WebUser 7 October 2010

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The UKs favourite internet magazine
7 October 2010 ISSUE 250 www.webuser.co.uk
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Best Free Software p40
7 October 2010 3
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14 Best New Websites
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38 How to avoid eBay scams
10 common swindles to steer clear of
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We uncover 45 hidden tricks, easy
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46 Group Test: Digital photo frames
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Apple iPod Touch/Nano/Shufe
56 Practical Feature
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Hidden features in Gmail
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61 Practical Workshop 1
Monitor the health of your hard disk
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Edit photos with Photoshop Express
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Solutions from our technical team
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66 Get the Most From
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68 How To...
Make your old PC last even longer
Part 1
Average sales, Jan-Dec 2009,
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ISSUE 250 7 OCTOBER 2010
Digging deeper
ne of the things we
love to do at Web User
is dig beneath the
surface of favourite sites to
reveal brilliant hidden tools that
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why weve unearthed 45 of the
best software secrets in this
issues cover feature, showing
you superb ways to get more
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Internet Explorer. Do you know,
for example, how to use
keyboard shortcuts in Skype?
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address bar bigger? Turn to
page 26 for these ingenious
tricks and many more.
Once youve feasted on all
those secrets, turn to page 40
for our Best Free Software
section, where youll find 17 new
downloads to try.
Daniel Booth
Acting Editor
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Top tips revealed p26
Avoid eBays most
common scams p38
Go to www.webuser.co.uk/newsletter
By Ben Camm-Jones & Vicky Woollaston
Law firm investigating illegal downloading leaks thousands of broadband
customers' personal details online
ky Broadband customers have
reacted furiously to revelations that
their personal details may have
leaked onto the web after a security lapse
at a law rm.
ACS:Law, the company behind a
controversial letter-writing campaign to
people suspected of sharing les illegally,
accidentally exposed details of thousands
of Skys customers after failing to secure
its website properly.
ACS:Law had obtained the details of
13,000 customers after using a court
order to force Sky to hand over the
names of people it suspected of illegally
downloading pornography or music.
Since the leak, Sky has said that it will
refuse to co-operate with any further
requests from ACS:Law.
Customer anger
Sky Broadband customers expressed
anger at Sky for putting their details at
risk. "Cheers Sky, thanks for putting me
in a situation where you will happily hand
out details for a company to send
threatening demands to me without
actually checking their facts first, said
one, writing on the Sky User website
Others argued that they should be able
to tear up their contract with Sky.
"Because of this breach in security, and
Sky passing details on to this law
firm, can customers now ask
Sky for their MAC
(migration authorisation
code) and leave, even if
they are in contract
because they may feel
that they cannot trust
Sky with their personal
details?" wrote another
Sky broadband customer.
A Sky spokesman insisted
that all the details were
encrypted before they had been sent to
ACS:Law. Because the security of
customer information is also a high
priority, we only ever disclose such data
in encrypted form. In addition, we have
an agreement with ACS:Law that requires
data to be stored and used safely and
securely, he said.
Legal action
ACS:Law could be fined up to 500,000
for failing to adhere to the Data
Protection Act if the Information
Commissioners Office (ICO) decides that
it was negligent. Campaign group Privacy
International (PI) has said that it plans to
begin legal action against the
This data breach is likely to
result in significant harm to
tens of thousands of people
in the form of fraud, identity
theft and severe emotional
distress, said Alexander
Hanff, an advisor for PI.
This firm collected this
information by spying on internet
users, and now it has placed
thousands of innocent people at risk,
he added.
Meanwhile, it has emerged that details
of approximately 500 Plusnet customers
were also put at risk after a lawyer at BT,
Plusnets parent company, sent
unencrypted information to ACS:Law.
After the security breach was made
public, ACS:Laws site was shut down and
remains offline at the time of writing. The
breach is thought to have occurred after
the site recovered from a distributed
denial-of-service (DDoS) attack
orchestrated by members of web
messageboard 4Chan, angered by the
firms approach to tackling illegal
4 7 October 2010
Sky Broadband customers
furious over data leak
the number of Sky
customers details
leaked online
ACS:Law case history
ACS:Law is best known for its campaign of writing letters to people it suspects of
illegally downloading les from the web. The letters usually ask the recipient to
agree to an out-of-court settlement or face action in the civil courts. The campaign
has been widely criticised by consumer groups such as Which? and Andrew
Crossley, the main partner ACS:Law, has been summoned to appear before the
Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) disciplinary tribunal to answer allegations
that the approach is tantamount to bullying. Law rms Davenport Lyons and
Gallant Macmillan have also used similar campaigns in the past.
In brief
ifty-one per cent of online retailers in the
UK are sending customers emails that
they have not consented to receive,
according to research.
The study by anti-spam firm Spam Ratings
found that 56 per cent of all emails sent by the
top 100 online brands in the UK including
B&Q, PC World, Boots and British Airways
were not explicitly asked for by consumers.
Forty-four per cent of these brands also use
automatically ticked boxes that sign up
customers registering on the site to email
obile phones tend to
take a battering,
moving from pocket
to bag to hand on a regular
basis, possibly
being dropped
on the oor or
even down the
toilet from time to
time. Billed as being
lifeproof, Motorola's
Defy is built to
withstand such rough
treatment, with a sturdy
casing that is water-
resistant and dust-proof, and
a scratch-resistant screen.
The 3.7in touchscreen is
responsive and there is a
5-megapixel camera built in.
If you take a lot of snaps with
your phone you can
complement the 2GB of
built-in memory with
MicroSD cards of up to
32GB. It runs version 2.1 of
Android, so you can install
any of the apps available
from the Android Market.
A key feature of the Defy
is the Motoblur interface
Motorola has included to sit
alongside the Android OS.
This gives you the latest
updates from various
apps email, social
networks, news
websites and so on
without you
having to actually
have the apps open.
Of course, if you do
want to have all these
apps open at the same
time you can, because
Android supports
The iPhone is still
the yardstick by which
other smartphones are
judged but the Defy is
a very different beast.
The Motorola brand might
not carry the same cachet as
Apple but the sturdy build
means you dont have to
worry about bumping or
scratching it. Itll also do a
fine job of taking pictures,
sending texts and email,
taking photographs and
accessing websites and
apps. It is better for making
phone calls than the iPhone,
too, and supports Flash
technology. Motoblur is also
a useful feature, letting you
access all sorts of
information at a
At the moment,
there is no firm
release date for the
Defy, though it is
likely to be out
before Christmas.
Prices are yet to be
confirmed, but if
they're competitive
then this could prove to be a
very popular handset.
Motorola Defy
Top UK brands spamming customers

Google tells you
what's New
Google has launched a
new website offering
up-to-date information
about all its products.
Google New brings
together all the latest
information about the
company's products
including web search,
Gmail, Google Earth and
Google Maps.

19 arrested over online
bank fraud
Nineteen people
suspected of infecting
thousands of computers
with malware and stealing
at least 6m from online
bank accounts have been
arrested in London. The 15
men and four women are
suspected of infecting
computers with a version
of the Zbot family of
malware known as Zeus
a notorious banking
Trojan. The suspects were
questioned on suspicion of
fraud, money laundering
and offences under the
Computer Misuse Act.

3 wins best mobile
broadband gong
3 has been rated the UK's
top mobile broadband
provider in tests run by
comparison site
Broadband Expert. Despite
being beaten in the Speed
category by Vodafone and
the Customer Satisfaction
and Fair Pricing categories
by T-Mobile, 3 was judged
to be the best all-round
performer, as well as
offering better UK
coverage than its rivals.
Broadband Expert based
the awards on speed test
results and customer
ratings from over 11,000
mobile broadband
customers over the first
eight months of 2010.
In September, Asda took issue with Spam
Ratings after it was named as one of the
worst offenders when it came to sending
unwanted email to customers. However,
the supermarket has since decided to
work with Spam Ratings to improve its
email policies so it can earn a trust mark
for its website.
An Asda spokeswoman told Web User:
"The Asda.com marketing team are
already underway evaluating this issue.
Part of this project includes the review
of opt-in policy, which will of course
adhere to ICO guidelines. We'd love to
work with Spam Ratings and gain this
newsletters, despite this being against email
best practice guidelines from the Direct
Marketing Association (DMA) and the
Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).
"Big brands need to start acting responsibly,
said Andy Yates, co-founder of Spam Ratings.
Give consumers a fair choice. Let them
choose if they want to receive emails. Common
sense tells us that if consumers actively request
emails then they are more likely to read them
than delete them. Responsible brands need to
communicate and have a dialogue with
consumers rather than annoy them," he added.
Sir Philip Green's Arcadia Group was named
in the study as one of the most prolific senders
of unsolicited emails to customers. Arcadia
Group is the umbrella company for brands such
as Topshop, Topman, Dorothy Perkins, Miss
Selfridge and Burton. Arcadia Group did not
respond to Web Users requests for comment.
7 October 2010 5 Dont miss our daily news at www.webuser.co.uk/news
6 7 October 2010
Ben Camm-Jones
News Editor
Our opinion on the latest web issues
Project Canvas might now have an official
name YouView (http://bit.ly/view250) but
its problems are far from over. The recently
released details of how the IPTV (internet
protocol TV) service will actually work in
practice seem a little premature when some
very real threats to the plans still remain.
For one, Virgin Media has complained to
Ofcom about the service, and the industry
regulator still hasnt indicated whether or not
YouView should be hauled in front of the
Competition Commission. Virgin argues that
the service could reduce competition in the
TV market because it would discourage BT
and TalkTalk from developing their existing
IPTV services. So while YouView adds to the
list of TV services on offer, it could actually
mean the end for two others, Virgin reckons.
There is also a problem with the services
new name. Can you think of another online
video service with a similar-sounding name
to YouView? It doesnt take a genius to figure
out that Google, the owner of YouTube, is
unlikely to be happy. Legal experts have
indicated that Google would have a good
chance of winning this case after all, Apple
is able to deter other companies from using
the word pod very effectively so YouView
might need to have a bit of a personality
change before it is officially launched. That is,
if it ever makes it that far.
Sir Tim Berners-Lees recent
comments about the possibility of
providing free, low-bandwidth internet
connections to everyone in the world
via mobile handsets (http://bit.ly/
sirtim250) might seem like a pipe
dream, but it isnt a bad goal to set.
Though we might think of
the web as being more
about entertainment than
anything else, there are
greater benefits to be had
by people in the
developing world access
to healthcare information,
for example.
Berners-Lees idea is that in giving
everyone free access to the web at a
limited capacity, people would be
inspired to upgrade to paid-for
packages offering better speeds. This
would ensure incentives for the
service providers as well.
Internet access is
already seen as a
human right in some
countries, so why
cant we extend these
principles to the
whole world? The idea
isnt as unrealistic as it
first seems.
Free web access for all is realistic
Twitter bomb case delays cause frustration
There has been another delay to the case
of Paul Chambers, the 26-year-old
ex-trainee accountant who was found
guilty of sending menacing
communications over Twitter. The
long-awaited appeal took place at
the end of September, and though
it was expected to be over in a
day, it was adjourned until a later
date (http://bit.ly/chambers250). It isnt
known when the appeal will continue,
though it isnt expected to happen until
at least November.
It is incredibly frustrating that
Chambers has to wait further to
clear his name, almost as
frustrating that he was found
guilty in the first place. He at no
stage meant to menace anyone his
comment about blowing Robin Hood
airport in South Yorkshire sky high was
no more than an ill-judged joke.
That this mans life has been
effectively ruined by the case hes lost
two jobs because of it and still hasnt
retrieved all the property police seized
from him is a terrible injustice.
Internet charter is common courtesy
The Country, Land and Business
Association (CLA, www.cla.org.uk) has
drawn up its own Internet Charter for
helping out people who live or work in
an area of the UK with poor
broadband connections.
Though meant more as a dig at the
faltering efforts to provide broadband
to every home and business in the
country, it contains some good ideas
in the (http://bit.ly/charter250). In fact,
Id suggest that we ought to apply
many of them all the time, not just
when dealing with those still suffering
dial-up speeds. Points such as dont
send unsolicited attachments, dont
press reply to all and dont copy
numerous people in on your routine
emails are surely common courtesy?
Ten years ago when we were all on
dial-up these principles were essential
and mostly adhered to. So perhaps we
need to be a little bit old-fashioned in
the way we use the web and email
and apply other etiquette that weve
forgotten about? For example, the
comments sections of many news
websites are often taken up by rude,
patronising and aggressive barbs,
often directed at the author or other
commenters. Perhaps the web would
be a better place if these people were
a little more polite?
Project Canvas may
still never happen
7 October 2010 7 Dont miss our daily news at www.webuser.co.uk/news
Google censorship report
misleading claims expert
ritics have attacked
Google for claiming to
expose government
censorship attempts in a recent
The Google Transparency
Report for January to June 2010
contains details of the number
of takedown requests Google
received from governments
around the world asking for
content listed in its search index
to be removed. The report was
described by the company as
a deterrent to censorship.
However, Nicole Ferraro,
editor of the Internet Evolution
website, said that the raw data offered by
Google was next to useless. Without knowing
the actual content that countries wanted
removed, what were really getting are dots on
a map... not anything contextual or relevant.
The fact is that these tools are sparse in
details and lacking in critical information,
rendering the idea that any of this is promoting
transparency gratuitous and misleading,
Ferraro continued.
esearch in Motion (RIM) has finally unveiled its
long-rumoured tablet device the BlackBerry
PlayBook but it wont be available in the UK until
the second quarter of 2011.
RIMs BlackBerry PlayBook has a 7in LCD multi-touch
screen, high-definition front- and back-facing cameras
of 5-megapixels and 3-megapixels respectively, Wi-Fi
capabilities and a built-in microUSB port. It weighs
around 400g.
The device will support Java and Adobes Flash, and has
built-in support for HTML5. You will also be able to sync your
BlackBerry smartphone with the tablet device. RIM will
announce more specifications nearer the time of release as
well as confirm plans for its 3G and 4G models.
Social networking
give life satisfaction
Research has found that
there is a direct link
between access to
technology and happiness,
with social networking
providing the biggest
benefit. A British
Computer Society report
found that the greatest
positive contribution from
being online is the contact
with friends and family
that sites such as
Facebook provide. Instant
messaging was also found
to be important to our
emotional wellbeing.
UK launch of
Microsoft Zune Pass
UK music fans will be able
to download music and
videos onto Xbox 360
consoles, Windows PCs
and Windows Phone 7
devices using the
Microsoft Zune Pass
subscription due to launch
later this month. For 8.99
a month, the service will
offer unlimited downloads
and music streaming from
Zune Marketplaces library
of eight million songs
available in the US since
November 2008.
In brief
In the first six months of 2010, the UK
government made 48 requests regarding
232 items to Google to remove links from its
search index. Google fully or partially
complied with only 62.5 per cent of these
In many other developed countries,
compliance rates were much higher 100
per cent in France, 82.8 per cent in the US
and 94.3 per cent in Germany, for example.
UK government agencies made 1,343
requests for data about individual surfers in
the period between January and June 2010,
according to Google.
Ferraro also argued that the absence of data
relating to China detracted from the reports
value. China, the world-renowned master of
censorship, is still omitted from all of this
transparency due to the fact that the
government there considers censorship
demands to be state secrets that, therefore,
cant be published. Convenient, she said.
Google rejects a third of UK government takedown requests
Be sure not to miss Issue 251 of Web User where we will
examine tablet computing in more detail.
8 7 October 2010
acebook members in the
UK can now use the
Facebook Places app
to reveal information about
their location to friends on
the social-networking site.
Using the GPS (global
positioning system)
technology in mobile
phones, members can
check in at locations such
as pubs, cafes and shops by
activating place tags. You
will also be able to see
where your friends that use
the feature have been.
Facebook Places, which
launched in the US in
August, has raised concerns
about user privacy. However,
Facebook insisted that the
app wouldnt broadcast your
Facebook Places
launched in UK
Zeus botnet
targets mobiles
Online banking services
that use text message
verification to identify
customers are being
targeted by cybercriminals.
Researchers have spotted
malware related to the
Zeus botnet that is
designed to intercept the
texts, which could be used
to approve transactions
without a victims
Christmas comes
early for spammers
Spammers are already
sending out Christmas-
related emails in large
volumes, according to
security experts. Many of
the messages promote
replica watches, free gift
cards, and other products.
As well as advertising
dodgy goods, some of the
emails contain malware.
girlfriend scam alert
Facebook members need
to be wary of a scam link
titled Wow! This guy went
a little to far with his
revenge on his ex
(shocking). If you click the
link you will be asked to
publish the link on your
own Facebook profile.
Rather than the details of
the story, though, youll
instead see only a survey.
Halo: Reach scams
Players of Halo: Reach are
being targetted by a
number of scams involving
the game. Cybercriminals
are using SEO-poisoning
techniques to direct fans
to malware-infected
websites when searching
for Halo: Reach-related
Microsoft beefs up Hotmail security
icrosoft has announced
further security
measures for Hotmail,
months after a controversial
revamp of the free webmail
Among the changes is the
ability to encrypt all messages
using the HTTPS (Hypertext
Transfer Protocol Secure)
standard, something that
Gmail has offered for more
than two years.
Microsoft said it is also taking
a more pro-active approach to password
security. You can now request a one-off access
code to be sent to a pre-registered mobile
phone for use instead of your usual password.
This will offer extra protection when accessing
your Hotmail account on a public computer, in
case it is being remotely monitored or has a
keylogger installed.
Other new security features include more
checks for login irregularities. For example, if
your account is sending unusually high volumes
of messages or you have logged in from an
unusual location, your account could be locked
while you are requested to change your
The features will be rolled out during October.
Web User readers have mixed feelings about Facebook Places. Writing on Web Users
Facebook page (www.facebook.com/webusermagazine), reader James McGinnis said:
A very useful tool for businesses for example: finding out where sales reps or
company vans are. Lets roll this out to DHL/UPS/FedEx when tracking a parcel that
would be good to know exactly where your parcel is.
However, others were unconvinced. No, knowing where my kids are would only upset
me, said reader Richard Morgan.
location unless you told it to do so.
Places tags will not
automatically be shared with
friends. You must take an action
to associate yourself with a
place by either checking in
yourself or by allowing friends
to check you into a place, a
Facebook spokeswoman said.
But technology blogger
Adrien Chen pointed out that
others could easily tag an
individual in a Facebook Places
update without express
Anyone can go to the
bathroom, tag you in a check-
in, then a significant other/
spouse/boss/stranger sees it
and Boom! Your life is ruined,
Chen said.
What you think
Dont miss our daily news at www.webuser.co.uk/news
like dislike
7 October 2010 9
Internet Explorer versions
browser usage
Internet Explorer is worlds
most used browser
Windows Phone 7
Early indications are that
Microsofts latest mobile
operating system, to be
officially unveiled on
21 October, will give
the iPhone and Android
handsets a run for their
Game downloads
Gamers are shunning physical
copies of games in favour of
downloadable versions, with
more than half of all games sold
in the US this year being
Sky has launched its 3D
channel and Virgin Media
has announced an
on-demand 3D movie
service. Only trouble is,
few of us have actually
bought 3D TV sets yet!

