Full Scale Meas Sea Trial

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Full Scale Measurements Sea trials

Experimental Methods in Marine Hydrodynamics Lecture in week 46 Contents:

Types of tests How to perform and correct speed trials Wave monitoring Measurement Observations Motion measurement Hull monitoring Propeller cavitation observations

Covers Chapter 11 in the Lecture Notes

Sea trials are conducted under the following circumstances:

Delivery of newbuildings (Contractual Trials)
Speed-power (compliance with contracted performance) Bollard Pull test (tugs and offshore vessels compliance with contracted performance) Maneuvering (compliance with IMO criteria) Sea keeping (only high speed craft)

If a special problem has arisen, for instance:

Propeller noise and/or erosion Steering problems Excessive fuel consumption

For research purposes (quite rare due to high costs)

Mainly seakeeping and sea loads tests

Delivery Sea trials (Contractual trials)

Ship building contracts contain specific requirements for speed-power performance
Failure to meet requirements means fees to be paid and ultimately that the ship owner has the right to refuse to accept the ship

There might be requirements also for maneuvering trials :

Emergency stop test Turning circles Zig-zag tests

High speed craft requirements also for seakeeping tests

IMO: 2000 HSC Code (IMO 185E)

Applicable standards
ISO 19019:2005 Sea-going vessels and marine technology -- Instructions for planning, carrying out and reporting sea trials ISO 15016 Guidelines for the assessment of speed and power performance by analysis of speed trial data ITTC Recommended procedure 7.5-04-01-01.1 Preparation and Conduct of Speed/Power Trials IMO: 2000 HSC Code (IMO 185E) Requirements for testing of high speed craft

IMO HSC testing requirements

Normal stop from max speed to zero Emergency stop Crash stop

Cruise performance in two sea states

Normal conditions Worst intended conditions Measurements of accelerations, speed, relative wave heading

Failure tests
Check that the ship, crew and passengers are not at risk if for instance the steering fails

Organization of Delivery Trials

The Shipbuilder is responsible Trial Leader
From the shipbuilder Responsible for the execution of all phases of the trial

Ship masters
There is one ship master hired by the shipbuilder who is in charge of handling the ship There is usually one or more ship masters hired by the shipowner who is going to take over the ship

Measurements are performed by shipbuilder or by third party (like Marintek or Maskindynamikk)


Execution of speed trials

Always run back and forth at same engine setting Run back and forth at the same track Perform runs at different speeds (at least three) If possible, orient the track with and against the wind direction
> 5 min and 1 mile Steady Approach

Steady Approach > 5 min and 1 mile

Wind, current

Measured mile

Trial Conditions max acceptable

Sea state
Preferably sea state 3 Ultimately sea state 5 (or up to sea state 6 for ships with L>100 m)

Beufort 6 (20 knots) (for ships with L>100 m) Beufort 5 (for ships with L 100 m)

Water depth h
h>6.0*Am2 and h>V2 Smaller depths require corrections for shallow water

Current of more than a few knots is unacceptable

Trial Conditions Contractual

Sea state
No waves In practice: Beufort 1 (Wave height 0.1 m)

No wind In practice: Beufort 2 (Wind speed 6 knots)

Water depth h
Deep, In practice: h>6.0*(Am) and h>V2

No current No practical limit for when corrections are made. Use of double runs means that corrections are always included

Correction of trial results

When trial conditions are not fulfilled corrections must be made Typical corrections:
Draught interpolation in model test results on two draughts Wind calculation of wind resistance using empirical drag coef. or results from wind tunnel tests Shallow water empirical formulas Waves calculation of added wave resistance and speed loss

Standards for how corrections shall be performed:

ISO 15016 Guidelines for the assessment of speed and power ITTC Procedure for the Analysis of Speed/Power Trial Data


Speed measurement
Speed over ground and Speed through water Timing a measured mile
the old-fashioned way, only applicable to dedicated speed trials Gives speed over ground

The obvious choice, always used Gives speed over ground

Speed log
Device to measure speed through water Always installed on ships The accuracy is questionable!

