive Board may request to see receipts or a
report of this information at any time.
i. Failure to abide by the above restriction may result in disqualification.
d. Candidates must account for all campaign materials used, created, and/or purchased,
including all receipts for purchased materials.
i. Failure to abide by the above restriction may result in disqualification.
e. A Campaign Report must be submitted to the Elections Commission on the day of
f. Candidates may use any prior purchased or owned materials, but they must account
for those materials in their Campaign Report.
g. Candidates are responsible for removing physical campaign materials from campus
within 48 hours after results are announced.
VII. Candidates are prohibited from using the Internet for campaigning.
VIII. Club Endorsement Stipulations
a. Candidates may attend club meetings and request endorsements from those clubs.
b. Club officers reserve the right to endorse certain candidates through their own email
lists unless they are the candidate and hence endorsing themselves.

Section 4. Campaign Guidelines

I. A candidate is the only individual permitted to campaign for his/her candidacy.
II. Campaigns directed at other candidates campaigns fall into the categories of team
campaigning and/or slander.
III. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in disqualification.
IV. Candidates or students within the greater student body may report any violation of these
Campaign Guidelines to the Vice President of the Executive Board.

Article VIII
Amending this Constitution

Section 1. An amendment shall be defined as any written change to the Fort Lee High School
Student Council Constitution.

Section 2. The process for amending this constitution shall be as follows:
I. All amendments must be submitted to the Student Council Executive Board, in writing, at
least seven days prior to the next scheduled Student Council Meeting.
II. All amendments must have the signatures of three current voting members of the Student
III. All amendments must specify which section is to be changed and whether text is to be
eliminated or added. Deleted text is to be specified through strike-through or through
underlining the text to be deleted. Added text is to be specified through italicizing the text to
be added.
IV. Amendments require a two-thirds vote of the voting-eligible Members for ratification.

Section 3. The Advisor and Administration, in consultation with the Executive Council, may amend
and/or ratify this constitution as needed in the absence of a seated Student Council.

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