Twenty-eight per cent
of people havent used
the landline telephone in
their house in the last six
months, instead favouring their
mobile, a survey found.
Windows Live Spaces
Microsofts blogging
platform has been
abandoned, with 30
million bloggers being
moved over to WordPress
Mobile broadband
speed claims
Though many providers
advertise speeds of up
to 7.2Mbps, youd be lucky to
get anything faster than 1.2Mbps
in reality, according to research. Time
for Ofcom to step in.
The number of times the Internet Explorer 9
beta was downloaded in the 48 hours after it
officially launched
*Figures taken from Net Applications (www.netapplications.com),
August 2010
Just over half of the worlds surfers use
Microsofts Internet Explorer browser
Prior to the launch of the IE9 beta, only half of people using
Internet Explorer were using IE8
Percentage of global market share
Internet Explorer 8
Internet Explorer 7
Internet Explorer 6
Firefox 31.09%
Chrome 10.76%
Safari 4.23%
Opera 1.88%
Other 0.70%
*Figures taken from StatCounter Global Stats (http://gs.statcounter.com),
August 2010
the Home button, so this has been
moved to the right of the window. Error
messages now appear at the bottom of
the window so they are less distracting.
One-box search
The address bar and search box in IE9
have been merged, with this one box
now performing both tasks. When you
start typing into the address bar, results
from your browsing history will appear,
10 7 October 2010
Microsoft has launched
a beta version of its
latest browser, Internet
Explorer 9. Vicky
Woollaston reveals its
best new features
icrosoft has unveiled the first
public beta version of its new
browser, Internet Explorer
9 (www.microsoft.com/ie9), and its
packed with impressive features.
With IE9, Microsoft hopes to win back
some of the surfers who have abandoned
the browser in favour of rivals such as
Firefox (www.mozilla.org) and Chrome
(www.google.com/chrome). Back in
August 2008, IE was used by almost 70
per cent of surfers. Statistics published in
August revealed that this figure had
shrunk to 51 per cent.
Part of the reason for IE9s fall in
popularity was the introduction in March
this year of an EU requirement that
forced Microsoft to let Windows users
choose which browser they use, rather
than simply bundling IE onto all new
Windows PCs. So the success of IE9,
which isnt compatible with XP (see box
top right), is crucial to Microsoft if it
wants to hold onto its dominance of the
browser market.
Microsoft has high hopes for IE9,
claiming it will make the web a more
beautiful place by using the new HTML5
web standard. Heres Web Users guide
to the new tools it has to offer.
Redesigned user
IE9 has been designed so that the screen
displays as much of a website as possible
and the area dedicated to browser
controls is minimal.
Microsoft found when observing
surfers online behaviour that the Back
button was the most clicked button on
any browser, so in IE9 it has been
enlarged. Similarly, the companys
research showed that people rarely click
IE9s best new
tools revealed
as will search results from the web you
can choose which search engine IE9 uses
to do this (Google, Bing, Yahoo and
Wikipedia are the default options). This
search feature can be switched on and
off to protect your privacy, Microsoft
said. By switching it off, your keystrokes
cant be traced for phishing purposes.
You can also set the address bar to
automatically send you to the top search
result each time.
Tabbed browsing is standard across most
web browsers but in IE9, Microsoft aims
to make it more intuitive. Now, when you
open a new tab, a page of recently
visited sites appears in a grid in much
the same was as it does in Opera,
Chrome and Safari. Each has a favicon,
making the site instantly recognisable, as
well as an activity bar indicating how
often you visit that site. Microsofts
research also found that many surfers
As much screen space as possible has been
given over to displaying the website
will open no more than five tabs at a
time so the size of the tab bar has been
reduced to reflect this. The amount of
space given to a single tab is now
proportional to the size of the screen.
Once a site is open, IE9 lets you
control how you manage the sites tab.
Tabs can be torn off dragged from a
row of tabs out of the original browser
and opened in their own window. Also, in
Windows 7, two tabs can be torn from
the browser so the content on the
respective sites can be compared. This
AeroSnap feature will automatically
format the windows of torn-off tabs so
that they sit next to one another.
Another feature is tab isolation each
tab now operates independently of the
others so if a tab freezes and stops
responding, none of the other tabs will
be affected. Error messages will pinpoint
any tabs that have stopped working so
they can be closed.
Site pinning and jumplists
Once a site is opened, content from that
page can be pinned to the Windows 7
Taskbar. You can drag the whole tab
down to the Taskbar or just the sites
favicon. Once a site is pinned to the
Taskbar, each icon creates a jumplist a
menu relevant to that site. Hovering over
an icon will bring up a menu with tasks,
tools and options relevant to that site.
For example, if you pin Hotmail, the
jumplist will bring up individual links to
each of your mail folders.
Some sites have partnered with IE9 so
7 October 2010 11 Dont miss our daily news at www.webuser.co.uk/news
Internet Explorer 9 beta has been
specifically built to work on
Windows 7 machines, although it
will run on Windows Vista PCs too.
However, it wont and never will
work on Windows XP.
Microsofts official line is that
IE9s GPU-powered graphics use
technologies are only available in
Windows 7 and Vista, meaning that
even if you wanted to use the
browser without the Windows 7
Taskbar or without hardware
acceleration, you simply cant.
Windows XP launched in 2001 and
the mantra of every Microsoft
executive asked about this topic is:
A modern browser requires a
modern operating system. But
Windows XP users who want to see
hardware acceleration in action do
have another option Google
Chrome. Version 7 of Chrome, which
is due to launch in the coming
weeks, also uses this feature and will
be compatible with Windows XP.
that notifications appear on the Taskbar.
For example, if you have Facebook open
and someone writes on your wall, a
notification message will show up on
that icon on the Taskbar. Similarly, on
compatible sites, these icon thumbnails
can have preview controls making it
possible to play, rewind and pause
entertainment from the Taskbar rather
than having to view the content in a tab.
Microsoft claims that because IE9 links to
both Windows 7 and the hardware of the
PC, the browser and surfing in general
becomes faster. Accessing sites from
the Windows 7 Taskbar automatically
cuts down the time it takes to get online
when compared to opening the browser,
waiting for it to load, searching for a site
and surfing. Jumplists make this faster
still by sending you to specific pages
within sites and bypassing homepages
and navigation bars.
In IE9, Microsoft uses the computers
built-in graphics processing unit (GPU)
rather than its processor (CPU) to handle
pictures, texts and content. This
technique is known as hardware
acceleration. It takes the strain off the
CPU, freeing it up so that it can process
requests quicker and make browsing
Chakra JavaScript engine
IE9s performance is similarly boosted by
using Microsofts new Chakra JavaScript
engine. Often, when developers make
interactive features in websites, they use
JavaScript to work with the Document
Object Model (DOM) of a web page.
These two parts of the site work
together to make pages more dynamic
and interactive, but they dont speak the
same computer language so they need
to be translated to one another. This
process slows down site performance.
Chakra has been made part of the IE9
browser, which now means it speaks the
same language as the DOM, meaning IE9
can load your sites quicker.
IE9 develops a number of the security
features added in IE8 which, Microsoft
claimed when it launched in March 2009,
was the companys most secure browser
ever. For example, IE9 has built on the
SmartScreen Filter from IE8, which
prevents phishing attacks and malicious
software by adding reputation
information about downloaded files and
URLs. The SmartScreen Filter looks at
how many times a file has been
downloaded a large number suggests
that it would be safe or whether a
particular URL is on any blacklists for
hosting malicious content, for example.
InPrivate Browsing and InPrivate Filtering
also remain in IE9.
The Add-on Performance Advisor
scans add-ons every time the browser is
opened and records how long each
add-on takes to load. This will alert you
to any add-ons that are slowing the
browser down, as well as advising you
about updates for add-ons.
Other browsers such as Firefox and
Chrome have similar measures in
place to prevent old and potentially
unstable and dangerous add-ons and
plug-ins from affecting the browser
by either blocking them or advising
you to update them.
The AeroSnap feature lets you compare the
content from two separate websites
You can pin websites to the Taskbar where
menus specific to those sites will appear
IE9 builds on the security features of IE8
which, Microsoft claims, was its most
secure browser ever
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14 7 October 2010 Reviews by Robert Irvine, Scott Colvey and Vicky Woollaston
Google Earth
Previously little more than a download button and a list of
features, Google Earth has finally become a proper resource
for the popular mapping tool. As well as showcasing some of
the dazzling tours you can take using the program from
distant galaxies to the bottom of the ocean the site offers
some handy practical tools. Chief among these are video
tutorials that cater to all levels from beginner to advanced
covering topics such as basic navigation, geo-tagging
photos and creating 3D models of buildings using SketchUp
(see page 40). There are also thriving forums where Google
Earth addicts share tips, request advice and report on the
latest additions to the virtual globe. Our one complaint is
that the site still feels rather dry in tone, but its great to have
so much useful content in one place. You can download the
current version of the free software for PC, Mac and Linux,
and get mobile apps for Android, iPhone and iPad.
Facebook and Flickr make it easy to
share photos online, but Yogile hopes to
simplify the process even further. The
site lets you create a collaborative album
for an event, location or topic to which
people can add their own pictures. The
clever part is that they dont have to
register with Yogile to do so you just
provide a special URL and email address
so friends can upload photos from their
PCs and mobile devices. Yogile benefits
from a minimal if uninteresting design
but only gives you 100MB of storage
space for free. Youll have to pay $24.95
(16) per year for unlimited uploads.
BBC History
The BBC has added a section devoted to The Battle of Britain to its excellent
History hub to mark the 70th anniversary of the event. The mini-site features
exclusive audio and video clips from the BBC radio and television archive covering
topics such as Churchills role and the resilience of the British people. You can also
watch episodes from TV programmes in the Beebs Battle of Britain season on the
iPlayer. Theres lots of useful information here about the conflict, which took place
from July until October 1940, handily organised by event and with links to relevant
BBC news stories and resources. Browse and be thankful.
We review this fortnights best new and relaunched websites
Our rating

Our rating

Our rating

Good. Lacks some
functionality. Have a look if
the subject interests you
Web User looks at hundreds of
websites, but only those we award
three stars or higher appear in Best
New Websites
Superb. Impossible to fault in
terms of design, content and
features. Bookmark it now!
Very good. Combines a smart
design with appealing content.
Definitely worth a visit
7 October 2010 15
Mens Running
The slick online home for new fitness
magazine Mens Running offers lots of
useful features for all levels of runner.
Register with the site and you can create
a Running Diary to record your daily
progress and use the mapping tool to
plot your routes. Theres a strong
community feel in the groups and
forums and you can control how much
personal data other members can see.
The simple if rather gloomy design
makes navigation a breeze and youll
find plenty of information about the
magazine and its sister publication and
site, Womens Running.
Tell us about your website via webuser@ipcmedia.com
Stressed out? Scared of spiders? Want
to stop smoking? If so, Mentaline wants
to help. It claims to be the worlds
biggest online therapy and coaching
universe a rather grandiose claim for a
commercial psychology outfit, but we
like it. The idea is to connect people who
need help with practitioners of various
qualifications. Find one that fits the bill,
cough up their fee (prices vary wildly)
and arrange an online video session via
Skype. The site design is clean and it all
seems to work but it would help if
Mentaline was more consistent in how it
presents its practitioners credentials.
Climate Science
Although its being promoted as a new
website, Climate Science is actually an
addition to the Government Office for
Science site. It sets out to explain the
science behind climate change,
following the misreporting of research
conducted by the University of Anglia
last year, and covers topics ranging from
the greenhouse effect and changes in
CO2 concentration to global warming
and black carbon. Climate Science uses
graphs and tables to illustrate important
points but the text is presented in the
style of a dull school textbook and is
unlikely to engage interest.
Our rating

Our rating

Our rating

16 7 October 2010
Promising free, simple and safe service
throughout the UK, MyTaxiRank will
quickly find cab firms in your area just
enter your postcode on the homepage
for instant results that can also be
viewed on a Google map. Choose a taxi
company, enter the time, destination
and other details of your ride and click
Order. We like the fact that MyTaxiRank
advises cab firms to tell you the colour,
make and registration of the car and
even provide a photo of the driver
- when they get in touch with you, and
the free iPhone and iPad apps are great.
Its a brilliant idea but, oddly, the site
wont work in Internet Explorer.
Slash n Grab
Does the web really need another
search engine? Slash n Grab evidently
thinks so. Its slight twist is that it lets
you search for something within a
specific website. Just enter the name of
the site and a keyword or two,
separated by a slash, into the search
box on the homepage, for example
Amazon/Doctor Who. Slash n Grab
will then return a list of matches within
the external site itself. Its a useful idea,
especially for online shopping, and
presented in a manner that couldnt be
more minimal. But you can achieve
similar results by typing [keyword]
site:[website] into Google.
Although the gimmicky concept of an unhotel made us initially sceptical of
Onefinestay, we were won over by its attention to detail and high-quality
presentation. The premise is that you stay in someones home while theyre out of
town and still benefit from hotel-style extras such as maid service and free
toiletries. The hand-picked homes are absolutely stunning four-bed Victorian
houses and riverside penthouses are among some of the places you can currently
book in London from 125 to 385 per night. With its easy navigation, effortless
booking process and gorgeous photos, this is a luxurious site for a luxury service.
Described rather oddly as the first fish
of the 21st Century, cobia is already
popular in South East Asia and is now
swimming into UK kitchens. The white
fishs website explains that cobia is
sourced from Vietnam with the utmost
care for both the welfare of the fish and
the environment. After watching the
video tutorial on how to prepare cobia,
you can try recipes including Thai cobia
soup and cobia kebabs. Theres also a
potted history of the fish and
information about where you can buy
it. Although the site needs more
content, it looks great and certainly
whets your appetite for cobia.
Paper.li is the latest fad currently taking
Twitter by storm. The idea is that you
can generate a personalised newspaper
based on the endless stream of web
links that people post on the service.
Paper.li harvests these links from
individual Twitter users (and their
followers), lists or hashtags or a
combination of all three then publishes
a newspaper branded with your name.
Or rather, the service compiles a
website that looks a bit like a printed
newspaper using content drawn from
the gathered links. Paper.li is fun and
simple to use but, lets be honest, its a
bit of a one-trick pony.
Tell us about your website via webuser@ipcmedia.com
Our rating

Our rating

Our rating

Our rating

Our rating

7 October 2010 17
The Conran Shop
The Conran Shops online home does its
luxury retailer reputation justice,
brilliantly showcasing its high-class
items against a simple monochrome
background that gives you a clear view
of their size and dimensions. Some
product details are accessible from the
homepage without you having to click
through individual pages, which saves
time. However, theres lots of stuff to
browse and the numerous sub-
categories make the site a little
cumbersome to navigate. The Conran
Shop certainly looks smart but wed like
to see clearer information about
delivery charges.
Official.co.uk wants to prevent you from
falling victim to phishing scams when
shopping online by inviting you to visit
its site first. Youll find links only to the
official websites of hundreds of well-
known retailers and thousands of
popular products. The site also maintains
a database of current official voucher
codes for a variety of online shops. All
this is fine but Official.co.uks search
system just isnt intelligent enough. The
default search type is products (rather
than shops) and the default product
category is baby clothes. Great if youre
hunting for romper suits but searching
for anything else requires more effort.
Perhaps reflecting the adage that a tidy desk is a tidy mind, the online home of this
high-street stationer is impeccably organised and puts every item easily within your
grasp. You can filter the well-stocked categories such as Paper Products and
Technology & Digital Storage by brand, price and type, and view each product from
several angles even packs of A4 paper. Delivery is free on orders of over 35 and
special offers for example, 15 per cent off ink cartridges are clearly flagged on
the homepage. This smart site also tells you about Ryman services, such as
personalised and wedding stationery, and features a customisable store locator.
U-rooms looks a lot like Rightmove (see
our Head to Head on page 36), but it
focuses solely on the rental market. Its
free to search the site for a place to rent
but while landlords can list rooms and
properties for nothing, they have to pay
12.99 per month to contact
prospective tenants. U-rooms is not a
bad site and were sure anyone looking
for accommodation will find it useful
that rental locations can be viewed on a
map. However, we reckon landlords
would appreciate a little more upfront
pricing information the details are
rather unhelpfully tucked away behind
the registration page.
Guardian Global
This worthy addition to the Guardians
website, part-funded by the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation, aims to
document the progress of the eight
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
agreed by 192 countries to eradicate
extreme poverty and hunger and
achieve universal primary education by
2015. There are articles by respected
Guardian writers and a rather simplistic
database of global-development data. If
you want to know why UK asparagus
consumption is drying up Peruvian
wells, this is the place to visit.
Read more site reviews at www.webuser.co.uk/websites
Our rating

Our rating

Our rating

Our rating

Our rating

18 7 October 2010
This website executes one of those hard-to-believe-its-not-been-done-before ideas.
Its essentially a secure game-swapping service, with GaBoom charging a small fee
for acting as the trusted middleman both swappers send their unwanted games to
the site and GaBoom ensures that both parties get the desired game back. The site
does offer a couple of other exchange options, including insurance-backed
exchange and a free-but-trust-based forum system, but the main, secure service is
appealing at 4.40 a pop (both swappers will have to pay). The young entrepreneur
behind it got turned down by the Dragons Den millionaires. Are they mad?
NordicBet claims to offer best-in-class
betting and amazing personalisation
features. We cant verify the first claim
but, as regards the latter, NordicBet
does have some genuinely useful
customisation tools. Specifically, the
widgets on the homepage can be easily
rearranged, so you can remove casino
games if they dont interest you and
promote the sports widget to pole
position. Its a novel idea thats sure to
appeal to regular gamblers but the rest
of the site isnt as well-presented. Also,
despite having a UK version of the site,
you can only buy chips in dollars, euros
and Scandinavian currencies.
Vintage TV
If youve yet to tune into the new digital
TV channel Vintage TV, this site might
persuade you to take a look. Its aim is to
provide five decades of popular music,
culture, fashion and trends, 24 hours a
day, although the descriptions provided
here for programmes such as Breakaway
and Magic Moments give little away.
After watching a video introduction to
the channel, you can find out more
about the people behind it who
include veteran DJ Paul Gambaccini
and check the daily schedule. The site
looks pleasant enough but needs much
more content, especially in the video
and news sections.
QD Stores
If you dont live in East Anglia then
youd be forgiven for never having
heard of QD Stores, whose shops have
spread across the region like a rash.
Now, thanks to this web store, the rest
of the country can join in the discount
indulgence to an extent because QD
has put its top 250 products up for sale
online. Where else are you going to find
a 200-pack of muffin cases on sale for
97p, with the option of guaranteed
next-day delivery? We love QD Stores
and its website is great but product
spelling needs to be tightened up (Sega
Magadrive, anyone?) and QD needs to
get its entire catalogue online.
Fosters has revamped its website to
complement its TV ad campaign
featuring advice from Brad and Dan.
You can now read Fosters-related news
(theres a new pint glass apparently),
watch the adverts and become friends
of Brad and Dan on Facebook and
Twitter the kind of thing thats
becoming standard these days. The site
looks great, letting you explore the
boys beach shack with your mouse to
access the content. But having to guess
where menu options are can prove
annoying, especially when they take
ages to load. On the whole though, its a
friendly and frothy site for the over-18s.
Tell us about your website via webuser@ipcmedia.com
Our rating

Our rating

Our rating

Our rating

Our rating

Subscribe to Web Users feeds at www.webuser.co.uk/feeds
m so glad I dont work with
Abbafan1972, who responded to
Ben Camm-Joness piece on using
Facebook at work by saying they were
delighted it was banned in their
workplace. Whats
wrong with checking
Facebook occasionally?
People in my ofce are
allowed to look at
Facebook a couple of
times a day and as long
as nobody is on it for
hours at a time, its ne.
Not everybody uses
Facebook to write new
status updates every minute.
For me, Facebook is just the
equivalent of the old-fashioned fag
break (Ive given up now!).
Instead of popping outside
for a quick smoke, I just log on quickly,
see if anybody has posted anything
interesting, then log back out again
and continue with my
work all in a couple of
I do agree that if
someone is playing a game
on Facebook all day long,
then the manager should
tell them to stop. Thats
obvious. But dont punish
everyone because of a few
irresponsible people who
dont know how to ration their use of
the site.
Paul Collard, Cardiff
Share your views!
OK to use Facebook at work
o you agree with Tim Berners-
Lee that everyone in the world
should get free broadband?
The mans credentials are impeccable,
so if the system can be made to
support it, then why not?
Paul Cocker
Its not really what Id call an essential
need like food and water, but if it was
offered, Id certainly take it.
Nicola OHare
Love the idea, but well just pay for it
in the end with taxes.
Graham Simpson
ill you pay 1 a day to access
the News of the Worlds site?
News of the World is a terrible paper. I
dont even visit it for free. I just hope
their new paywall cripples them!
I couldnt care less which footballer is
cheating on his wife, so no.
Andrew Duerden
Nope, I can get entertainment news
and scandal on plenty of other sites.
Kenny Lowe
The reason I read the papers online is
convenience. I just wont visit sites
who ask for a payment or are about
to. If you see a story on the front page
that interests you, then Google for it
on other free sites.
I think the future for newspapers is on
portable devices. I read the
newspapers on an Android App just
before bedtime. Id be willing to pay
the Guardian a small subscription to
read their content on my Android
phone, but right now they are saying
they will not be charging for it.
What you