Measurement of shaft power

Strain gauges glued directly to the shaft
Calibration factor must be calculated, so shaft dimensions and material properties must be known exactly Tachometer to measure shaft speed

Commercial power meters

Made for permanent installation The best, but most expensive alternative

Poor, but cheap alternatives are

fuel rack measurements (measurement of fuel consumption, combined with supplier data for fuel quality) measurement of cylinder pressure (used on large, slow speed engines)


Shaft measurements

Torque measurement

Thrust measurem.

Bollard Pull Tests

Good location

Poor location

Maneuvering trials
Trial types and execution same as in model scale Measurements:
(D)GPS position measurement Gyro compass course Rudder angle Propeller revs


Measurements environmental conditions

Water depth
Echo sounder (ship instrument) or nautical charts

Water quality
Temperature: Cooling water intake temperature can be used Density: From nautical charts or density measurements

Velocity and direction from anemometer A separate, calibrated instrument is preferable Watch out for influence of superstructure on the measurement



Nautical charts and tables the difference in speed between double runs a 360 turning test at low speed The difference between log speed and GPS speed
often, one doesnt trust the speed log sufficiently for this purpose

Wave measurements
Visual observation and estimation
Estimates by yard representative, ship-owner representative, and possibly a neutral third party are compared and averaged

Mobile wave buoy

Accurate (but only at a single point) Recovery of the buoy is difficult (high risk of loosing it)

Fixed weather station

Good solution if one is nearby

Wave radar (Wavex) Bow-mounted altimeter


Wavex by Miros AS


Bow-mounted altimeter
Measures relative wave motion Ship motions must also be measured in order to calculate absolute wave height

SM - 094

SM - 055


SM - 050

Directional wave radar

Microwave radar On fixed or on moving platforms Big and expensive Used on offshore installation, not on ships


Beufort wind scale with related sea conditions

Sea Description term Beufort state Wind 0 0 Calm 1 0 Light air 2 1 Light breeze 3 2 Gentle breeze 4 3 Moderate breeze 5 4 Fresh breeze 6 5 Strong breeze 7 6 Near gale 8 7 Gale 9 8 Strong gale 10 9 Storm 11 9 Violent storm 12 9 Hurricane 13 9 Hurricane 14 9 Hurricane 15 9 Hurricane Wave Calm Ripples Small wavelets Large wavelets Small waves Moderate waves Large waves Large waves Moderately high waves High waves Very high waves Exceptionally high waves Exceptionally high waves Exceptionally high waves Exceptionally high waves Exceptionally high waves Wind sp. [knots] Wave height [m] min max Probable Max


0 1 3 6 10 16 21 27 33 40 47 55 63 71 80 89

1 0 0 3 0.1 0.1 6 0.2 0.3 10 0.6 1 16 1 1.5 21 2 2.5 27 3 4 33 4 5.5 40 6 7.5 47 7 10 55 9 12.5 63 11.5 16 71 14 16 80 >14 >16 89 >14 >16 99 >14 >16


Illustrations of Beufort wind (and wave) scale From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaufort_scale


Measurement of motions
Accelerations: Conventional accelerometers Angles: Gyros, magnetic compass, accelerometers Rate gyro to measure rate of change of angles Inertial Measurement Units (IMU)
Consists of a number of accelerometers built into one compact unit Gives out accelerations, velocities and motions at any point Konsberg Seatex MRU is a good example of a commercial IMU


Measurement of forces: Hull Monitoring - Sensors

Hull Monitoring System:

Strain gauges most common sensor Short and long gauges Cabling exposed to damage, gauges work loose Sensors based on fiberoptics - polarimetric and bragg-grating suggested as alternative

Strain gauge in protective casing:


Rolls-Royce Health and Monitoring System - HEMOS


Propeller Cavitation Observations

Seen from below


Seen from the side

Cavitation observation techniques

2. generation borescope


Source: marin.nl

1. generation borescope

Sample picture from full scale propeller cavitation observation

Types of tests How to perform and correct speed trials Wave monitoring Measurement Observations Motion measurement Hull monitoring Propeller cavitation observations


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