Brilliant IE9
I get fed up with Windows XP users
moaning that Internet Explorer 9 should
be available for their geriatric operating
system. I mean, come on, XP launched in
2001! XP dates back to a time before
YouTube, Facebook and many of the
sites we now take for granted. Its way
past its sell-by date and I think Microsoft
should be applauded for refusing to
pander to XP users fear of progress.
Ive been using IE9 on my Windows 7
PC for the last few days and its
absolutely brilliant. We cant articially
delay improvements to browsers just
because some people are stuck in the
past on an OS that should be dragged
straight to the Recycle Bin.
Terry Silverton, via email
IE9 dont bother!
As someone who is perfectly happy
using Windows XP, I dont see why I
should pay for a new operating system
just so I can swallow all the hype from
Microsoft about Internet Explorer 9
making the web beautiful. IE has given
me loads of problems in the past, so Ill
stick with Firefox, thanks. Or even
Chrome, which Ive always found to be
much faster anyway. At least those
browsers dont expect me to buy a
brand-new operating system.
Fiona Amos, via email
Pressure to upgrade
Not letting XP users use Internet
Explorer 9 looks like the next step from
Microsoft to get XP users to upgrade
that is, spend money on the companys
products, whether they otherwise need
to or not. Maybe folk like me, faced with
the need to replace their computer, will
lean towards Apple purely from
annoyance with Microsoft.
Bob, via Webuser.co.uk
Reader in Kenya
Heres a photo of me reading Web User
at Haller Park in Mombasa, Kenya. It was
arguably the most amazing two weeks of
my life as a totally immersive experience
of Kenyan life and culture and I would
recommend a visit to any of my fellow
readers it certainly puts the minutiae of
everyday life in the UK into perspective!
Jim Ollerhead, St Helens
20 7 October 2010
Air your views, write to us at webuser@ipcmedia.com
Your Shout
Will the launch of IE9 persuade you to switch browser?
Vote online at www.webuser.co.uk
Yes, I love it
Yes, but Ive switched Instant
Yes, but I use a toolbar
No, Ive switched to Bing
No, Ive switched to Yahoo
No, Ive switched to Ask
No, Ive switched to another
search engine
Are you still
using Google
as your
search engine
after the
launch of
You can let us know your views and opinions via webuser@ipcmedia.com,
www.facebook.com/webusermagazine, www.twitter.com/webusermagazine,
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Pet Supermarket praise
Im so glad you gave a positive review of
the relaunched Pet Supermarket (www.
pet-supermarket.co.uk) website in the
last issue. I bought a dog bed for my
beagle (called Barney) from the site a
couple of months ago and he absolutely
loves it. The bed arrived in great
condition and very quickly. I would
recommend any pet lovers to use the
site. You gave the site four stars, but I
would give it ve!
Kate Lewis, via email
Wot, no Malwarebytes?
I thought this was an excellent article
(Best Free Security Software, Issue 248)
and I use some of the programs already.
However, although I realise that you cant
mention every program, I was somewhat
surprised that Malwarebytes Anti-
Malware was not included. In my opinion,
this is one of the best free scanners and
malware removers available and it surely
merited a mention!
Madeline, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
Web User replies: Youre right that
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware was
conspicuous by its absence from our
Best Free Security Software feature and
indeed it should have been included we
can only put this down to an unfortunate
oversight on our part! We frequently
recommend the program in the
magazine and in fact ran a two-page Get
the most from Malwarebytes Anti-
Malware guide in Issue 247.
Glad you enjoyed the rest of the
feature anyway and please continue to
let us know about your preferred security
tools in our Readers Recommended:
Software forum (www.webuser.co.uk/
Facebook phone
I can understand why Facebook would
like to develop its own phone (http://bit
.ly/fbphone250). It could then make
more money from advertising. But my
HTC phone already alerts me to
Facebook updates.
The Facebook app is so regularly
updated that it wont be long before we
can use Facebook Chat from the app,
because third-party apps already let you
do this.
Chris Armstrong, via Facebook.com/
Android App Inventor
Im relatively new to Web User but am
already an avid fan (along with the pupils
in my class who enjoy reading my
well-thumbed back copies!). I was
pleased to read your Instant Expert
guide to Android in Issue 249. Ive had an
Android phone for a little over a year
now and still love it! Your article was very
informative, but I do feel it missed one
point worth mentioning.
Google has recently released the free
7 October 2010 21
Subscribe to Web Users feeds at www.webuser.co.uk/feeds
Heartsville Balloon
Guide your hot-air balloon across
the sky, collecting hearts for fuel, in
this game from insurance company
Liverpool Victoria (www.lv.com).
Look out for obstacles that will
bring you crashing down.
Can you beat our score of 850? If
so, email the proof to robert_
irvine@ipcmedia.com and well
honour the best in Issue 252.
Congratulations to Sam McCann
of Northampton whose 223 was the
highest score we received for Bug
Swat (http://bit.ly/bug248)
featured in Issue 248.
Revisit previous Beat Web User
games and high scores at www.
f you buy faulty goods on Amazon
Marketplace (www.amazon.co.uk/
marketplace), you are protected by the
Amazon A-Z Guarantee for only 90 days
after the order date and you must first
take up your complaint with your seller
before filing a claim with Amazon.
Web User reader Martin Watson bought
a camera from an Amazon Marketplace
seller. The zoom started malfunctioning
but since the camera had a years
guarantee, he hoped for a replacement or
a repair. He also believed he was
protected by shopping on Amazon.
However, when Mr Watson contacted
Amazon, he was told he was outside the
90-day window for submitting a claim. He
was advised to contact the seller via the
website to take up his claim, but his three
emails to the seller were ignored. He
couldnt contact the seller directly
because Amazon refused to give out the
details under Data Protection regulations.
I am left with an expensive but only
partly functioning camera and will think
twice before using Amazon again, Mr
Watson told Web User.
An Amazon spokeswoman told Web
User: Amazon guarantees purchases from
third-party Marketplace sellers when
payment is made via the Amazon.co.uk
website in accordance with our A-Z
Guarantee Policy (http://amzn.to/
rights250). This covers an item received
being defective, damaged, not as
described or received late.
She pointed out that the consumers
contract is with the third-party
Marketplace seller, not Amazon, which
merely provides a venue for sellers and
buyers to negotiate.
One solution for dissatised customers
is to involve Trading Standards (www.
tradingstandards.gov.uk) and Consumer
Direct (www.consumerdirect.gov.uk), who
can work with Amazon to obtain sellers
contact information, but this can be a
lengthy process.
90-day refund limit
at Amazon
Our expert Lisa Kelly answers
all your consumer questions
App Inventor kit (http://appinventor
.googlelabs.com/about) that lets
users create their own apps. The
programming language uses
commands written on different-
shaped building blocks (in a similar
style to the child-friendly
programming language, Scratch) thus
making it much more accessible for
the masses. And because the user has
access to all the phones features, the
potential is massive. Im currently
trying to write a program that will
help me assess children in my class at
school. As ever with anything Google,
there are a wealth of tutorials and
forums to consult if needed.
Tom, Nottingham
Snow Transformation
In Issue 248, I liked the offer of a
download of the Snow Transformation
Pack in Best Free Software (www.
winxsoft.com/stp/download.html) and
would have liked to have given it a try.
But when I got to the download page,
there was a security warning that
Apple would not allow any downloads
on your behalf.
John, via email
Web User replies: Unfortunately, since
the issue featuring Snow
Transformation Pack went to press,
Apple has requested that the
download be removed from the host
site. However, you can still download a
similar program for Windows 7 from
John Lennons 70th
What a way to honour a great man
and talent (John Lennon Time
Capsules http://bit.ly/lennon250)!
Although time hasnt fully healed the
wounds of his tragic passing, we can
all celebrate his great talent every day,
and especially on this momentous
occasion by listening to his music.
Happy birthday, John!
Doug Rivera, via Webuser.co.uk
IQ Test
Thanks for writing about IQTester
(http://bit.ly/iq250) on your website.
After answering the questions, I could
nally prove to my wife that I am a
genius. Or a semi-genius, anyway. I
was pretty pleased I scored 131 on the
test, although some of the questions
did leave me feeling a bit bafed. But
I guess thats why Im only a semi-
genius and not a full one!
Paul Wilkinson, via email
Reader in the Maldives
This is me on the best holiday ever in
the Maldives, celebrating our 30th
anniversary! Didnt forget you though!
Viv, via email
22 7 October 2010
Exclusive offers and money-saving tips
Find money-off deals at www.webuser.co.uk/discountcodes 7 October 2010 23
WIN 1 OF 2
FaceVsion HD TouchCams
FaceVsions TouchCam N1 offers
high-definition video-conferencing
quality at an affordable price. There are
no drivers to install the camera simply
plugs into the USB drive of a laptop or
PC and is instantly ready to use. For
more info visit www.facevsion.com/en.
WIN 1 OF 4
Seagate 1TB hard disks
Winner of our 1TB hard disks Group Test
in Issue 247, the Seagate FreeAgent Desk
includes easy-to-use software that helps
keep your information safe and private
with automatic back-up and encryption
of your important files and folders. For
more info visit www.seagate.com.
photo book for every reader!!
Set up Amazon
price alerts
You can use Zeezaw to
find bargains on Amazon
by setting up email alerts
that tell you when a
product is available for a
particular price. Just tell
Zeezaw how much youre
prepared to pay for items
on your Amazon Wish List
and youll be sent an
email when prices match.
Work out 20% VAT
price differences
Well all be paying an
extra 2.5 per cent VAT
come 4 January 2011
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youre thinking about
making large purchases
before the rise, see how
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26 7 October 2010
Are you making the most of your favourite
software? Wayne Williams uncovers 45 hidden
tricks, easy hacks and simple upgrades for a
range of popular free programs
7 October 2010 27
ost of us tend to perform the same tasks every
time we use popular programs such as iTunes,
Firefox and Picasa, but the truth is we could be
getting so much more from our favourite software. In this
feature, well reveal some of the most useful but lesser
known features lurking in the free applications that are
part of your daily life online. Well also point you in the
direction of some must-have add-ons and plug-ins that
can enhance the software and add handy new functions
you never knew about.
Increase the size of the address
bar in Firefox
Theres no simple way of changing the
size of the text in Firefoxs (www.
mozilla.com/firefox) address bar, but
you can hack the bar to make it larger.
Go to Firefoxs Chrome folder (located
at C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\
[random string].default\chrome). Find
and open the file named userChrome.
css in Notepad. If its not there, rename
userChrome-example.css. Locate set
default namespace to XUL */ and add
the following line after it:
#urlbar { font-size:25px !important;
height:42px !important; }
Restart Firefox to see the change.
Speed up scrolling in
Firefox 3.6
Theres a simple tweak you can make to
Firefox that will accelerate scrolling in
the browser. Type about:config
(without the quotes) into the address
bar and hit Enter. Now type
mousewheel.acceleration (again
without the quotes) into the Filter box.
The entry mousewheel.acceleration
.start controls the number of times you
need to scroll a page before the
acceleration kicks in. Mousewheel
.acceleration.factor is the degree by
which scrolling will speed up. Youll
need to play around with the settings to
find which values work best for you.
Activate Find As You Type in
Want to find a word or phrase on a web
page? Normally youd hit Ctrl+F to bring
up the search box, and then enter your
query. You can speed things up by
turning on a feature called Find As You
Type. Type about:config (without the
quotes) into the address bar, hit Enter,
and type accessibility.typeaheadfind
(again without the quotes) into the Filter
box. Double-click the accessibility.
typeaheadfind entry to change the
value to True. Now you can just start
typing your query on any page and the
Find box will open without you needing
to press Ctrl+F.
Assign keywords to Firefox
You can load your favourite sites quickly
in Firefox by assigning keywords to
them. Go to Bookmarks, Organise
Bookmarks. Click the Views button and
select Keyword under Show Columns.
Click the bookmark you want, and then
click More at the bottom of the page.
Enter a short text string in the Keyword
field (wiki for Wikipedia, for example)
and click OK. To access that site simply
type the string (wiki) into the address
bar and hit Enter.
Spell-check text in Internet
Internet Explorer (www.microsoft.com/
ie) doesnt come with a built-in spell-
checker but you can add the handy free
tool ieSpell (http://bit.ly/iespell250) to
the browser. Once youve installed the
add-on, just go to Tools, ieSpell to use
it. The options, available from the same
menu, let you choose when to ignore
words (when theyre all in uppercase,
for example) and select the dictionary
language to use.
Block Flash directly in Internet
Auto-loading Flash content can be
annoying and it can also be a bit of a
security risk. If you dont want to disable
Flash entirely, you can choose to block
it on all new sites, and allow it on those
you trust. In Internet Explorer, go to
Tools, Manage Add-ons. Select All
Add-ons in the Show box and double-
click Shockwave Flash Object. Click the
Remove all sites button and then click
Close. Flash will now be blocked on all
sites. When you visit a site you want to
run Flash on, click the yellow
information bar at the top of the screen
to allow it. IE will remember your
preference and allow Flash on that site
in future.
Prevent IE caching encrypted
web pages
Firefox doesnt save encrypted files in
its cache, but Internet Explorer does.
You can stop the browser doing this in
* Price for the Plusnet Value broadband package as at 13/05/2010.
Plusnet Value broadband starts at 6.49 a month. f you live in one of
Plusnet's low cost areas you'll then pay this price every month. f you live outside
of one of these areas you'll then pay 12.99 a month thereafter.
7 October 2010 29
order to maintain your security by going
to Tools, Internet Options, and clicking
the Advanced tab. Scroll down to the
Security section and tick Do not save
encrypted pages to disk.
Increase Omnibox suggestions
in Chrome
Start typing something into Chromes
(www.google.com/chrome) address bar
to display a list of five possible options
and refine its suggestions as you type.
Five is the default number but you can
easily increase this. Click Start, find the
Chrome shortcut, right-click it and
select Properties. Add -omnibox-
popup-count=10 (or another number,
without the quotes), to the end of the
Target Path, outside the quotes. Click
Apply and then OK. Restart Chrome
from that shortcut and it will now offer
extra suggestions.
Force Chrome to remember
Some sites prevent Chrome from
offering to remember your username
and password. The extension
Autocomplete = on (http://bit.ly/
auto250) overrides this, letting Chrome
store login details for any site. You
should exercise caution however, and
never ask the browser to save the
details for any potentially sensitive sites,
such as PayPal (www.paypal.co.uk).
Check memory and power used
by tabs
Chrome offers lots of interesting
information about whats going on
behind the scenes. To see how much
memory and processing power are
being used by the tabs you currently
have open, right-click the top of the
browser and select Task Manager. Click
the Stats for Nerds link to open the
About:Memory page. Similar pages on
offer include About:Cache,
About:Histograms, About:Dns and
About:Plugins. You can just type these
directly into the address box.
Use Paste and go in Chrome
Chrome has a nifty trick that can save
you a little time when pasting in web
addresses. Copy the URL as you would
normally, then right-click the address
box and select Paste and go. This will
open the target site instantly, without
you needing to hit Enter. Similarly, if
youve copied a word or phrase from
somewhere, right-clicking the box will
let you Paste and Search.
Catalogue free music in
ExtensionFM (www.extension.fm) is a
very useful music add-on for Chrome.
Install it and then browse the web as
normal. When you visit a page that has
free MP3 files stored on it (legal ones,
naturally) ExtensionFM will add them to
its library and let you listen to them
from anywhere.
Control music from the iTunes
album art player
Start a song playing in iTunes 10 (www.
apple.com/uk/itunes) and then click
the album art image in the bottom left
(if this isnt visible, click the Show or
Hide Album Art arrow to display it). A
larger version of the artwork will open
in a window. Hover your mouse over
this and some controls will fade into
view to let you play, pause and skip
music from there.
Remove the tickboxes in
iTunes 10
The tickboxes next to the list of songs in
iTunes 10 are used to select and
deselect tracks to sync or play. If you
dont use the boxes, you can hide them.
To do this go to Edit, Preferences,
uncheck the option Show list tickboxes
and click OK.
30 7 October 2010
Join CD tracks in iTunes
When you rip and import mix CDs or
audiobooks into iTunes, the software
will automatically introduce unwanted
breaks in-between the tracks.
Fortunately, you can force the program
to turn these individual files into a single
continuous track. Insert the audio CD to
be ripped, select the tracks one after
another, then go to the Advanced menu
and select Join CD Tracks.
Make sure every track has
iTunes 10 makes it easy to find songs
that are missing artwork so you can get
the required covers from the web and
ensure every track in your collection is
illustrated. Go to File, New Smart
Playlist and under Match the following
rule select Has Artwork
in the first box and is false in the
second. Make sure the Live updating
box is ticked.
Customise VLC Media Player
with skins
VLC (www.videolan.org/vlc) is a
basic-looking media player but you can
spruce it up with themes. Go to
VideoLans Skins page (www.videolan
.org/vlc/skins.php) and download the
36.1MB skins pack. Save the files to the
directory at C:\Program Files\
VideoLAN\VLC\skins. Click Start and
launch VLC Media Player Skinned from
the menu. Right-click the program, go
to Interface and click Select Skin.
Choose the one you want from the list.
Convert file formats using VLC
VLC Media Player can convert video or
audio file types from one format into
another. Go to Media, Convert/Save.
Click the Add button and browse for
your file, then click the Convert/Save
button. Give your file a name and
choose a profile/format. You can
configure the settings by clicking the
Edit Selected Profile button.
Turn videos into cartoons in
The VLC Media Player has some
interesting video effects filters on offer.
One of the best is the option to turn any
playing clip into a cartoon. Start the
video, then go to Tools, Effects and
Filters. Click the Video Effects tab and
then click Image Modification. Tick
Gradient and tick both the Cartoon and
Colour options. You can either leave the
mode as Gradient or change it to Edge
for a different style.
Share Audacity projects
Audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge
.net) files can be quite large. If you want
to share a project with a friend, you can
produce a compressed (and slightly
inferior) version of it by going to File,
Save Compressed Copy of Project. This
feature is only available in the latest
beta version of Audacity and the person
you send it to will also need to be using
this edition.
Add effects to Audacity
Audacity comes with a decent
collection of filters and effects, but you
can add more. Theres a good collection
available at http://bit.ly/audacity250.
Install these in the C:\Program Files\
Audacity 1.3 Beta (Unicode)\Nyquist
directory (or similar).
Open and edit Photoshop files
in Paint.NET
Photoshop is the best photo-editing
tool on the market but its also very
expensive. You can use the totally free
Paint.NET (www.getpaint.net) to open
and edit files created in Adobes
software by installing the Paint.Net PSD
Plugin (http://psdplugin.codeplex.com).
Save the DLL file to C:\Program Files\
Paint.NET\FileTypes. Turn to page 62
for our Workshop on using Photoshop
Express Editor.
Map photos onto 3D objects
Shape 3D (http://bit.ly/shape250) is a
smart add-on for Paint.NET that lets
you wrap your photos around 3D
objects. Copy the .dll file into the
C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects
wa|| stay |oya| to your on||na bus|nass - 24.7.85
Est. 1997
UK data cantra w|th around tha c|ock support
|mag|na hav|ng no support
32 7 October 2010
folder then start the program. Load a
photo and go to Effects, Render,
Shape3D. Choose a shape (sphere,
cylinder or box) and then tweak the
settings to get the result you require.
Get rid of Picasa duplicates
Its easy enough to find and remove
duplicate images manually in Picasa
(http://picasa.google.co.uk), but the
program offers an experimental feature
that simplifies the process. Go to
Tools, Experimental and select Show
Duplicate Files.
Speed up face detection in
The facial-recognition feature in
Googles Picasa image organiser is very
useful but it can be time-consuming
when you add a lot of new photos. You
can speed up the process by going to
Tools, Options and clicking the Name
Tags tab. Drag the Suggestion
threshold and Cluster threshold sliders
to the left. This will speed up the rate of
suggestions, but it may introduce errors
so check the results carefully before
confirming them.
Upload photos to Facebook
using Picasa
If you want to post images directly to
Facebook, youll first need to install the
Picasa Uploader add-on (http://apps.
facebook.com/picasauploader). This will
introduce a Facebook button to the
bottom of the screen. Select some
pictures, click this button and then click
Start Upload.
Keep your email private in
To prevent people reading your
Thunderbird (www.mozillamessaging
.com/thunderbird) email on a shared
computer, go to Start and type
thunderbird.exe P (without the
quotes) into the search box (or go to
Start, Run in XP). Create a profile for
each person who uses the PC. Now
when you run Thunderbird youll be able
to choose which profile you want and
the program will load only that users
email, passwords and extensions.
Manage your contacts in
Contacts (http://bit.ly/contacts250) is a
Mozilla Labs project originally released
for Firefox that lets you merge contact
information from a range of programs
and services, including your
Thunderbird address book, Gmail
contacts and details from Twitter,
Facebook and Plaxo (www.plaxo.com).
Install the extension, restart
Thunderbird and go to Tools, Contacts.
Use secret smilies in Skype
When youre instant messaging
someone in Skype (www.skype.com),
you can add an emoticon by clicking the
down arrow next to the smiley face and
selecting the one you want. Skype
offers instant access to 72 different
designs, but it actually recognises
shortcuts for an awful lot more,
including a complete set of flags of the
world. To see the full list of supported
emoticons, and their shortcuts, go to
Use keyboard shortcuts in
Skype supports keyboard shortcuts but
the feature is turned off by default. To
enable it, go to Tools, Options, click
Advanced and then click Hotkeys. Tick
7 October 2010 33
Enable Keyboard Shortcuts and select
the ones you want to use. There are
combinations for Answer call
(Alt+PgUp), Answer call with video
(Ctrl+Alt+PgUp) and Hang up
(Alt+PgDn). You can change the
shortcuts for these and select different
Back up Skype data
To save your Skype settings and chat
history, navigate to C:\Users\
(Vista or Windows 7), or C:\Documents
and Settings\[username]\
ApplicationData\Skype (in XP) and
locate the folder with your Skype
username. Copy and save this
somewhere safe, or write it to disc.
To restore the settings in future, simply
copy this folder back into the same
Connect to hotspots using
The latest beta version of Skype offers a
new feature called Skype Access. This
lets you pay for Wi-Fi by the minute
using your Skype credit. Connect to a
hotspot and then go to Tools, Skype
Access to see if its compatible. If it is,
follow the instructions to sign in and
start surfing. You can download Skype 5
Beta from http://bit.ly/skype250.
Scan for malware in idle
moments using Avast
Avast Free Antivirus 5 (www.avast.com)
comes with a useful screensaver mode
that will scan your system after a set
period of inactivity. To turn this feature
on, and configure it, right-click a blank
area of your Desktop and select
Personalize. Click the Screen Save
option and then select Avast Antivirus
from the drop-down menu. Click
Settings to configure the screensaver.
Receive Avast virus alerts
via email
If your computer is set to run full scans
while youre away, you can ask Avast to
send you a message in the event of
malware being detected. Click the
Settings button, then click Virus Alerts.
Click the Add button and enter your
email address and SMTP settings. You
can test the alerts feature to make sure
its working properly.
Run AVG Anti-Virus Free in
Safe Mode
If your PC is badly infected and
Windows wont load, you can try
booting into Safe Mode by pressing the
F8 key at the right moment and
selecting that option from the boot
menu. If that works, run AVG (http://
free.avg.com) from the Start menu.
Instead of the usual interface, youll be
presented with the Command Line
Composer. Select the options you
require and click Start Scan.
Improve the appearance of
Spybot Search & Destroy (www.
safer-networking.org) doesnt have the
most attractive of interfaces. To give the
spyware-removal tool a makeover, go to
Mode, Advanced and click Settings.
Click Skins, choose one in the drop-
down box, then click Apply Selected.
Manage your system restore
points in CCleaner
System restore points can prove
life-savers on occasion but they also
take up quite a lot of hard-disk space.
CCleaner (www.piriform.com) lets you
remove any that you no longer require.
Run the program, click Tools and then
click System Restore. Select one or
more points to clear and click Remove.
Get more information in
When you click the Analyze button in
CCleaner, the program will display a
summary of files to be deleted. This is
useful as an overview but it doesnt tell
you exactly what will be removed. To
get a more detailed breakdown, go to
Options, Advanced and tick Show initial
results in detailed view.
Beef up CCleaner with
CCEnhancer (http://bit.ly/ccleaner250)
is a useful add-on for Piriforms powerful
system-cleaning tool. It adds support
for more than 270 additional programs,
making the software even more useful.
Run the program, then click the
Download Latest button to fetch the
34 7 October 2010
most recent definitions. It will offer to
start CCleaner once the download
process has completed.
Make OpenOffice.org load
You can get a noticeable speed boost in
OpenOffice.org (www.openoffice.org)
by disabling Java in the program. Go to
Tools, Options and find and select Java
on the left. Untick the option to Use a
Java runtime environment and restart
the suite. You can easily enable Java
again should you need to.
Colour shapes in Draw
The Draw application in OpenOffice.org
has a wide range of geometric shapes
that you can use in your documents.
These objects can be filled with a
uniform colour, a gradient, a hatching,
or a pattern from an image, but theres
no obvious way of applying different
colours to separate parts of a shape.
To do this, right-click the object and
select Convert, To Curve. Right-click
it again and select Ungroup. You can
now colour the individual pieces. Put it
back together again afterwards by
dragging a rectangular shape around
the item, right-clicking it and selecting
Make Flash slideshows using
Impress is OpenOffice.orgs PowerPoint
equivalent. If you want to be sure
someone can read a presentation you
create (but not edit it), you can export it
as a PDF file, or better yet as a Flash
slideshow. Go to File, Export and select
Macromedia Flash (SWF) as the file
format. Give it a name and click Save.
This file can then be uploaded to a
website or opened directly in a browser.
Play music and videos in
Writer comes with its own built-in media
player. To use it go to Tools, Media
Player and browse for the file you want
to play. Video clips can be resized using
the percentage drop-down box. Clicking
the Apply button will insert the media
file into your current document with a
play bar at the bottom of the screen.
Remember more documents in
Adobe Reader
By default Adobe Reader (http://get.
adobe.com/reader) remembers the last
five documents you had open. If you
find this a little too restrictive, you can
increase the number, up to a maximum
of 10. Open Reader and go to Edit,
Preferences. Click Documents and
change the number in the Recently
Used List box.
Change the background colour
in Foxit Reader
Most PDF files have a white background
that can be quite glaring. You can tone
down backgrounds in Foxit Reader
(www.foxitsoftware.com) by going to
Tools, Preferences, and selecting
Documents on the left. Tick Replace
Document Colors, then select Custom
Color. Make the Page Background a
light grey.
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36 7 October 2010
Both sites offer property email alerts based on your searches
if you register with them. Rightmove also lets you share
property details via email and popular social-networking sites
but Zooplas Tell a friend service is email-only.
Theres plenty of property information on both sites
photos, floorplans, slideshows, EPCs (energy performance
certificates), PDF brochures, 360-degree tours and so on, but
little consistency because details vary from agent to agent
and property to property. Generally, Zoopla isnt as good at
signposting its content and its pop-up windows sometimes
hide important information. Rightmove has a series of
property-related guides that include an Excel spreadsheet for
budgeting and an online mortgage calculator; Zoopla doesnt
so much offer advice as provide comparative quotes on
mortgages, loans, insurance and so on.
Both services make effective use of Google Maps and Street
View but Rightmove gets the edge on this round by overlaying
local schools onto its maps and offering a helpful draw a
search feature that lets you mark out an area on the map.
WINNER: Rightmove
When youre looking to buy, rent or sell a home,
should you use Rightmove or Zoopla? Rob Beattie
pits the two leading property sites against each other
Which is best? Rightmove vs Zoopla
Rightmove (www.rightmove.co.uk) gets off on the right foot
courtesy of its smart layout (though we could do without the
new cartoon-eyes design) and by sticking a large Find
property in search box where it cant be missed. Zoopla
(www.zoopla.co.uk) also has a prominent search box but adds
more options and sets it against a Coronation Street-style
skyline (which is better than all those eyes). Both sites let you
search without registering and there are a wide range of
access points on the homepages, including a map, new
homes, overseas, lets and region for Rightmove, and sales,
rentals, popular areas, estate agents and average house
prices for Zoopla.
Refining your search is simple on both sites and its easy to
request details by email or phone. However, Zoopla packs
each page with so much information that it can prove
distracting when youre trying to conduct a quick search. So
Rightmove wins this round for clarity and simplicity.
WINNER: Rightmove
7 October 2010 37
Find more website reviews at www.webuser.co.uk/websites
This contest almost proved a clean sweep for
Rightmove, which has more properties, smarter
mapping tools, broader support for mobile devices
and a better all-round design. However, we liked
Zooplas price-history information and Q&As,
which offer more insight than Rightmoves
comparatively conventional property guides.
WINNER: Rightmove
Because both sites get content from estate agents, its difficult
to gauge their range of properties precisely, but we carried
out a basic test by searching for examples of homes around
the country. Rightmove found 140 two-to-four bed houses
under 300,000 within a five-mile radius of Welshpool, while
Zoopla listed 29; Rightmove returned 177 one-bed flats in
Edinburgh up to 220,000 while Zoopla found only 96;
Rightmove knew about only one two-to-three bed retirement
property in Hove for under 400,000, while Zoopla listed two;
and Rightmove found 73 two-to-three bed houses to rent for
1,500 per month within five miles of Truro to Zooplas 57. So
Rightmove certainly seems to cover a much wider range of
properties for sale and rent, although there are some repeats
of the same properties listed by different estate agents.
WINNER: Rightmove
The two sites do an equally good job of describing their listed
properties and avoiding estate-agent jargon. Both take
information directly from estate agents so youll find some of
the listings appear on both sites. However, Rightmoves
summaries sometimes dont make it from the search results
page over to the details page, which is annoying.
We like Zooplas Listing History because it gives you an idea
of how many people have viewed the details of a property
and whether the price has moved since it was first listed.
Zooplas Q&A forum which is so tucked away it merited
inclusion in our recent Website Secrets cover feature (Issue
247) offers plenty of helpful information and advice on all
manner of property-related subjects. These extras lift the site
above Rightmove in this round.
WINNER: Zoopla
You can download decent free iPhone
apps for both Zoopla (www.zoopla.co.uk/
iphone) and Rightmove (http://bit.ly/
right250) that present information from
the websites in a friendly fashion with
plenty of photos and detail. Zoopla also
has an augmented-reality camera option
that lets you get valuations and sale prices
for properties you scan using your phone,
but this crashed every time we tried it.
Both sites let you contact the estate agent
directly from the app if youre interested in
a particular property.
Rightmove has an iPad app (http://bit.ly/
rightipad) and a mobile version of its site
that works with all major handsets youll
be redirected there when you visit www.
rightmove.co.uk on your phone. Zoopla just
displays its standard site, leaving you at the
mercy of your handsets mobile browser.
WINNER: Rightmove
38 7 October 2010
Shill bidding
What it involves: Shill bidding is when
someone artificially and illegally -
increases an items price. The seller may
set up a second eBay (www.ebay.co.uk)
account to bid on items listed through
the first account or get friends with
eBay accounts to bump up a price.
How to spot it: Check a sellers
feedback. Alarm bells should ring if a
number of sold items are quickly relisted
this may imply that the auctions were
won by someone who did not actually
want the item but was only bidding to
prevent the goods being sold at a low
price. It has been harder to spot shill
bidding since eBay introduced bidder
anonymity but if you find that bidding
on an item is going up in tiny increments
or a seller appears to have lots of bid
retractions, you should abandon the
auction. Read eBays Shill bidding
policy (http://bit.ly/shill250) for more
information and see our box-out below
right for a recent example of the scam.
Feedback scamming
What it involves: Feedback scamming
is a way of manipulating the positive
feedback that makes potential buyers
trust a seller. It may entail a dodgy seller
purchasing lots of cheap items in order
to get positive feedback from other
sellers or setting up multiple eBay
accounts to give themselves a 100 per
cent positive feedback record.
How to spot it: Unscrupulous sellers will
often end up abusing the trust of
customers by ripping them off so its
important to watch for the signs. Check
if the feedback has been mostly gained
for buying rather than selling, and if the
person has never sold anything before,
treat them as if they have no feedback.
Take a close look at the finished auctions
that got them positive feedback. Were
they for low-value items? If so, should
you still trust them to send that plasma
TV youre bidding for?
Undelivered items
What it involves: Unscrupulous sellers
will sometimes claim that goods have
been posted but must have got lost in
the post. You may then spot the item
relisted at a higher price.
How to spot it: This scam isnt an easy
There are some top deals on eBay but also some scandalous swindles.
David Crookes reveals how to spot and avoid 10 common scams
one to avoid, although feedback may
indicate that its not a one-off incident.
Check if the seller has ever sold an
identical item twice for different prices.
If the seller refuses to refund you,
report them to eBay. It could be that
the seller considers the final sale price
too low and decides to lie in order to
get a better price later. Read eBays
help page I didnt receive an item I
paid for (http://bit.ly/deliver250) for
further advice. The recently introduced
ebay Buyer Protection policy (http://bit
.ly/buyer250) covers payments made
via PayPal.
How to avoid
In April this year, Paul Barrett of Yorkshire was fined 3,000 and ordered to
carry out 250 hours of community service after he admitted to 10 counts of
shill bidding on eBay. North Yorkshire Trading Standards began investigating
the minibus hire firm boss when they found out he had bid against himself on a
number of items. Barrett originally told the court that he didnt realise what he
was doing was illegal.
An eBay spokeswoman told Web User at the time of Barretts conviction:
Shill bidding is illegal and it is important for people to understand that there is
not, nor has there ever been, room for illegal activity on our site. We spend
6m every year to try and stop shill bidding from happening.
Shill bidder convicted
7 October 2010 39 Find more security advice at www.webuser.co.uk/security
Second chance
What it involves: You may receive an
email from someone pretending to be
an auctions seller, offering you the
second chance to buy an item. This will
be for an auction that you have just
missed out on winning.
How to spot it: If the email has not
come through the official eBay
channels, you should immediately be
wary. If in doubt, contact the original
seller through eBay. With bidder IDs
now hidden, this scam has become less
of a problem.
Overseas scams
What it involves: You may be contacted
by a buyer who wants you to send a
high-value item youre selling to another
country. For some reason, this invariably
seems to be Nigeria.
How to spot it: Never send an item to a
buyer before you receive any money.
You should insist on being paid
immediately via PayPal (www.paypal
.co.uk), which all sellers must now offer
as a payment option. If you receive a
cheque, have it analysed by a bank
before you send the goods. Also, avoid
clicking links in the buyers email, which
may take you to a fake PayPal or eBay
page where they can phish your details.
Phishing emails
What it involves: The scammer will
send you an email purporting to be from
eBay or PayPal that may try to get you
to divulge your username and password
so they can access your account.
How to spot it: There are several ways
to identify a phishing email. The
message may say Dear eBay user
instead of your real name; it may contain
spelling or grammatical errors; and links
may show different web addresses in
your browsers Status bar when you
hover your mouse over them. For more
tips about spotting phishing scams, visit
the governments Get Safe Online
website (www.getsafeonline.org).
Inflated postage fees
What it involves: Some sellers try to
cover all their eBay costs and make
extra money by boosting delivery fees,
but demanding a disproportionately
high amount for postage and packing is
against eBay rules. There are now limits
on how much can be charged for
delivery in many categories.
How to spot it: Before you make a bid,
check the postage fees carefully. You
could buy an item for 1 and find it costs
30 to post, so be vigilant and read the
full description before you bid. You can
find information about how much can
be charged for different types of item at
False chargebacks
What it involves: Buyers claim not to
have received your item and ask for a
PayPal refund.
How to spot it: Check the feedback of a
buyer and look for evidence of previous
chargebacks, then contact PayPal to
state your case. Keep a record of any
correspondence you have received from
the buyer. You are only covered by
PayPal if your items are sent using a
trackable service, such as the Royal
Mails Special Delivery, to a confirmed
address. PayPal offers a detailed FAQ
about chargebacks at http://bit.ly/
Housing scams
What it involves: Users of classified-ad
site Gumtree (www.gumtree.com),
which is owned by eBay, have been
warned by the National Landlords
Association (NLA, www.landlords
.org.uk) to watch out for a deposit scam.
This involves landlords asking potential
tenants to send them money to secure a
property before suddenly becoming
How to spot it: Be wary of landlords
who ask you to send them money in
advance, even if you have had lots of
email contact. Ask if you can hand over
money in person once youve viewed
the property. If you do fall victim to this
scam, contact the police and the NLA at
Fake items
What it involves: There are lots of
knock-off goods on eBay, where sellers
list items as genuine brand names when
they are not. Designer clothing is a
popular target for this type of scam.
How to spot it: Usually, you will only
spot the item is a fake
when you receive it,
although you should
always be wary if the
item photo looks like
an official image from
a company website
rather than one taken
by the seller of the
actual item you are
bidding on. Ask for your money
back if you feel youve been conned
most sellers will refund you for fear of
being reported to eBay but you should
report them regardless. If you feel
unsure before you buy, email the seller
and ask them if the items are genuine.
Use Google to find out if there are
obvious ways of telling whether the item
you are about to buy could be a fake
and ask the seller for proof based on
that information. You can read eBays
policy on selling replica and counterfeit
items, which includes a link for reporting
such listings, at http://bit.ly/fake250, or
uuse eBays Live Help facility to speak
to an advisor.
Web User reader Richard Martin
from Derby fell prey to an eBay
scam when he bid for an 80GB iPod
last year. I was really pleased at
winning the auction for only 80 so
didnt think twice about sending off
a cheque for that amount, plus 7
Two weeks after the cheque
cleared I still hadnt received the
iPod so emailed the seller but
received no reply. I then checked
their feedback only to be told they
were no longer an eBay user.
Fortunately, I was able to use
eBays Resolution Centre (http://
resolutioncentre.ebay.co.uk) to
reclaim the money but, because I
didnt pay using PayPal, this proved
to be a long, drawn-out process
that involved submitting a copy of
my bank statement to prove the
payment was taken.
I was scammed
on eBay
40 7 October 2010
This fortnights top FREE software downloads
If you want to trim unwanted scenes from your video files, this
freeware tool is ideal. It supports both AVI and MKV files, and
is very easy to use. Just open a video, then select the
different parts you want to keep or remove. The program can
automatically detect scenes in DV-AVI videos and chapters in
some MKV files. Click Process and it will make the requested
cuts and save the finished video without needing to re-encode
it (so the quality and synchronisation remain unchanged). The
software can also strip out the audio from a video file.
Min requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7
File size: 60.4MB
AVI Trimmer + MKV 2.0
Min requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7
File size: 4MB
The aim of this simple puzzle game is to guide a little old lady
around a house, collecting pictures that contain her
memories. Getting to them involves moving ladders along
bookshelves and climbing up or down. When youve collected
all the memories, youll need to work out the correct order to
place them in so you can play them as notes on an organ.
Google SketchUp 8
3D-modelling programs
dont get any easier to use
than the latest version of
Google SketchUp. Creating a
3D model is simply a matter
of laying down a flat
geometric shape and then
pushing or pulling it to add
depth. If you want to create a
cube, for example, all you
have to do is draw a square
and then click on it and drag
the shape upwards.
Transforming the cube into a
house just involves carving
out doors and windows,
splitting the top face into two
and dragging it to make an
apex roof. The various tools
on offer let you create some
surprisingly detailed objects
via the built-in Google Maps.
Other new features include
improved terrain and
coloured aerial imagery,
volume information for solid
objects and the ability to
push and pull selected faces,
even if they are hidden
behind something else.
with ease but if you
dont have the
patience or inclination
to build something
from scratch, you can
always import and
adapt an existing
project from Googles
3D Warehouse.
Although you can
use the program to
design any 3D object,
SketchUp 8 is particularly
well suited to creating
buildings. You can trace
existing structures using the
online Building Maker, get
textures from Street View,
export models directly into
Google Earth and add
geo-location to your model
The Pro version (which
costs a whopping $495)
introduces some additional
features, including Solid
Tools and an improved
Layout component, but the
free edition should be good
enough to cater for most
peoples modelling needs.
Creaky Old Memory

Min requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7 or Mac OS X
File size: 40MB
7 October 2010 41
Discover more top free downloads at www.webuser.co.uk/software
Available to buy now priced 79.99, the latest
version of Serifs DrawPlus X4 software makes it
easier than ever to create stunning drawings and
cool animations. New features include PhotoLab,
for fixing common photo flaws, and Blend
Modes, which adds a professional finish to your
animations. The software also provides access
to a dedicated online community at DrawPlus
.com where you can share designs and ideas.
For more information visit www.serif.com.
DrawPlus X4 software
Driver Sweeper
Min requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7
File size: 4.6MB
This tool can remove old, unwanted
drivers from your system. Driver Sweeper
is particularly useful if you upgrade your
hardware on a regular basis and it works
best in Safe Mode.
Device Doctor
Min requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7
File size: 6.8MB
checks your
for old
Click the
button next
to an
update to
go to the Device Doctor site where youll
be able to download the latest version.
This free tool can convert PDF files into a range of image formats, including
JPEG, BMP, GIF and PNG. PDF To JPG is very easy to use simply add a file,
or a folder of PDFs if you want to batch convert several at once, choose an
image format and start the conversion.
A great free tool for serious gamers, Game Booster 2 optimises your system by
tweaking settings, closing background applications, defragmenting files and
folders, cleaning memory and downloading the latest drivers. Customise the
Gaming Mode by choosing which services to disable, then flick a switch to run
it. When youve finished playing, flick it again to return to Regular Mode.
Game Booster 2
Min requirements: Windows Vista/7 File size: 2.5MB

Min requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7 File size: 2MB
Min requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7
File size: 1.8MB
SlimDrivers scans your PC for outdated
drivers and provides a direct link to the
latest versions. You can install them
individually or all at once. The program
also lets you uninstall, back up and
restore drivers.
42 7 October 2010
Min requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7
File size: 3.4MB
Put your football knowledge to the test with
this entertaining one-on-one online trivia quiz.
You can take on friends, enemies or even total
strangers. The game involves answering
questions about the top four leagues and
plays like a real match, with the
action moving up and down the
pitch based on the speed and
accuracy of the answers given by
you and your opponent. The more
games you win, the more fans and
in-game currency youll earn, which
lets you upgrade your team and
move up to the leagues higher
This tiny portable application adds some
simple usability features to Windows. You can
move open windows around the screen by
holding down Alt and clicking and dragging
with your mouse. Switch to the right mouse
button and the program will resize the
selected window. Windows can be snapped
to screen edges and corners, resized to
standard resolutions and maximised
horizontally or vertically. Right-click or
middle-click a title bar to minimise or close
that window. You can edit SecondShells INI
file to define hotkeys for launching up to 10 of
your favourite applications.
Min requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7
File size: 377KB
Big Match Striker
Portable versions of free applications are
great because they dont mess up your
system and you can run them anywhere. If
you cant find a portable version of your
favourite app, you can use Cameyo to create
one. Run the program and it will take an
electronic snapshot of your PCs current
set-up. Install the application you want to
make portable and Cameyo will take another
snapshot, compare the differences and
generate an install-free EXE file version of
your app. Whats particularly great about the
process is it will include any installed add-ons
too Firefox with Adblock Plus ready to go,
for example. Its incredibly handy.
Min requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7
File size: 1.6MB
7 October 2010 43
Discover more mobile apps at www.webuser.co.uk/mobileapps
Min requirements:
iPhone or iPod
Touch, iOS 4.0+
File size: 0.6MB
Sign up to BT FON
and share a small
portion of your broadband connection
with other users to access over a million
hotspots around the world for free. BT
Total Broadband customers can join
immediately, while users of other services
will need to buy a special router first.
Once youve joined the service, youll be
able to use this app to find and log into
free hotspots directly through your
Apple device.
Angry Birds Lite Beta
Min requirements: Android 2.1+
File size: 14MB
Arguably the best physics-based game
for the iPhone, Angry Birds is now
available as a beta taster for Android
devices. The idea is to fire angry birds at
the greedy pigs who stole their eggs. The
pigs are shielded by wood, glass and
metal constructions, but each bird
species has a unique ability that can be
used to break through the defences.
Parallels Mobile app
Min requirements:
iPhone, iPod Touch
or iPad, iOS 3.2+, Mac
OS X, Parallels
Desktop 6
File size: 25MB
Parallels Desktop 6
lets you seamlessly
run both Windows and OS X applications
on your Mac, giving you the best of both
worlds. It costs 64.99 to buy, but once
youve installed it, you can download
this free app to access any running
Windows applications directly on your
iPhone or iPad.
Mobile & iPad apps
The latest version of the popular social client supports all the major services,
including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Buzz and Foursquare. Sign into the
accounts you want to see and choose the columns to display. Twitter updates
are now delivered in near real-time although you can turn this and Desktop
notifications off if it gets a bit too busy. The program also supports plug-ins so
you can easily add more services, such as YouTube and Google Reader.
Seesmic Desktop 2
Min requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7 or Mac OS X, Silverlight
File size: 6.4MB
The aim of this game is to protect the pig motherships from swarms of
incoming aliens by ramming them. You can only protect one ship at a time but
hitting the spacebar when you reach a crossover point will let you switch
orbits. There are also various power-ups to collect.
Min requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7 File size: 9.5MB
AM-DeadLink (http://aignes
.com/deadlink.htm) detects dead links
and duplicates in browser bookmarks
and text files. If a bookmark has
become unavailable, you can verify
and delete it permanently. You can
also download favicons for all your
Ourstanley, via Webuser.co.uk/
44 7 October 2010
Discuss the Digital Economy Act at www.webuser.co.uk/forums
Details of how
copyright offences will
be dealt with under
the controversial new
law are starting to
become clear. Ben
Camm-Jones explains
The Digital
Economy Act
The Digital Economy Act is a piece
of legislation that became law in
June 2010 and concerns the regulation of
the digital media industry in the UK.
However, all the details of how it will
work in practice havent been finalised
yet. Primarily, it was introduced to
protect the UKs creative industries
musicians, filmmakers and so on against
the problem of internet piracy and
copyright infringement.
UK law has been criticised previously
for being unfit for the digital age because
much of the legislation regarding
copyright was passed long before even
the concept of the World Wide Web
existed. The need to update these laws to
take into account internet access and its
effect on the creative industries worth
millions to the UK economy every year
has been widely accepted, but not
everyone agrees with the details of the
Digital Economy Act.
The Digital Economy Act (known as
the Digital Economy Bill before it
was passed through parliament and
given Royal Assent) came out of the
2009 Digital Britain report, drawn up by
Lord Carter. The report proposed not
only measures to protect copyright
owners, but inspired other policy ideas
such as a 50p tax on all landlines in the
UK to fund rural broadband and the
proposal that every home in the UK be
connected to 2Mbps broadband services
by 2012. Many of these ideas have since
been revised or abandoned altogether.
The Digital Economy Act was
passed just before parliament was
dissolved to allow campaigning for the
May 2010 general election, and many
critics feel that it was rushed through as
a result. Such a piece of legislation would
normally be subject to hours of debates,
yet there are people who believe that the
Act was given little scrutiny and was
passed on the basis of a deal between
the Conservative and Labour front
benches. Even some Labour MPs, who
largely supported the Bill, were unhappy.
Its obvious that were not going to be
able to give the normal scrutiny that we
should to the Digital Economy Bill. As
someone whos broadly supportive of
that Bill, I would be concerned at the
thought of some very complex issues
7 October 2010 45
The first thing you should do when
you set up your wireless network is
change the name of your router
along with the default login name
and password. If a criminal knows
the model name of your router,
theyll be able to find out the default
login and password with a quick
web search. Once theyve hacked
into your network, they can use the
connection for their own purposes
and even alter the DNS to redirect
you to websites containing malware.
You should make sure that you
choose an appropriate level of
encryption for your network. WEP
(Wired Equivalent Privacy) has
been revealed as easy to crack and
should be avoided if possible. WPA
(Wi-Fi Protected Access) is a more
secure system, but its still not
entirely uncrackable. WPA II, the
latest generation of this type of
encryption, is the recommended
Any device that connects to your
wireless network whether a laptop,
mobile phone or media-streaming
device will also need to support
WPA II, so some older gadgets will
not be compatible.
being rushed through, Paul Gerrard MP
said at the time.
The main bone of contention with the
Digital Economy Act is the way it
proposes to deal with people who
download content illegally. While the
copyright holders principally the record
companies, headed by the British
Phonographic Industry (BPI, www.bpi
.co.uk) have long been pressing for
strong deterrents and punishments for
piracy, consumer groups campaigned for
a less draconian approach, advocating
programmes to educate people about
copyright law while promoting low-cost,
legal online music services.
It initially appeared that the music
industry was going to get its way, with
measures that would see persistent
offenders disconnected from the web.
However, pressure from consumer groups
saw these measures relaxed, with other
technical measures, such as slowing the
speed of an internet connection, given
Yet consumer groups are still not
satisfied because they see the system for
identifying offenders as fundamentally
flawed and believe innocent people
could suffer.
Meanwhile, ISPs are unhappy that they
have been lumbered with 25 per cent of
the bill to identify and warn suspected
pirates when they, as businesses, stand to
make no financial gain from preventing
piracy. It is the copyright holders, the
ISPs argue, who will gain millions from
wiping out piracy, so they should pay to
identify offenders.
The details still havent been
thrashed out, though industry
watchdog Ofcom (www.ofcom.org.uk)
has come up with a draft set of proposals
that will govern the process. These will
be subjected to parliamentary scrutiny
before being made law.
The likely procedure is that anyone
suspected of downloading illegal content
will be sent letters warning them that
their internet connection could be
restricted if such acts occur again. These
notifications would come from the ISP,
though it is up to the rightsholders to
identify and inform the ISP about
suspected cases of copyright
infringement, along with details such as
the IP (internet protocol) address of the
suspected offender. However, the identity
of the alleged offender will not be
released to the rightsholder.
If the copyright infringement continues,
rightsholders can approach a judge and
apply for a court order to identify the
alleged offender in order to bring
standard copyright procedures against
them under the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act 1988.
Downloading copyrighted content
without consent is wrong, yes.
However, one of the arguments against
the Digital Economy Act is that innocent
people could be unwittingly caught up in
the legislation. For example, if you
havent secured your home Wi-Fi
network properly, someone could hack
into it and use your internet connection
to download content illegally. In such a
case, it would be the owner of the
network, not the hacker, who gets into
trouble. Wi-Fi hacking might seem like an
extreme case (though it is worth making
sure that your network is properly
secured see box right) but it could be
one of your children or a guest in your
house who commits the offence. Also,
knowing what is legal and illegal to
download isnt straightforward its not
like youre alerted with a warning before
you download pirated content.
There will be an appeal process,
details of which will be set out by
Ofcom. The government has also said
that it will not charge fees to anyone
wishing to appeal against accusations of
illegal file-sharing, though it doesnt rule
out introducing a fee in the future.
It has been decided that no fee should
be charged to internet subscribers who
wish to use the appeal system to refute a
notification. However, as a free system
risks the possibility of large numbers of
unnecessary appeals, the government
will monitor the situation closely and
reserves the right to introduce a small fee
at a later stage, the Department for
Business, Innovation and Skills (www.bis
.gov.uk) said in a statement in September.
NEXT ISSUE: Instant Expert guide to tablet computing
185,000 jobs in the EU were lost as a result
of piracy in 2008, according to a report
from the International Chamber of Commerce
The Act also gives the Secretary of
State the power to restrict access to
websites or services suspected of hosting
a large amount of copyrighted content or
facilitating piracy. However, the Act isnt
all about piracy other provisions cover
age classifications for video games, the
management of the UKs internet domain
registries, the regulation of TV and radio
services and the functions of Channel 4
46 7 October 2010 Find more product reviews at www.webuser.co.uk/products
aving a hard disk crammed with digital
photos is all well and good, but its a
shame not to give your treasured
memories an airing in public now and again.
Of course, you can still print your photos, but
the sheer volume of snaps most digital
photographers take makes this a costly and
time-consuming business.
A simple solution is to invest in a digital photo
frame. These gadgets used to be expensive
frivolities but the price for all frames reviewed
here falls below 100, while build quality and
features have improved. No more huddling over
the laptop to show off your Flickr account just
load your photos on a frame, sit back and enjoy.
Digital photo
frames under 100
Andy Shaw lines up five digital photo
frames to see which will display your
pictures in the best light



The best
in its category
Good, but just
misses out on
top billing
Pretty good,
but with some
Theres only really one way to test a digital photo frame, and thats to
load up some photos and see how they look. We viewed the same
slideshow of photos on the five frames tested, and scrutinised each
shot to build up a picture of which models did the best job.
While this is largely subjective, analysis of the frames features and
ease of use is not. You can get a good comparative view of their
features in our table on page 50. Ease of use is surprisingly relevant on
photo frames, where controls are often hidden or obscured.
The last element we looked at, though its never the least of our
considerations, is value for money is the price appropriate to the
quality of the product?
We test and compare the latest products W
7 October 2010 47
Find the best prices for products at www.webuser.co.uk/prices
This 7in frame from Kodak is one of the smallest
in our test, but its also the most sophisticated,
at least in terms of the features on offer. For
starters it has a proper touchscreen all the
others we tested have buttons on the side or
back. It also connects simply and easily to your
Wi-Fi network for connecting to the internet.
This is the first thing youll be asked to do when
you turn it on, and youll also need to make a
free Kodak Pulse account online in order to get
the most out of the device.
Thankfully, Kodak has implemented its Wi-Fi
functions sensibly, providing a useful set of
features without going over the top. For instance,
you can upload pictures to the frame from your
PC, without being anywhere near the device. You
can also email pictures to it, so you could even
send pictures home while youre out. And it can
automatically download and display photos from
Facebook or Kodak Gallery services.
Its incredibly easy to use a solid leap ahead
of most of its rivals with the simple
touchscreen offering great benefits. It reduces
the number of buttons required on the back to
two a power button and a select button.
It might have been good to expand the frames
internet capabilities to offer access to an online
photo service such as Flickr, but were splitting
hairs really.
All this is moot without the ability to show off
a decent photo, but the frame does fine in this
department, too. We felt we had to deduct a
point because it doesnt automatically sense its
orientation (portraint or landscape), but pictures
displayed on the screen are bright and clear.
While assessing photo
frames should really be
about how well a frame
displays a picture, rather
than where it gets its
images from, we cant
help but think that a
typical Web User reader
is going to get as much of
a kick as we did from
being able to connect
this frame to their
Wi-Fi network, and
send pictures to it
from the internet.
The good news is that
its no slouch on the
performance side either,
with only a few minor
niggles keeping it from
full marks on all counts.


KODAK PULSE DIGITAL FRAME 99. 99 www.kodak.com

Most digital photo frames are black slabs of
plastic, but this Kodak model is more
aesthetically pleasing, with a silver surround and
an optional black frame to go around that. It
makes the frame look bigger and provides a
sophisticated, less technical aura to the unit.
The EasyShare D830s silver inner-frame
doubles up as the control panel. Lightly touch
the frame on the right (if its in landscape
mode) and orange lights will appear. These are
touch-sensitive and refer to menu options
listed on the screen. Your overwhelming desire
will be to touch the screen itself, which might
leave you planting sticky fingerprints on it, but
you should get used to it fairly quickly. Theres
also a button on the top that gives quick
access to the screens options. These include
showing single pictures, a changing collage
of pictures, the clock or the calendar.
You can display pictures from SD, MME and
xD cards, Memory Sticks and USB devices,
and transfer images onto the internal
memory, which has a 512MB capacity.
The frame has a timer feature, so you
can program it to turn on when youre
around and switch itself off at night,
thereby saving energy.
Pictures displayed on the screen are bright
and vibrant images really leap out of this
frame. But you can only adjust the brightness of
the screen, and we found it didnt do much for
some of our photos in terms of contrast,
especially when it came to pale fleshtones.
A good-looking frame
isnt just about the
pictures it needs to cut
a dash on your sideboard
too. This frame from
Kodak wont offend any
technophobe members of
the household, as its
double framing helps
give it a more
traditional look. The
photos on display are
vibrant and fresh. We
found some looked a little
over-saturated with no
way to tone them back on
the device, but it still
provided a good all-round
KODAK EASYSHARE D830 99. 99 www.kodak.com


48 7 October 2010 Find more product reviews at www.webuser.co.uk/products
NIX TS08C 89. 99 www.nix-digital.com
This frame from Nix has two options for control
a series of touch-sensitive buttons down the
right-hand side, or you can use the supplied
remote if you prefer. Some of the more
advanced features, for setting up the
frame for example, are accessible
only through the remote.
The quality of the screen is very good. It has a
glassy look to it, so gives the photos a glossy
vibrancy, but pictures can also feel a bit flat. It
offers settings for brightness, contrast and
saturation, but its tricky to find the right balance.
The Nix TS08C is the only device on test that
comes with an internal battery, so you can
unplug it and hand it around the room if you
wish. This comes in handy, because the frame
has a limited viewing angle, turning dark if you
arent sitting directly in front of it. As a result,
it may not be the best frame for a larger
room. It also detects which way up it is, and
rotates the pictures if you move it from
landscape to portrait orientation.
Theres a generous 1GB of internal memory
built in but you cant copy images to it from
a memory card you have to connect it to a
computer via USB and transfer that way.
The touch buttons on the right-hand side
dont become completely invisible, and
theres a visible dot where the infrared of
the remote control is detected. This isnt a
terrible problem but it does take the
perfection off the black, shiny edging of
the frame.
This sleek and glossy
frame is best suited to a
smallish room it just
doesnt have the viewing
angle to suit a large
space. However, it has
some good features,
including a generous 1GB
of internal storage space
and a battery, so you can
unplug the unit and pass
it around. Its also the
only unit on test to come
with a remote control, so
you dont have to get up
to change its settings,
though the Kodak Pulse
really trumps this with its
internet options.


The main drawback of the Samsung 87H is its
widescreen ratio. While this would make sense if
the screens primary purpose was to show video,
its not really appropriate for photos, which are
commonly a squarer, 6 x 4 or 7 x 5 ratio. Its
dimensions mean that even when displaying
landscape photos a black bar of blank screen
appears down the sides, which just seems like a
waste of screen space. Portrait shots have
almost twice as much black around them as is
used to display the actual picture.
The buttons are on the back of the device and
are fiddly to use initially. Theres a directional
pad for scrolling through menus, but three other
buttons are used to make selections. At first we
found that it was a case of constantly flipping
the frame over to make sure we pressed the
right button for the correct option, because
the purpose of each button depends on what
screen youre on. However, we soon worked
out the logic of it, and it actually works
reasonably well if you keep your fingers on
the buttons and remember which finger
does what.
Several display options are available,
including a clock, a calendar, and a selection
of Polaroid-style displays one that stacks
them on top of one another, as if looking
down on a tabletop; and a second interesting
three Polaroids on a washing line view.
The screen comes with a generous 1GB of
storage, so theres plenty of room for your
photos. Also, if your image files are large, itll
convert them to a space-saving size that
matches the resolution of the monitor as you
bring them across.
Despite being an 8in
frame, this has a smaller
vertical resolution than
the 7in models here at
only 480 pixels the
length of the 8in
corner-to-corner diagonal
measurement being a
result of its widescreen
ratio. With fewer rows of
pixels, it cant do as good
a job of showing off your
photos, though the price
does reflect this.
However, the frames
biggest downfall is a
screen that isnt the
correct ratio for the
photos most people will
want to display. Those
black bars down the sides
of pictures just look ugly.

80 www.samsung.com

7 October 2010 49
Find the best prices for products at www.webuser.co.uk/prices
GENIUS DPF-T805 95 www.geniusnet.com
This frame from Genius is another device that
has controls running down the side. These are
touch-sensitive, but dont disappear when not in
use theyre always visible at the side of the
screen. They light up when youre using them
and have different functions depending on what
youre trying to do a guide to their particular
function at any given moment is handily
illustrated on the side of the screen. Theyre not
particularly responsive though, and you often
find yourself waiting to see if a button press has
been registered.
The DPF-T805 had the worst performing
screen of the frames on test. The contrast was
the biggest issue, with lighter areas like white
skin melting into itself, losing some of the
features and detail of our photographs. There is
no way to alter the contrast you can turn the
brightness of the screen down but this wont
necessarily help.
The frame automatically turns itself off after a
certain length of time, so it wont waste power
by running all night while youre not watching it.
It also detects which way up it is and realigns
photos appropriately, though this feature has a
disappointing quirk. When moved from
landscape to portrait, the screen doesnt then
use the maximum screen to show portrait
images, instead centering smaller versions on
the screen.
The weakest link in the device is its measly
128MB of storage. Our 10-megapixel test photos
were about 4MB in size, so we could fit 32
photos on but that makes the DPF-T805
significantly less generous than its rivals.
The Genius DPF-T805 is by
no means a bad photo
frame. However, it does
cut a few corners here
and there, specifically
with regards to the
amount of internal
memory it has and how
it handles pictures when
rotated. This is a bit of a
shame as its strong in
other areas, like the
orientation detection.
Still, for the price, there
are frames with more
features and better
displays that you
might be better off
plumping for.

In this Group Test weve looked at some of the smaller

digital photo frames available four measuring 8in
and one, the Kodak Pulse, measuring 7in. The 8in
frames are roughly equivalent to 7 x 5in photos, while
the 7in frame is more like a 6 x 4in print.
While these are traditional sizes for photos, you
may prefer a bigger frame so it dominates your room
more effectively, and there are plenty of options
Kodak has a broad selection of frames that
includes some 10in models. The EasyShare D1030
is the 10in equivalent of the D830, which won our
Silver Award in this test. It might be a good option,
though youll have to fork out 169.99 for it.
Nix has the X10A, a 10in model with a motion
detector, which we reviewed in Issue 237 (http://
bit.ly/nix237). This is billed as a greener option
because itll only operate if theres someone in the
same room a good choice for those concerned
that photo frames showing photos to nobody is a
waste of electricity.
Samsung has a 10in equivalent of its frame (the
107H), which seems very good value at around 120,
but youll still have to work around its slightly
annoying widescreen ratio.
Not to be left out, the Genius model also comes in
a 10in frame (DPF-T1000), available for 120, if youd
prefer a value option with an aspect ratio more
suitable for showing photographs.
50 7 October 2010 Find more product reviews at www.webuser.co.uk/products
If youve got a Wi-Fi network at home and like to make
use of it, we think the choice here is clear the Kodak Pulse
will take good advantage of it while offering a fascinating
blend of decent pictures and futuristic web-based
features. Despite this, it doesnt pack in too many features
its not trying to pretend you could browse the web on it,
or anything daft like that. It also comes in at an impressive
price it may be smaller but its a great gadget for a photo
If you dont have a Wi-Fi network or dont need that
functionality, consider either our Silver or Bronze winner.
The Kodak EasyShare D830 is vibrant and bright, and is
a good choice if you want something that looks less like
a gadget and more in keeping with your decor. On the
other hand, the Nix device has a glossy screen that
shows photos nicely, but it hasnt got the best of viewing
angles, which might reduce its impact in a large room.
However, both will make your photos look great and offer
value for money.
Model Kodak Pulse Digital Frame Kodak EasyShare D830 Nix TS08C Samsung 87H Genius DPF-T805
Website www.kodak.com www.kodak.com www.nix-digital.com www.samsung.com www.geniusnet.com
Price 99.99 99.99 89.99 80 95
Size (in) 7 8 8 8 8
Resolution (pixels) 800 x 600 800 x 600 800 x 600 800 x 480 800 x 6000
Screen ratio 4:3 4:3 4:3 Widescreen 4:3
Built-in memory 512MB 512MB 1GB 1GB 128MB
Supported photo media SD, MMC, MS, xD, USB SD, MMC, MS, xD, USB SD, MMC, MS, xD, CF, USB SD, USB SD, MMC, MS, xD, CF, USB
Battery No No Yes No No
Wi-Fi Yes (802.11b/g) No No No No
Photos from web Yes No No No No
Auto off No Yes Yes No Yes
Remote control No No Yes No No
Supported formats JPEG JPEG JPEG JPEG JPEG
Video and audio support No No MP3, MPEG-4, AVI No MP3, AVI
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52 7 October 2010 Compare this to other products at www.webuser.co.uk/products
The Touch is, first and
foremost, a media player.
Connect it to iTunes on your
Mac or PC and you can stuff it
with as much music, video
and photos as you can cram
into its memory, of which
there are three capacities
8GB (189), 32GB (249)
and 64GB (329). You dont
really need an internet
connection to take advantage
of this, though Apple will
happily connect you to the
iTunes Store so you can buy
even more media. All this
makes it one of the most
accomplished media-playing
devices out there. Theres
little to touch it when it
comes to the quality of the
screen, the usability of the
interface and the overall level
of satisfaction to be gained
Apple iPod Touch
from owning one.
And with the iPod Touch,
youre not just a passive
consumer of media the
device has a built-in camera,
so you can take your own
snapshots and videos. In fact,
its got two cameras the
usual one on the back and a
secondary one on the front
that you need for using
Apples FaceTime service.
This is effectively like chatting
on a webcam. However, youll
only be able to use FaceTime
with someone who has a
device with compatible
hardware (currently limited to
this new Touch and the
iPhone 4).
The camera on the back is
only capable of snapping 960
x 720-pixel stills, so its more
for convenient snapshots than
serious photography, though
it will record similarly sized
720p video at 30 frames per
second the basic HD-
recording standard. The
superior 960 x 640-pixel
screen does a great job of
showing off photos and
movies, too.
One of the real benefits of
the iPod Touch over other
media players is the wealth of
apps available. While most
devices that use apps fall into
the smartphone category, this
is an alternative route to
getting iPhone applications in
your hand without changing
your phone or worrying about
contracts. The downside is
that any apps that connect to
the internet which is quite a
lot of them dont work while
youre out and about, unless
We test the latest hardware and software We t
he iPod Touch, like the iPhone,
has made its way through four
generations of upgrades, but
its changes have been more
incremental, mostly concerned with
increasing capacity and tweaking
the external design. However, with
this latest update, the iPod Touch
has taken on the iPhone 4s screen,
processor and camera. Its now a
sleek, accomplished media player
that, with the exception of
connecting to the mobile phone
network, can do everything that the
latest iPhone can.




Andy Shaw gets his fingers on the latest iPod Touch, while Vicky
Woollaston tests the new Nano and Shuffle
Apps that connect to the
internet wont work unless
you can find a friendly
Wi-Fi network
7 October 2010 53
Find the cheapest prices at www.webuser.co.uk/prices
you can find a friendly Wi-Fi
network. For tools like
mapping, for example, this
could be a deal-
However, being
able to avoid
the iPhones
steep purchase
and contract
price is a very
incentive. Its true
that shopping at the
iTunes Store and forking
out for apps will add to the
cost of the iPod Touch, but
the 189 youd spend on an
8GB model offers a significant
saving over even the
cheapest of iPhone
contracts or
deals where,
even on a short
contract at 20
per month,
youre paying a
hefty 240 and
thats before youve paid
for your iPhone.
Price: 8GB (189),
32GB (249),
64GB (329)
3.5in widescreen
multi-touch display
960 x 640 pixels
8GB, 32GB or 64GB
capacity flash drive
HD video recording
(720p, 30fps)
960 x 720-pixel still
VGA, 30fps front
802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi
Bluetooth 2.1
Audio file support
includes AAC, Protected
VBR, Audible, Apple
Lossless, AIFF, WAV
Video file support
includes H.264 (720p,
30fps, M4V/MP4/MOV
formats), MPEG-4
(640 x 480 pixels, 30fps,
M4V/MP4/MOV formats),
Motion JPEG (1,280 x 720
pixels, 30fps, AVI format)
Built-in rechargeable
lithium-ion battery (40
hours music playback,
7 hours video playback,
full charge in four hours)
111 x 59 x 7mm
101 grams
Most sophisticated
media player available
Get iPhone-like
handheld device at a
fraction of the cost
Wi-Fi-only means you
get no roaming internet
Usefulness of some
apps hampered as a
The new iPod Touch is
sleeker and more
powerful than it used to
be. If youre looking for a
classy media player, its
second to none. The
range of apps available
for the device is vast, but
many require an internet
connection, making them
useless without a Wi-Fi
But if you can plan to
hop from Wi-Fi hotspot
to Wi-Fi hotspot with
some regularity, youll be
getting iPhone-like
capability at a massively
reduced price.
This means the iPod
Touch has a huge amount
going for it on several
levels. The only caveat
being if you want it all,
youre still going to have
to fork out for an iPhone.
Front camera
The device has two cameras one for taking snapshots
and video, and another for using Apple FaceTime

iPod Nano, 129 (8GB)/159 (16GB)
For anyone who has used Apples
touchscreen products, the latest version of
the Nano will feel instantly familiar. But for
fans of the click-wheel, it
may take a little getting
used to.
The size has been
reduced its just over
an inch square, making
it more like the Shuffle
than the previous
Nano but this
actually makes it
awkward to hold and fiddly to
use. The camera has been removed, making
way for a clip, but its impossible to use it
without smothering the screen with your
thumbs and it doesnt feel secure enough to
withstand too much movement, such as
wearing it while running, for example.
It includes all the standard iPod menus
and functions but with such a tiny screen,
you can only see three or four lines at a
time. This means that getting to the end of
the alphabet on a list of artists, for example,
takes several tedious upwards swipes.
On the positive side, the sound quality,
including the radio signal, is excellent. But
then, for a dedicated music player, it really
should be.
iPod Shuffle, 39 (2GB)
The last changes to the iPod Shuffle saw its
controls moved to a fiddly remote on the
headphones and the addition of a VoiceOver
feature to tell you what tracks were playing.
With this new model, Apple has reverted to
a square design, mercifully restoring the
buttons to the body of the device, but has
kept VoiceOver to provide track information,
playlists and battery status, which is useful
despite the annoying, robotic voice.
The Shuffle is perfectly built to fulfil its
role as a basic music player and successfully
brings together the best elements of
previous models. The clip, as with the Nano,
doesnt feel very secure but the Shuffle itself
is light and sturdy
enough to cope. The
only downside, as
with any Shuffle, is
that you only get
2GB of space to
store your music.

Its one
of the most
devices out
54 7 October 2010
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For more information,
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7 October 2010 55
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56 Practical Feature
Share and stream audio over a network
58 Expert Tips
Hidden features in Gmail
59 Readers Tips
The best tips sent in by readers this issue
61 Workshops
Monitor the health of your hard disk
Edit photos online with Photoshop Express
63 Ask the Experts
Our technical team answers your questions
64 Readers Helpdesk
The best solutions posted on our reader forums
66 Get the Most From
Back-up and le-sharing website Dropbox
68 How To
Make your old PC last even longer Part 1
Give your hard disk a
health check
Edit your photos
Insert images into
Gmail messages
Stream music
over a network
56 7 October 2010
Find more Workshops at www.webuser.co.uk/workshops
Now log launch iTunes on a second computer and log in
to Home Sharing. Click Home Sharing
and youll be
able to browse or play songs as if there were stored
locally. You will also be able to copy tracks to this computers
local library by dragging and dropping.
iTUNES: Home Sharing streams music around networked
computers and lets you copy tracks between them. Click
Home Sharing
and log in to your iTunes account.
Home Sharing isnt listed, select Turn On Home Sharing from
the Advanced menu. Click the Create Home Share button.

If you only want to stream songs, not copy them, go to
Edit, Preferences and click the Sharing tab.
Tick the
Share my library on my local network box.
Decide if
you want to share your entire library or just selected playlists.
You can also protect the shared content with a password.

Anyone connected to your network will now be able to
listen to your music, provided they also have a copy of
iTunes installed. Run the program on the computer that
you want to stream the music to, then go to Edit, Preferences.
Click the Sharing tab and tick Look for shared libraries.

Share and stream
audio over a network
f youre like most people, you probably store the majority of
your digital music on one computer and either manage the
tracks manually or use a program such as iTunes. This is fine if
you only ever listen to your music on that computer (and any
portable players you own). But what if you want to enjoy your
songs on another PC elsewhere in the house? One solution is
to copy the various tracks and playlists over to the other
computer, but thats far from ideal because youll end up with
duplicate copies of the same files on different hard disks an
unnecessary waste of disk space if youve got a home network.
A far tidier approach is to simply stream the music over
your home network. Setting this up takes a matter of minutes
and can be done using iTunes or Windows Media Player. Youll
need to make sure you have the same program installed on
every computer you want to listen to your music on. This
Workshop is in two parts the set-up process for streaming
music using iTunes is explained first, followed by the set-up
process for Windows Music Player 11 and 12 starting at step 6.
iTunes & Windows Media Player 5 mins
About iTunes & Windows Media Player
Apple iTunes is available for Windows and Mac from
www.apple.com/itunes/download. There are 32- and
64-bit versions on offer. Windows Media Player 11 is
included as standard in Vista and can be downloaded for
XP from http://bit.ly/wmp250. WMP 12 is only available as
part of Windows 7.
7 October 2010 57
Get 10 free digital music tools at www.webuser.co.uk/digitalmusic
iTunes will now search your network and display any
available collections under Shared in the sidebar.

Browse the list of playlists and songs just as you would
a local library, select some music and click Play to begin
streaming it. It should start playing after a few seconds.
WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER: To share music using WMP
11, click the arrow under Library
and select Media
Sharing. You can find songs over the network and share
your own.
Click Networking
to open the Windows
Network and Sharing Center. Now launch WMP on the other PC.
To share libraries in Windows 7 using WMP 12, click the
arrow next to Stream
and select Automatically allow
devices to play my media. In the box that opens, click
Automatically allow all computers and media devices.
box will close and your content will now be available.
You dont need to be running the same version of Media
Player to stream files. The newly shared collection
should appear under Other Libraries.
Just click the
type of media you want to access. You can browse music files
by artist, album and genre. Double-click a song to play it.
Select the option to customise a computers
settings and youll be able to stop younger users
from streaming music or movies aimed at older
audiences. Untick Use default settings
and choose the star
and parental
ratings instead.
Windows Media Player 12 also lets you stream music and videos over the internet. Click the down
arrow next to Stream and select Allow internet access to home media. Youll need to create or use a
supported online ID. Click the link and follow the instructions to download the ID provider software,
and link it to your Windows User Account. Both computers will need to be running Windows 7.
Click the arrow next to Stream and select More
streaming options. Here you can rename your media
use the drop-down box to show devices on
the local or all networks,
and block or customise access to
certain computers.
You can also remove unwanted devices.
58 7 October 2010
Web Users top tips
Visit the Hints & Tips forum at www.webuser.co.uk/forums
as a draft. Create as many notes as you
like and click Drafts on the left to see
them all. You could even email them to
yourself with a youremail+notes@gmail
.com address, and filter them into a
folder with their own Notes label.
Use advanced search
Its easy to find emails in your Inbox
using the search facility at the top of the
page. If there are too many results and
you need to narrow them down, try
including labels in the search term. For
example, you could search for carp
AND label:fishing to find emails
containing the word carp that have
been tagged with the fishing label. To
use multiple labels, use the format trout
AND label:fishing OR label:flyfishing.
Any combination of AND, OR, NOT and
label can be applied to track down a
particular email message.
Override the filters
The new Priority Inbox, which well be
looking at in more detail in next issues
Workshop, is a handy new feature that
brings important new messages to the
top of your Inbox.
Any Gmail filters you have already set
up to control your incoming email will
take priority and may clash with
Priority Inboxs own filters. However, if
youve spent time and effort fine-
tuning your filters to suit your needs,
it may be best to let them do their job
first. If, however, you trust Googles
automated system to take a first look
at all your emails, including those
youre already filtering, click the
Settings link in the top-right corner
and select the Priority Inbox tab. In
the Filtered mail section, select
Override filters.
Set your default style
Do you have a favourite font, colour
and style for your messages in Gmail?
Instead of spending time and effort
setting them each time you create a
new message, you can now set your
preferences as the default. Click the
Settings link in the top-right corner
and go to the Labs tab. Find Default
Text Styling in the list and choose the
Enable option. Click the Save Changes
button at the top or bottom, then
return to Settings. Select the General
tab and youll see a new section that
lets you set the default text style.
Check web links
You should always be wary of clicking
links in emails and those sent to you in
Gmail are no exception. However, lots
of emails still contain links, so how can
you tell what is safe and what is not?
One solution is to install Web of Trust
software (www.mywot.com) into your
browser. This automatically flags links
it considers dangerous with a red
circle, and works seamlessly with
Gmail as long as youre reading your
messages in a compatible browser.
The add-on is available for Internet
Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
oogle Mail lets you use
several addresses for one
account. Suppose your email
address is bobsmith@gmail.com
you can also receive emails sent to
bobsmith+chelsea@gmail.com and
bobsmith+manunited@gmail.com. In
fact, you can use +anythingyoulike
Customise your address
Insert images into emails
If you are used to a program like
Outlook Express or Windows Mail,
Gmail can seem a bit bare. For one
thing, theres no button or menu to
insert an image into your email. You
can send images by attaching them
but it would be useful if you could
actually include one in the body. This
isnt available in the standard
configuration but you can add it by
clicking the Settings link and going to
the Labs tab. Find and enable
Inserting images. Youll now see a
new Insert Image button in the toolbar
when you create a new message.
Create and store notes
An easy way to store and save
information in Gmail is to create a
note. Gmail doesnt have a specific
note-taking feature but this works
just as well. Click the Compose mail
button and enter the title of the note
in the Subject box. Type the
information into the body of the email
or paste it from the clipboard. Click
the Save Now button to save the note
Our team of experts reveal their top tips for
getting the most out of Gmail
and messages will still arrive to the
Inbox of your original email address.
This is particularly useful if you run a
club or organisation because you can
use a designated email address and
set up a filter that automatically labels
messages sent to that address, so they
are easy to spot and organise.
Set the default font and colour for the
text of your emails with this Labs tool
Make it easy to include pictures in your
emails with this Labs gadget
Gmails Priority Inbox predicts which
emails you will consider most important
Your top tips
Our pick of the best advice from our readers. To get help
or offer it to others, visit www.webuser.co.uk/forums
7 October 2010 59 Send your tips to webuser@ipcmedia.com - win 25 for the best tip!
Facebook on the Desktop
I found a great gadget for Windows 7
and Vista users called Fb Explorer (www.
buildagadget.com). Its a mini application
that shows the latest updates on
Facebook and it sits on the Desktop
underneath any other programs you are
running. Because its always there and
always up to date, its perfect for
Facebook addicts like me.
After downloading it, you just double-
click to install. In Windows 7, you right-
click the Desktop and choose Gadgets.
Vista users have to make sure that the
Sidebar is running, then double-click it in
the gadget window to add it to the
Desktop. Youll need to tell it your
Facebook username and password, so
click the spanner icon that appears on
the right when you hover your mouse
over the gadget.
Phil Granger, via email
Protect your contacts
Recently, my wife and I had our contacts
stolen from our Windows Live accounts.
This has taught us a lesson about
keeping our contacts online. Now we
keep them in an Excel spreadsheet that
we only open when we need to find an
email address.
Garry Smith, via email
Grab screenshots in Word
At first, Word 2010 looks very similar to
Word 2007 and I wasnt sure whether it
was worth the upgrade, but theres more
in it than I first thought and I keep
finding new features. A handy one Ive
made use of recently is the ability to take
screenshots and screen clippings. Its
fantastic! Click Screenshot in the
Illustrations section of the Insert tab and
you get a choice to capture any of the
windows on the Desktop or a screen
clipping. With the latter, the cursor
becomes a set of crosshairs that you use
to drag a box around whatever you want
to clip. Its then inserted into your
document at the cursor position. Its
saved me a lot of time.
Mark Rogers, via email
Show the Recycle Bin
When there are one or more windows
open on the Windows 7 Desktop, the
Recycle Bin icon may be covered up and
out of sight. This means you cant drag
and drop files to it from an Explorer
window. You have to minimise the
applications and windows covering the
Recycle Bin or rearrange them on the
screen so that its visible.
Heres a good tip to avoid the bother.
Click and drag the file from the Explorer
window to the right-hand side of the
Taskbar. When the mouse hovers over
the right side (theres a narrow vertical
bar), all the windows on the Desktop are
automatically minimised and you can
then drop the item in the Recycle Bin. Its
simple and very useful at times.
Kevin Davies, via email
Redesign the Start menu
You can spice up Windows 7 by
changing the appearance of your Start
menu button. First, you need to have
graphics for a new set of icons, which
you can download from the internet (try
http://bit.ly/yourtips4250, for example).
They must be arranged vertically the
top image for when the button is not in
use, the second for when the mouse is
Google Chrome has an automated
translation banner thats displayed at
the top of the browser when you look
at a site thats written in a foreign
language. It offers to translate the site
into a language you can read.
It lists all languages and picks the one
it thinks the page is written in, but you
can fine-tune it using the menu.
BedstorfromAP, via Webuser.co.uk/
Translate sites in Chrome
Chrome can translate a site thats not
written in English

Grab part of the screen or a whole window
and insert it straight into a Word
Get this Facebook gadget and keep up to
date with the latest wall postings
Your Windows Live contacts may be more
vulnerable if they are saved online
consider keeping them elsewhere
60 7 October 2010
Visit the Hints & Tips forum at www.webuser.co.uk/forums
hovering over it and the last for when its
been clicked. Next, download the
Resource Hacker utility (www.angusj.
com/resourcehacker) to edit the files.
Open Windows Explorer, then open
the C:\Windows folder. Open Resource
Hacker and open the file explorer.exe
through it, which is located in the
C:\Windows folder. Expand the Bitmap
branch in the left pane. Now expand the
6801 option, right-click the 1033 option
and select the Replace Resource option.
Click the Open file with new bitmap
button, navigate to the customised
(.bmp) image and open it. Click the
Replace button.
Repeat this procedure for options
6805 and 6809. Now save the file as
explorer.exe (without the quotes) on the
Now go to the folder C:\Windows and
rename the file explorer.exe to explorer.
exe.bak (without the quotes). This will
act as a back-up so you can restore the
default file in the future. Copy the file
explorer.exe from the Desktop to the
C:\Windows folder. Log off and then log
on again for the changes to take hold.
mrhunter1984, via Webuser.co.uk/
Create folder shortcuts
Sometimes, when I am browsing around
my hard disk, I want to remember the
location of a folder I have looked at. I
have just discovered an easy way to do
this. The Explorer window shows the
path to the folder at the top with a folder
icon on the left. Click and drag this folder
icon and drop it onto the Desktop. You
now have a shortcut that, when clicked,
opens the folder in an Explorer window.
Its really useful.
Gary Turpin, via email
How to remove IE9
I installed Internet Explorer 9 to have a
look at it, but I dont really like using
browsers that are still in beta, so I tried
to uninstall it. This is trickier than you
might think. It isnt listed in the Control
Panel as a program you can easily
uninstall. Instead, because its delivered
as an update, you need to remove it
Open the Start menu and type view
updates (without the quotes) into the
search box, then select view installed
updates. Wait for the Uninstall an
update screen to load, then go through
the list until you find Windows Internet
Explorer 9. Highlight it, then click the
Uninstall button.
Helen Moore, via email
Swap Chrome for Iron
Ive been using a browser called SRWare
Iron (http://bit.ly/yourtips1250) for quite
some time on my Windows-based
systems, and Im very pleased with it so
far. It is built from the same Chromium
source code as Google Chrome but
doesnt include some of the undesirable
features of Googles version, like its
branding and some of its privacy issues.
On the SRWare page, it points out that
Iron doesnt create a unique user ID or
submit information to Google to
generate suggestions.
I should also mention that it is
compatible with most, if not all, Chrome
extensions. If youre a bit of a privacy
nut, this is worth a shot!
GMAC0612, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
Unlock Firefox toolbars
Ive often found it annoying that you
cant unlock and change the positions of
Firefox toolbars as you can in Internet
Explorer. However, I recently discovered
the DragNDrop Toolbars add-on (http://
bit.ly/yourtips2250), which makes it
possible to unlock and change the order
of your Firefox toolbars. Its very small,
only 6KB.
Madeline, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
Ejecting a stuck drive
If your CD or DVD drive refuses to eject,
try this trick of the trade. Switch off your
PC and, while its shutting down,
straighten out one end of a paperclip.
On the front of every CD and DVD drive
is a pin-sized hole near the eject button,
either above, below or to the side. Insert
the straight end of the paperclip and
push firmly. The tray will open slightly.
Gently pull it open all the way to remove
the disc.
Leave the tray open, reboot the PC
and the tray should close and reset the
drive. If the drive refuses to eject on a
regular basis, its likely that theres a
problem with drive mechanism and the
unit will probably need replacing.
clickon, via Webuser.co.uk/forums

Improve Windows searches
Anyone that has Microsoft Office 2007
documents on their computer can
improve Windows Vistas search
capabilities by downloading and
installing the Microsoft Filter Pack
(http://bit.ly/yourtips3250). It enables
Vistas search to index the contents of
Office documents so it can search the
contents of files and not just the
filenames. There are two versions
FilterPackx86.exe is for regular 32-bit
Vista and FilterPackx64.exe is for
64-bit Vista.
Brian Fowl, via email
Resource Hacker can be used to change
icons, such as the Windows Start button
The DragNDrop Toolbars add-on provides
greater control over your Firefox toolbars
Iron is based on Chrome, but promises
stricter control of certain privacy features
Internet Explorer 9 doesnt uninstall in the
traditional way
Drag the folder icon from the Address bar
to the Desktop to create a folder shortcut
7 October 2010 61 Get more practical advice at www.webuser.co.uk/forums
Windows comes with its own disk-checking tool. Open
Explorer, right-click the disk you want to examine, and
choose Properties. Select the Tools tab,
and click the
Check now button
under Error-checking. Tick Scan for and
attempt recovery of bad sectors,
then click Start.
GSmartControl (free from http://gsmartcontrol.berlios.de)
can also test a disk for errors. Run the program and
double-click the disk icon
to open a new window
containing information about your hardware. For now, just click
the Perform Tests tab
and select a test to run.
The program offers three scans short, extended and
conveyance. You can see how long a test is likely to take
and find out more about it.
Begin with a short test,
and run an extended one if problems are detected. Click
to begin.
When the test finishes, it will hopefully have done so
without error. Click the Self-test Logs tab
to view the
results. The Error Log tab
lists five of the most
recently reported problems. Click View Output
to get a
breakdown of the test results and any potential concerns.
The Attributes tab
lists all drive actions and any
problems. Hover your mouse over an item in the list to
view an explanation. The Device menu
lets you toggle
S.M.A.R.T. on or off,
re-read data, perform tests
re-scan the device list.

Unusual sounds emanating from your hard disk can be a
sign of impending hardware failure. DataCent has
compiled a collection of these sounds (http://bit.ly/
workshop1250). Locate your disk manufacturer and click the
Play button
to hear an example and compare it to your disk.
Monitor the health of your hard disk
ard-disk failure can be a catastrophe but all
hard disks come with a built-in feature called
S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and
Reporting Technology) that can be used by
compatible software to spot impending problems.
This helps you keep an eye on your hard disks health.
GSmartControl: http://gsmartcontrol.berlios.de 20 mins
62 7 October 2010
Read more Workshops at www.webuser.co.uk/workshops
Visit the Photoshop Express Editor website (www.
photoshop.com/tools) and click the Create Account link at
the top of the page. After filling in all the requested details,
sign into your account and click the Online Tools menu

before selecting Photoshop Express Editor option.
Click the Upload Photo button followed by Upload. Use
the file browser window to select a JPEG image on your
hard disk and click Open. Your image will open in the
online editor.
To make sure you have as large a workspace as
possible, click the Toggle full-screen mode button.
In the left-hand pane is a selection of editing tools.

Click the one youd like to use to display a series of
preview thumbnails.
Click the one that represents the
setting you would like to use, making use of the Undo option at
the bottom of the screen to reverse unwanted changes.
Additional options are available in the Advanced section
of the left-hand pane.
Here you can apply special
effects and filters in the same way as the other tools.
Changes and effects can be reversed by clearing the tick box
next to an item, and reapplied by ticking it.
Click the Decorate link at the top of the left-hand pane,

to add text, symbols and other graphics to your image.
Select the element you would like to add from the list of
available options, select a specific element in the pop-up
click Add
and then resize and position as required.
When youre happy with your image, click Done, choose
the size you would like to use and click Save.
image can be saved to your hard disk. To make it
available online, select the Photoshop Express Organizer option
from the start screen and upload it to your library.
Edit photos online with Photoshop Express Editor
hotoshop Express Editor is a free cut-down version of
the famous image-editing software that can be used
online, without downloading or installing any software,
making it possible to edit your images on any
computer. Here, we take a look at what this
surprisingly powerful online tool has to offer.

Photoshop Express Editor: www.photoshop.com/tools 30 mins
Ask the Experts
7 October 2010 63
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Jumping cursor
I have an Advent 6301 laptop.
When I start to type the cursor
suddenly jumps back two or three
words, causing the text to become
jumbled. Have you any idea what is
causing this?
Eddie Dixon, via email
Are you touching the mouse pad
while you type? Try lifting your
wrists off the keyboard as you type to
see if the problem continues. If it does,
it must be a hardware problem. Its likely
that one or more of the keys on your
keyboard are sticking. Replacing a
laptop keyboard isnt as simple as with a
desktop PC, but its possible. There are
videos on YouTube (http://bit.ly/
key250) showing how to do this and
Google or Bing can be used to find a
supplier. A desktop keyboard with a
USB connection could also be used but
youll lose some of your laptops
PC takes ages to boot up
I have upgraded my PC with a new
ASRock P4i65G motherboard,
with a Celeron processor and 1GB
memory, but it takes over five minutes
to boot up and ages to open documents
and files. Do I need a faster graphics
card or better tuning of the BIOS, or
have I put the wrong memory in it? The
handbook calls for DDR266, DDR320,
DDR400. Which one of these is best?
Peter Cunnington, via email
Windows should start up in around
a minute but as you install software
it begins to slow down. Its not the fault
of Windows but the programs you add.
Some install components or services
that automatically load with Windows,
and it is these that slow down the boot
process. You need to look at whats
loading with Windows.
The best tool for this is Autoruns
(http://bit.ly/askexp5250). After
scanning the system, select the Options
menu, choose Hide Microsoft and
Windows Entries and then choose
Refresh from the File menu. Whats left
is third-party programs and it is one or
more of these that is slowing down the
boot process.
A simpler but less thorough option is
msconfig. Just click Start (and Run on
Windows XP) and type msconfig
(without the quotes) to run it. Go to the
Startup tab and see whats listed.
The graphics card has almost no effect
on the start-up time and the type of
memory wont have much effect either.
A higher number means faster memory,
so DDR400 is faster than DDR266. The
quantity of memory is more likely to
affect performance wed recommend a
minimum of 2GB. Ideally you should have
4GB for optimum performance.
Sleepy PC wont wake up
My Acer AX3812 PC goes into
sleep mode if left unattended for
half an hour. When I wake it, the screen
has a message saying out of range and
I have to turn it off at the mains. Whats
norman.pickett1, via email
The cause is a hardware
component that is not correctly
waking up from sleep mode. You need
to update the software drivers for your
hardware, including your printer,
scanner, graphics card and whatever
else you may have in your PC. Also, use
Windows Update on the Start menu to
make sure you have all the latest
updates, including the optional ones.
If youre still having problems, its best
to avoid sleep mode until better drivers
come along. Go into the Control Panel
and open Power Options. In Windows 7
theres a link on the left called Change
when the computer sleeps. Set both the
display and computer to Never. Its a
pain but it may be your only option.
My PC was infected with the
Backdoorserv.inf! Trojan. Norton
AntiVirus (www.symantec.co.uk) gives
instructions to remove it but they dont
make sense to me. I know three system
files have been changed but I did not
write down their names. I ran House
Call (http://housecall.trendmicro.com)
on the internet and it removed a Trojan
called Troj_GEN.R44E1HS, but I cant
find any information about this. How
do I fix my PC?
Adrian Bonnington, via email
To remove Trojans from your
computer, you need a tool such
as Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (www.
malwarebytes.org), Microsofts
Malicious Software Removal Tool
(http://bit.ly/askexp1250), or Norton
Power Eraser (http://bit.ly/
askexp2250). They are all free. Start
the computer and then, as Windows
begins to load, repeatedly tap the F8
key to display the boot menu. Choose
Safe Mode with Networking (use the
up and down cursor arrows and Enter
to select it), then run the clean-up tool
when you get to the Desktop.
Windows files that are in use cannot
be cleaned, so you may have to resort
to using AVG Rescue CD (http://bit.ly/
askexp3250) or Avira AntiVir Rescue
System (http://bit.ly/askexp4250).
These are bootable CDs designed to
clean Windows systems.
Backdoor Trojan
Norton Power Eraser gets rid of pesky
malware that is awkward to remove
Use Autoruns to find out which programs
and drivers are loading with Windows
64 7 October 2010
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Word 2010 downloads
I recently upgraded to Windows 7
from XP and have Microsoft Office
Home and Student Edition 2010. I have
just started to use Word 2010 and found
quite a bit of difference from previous
versions of Word. I
was surprised to
get the
Microsoft is
the required
Office may
unresponsive as
the required files
are downloaded.
I was only setting up a document,
changing fonts, and a few other bits of
housekeeping. Whats going on?
Ancoben, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
I would guess its because Microsoft
is moving into cloud computing,
which means that more parts of the
program will be online rather than stored
on your PC. It could also be that when
you installed Word you only got the
default set of programs. Something you
were doing with the document that
prompted the message may have
required another module that you hadnt
installed, most likely a font.
Greysts, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
Networked printer
I have a Windows XP computer (I
call it Base), which accesses my BT
Home Hub wirelessly for the internet and
also prints wirelessly to my Brother
DCP340. I also have a Windows 7 laptop,
a Vista laptop and an XP netbook for
other members of the family.
All can access the internet without any
issues and, when Base is on, they can
access the shared My Documents folder.
But they can also only access the printer
when Base is on the printer is even
labelled as Brother DCP340CW on Base.
How do I print without turning Base on?
As Ive shared folders successfully, and
can even access a folder on the Windows
7 laptop from Base, it must be a network
set-up option. But Im struggling to find
instructions that cover all these
operating systems to make it work.
Thelactics, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
I have an old PC from 2001, so its
probably an antique now. The
original monitor (a two-foot-deep
cathode-ray tube model) packed in a
few months ago, and I treated myself to
a Samsung 22in flat-screen. Everything
is brilliant but now and again, if I have
a couple of things open, the screen
freezes for a while. A colleague said
the computer was struggling to keep
everything working. I am in the habit of
keeping quite a few things open at the
same time, such as a document, a
spreadsheet file, Notepad++ listing
code for a handful of pages, my email
software and a browser with several
tabs open. If I click Ctrl+Alt+Delete, it
shows CPU performance at 100 per
cent. After a short while, this falls and I
can continue whatever I was doing. I
see my current browser Firefox
sometimes uses 160,000KB of
memory. Should I use a different
browser that uses less memory?
Wbmkk, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
It depends on what you want
from your browser. Some people
want all the bells and whistles of
Firefox add-ons but I can live without
them. Im a fan of K-Meleon (http://
kmeleon.sourceforge.net) it is using
98,000KB at the moment.
Wsmith, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
I agree that K-Meleons a good
browser and low on resources
Ive got it open now and its using
33,728KB compared with 106,196KB for
Firefox. But this will drop considerably
if I leave Firefox idle, and K-Meleons
use of memory will rise a lot if I open a
few more tabs! Firefox has a reputation
for memory leakage and the AFOM
add-on (http://bit.ly/readhelp1250)
could help. Things seem to have
improved since I installed it, though my
Firefox memory usage fluctuates quite
a lot. Also, make sure you have enough
memory available too little can cause
freezes, as Ive found out from personal
Madeline, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
Smaller browser
Because you have installed the
printer on Base and shared it from
there, the other computers have to go
via Base to get to the printer, instead of
going to the printer directly.
Youll need your printers driver disc. If
you dont have it, download the drivers
from http://bit.ly/readhelp2250. On the
three laptops, remove any printers already
installed. On Base, you have to stop
sharing the printer. The steps to add a
printer vary slightly between the three
computers but they are more or less the
same once you get to the add a printer
wizard. In the wizard, select to install a
networked/wireless printer. The
computers should be able to find it. From
there, youll probably be asked for drivers,
which is where youll need the CD.
GMACO612, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
Smaller browsers may operate better on
old computers
Share a Wi-Fi printer from one computer
and it will need to be turned on for others
on your network to access it
The latest version of
Office may download
certain features as you
require them

7 October 2010 65
Get more tips at www.webuser.co.uk/forums
Flash Player does not exist for
64-bit systems http://bit.ly/
readhelp6250 explains what to do. You
only need Java if you are running
program that use it. When you run such a
program, it will tell you how to go about
installing Java.
Greysts, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
Creating partitions
How can I create a partition on my
disk? I am using a PC with Windows
XP installed that has a single partition
where I put everything. Its like a messy
drawer, with lots of different types of
files in it. But will so much data in the
system partition will make my computer
run slowly? I asked my friends for any
ideas, and they suggested I use the
built-in Disk Management tool.
John11, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
Disk Management in XP doesnt
support resizing of partitions. Have
a look at the free Easeus Partition Master
Home Edition (www.partition-tool.com)
to do this. However, bear in mind that
you need to have additional space on the
disk to be able to increase the size of
your system partition either unallocated
space or another partition that can be
reduced to provide the space. The
alternative is to install a larger hard disk
and clone your existing disk to it.
Mgmcc, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
Have you ever heard of Partition
Assistant? This is another easy-to-
use tool to solve the problem. Theres a
free Home Edition available from http://
Space1314, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
Anonymous chatting
I would like to know how to set my
PC to access chat programs via a
proxy, to mask my IP address and other
information about the location of my PC.
It is for legal and honest purposes I just
want to avoid having too much
information about myself on the web. Ive
already downloaded and installed Halsoft
(www.vpchat.com), Yak Chat (www.
yackity-yak.com) and Voodoo Chat
(www.voodoochat.com). I would
appreciate any help from someone who
has been successful in carrying out
something of this nature.
MSwhip, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
The Tor network (www.torproject.
org) may be of use to you. This
software will run in the background and
create a local proxy for you to connect
to, which then bounces your connections
off lots of other systems running the
software. There is a guide at http://bit.ly/
readhelp4250. You should also check
that the operators of these chat rooms
will allow proxy-based connections.
GMAC0612, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
I want to organise my music files
and ideally export a full list of all
tracks into Excel. Im finding Windows
Media Player 10 and iTunes really hard
work, and I cant export lists from
either of them. Also, Im trying to find a
Alternative players
Searching and listing files
I have an old 2MB Casio organiser
containing 12,000 files. I can search
all its files for a string, such as window.
It then stacks them all up so I can go
through them. I want some software that
can do a similar thing for the TXT files on
my Vista Laptop. I already have
Everything (http://voidtools.com), which
is excellent for searching file names and
folder names but doesnt search within
text files. I want something that can
search, say, My Documents, for a certain
word and stack all these files together so
I can look at them.
Jimjaz, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
ZTreeWin (http://bit.ly/
readhelp3250) will do everything
you want and a whole lot more besides. I
just tried to do something similar by
choosing Global to display all the files on
my computer, then chose all the files with
a .doc extension and finally searched for
a specific text string within those files.
That gave me a list of 41 files. I have
151,000 files on my hard disk and the
total operation took around 25 seconds.
You dont actually have to do anything
other than tell the program to search
every file on the hard disk for your text
string, but clearly that would take a lot
longer 16 minutes in my case, but it had
to search a whole pile of JPEGs, which
was a bit pointless. The software comes
free for a 30-day trial but I think youll
find it so useful, youll pay the very small
fee (17.95) to get the full version.
Greysts, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
Useful File Utilities (www.replsoft
.com) might do what you want.
Mgmcc, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
Flash for 64-bit OS
Im using a 64-bit version of
Windows 7 and am having trouble
finding a Flash player. Also, do I need
Java and will it be compatible with my
64-bit operating system?
Sue56, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
way to remove duplicate tracks.
I just want a simple way to maintain
a playlist of some tracks to synchronise
with my Walkman. Media Player lets
me do this but only shows the track
name in the playlist, and I cant add
other columns, such as Artist. Why
does it have to be so hard?
Craigmullins77, via Webuser.co.uk/
The free version of MediaMonkey
(www.mediamonkey.com) is worth
a shot, even if your device isnt listed as
compatible for syncing (http://bit.ly/
readhelp7250). Other alternatives are
MusicBee (www.getmusicbee.com),
DoubleTwist (www.doubletwist.com)
and Songbird (www.getsongbird.com).
Ezyduzzit, via Webuser.co.uk/forums
Maintaining anonymity while taking part in
online chats can be tricky
Fed up with iTunes and Windows Media
Player? There are plenty of alternatives
File management and search utilities can
create customised lists of files

66 7 October 2010
Get more practical advice at www.webuser.co.uk/forums
here are lots of ways of sharing
files and folders over the internet,
but Dropbox is one of the simplest
and best, winning the Gold Award in our
round-up of free online storage services
last issue.
Dropbox works on Windows, Mac and
Linux systems and lets you access your
files from any computer. You can also
work with your files via the web. There
are free apps available for iPhone, iPad
and Android Devices, with an app for
BlackBerry coming soon.
Dropbox synchronises files
automatically whenever you make a
change, but only updates the elements
that have altered. This lets you store
different versions of the same file.
Every issue we take a closer look at a website or
program. Our subject this time around is a free
online back-up and file-sharing service
Sign up for an account and select the
free option. By default, your Dropbox
is stored in the Documents folder but you
can move it if you prefer. The program
will create a folder containing Photos and
Public subfolders and a Getting Started
Add content to any folders and
subfolders by dragging and dropping.
To access your files on another
computer, install the software and
select I already have a Dropbox account.
Enter the same login details from before.
The program will create your Dropbox
and synchronise its contents with shared
items on the first computer. You can now
copy files between the two systems.
You can access your shared files from
anywhere using the web interface.
Right-click inside the folder and select
Dropbox, Browse on Dropbox website
to go to the site. You can earn 250MB
storage bonuses by completing some
additional steps
(see main image).
Click the Files tab
to see your content.
Hover your mouse over a file and
click the blue down arrow to the
A menu will appear letting you
view previous versions, and download,
move, rename, copy or delete the item.
You can further organise the content of
your Dropbox by creating new
New folders are private by default. If
you wish to share a folder, click the
down arrow and select Invite to folder.
Enter the email addresses of the people
you want to share it with,
add an
optional personal message,
and click
Share folder.
The recipients will
receive a link to view the folder.
Dropbox lets you store and share files over multiple
computers and online. Heres how to use the free service.
7 October 2010 67
Find more great savings at www.webuser.co.uk/discountcodes
Dropbox saves a new
snapshot every time
you make a change to
a file so you can access
earlier versions.
Click the Upload button
to add
new content to your Dropbox. Files
you upload will appear in the folder on
your Desktop. If a folder contains images,
youll be able to view them in the Gallery.
This displays thumbnails of the photos
and lets you view them full size or in a
The Events tab
will show you all
recently performed actions, such as
adding computers and creating folders.
You can filter the list by date
change how many events are shown per
You can subscribe to a recent
events feed, too.
Click the RSS link to
copy the feed address to your clipboard.
Click the Account link at the top right
of the screen
to see how much
storage space youre using for regular and
shared files.
Account Settings
you change your user info and account
preferences. You can rename and unlink
systems under My Computers.
lets you invite friends.
This shows all your shared
folders, both past and
present, as well as any
folders shared by friends
that youre linked to.
Invite friends to join
Dropbox and youll get
250MB of bonus space
for everyone who signs up,
to a maximum of 8GB.
You get 2GB of storage
for free but you
can upgrade to 50GB for
$9.99 (6.40) per month,
or 100GB for $19.99
1 2
5 3
Its easy to install extra memory and you
may be surprised at how cheap it is
68 7 October 2010
Missed Part 3 of our WordPress 3.0 How To? Download it at www.webuser.co.uk/249
uses and how much it can support. XP
and the 32-bit versions of Vista and
Windows 7 can make use of around
3.5GB. The 64-bit Home Premium edition
of Windows 7 can handle 16GB, while the
Make your old PC
last even longer
Breathe new life into an ageing PC by upgrading
its components. Wayne Williams explains how
Part 1 New hardware
Safety advice
When opening your PC, make sure it is
plugged into the wall (to earth it) but
that the power at the wall is switched off.
Also earth yourself, preferably by wearing
an earthing bracelet or by touching a
metallic object you know to be earthed,
such as a radiator. Avoid touching any PC
components that you arent specifically
working on.
Add more memory
Adding extra memory or RAM (Random
Access Memory) is one of the simplest
and most worthwhile upgrades you can
perform. Expect to pay 100 for 4GB.
Before you buy more memory, youll
need to know what type your system
hen your
begins to lag
or becomes unresponsive,
a spot of spring cleaning
can often be enough to
revive it. But there
eventually comes a time
when its going to take a
bit more to get it speeding
along like new.
Fortunately, PCs are
modular, so you can
upgrade them piece by
piece. Rather than shelling
out on a brand new
expensive system, you can
probably get away with
upgrading the slowest
components. Its easier
and cheaper than you
might expect.
Professional or Ultimate editions support
up to 192GB. There are lots of different
versions of RAM to choose from
including SDR, DDR, DDR2 and DDR3.
The Crucial System Scanner tool (http://
bit.ly/howto1250) can tell you which type
your motherboard takes.
Installing memory modules is very
straightforward. Turn off your computer,
open the case and lay it flat on the floor
to get easy access to the memory
sockets. Locate a spare slot and press
down on the locking tabs at either end,
pushing away from the centre as you do
so. Insert a new memory stick into the
slot the notches ensure it will only fit
one way and push down hard with your
thumbs. When its all the way in, you
MINI WORKSHOP Install a new SATA hard disk
7 October 2010 69
Read hardware reviews at www.webuser.co.uk/products
The Crucial System Scanner tells you exactly which type of memory you need to upgrade
Upgrading your graphics card will make
Vista and 7 run faster and smoother
How To... Reinstall and upgrade Windows
Turn off your computer and follow
our safety advice on page 68. If
youre replacing the current primary
disk, disconnect the SATA and power
cables from it. Swap the old disk for
the new one. This may involve
unscrewing the disk from the casing
and sliding it free.
Connect the SATA and power cables
to the new disk and secure it in the
bay. If youre adding a second disk for
storage, youll need to use a second
cable. You should have at least one spare
socket for this on your motherboard.
To install Windows on the new disk,
boot from your CD/DVD and follow
the instructions. To use the disk for
storage, go into Windows, right-click
My Computer and select Manage.
Choose Disk Management,
click the Unallocated disk
and select
New Partition to run the Wizard.
should hear a click. The locking tabs will
pop up and secure the RAM firmly in
place. If theres a problem and your new
memory isnt recognised at boot up,
repeat the process from the beginning.
Add a new graphics card
If your PC has an older graphics card or
uses graphics chips built onto the
motherboard, it can be worth upgrading
this element standalone cards start at
around 50 but you get what you pay
for. As well as making modern games run
faster and smoother, cards can also
speed up graphically intensive operating
systems, like Vista and 7. Newish
motherboards have PCI-Express graphics
slots, while older ones will use AGP or
PCI. Some motherboards may offer two
identical graphics slots (PCI Express or
AGP) that let you install two cards next
to each other and link them together for
even greater speeds.
Upgrade your hard disk
If your hard disk is beginning to run out of
space, its definitely worth upgrading to a
roomier model. Newer hard disks offer far
greater capacity (you can buy disks up to
2TB in size for less than 100), and you
can choose between internal and external
models. Depending on the age of your
motherboard, the internal disks will be
either IDE (connected via a flat grey
cable) or SATA (a thinner red cable). Hard
disks come in a variety of speeds you
want a minimum of 7,200rpm, which is
what most SATA disks are.
External drives connect to your PC via
USB and provide useful extra storage.
They can also be easily transferred from
one computer to another.
You can also buy solid-state disks now.
These use flash memory, so they are
much quicker and consume less power.
They come in smaller capacities, though,
so youll probably need a second,
standard hard disk for storing all your
personal data.
Upgrade your processor
Although you can boost the speed of
your system in various ways, eventually
you will need to think about upgrading
the CPU. When you do, its probably also
worth getting a new, compatible
motherboard. This can lead to other
components becoming obsolete, though
(such as RAM, graphics card and hard
disk) so bear this in mind before you go
Package name
Orange Broadband and
Off-peak calls
www.orange.co.uk, 0800 072 4137
20Mbps Unlimited** Free*** 7.50 67.50
O2 The Basics
www.o2.co.uk, 0800 028 2102
8Mbps Unlimited** Free*** 8.00 72.00
Plusnet Value + Talk
Evening & Weekends
www.plus.net, 0800 694 0016
8Mbps 10GB Free*** 6.49 82.87
TalkTalk Essentials
www.talktalk.com, 0800 049 7843
24Mbps 40GB Free*** 6.99 83.88
70 7 October 2010 Find broadband help at www.webuser.co.uk/broadband
This fortnights top broadband deals
How fast is your real
broadband speed? Find
out with our Broadband
Speed Test!
Test your
Terms & conditions apply see ISP sites for full details
* Cost does not include line rental ** Subject to fair usage *** Includes free wireless router
Exclusive 20 Amazon Voucher if ordered via telephone. Free for the first three months, 7.50
thereafter for Orange mobile customers, 10.00 for all other customers
Three months free then 8.00 a month for existing O2 customers, 13.00 a month for all other
If you live outside Plusnet low-cost areas youll pay 12.99 a month. 4.99 P&P charge for router
Data supplied by Broadband Choices (www.broadbandchoices.co.uk).
Correct as of 27 September 2010
Broadband News
Orange simplifies broadband
Orange has simplified the pricing structure of
its home broadband and calls packages to
three deals: Broadband and Off-Peak Calls,
Broadband and Anytime Calls and Simply
Broadband. Prices start from 7.50 a month,
while line rental costs 11.50 a month. All three
packages offer speeds of up to 20Mbps.
Pigeons faster than rural broadband
A team of 10 carrier pigeons, each carrying a
video file on a memory card, flew 120 miles
Check updates to boost your Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi equipment makers regularly release
updates that improve performance. To check
updates for adapters, press the Windows and
Pause/Break buttons. Click Hardware, then
Device Manager. Right-click the device name,
select Properties and click the Driver tab.
Click Update Driver and follow the prompts.
from Yorkshire to Skegness last month less
time than it took for the file to be uploaded
over a rural broadband connection. The
flight took 75 minutes and was organised by
ISP Timico to highlight poor broadband
speeds in rural areas.
Super-fast 4G mobile broadband
The first 4G mobile broadband service,
claiming to offer speeds of up to 50Mbps, is
expected to launch within the next year in
Jersey. Telecoms company Clear Mobitel is
to start trialling the technology using Long
Term Evolution (LTE) technology.
Find the latest
broadband deals at
7 October 2010 71
Web User Classied: Phone 020 3148 4248 Fax 020 3148 8130
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REVIEWED: 22/04/2010

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7 October 2010 73 Web User Classied: Phone 020 3148 4248 Fax 020 3148 8130
Seagate FreeAgent Desk A fantastic all-rounder for a great price

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Netgear DGN3500 Easy to set up and use with handy extra features 100.74 http://bit.ly/netdgn3500gold 22/04/2010 Gold
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Netgear Adapter XAVB2501 Not cheap but the fastest speed over distance 119.99 (2 units) http://bit.ly/netgearavgold 15/07/2010 Gold
Devolo dLAN 200 AVsmart+ Useful LCD panel but expensive 129.99 (2 units) http://bit.ly/devsilver 15/07/2010 Silver
Solwise NET-PL-200AV Not particularly fast but great value for money 37.24 each http://bit.ly/solwisebronze 15/07/2010 Bronze
Epson Stylus Photo P50 Produces stunning photo prints & colour tone 89.99 http://bit.ly/epsongold 20/05/2010 Gold
Canon Pixma IP4700 A commendable jack-of-all trades 99 http://bit.ly/pixmasilver 20/05/2010 Silver
HP Officejet Pro 8000 Speedy, ideal office companion 99 http://bit.ly/hpbronze 20/05/2010 Bronze
Adobe Reader http://get.adobe.com/reader 34
AFOM add-on http://bit.ly/readhelp1250 64
AM-DeadLink http://aignes.com/deadlink.htm 43
Amazon A-Z Guarantee Policy http://amzn.to/rights250 22
Amazon Marketplace www.amazon.co.uk/marketplace 22
Angry Birds Lite Beta www.android.com/market 43
Apple www.apple.com/uk 52
Apple iTunes www.apple.com/itunes/download 56
Audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net 30
Audacity filters http://bit.ly/audacity250 30
Autocomplete = on http://bit.ly/auto250 29
Autoruns http://bit.ly/askexp5250 63
Avast Free Antivirus 5 www.avast.com 33
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Avira AntiVir Rescue System http://bit.ly/askexp4250 63
AVI Trimmer + MKV 2.0 www.solveigmm.com/?Downloads 40
BBC History www.bbc.co.uk/history 14
BBC VAT calculator http://bit.ly/vatcalc250 23
Big Match Striker www.bigmatchonline.com 42
BT FON Wi-Fi http://bit.ly/btfon250 43
Cameyo www.cameyo.com 42
CCEnhancer http://bit.ly/ccleaner250 33
CCleaner www.piriform.com 33
Chrome www.google.com/chrome 29
Climate Science http://bit.ly/climate250 15
Cobia www.cookingwithcobia.co.uk 16
Contacts http://bit.ly/contacts250 32
Creaky Old Memory www.creakyoldmemory.com 40
Crucial System Scanner tool http://bit.ly/howto1250 68
DataCent http://bit.ly/workshop1250 59
Device Doctor www.devicedoctor.com 41
DragNDrop Toolbars add-on http://bit.ly/yourtips2250 60
Driver Sweeper http://phyxion.net 41
Dropbox www.dropbox.com 66
Easeus Partition Master Home Edition www.partition-tool.com 65
eBay www.ebay.co.uk 38
Everything http://voidtools.com 65
ExtensionFM www.extension.fm 29
Facebook phone http://bit.ly/fbphone250 21
Fb Explorer www.buildagadget.com 59
Firefox www.mozilla.com/firefox 26
Fosters www.fosters.co.uk 18
Foxit Reader www.foxitsoftware.com 34
GaBoom www.gaboom.co.uk 18
Game Booster 2 www.iobit.com/gamebooster2beta.html 41
Genius www.geniusnet.com 49
Get Safe Online www.getsafeonline.org 39
Google App Inventor kit http://appinventor.googlelabs.com/about 22
Google Earth http://earth.google.com 14
Google SketchUp 8 http://sketchup.google.com 40
GSmartControl http://gsmartcontrol.berlios.de 59
Guardian Global Development www.guardian.co.uk/global-development 17
Gumtree www.gumtree.com 39
Heartsville Balloon http://heartsville.lv.com 22
House Call http://housecall.trendmicro.com 63
ieSpell http://bit.ly/iespell250 27
Internet Explorer www.microsoft.com/ie 27
Internet Explorer 9 www.microsoft.com/ie9 10
IQTester http://bit.ly/iq250 22
iTunes 10 www.apple.com/uk/itunes 29
John Lennon Time Capsules http://bit.ly/lennon250 22
K-Meleon http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net 64
Kodak www.kodak.com 47
MediaMonkey www.mediamonkey.com 65
Mentaline www.mentaline.com 15
Mens Running www.mensrunninguk.co.uk 15
Microsoft Filter Pack http://bit.ly/yourtips3250 60
MyTaxiRank http://web.mytaxirank.com 16
Nix www.nix-digital.com 48
NLA www.landlords.org.uk 39
NordicBet www.nordicbet.com 18
Official.co.uk www.official.co.uk 17
Onefinestay www.onefinestay.com 16
OpenOffice.org www.openoffice.org 34
Paint.NET www.getpaint.net 30
Paper.li www.paper.li 16
Parallels Mobile app http://bit.ly/parallels250 43
Partition Assistant Home Edition http://bit.ly/readhelp5250 65
PayPal www.paypal.co.uk 29, 39
PDF To JPG www.pdftojpgconverter.com 41
Photoshop Express Editor www.photoshop.com/tools 62
Picasa http://picasa.google.co.uk 32
Picasa Uploader http://apps.facebook.com/picasauploader 32
PlasmaPig www.greatgamesexperiment.com 43
Plaxo www.plaxo.com 32
QD Stores www.qdstores.co.uk 18
Resource Hacker utility www.angusj.com/resourcehacker 60
Rightmove www.rightmove.co.uk 36
Ryman www.ryman.co.uk 17
Samsung www.samsung.com 48
SecondShell www.secondshell.com 42
Seesmic Desktop 2 http://seesmic.com 43
Shape 3D http://bit.ly/shape250 30
Skype www.skype.com 32
Skype 5 Beta http://bit.ly/skype250 33
Skype emoticons http://factoryjoe.com/projects/emoticons 32
Slash n Grab www.slashngrab.co.uk 16
SlimDrivers www.slimdrivers.com 41
Snow Transformation Pack Windows 7 http://bit.ly/snow250 22
Spybot Search & Destroy www.safer-networking.org 33
SRWare Iron http://bit.ly/yourtips1250 60
The Conran Shop www.conranshop.co.uk 17
Thunderbird www.mozillamessaging.com/thunderbird 32
Tor network www.torproject.org 65
U-rooms www.u-rooms.com 17
Useful File Utilities www.replsoft.com 65
VideoLan Skins www.videolan.org/vlc/skins.php 30
Vintage TV www.vintage-tv.tv 18
VLC www.videolan.org/vlc 30
Web of Trust www.wot.com 58
Windows Media Player 11 http://bit.ly/wmp250 56
Yogile www.yogile.com 14
Zeezaw www.zeezaw.co.uk 23
Zoopla www.zoopla.co.uk 36
ZTreeWin http://bit.ly/readhelp3250 65
74 7 October 2010
Find a full list of this issues links at www.webuser.co.uk/forums
A-to-Z links to websites featured in this issue of Web User

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By Ben Camm-Jones & Vicky Woollaston
Law fim investigating illegal downloading leaks thousands of boadband
customes' pesonal details online
ky Boadband customes have
eacted fuiously to evelations that
theipesonal details may have
leaked onto the web aftea secuity lapse
at a law m.
ACS:Law, the company behind a
contovesial lette-witing campaign to
people suspected of shaing les illegally,
accidentally exposed details of thousands
of Skys customes aftefailing to secue
its website popely.
ACS:Law had obtained the details of
13,000 customes afteusing a cout
odeto foce Sky to hand ovethe
names of people it suspected of illegally
downloading ponogaphy omusic.
Since the leak, Sky has said that it will
efuse to co-opeate with any futhe
equests fom ACS:Law.
Sky Boadband customes expessed
angeat Sky foputting theidetails at
isk. "Chees Sky, thanks foputting me
in a situation whee you will happily hand
out details foa company to send
theatening demands to me without
actually checking theifacts fist, said
one, witing on the Sky Usewebsite
Othes agued that they should be able
to teaup theicontact with Sky.
"Because of this beach in secuity, and
Sky passing details on to this law
fim, can customes now ask
Sky fotheiMAC
(migation authoisation
code) and leave, even if
they ae in contact
because they may feel
that they cannot tust
Sky with theipesonal
details?" wote anothe
Sky boadband custome.
A Sky spokesman insisted
that all the details wee
encypted befoe they had been sent to
ACS:Law. Because the secuity of
customeinfomation is also a high
pioity, we only evedisclose such data
in encypted fom. In addition, we have
an ageement with ACS:Law that equies
data to be stoed and used safely and
secuely, he said.
Legal action
ACS:Law could be fined up to 500,000
fofailing to adhee to the Data
Potection Act if the Infomation
Commissiones Office (ICO) decides that
it was negligent. Campaign goup Pivacy
Intenational (PI) has said that it plans to
begin legal action against the
This data beach is likely to
esult in significant ham to
tens of thousands of people
in the fom of faud, identity
theft and sevee emotional
distess, said Alexande
Hanff, an advisofoPI.
This fim collected this
infomation by spying on intenet
uses, and now it has placed
thousands of innocent people at isk,
he added.
Meanwhile, it has emeged that details
of appoximately 500 Plusnet customes
wee also put at isk aftea lawyeat BT,
Plusnets paent company, sent
unencypted infomation to ACS:Law.
Aftethe secuity beach was made
public, ACS:Laws site was shut down and
emains offline at the time of witing. The
beach is thought to have occued afte
the site ecoveed fom a distibuted
denial-of-sevice (DDoS) attack
ochestated by membes of web
messageboad 4Chan, angeed by the
fims appoach to tackling illegal
4 7 October 2010
Sky Boadband customes
fuious ovedata leak
the numbeof Sky
leaked online
ACS:Law case histoy
ACS:Law is best known foits campaign of witing lettes to people it suspects of
illegally downloading les fom the web. The lettes usually ask the ecipient to
agee to an out-of-cout settlement oface action in the civil couts. The campaign
has been widely citicised by consumegoups such as Which? and Andew
Cossley, the main patneACS:Law, has been summoned to appeabefoe the
Solicitos Regulation Authoity (SRA) disciplinay tibunal to answeallegations
that the appoach is tantamount to bullying. Law ms Davenpot Lyons and
Gallant Macmillan have also used similacampaigns in the past.
6 7 October 2010
Ben Camm-Jones
Ouopinion on the latest web issues
Poject Canvas might now have an official
name YouView (http://bit.ly/view250) but
its poblems ae fafom ove. The ecently
eleased details of how the IPTV (intenet
potocol TV) sevice will actually wok in
pactice seem a little pematue when some
vey eal theats to the plans still emain.
Foone, Vigin Media has complained to
Ofcom about the sevice, and the industy
egulatostill hasnt indicated whetheonot
YouView should be hauled in font of the
Competition Commission. Vigin agues that
the sevice could educe competition in the
TV maket because it would discouage BT
and TalkTalk fom developing theiexisting
IPTV sevices. So while YouView adds to the
list of TV sevices on offe, it could actually
mean the end fotwo othes, Vigin eckons.
Thee is also a poblem with the sevices
new name. Can you think of anotheonline
video sevice with a simila-sounding name
to YouView? It doesnt take a genius to figue
out that Google, the owneof YouTube, is
unlikely to be happy. Legal expets have
indicated that Google would have a good
chance of winning this case afteall, Apple
is able to deteothecompanies fom using
the wod podvey effectively so YouView
might need to have a bit of a pesonality
change befoe it is officially launched. That is,
if it evemakes it that fa.
SiTim Benes-Lees ecent
comments about the possibility of
poviding fee, low-bandwidth intenet
connections to eveyone in the wold
via mobile handsets (http://bit.ly/
sitim250) might seem like a pipe
deam, but it isnt a bad goal to set.
Though we might think of
the web as being moe
about entetainment than
anything else, thee ae
geatebenefits to be had
by people in the
developing wold access
to healthcae infomation,
Benes-Lees idea is that in giving
eveyone fee access to the web at a
limited capacity, people would be
inspied to upgade to paid-fo
packages offeing bettespeeds. This
would ensue incentives fothe
sevice povides as well.
Intenet access is
aleady seen as a
human ight in some
counties, so why
cant we extend these
pinciples to the
whole wold? The idea
isnt as unealistic as it
fist seems.
Fee web access foall is ealistic
Twittebombcase delays cause fustation
Thee has been anothedelay to the case
of Paul Chambes, the 26-yea-old
ex-tainee accountant who was found
guilty of sending menacing
communicationsoveTwitte. The
long-awaited appeal took place at
the end of Septembe, and though
it was expected to be ovein a
day, it was adjouned until a late
date (http://bit.ly/chambes250). It isnt
known when the appeal will continue,
though it isnt expected to happen until
at least Novembe.
It is incedibly fustating that
Chambes has to wait futheto
cleahis name, almost as
fustating that he was found
guilty in the fist place. He at no
stage meant to menace anyone his
comment about blowing Robin Hood
aipot in South Yokshie sky high was
no moe than an ill-judged joke.
That this mans life has been
effectively uined by the case hes lost
two jobs because of it and still hasnt
etieved all the popety police seized
fom him is a teible injustice.
Intenet chateis common coutesy
The County, Land and Business
Association (CLA, www.cla.og.uk) has
dawn up its own Intenet Chatefo
helping out people who live owok in
an aea of the UK with poo
boadband connections.
Though meant moe as a dig at the
falteing effots to povide boadband
to evey home and business in the
county, it contains some good ideas
in the (http://bit.ly/chate250). In fact,
Id suggest that we ought to apply
many of them all the time, not just
when dealing with those still suffeing
dial-up speeds. Points such as dont
send unsolicited attachments, dont
pess eply to alland dont copy
numeous people in on yououtine
emails ae suely common coutesy?
Ten yeas ago when we wee all on
dial-up these pinciples wee essential
and mostly adheed to. So pehaps we
need to be a little bit old-fashioned in
the way we use the web and email
and apply otheetiquette that weve
fogotten about? Foexample, the
comments sections of many news
websites ae often taken up by ude,
patonising and aggessive babs,
often diected at the authooothe
commentes. Pehaps the web would
be a betteplace if these people wee
a little moe polite?
Poject Canvas may
still nevehappen
8 7 October 2010
acebook membes in the
UK can now use the
Facebook Places app
to eveal infomation about
theilocation to fiends on
the social-netwoking site.
Using the GPS (global
positioning system)
technology in mobile
phones, membes can
check inat locations such
as pubs, cafes and shops by
activating place tags. You
will also be able to see
whee youfiends that use
the featue have been.
Facebook Places, which
launched in the US in
August, has aised concens
about usepivacy. Howeve,
Facebook insisted that the
app wouldnt boadcast you
Facebook Places
launched in UK
Zeus botnet
tagets mobiles
Online banking sevices
that use text message
veification to identify
customes ae being
tageted by cybeciminals.
Reseaches have spotted
malwae elated to the
Zeus botnet that is
designed to intecept the
texts, which could be used
to appove tansactions
without a victims
Chistmas comes
ealy fospammes
Spammes ae aleady
sending out Chistmas-
elated emails in lage
volumes, accoding to
secuity expets. Many of
the messages pomote
eplica watches, fee gift
cads, and othepoducts.
As well as advetising
dodgy goods, some of the
emails contain malwae.
gilfiendscam alet
Facebook membes need
to be way of a scam link
titled Wow! This guy went
a little to fawith his
evenge on his ex
(shocking). If you click the
link you will be asked to
publish the link on you
own Facebook pofile.
Rathethan the details of
the stoy, though, youll
instead see only a suvey.
Halo: Reach scams
Playes of Halo: Reach ae
being tagetted by a
numbeof scams involving
the game. Cybeciminals
ae using SEO-poisoning
techniques to diect fans
to malwae-infected
websites when seaching
foHalo: Reach-elated
Micosoft beefs up Hotmail secuity
icosoft has announced
measues foHotmail,
months aftea contovesial
evamp of the fee webmail
Among the changes is the
ability to encypt all messages
using the HTTPS (Hypetext
TansfePotocol Secue)
standad, something that
Gmail has offeed fomoe
than two yeas.
Micosoft said it is also taking
a moe po-active appoach to passwod
secuity. You can now equest a one-off access
code to be sent to a pe-egisteed mobile
phone fouse instead of youusual passwod.
This will offeexta potection when accessing
youHotmail account on a public compute, in
case it is being emotely monitoed ohas a
Othenew secuity featues include moe
checks fologin iegulaities. Foexample, if
youaccount is sending unusually high volumes
of messages oyou have logged in fom an
unusual location, youaccount could be locked
while you ae equested to change you
The featues will be olled out duing Octobe.
Web Uer eades have mixed feelings about Facebook Places. Witing on Web Uers
Facebook page (www.facebook.com/webusemagazine), eadeJames McGinnis said:
A vey useful tool fobusinesses foexample: finding out whee sales eps o
company vans ae. Lets oll this out to DHL/UPS/FedEx when tacking a pacel that
would be good to know exactly whee youpacel is.
Howeve, othes wee unconvinced. No, knowing whee my kids ae would only upset
me, said eadeRichad Mogan.
location unless you told it to do so.
Places tags will not
automatically be shaed with
fiends. You must take an action
to associate youself with a
place by eithechecking in
youself oby allowing fiends
to check you into a place, a
Facebook spokeswoman said.
But technology blogge
Adien Chen pointed out that
othes could easily tag an
individual in a Facebook Places
update without expess
Anyone can go to the
bathoom, tag you in a check-
in, then a significant othe/
spouse/boss/stangesees it
and Boom! Youlife is uined,
Chen said.
What you think
the Home button, so this has been
moved to the ight of the window. Eo
messages now appeaat the bottom of
the window so they ae less distacting.
One-box seach
The addess baand seach box in IE
have been meged, with this one box
now pefoming both tasks. When you
stat typing into the addess ba, esults
fom youbowsing histoy will appea,
10 7 October 2010
Micosoft has launched
a beta vesion of its
latest bowse, Intenet
Exploe. Vicky
Woollaston eveals its
best new featues
icosoft has unveiled the fist
public beta vesion of its new
bowse, Intenet Exploe
(www.micosoft.com/ie), and its
packed with impessive featues.
With IE, Micosoft hopes to win back
some of the sufes who have abandoned
the bowsein favouof ivals such as
Fiefox (www.mozilla.og) and Chome
(www.google.com/chome). Back in
August 2008, IE was used by almost 70
pecent of sufes. Statistics published in
August evealed that this figue had
shunk to 51 pecent.
Pat of the eason foIEs fall in
populaity was the intoduction in Mach
this yeaof an EU equiement that
foced Micosoft to let Windows uses
choose which bowsethey use, athe
than simply bundling IE onto all new
Windows PCs. So the success of IE,
which isnt compatible with XP (see box
top ight), is cucial to Micosoft if it
wants to hold onto its dominance of the
Micosoft has high hopes foIE,
claiming it will make the web a moe
beautiful place by using the new HTML5
web standad. Hees Web Uses guide
to the new tools it has to offe.
Redesigned use
IEhas been designed so that the sceen
displays as much of a website as possible
and the aea dedicated to bowse
contols is minimal.
Micosoft found when obseving
sufesonline behaviouthat the Back
button was the most clicked button on
any bowse, so in IEit has been
enlaged. Similaly, the companys
eseach showed that people aely click
IEs best new
tools evealed
as will seach esults fom the web you
can choose which seach engine IEuses
to do this (Google, Bing, Yahoo and
Wikipedia ae the default options). This
seach featue can be switched on and
off to potect youpivacy, Micosoft
said. By switching it off, youkeystokes
cant be taced fophishing puposes.
You can also set the addess bato
automatically send you to the top seach
esult each time.
Tabbed bowsing is standad acoss most
web bowses but in IE, Micosoft aims
to make it moe intuitive. Now, when you
open a new tab, a page of ecently
visited sites appeas in a gid in much
the same was as it does in Opea,
Chome and Safai. Each has a favicon,
making the site instantly ecognisable, as
well as an activity baindicating how
often you visit that site. Micosofts
eseach also found that many sufes
Amuch creen pace apoible habeen
given over to diplaying the webite
ll you ote lool|n lot tel|oo|l|ty, o tes|l|ent shoteJ host|n lotlotm,
outonomous Vy5l onJ 5l Jotooose setvets onJ o to quol|ty suott teom, we th|nl
you neeJ not lool ony lutthet thon losthosts. 7hot |s why they ote on my seeJ-J|ol.
CaIco Uk Ltd, Ron MiIIer - Managing Director
| N D U S T P L L A D | N G w L 8 H O S T | N G P O P O v L P
14 7 October 2010 Reviews by Robet Ivine, Scott Colvey and Vicky Woollaston
Google Earth
Peviously little moe than a download button and a list of
featues, Google Eath has finally become a popeesouce
fothe populamapping tool. As well as showcasing some of
the dazzling tous you can take using the pogam fom
distant galaxies to the bottom of the ocean the site offes
some handy pactical tools. Chief among these ae video
tutoials that cateto all levels fom beginneto advanced
coveing topics such as basic navigation, geo-tagging
photos and ceating 3D models of buildings using SketchUp
(see page 40). Thee ae also thiving foums whee Google
Eath addicts shae tips, equest advice and epot on the
latest additions to the vitual globe. Ouone complaint is
that the site still feels athedy in tone, but its geat to have
so much useful content in one place. You can download the
cuent vesion of the fee softwae foPC, Mac and Linux,
and get mobile apps foAndoid, iPhone and iPad.
Facebook and Flickmake it easy to
shae photos online, but Yogile hopes to
simplify the pocess even futhe. The
site lets you ceate a collaboa tive album
foan event, location otopic to which
people can add theiown pictues. The
clevepat is that they dont have to
egistewith Yogile to do so you just
povide a special URL and email addess
so fiends can upload photos fom thei
PCs and mobile devices. Yogile benefits
fom a minimal if uninteesting design
but only gives you 100MB of stoage
space fofee. Youll have to pay $24.5
(16) peyeafounlimited uploads.
BBC History
The BBC has added a section devoted to The Battle of Bitain to its excellent
Histoy hub to mak the 70th annivesay of the event. The mini-site featues
exclusive audio and video clips fom the BBC adio and television achive coveing
topics such as Chuchills ole and the esilience of the Bitish people. You can also
watch episodes fom TV pogammes in the Beebs Battle of Bitain season on the
iPlaye. Thees lots of useful infomation hee about the conflict, which took place
fom July until Octobe140, handily oganised by event and with links to elevant
BBC news stoies and esouces. Bowse and be thankful.
We eview this fotnights best new and elaunched websites
Our rating

Our rating

Our rating

16 7 October 2010
Pomising fee, simple and safesevice
thoughout the UK, MyTaxiRank will
quickly find cab fims in youaea just
enteyoupostcode on the homepage
foinstant esults that can also be
viewed on a Google map. Choose a taxi
company, entethe time, destination
and othedetails of youide and click
Ode. We like the fact that MyTaxiRank
advises cab fims to tell you the colou,
make and egistation of the ca and
even povide a photo of the dive
- when they get in touch with you, and
the fee iPhone and iPad apps ae geat.
Its a billiant idea but, oddly, the site
wont wok in Intenet Exploe.
Slash `n'Grab
Does the web eally need anothe
seach engine? Slash nGab evidently
thinks so. Its slight twist is that it lets
you seach fosomething within a
specific website. Just entethe name of
the site and a keywod otwo,
sepaated by a slash, into the seach
box on the homepage, foexample
Amazon/DoctoWho. Slash nGab
will then etun a list of matches within
the extenal site itself. Its a useful idea,
especially foonline shopping, and
pesented in a mannethat couldnt be
moe minimal. But you can achieve
similaesults by typing [keywod]
site:[website]into Google.
Although the gimmicky concept of an unhotelmade us initially sceptical of
Onefinestay, we wee won oveby its attention to detail and high-quality
pesentation. The pemise is that you stay in someones home while theye out of
town and still benefit fom hotel-style extas such as maid sevice and fee
toileties. The hand-picked homes ae absolutely stunning fou-bed Victoian
houses and i veside penthouses ae among some of the places you can cuently
book in London fom 125 to 385 penight. With its easy navigation, effotless
booking pocess and gogeous photos, this is a luxuious site foa luxuy sevice.
Descibed atheoddly as the fist fish
of the 21st Centuy,cobia is aleady
populain South East Asia and is now
swimming into UK kitchens. The white
fishs website explains that cobia is
souced fom Vietnam with the utmost
cae foboth the welfae of the fish and
the envionment. Aftewatching the
video tutoial on how to pepae cobia,
you can ty ecipes including Thai cobia
soup and cobia kebabs. Thees also a
potted histoy of the fish and
infomation about whee you can buy
it. Although the site needs moe
content, it looks geat and cetainly
whets youappetite focobia.
Pape.li is the latest fad cuently taking
Twitteby stom. The idea is that you
can geneate a pesonalised newspape
based on the endless steam of web
links that people post on the sevice.
Pape.li havests these links fom
individual Twitteuses (and thei
followes), lists ohashtags oa
combination of all thee then publishes
a newspapebanded with youname.
Oathe, the sevice compiles a
website that looks a bit like a pinted
newspapeusing content dawn fom
the gatheed links. Pape.li is fun and
simple to use but, lets be honest, its a
bit of a one-tick pony.
Tell us about youwebsite via webuse@ipcmedia.com
Our rating

Our rating

Our rating

Our rating

Our rating

18 7 October 2010
This website executes one of those had-to-believe-its-not-been-done-befoe ideas.
Its essentially a secue game-swapping sevice, with GaBoom chaging a small fee
foacting as the tusted middleman both swappes send theiunwanted games to
the site and GaBoom ensues that both paties get the desied game back. The site
does offea couple of otheexchange options, including insuance-backed
exchange and a fee-but-tust-based foum system, but the main, secue sevice is
appealing at 4.40 a pop (both swappes will have to pay). The young entepeneu
behind it got tuned down by the DagonsDen millionaies. Ae they mad?
NodicBet claims to offebest-in-class
bettingand amazing pesonalisation
featues. We cant veify the fist claim
but, as egads the latte, NodicBet
does have some genuinely useful
customisation tools. Specifically, the
widgets on the homepage can be easily
eaanged, so you can emove casino
games if they dont inteest you and
pomote the spots widget to pole
position. Its a novel idea thats sue to
appeal to egulagambles but the est
of the site isnt as well-pesented. Also,
despite having a UK vesion of the site,
you can only buy chips in dollas, euos
and Scandinavian cuencies.
Vintage TV
If youve yet to tune into the new digital
TV channel Vintage TV, this site might
pesuade you to take a look. Its aim is to
povide five decades of populamusic,
cultue, fashion and tends, 24 hous a
day, although the desciptions povided
hee fopogammes such as Beakaway
and Magic Moments give little away.
Aftewatching a video intoduction to
the channel, you can find out moe
about the people behind it who
include vetean DJ Paul Gambaccini
and check the daily schedule. The site
looks pleasant enough but needs much
moe content, especially in the video
and news sections.
QD Stores
If you dont live in East Anglia then
youd be fogiven fonevehaving
head of QD Stoes, whose shops have
spead acoss the egion like a ash.
Now, thanks to this web stoe, the est
of the county can join in the discount
indulgence to an extent because QD
has put its top 250 poducts up fosale
online. Whee else ae you going to find
a 200-pack of muffin cases on sale fo
7p, with the option of guaanteed
next-day delivey? We love QD Stoes
and its website is geat but poduct
spelling needs to be tightened up (Sega
Magadive, anyone?) and QD needs to
get its entie catalogue online.
Fostes has evamped its website to
complement its TV ad campaign
featuing advice fom Bad and Dan.
You can now ead Fostes-elated news
(thees a new pint glass appaently),
watch the advets and become fiends
of Bad and Dan on Facebook and
Twitte the kind of thing thats
becoming standad these days. The site
looks geat, letting you exploe the
boysbeach shack with youmouse to
access the content. But having to guess
whee menu options ae can pove
annoying, especially when they take
ages to load. On the whole though, its a
fiendly and fothy site fothe ove-18s.
Tell us about youwebsite via webuse@ipcmedia.com
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Subscibe to Web Uses feeds at www.webuse.co.uk/feeds
m so glad I dont wok with
Abbafan172, who esponded to
Ben Camm-Joness piece on using
Facebook at wok by saying they wee
delighted it was banned in thei
wokplace. Whats
wong with checking
Facebook occasionally?
People in my ofce ae
allowed to look at
Facebook a couple of
times a day and as long
as nobody is on it fo
hous at a time, its ne.
Not eveybody uses
Facebook to wite new
status updates evey minute.
Fome, Facebook is just the
equivalent of the old-fashioned fag
beak (Ive given up now!).
Instead of popping outside
foa quick smoke, I just log on quickly,
see if anybody has posted anything
inteesting, then log back out again
and continue with my
wok all in a couple of
I do agee that if
someone is playing a game
on Facebook all day long,
then the manageshould
tell them to stop. Thats
obvious. But dont punish
eveyone because of a few
iesponsible people who
dont know how to ation theiuse of
the site.
Paul Collard, Cardiff
Shae youviews!
OK to use Facebook at wok
o you agee with Tim Benes-
Lee that eveyone in the wold
should get fee boadband?
The mans cedentials ae impeccable,
so if the system can be made to
suppot it, then why not?
Paul Cocker
Its not eally what Id call an essential
need like food and wate, but if it was
offeed, Id cetainly take it.
Nicola OHare
Love the idea, but well just pay foit
in the end with taxes.
Graham Simpon
ill you pay 1 a day to access
the Newof the Worlds site?
News of the Wold is a teible pape. I
dont even visit it fofee. I just hope
theinew paywall cipples them!
I couldnt cae less which footballeis
cheating on his wife, so no.
Andrew Duerden
Nope, I can get entetainment news
and scandal on plenty of othesites.
Kenny Lowe
The eason I ead the papes online is
convenience. I just wont visit sites
who ask foa payment oae about
to. If you see a stoy on the font page
that inteests you, then Google foit
on othefee sites.
I think the futue fonewspapes is on
potable devices. I ead the
newspapes on an Andoid App just
befoe bedtime. Id be willing to pay
the Guadian a small subsciption to
ead theicontent on my Andoid
phone, but ight now they ae saying
they will not be chaging foit.
What you

Billiant IE
I get fed up with Windows XP uses
moaning that Intenet Exploeshould
be available fotheigeiatic opeating
system. I mean, come on, XP launched in
2001! XP dates back to a time befoe
YouTube, Facebook and many of the
sites we now take foganted. Its way
past its sell-by date and I think Micosoft
should be applauded foefusing to
pandeto XP usesfeaof pogess.
Ive been using IEon my Windows 7
PC fothe last few days and its
absolutely billiant. We cant aticially
delay impovements to bowses just
because some people ae stuck in the
past on an OS that should be dagged
staight to the Recycle Bin.
Terry Silverton, via email
IE dont bothe!
As someone who is pefectly happy
using Windows XP, I dont see why I
should pay foa new opeating system
just so I can swallow all the hype fom
Micosoft about Intenet Exploe
making the web beautiful. IE has given
me loads of poblems in the past, so Ill
stick with Fiefox, thanks. Oeven
Chome, which Ive always found to be
much fasteanyway. At least those
bowses dont expect me to buy a
band-new opeating system.
Fiona Amo, via email
Pessue to upgade
Not letting XP uses use Intenet
Exploelooks like the next step fom
Micosoft to get XP uses to upgade
that is, spend money on the companys
poducts, whethethey othewise need
to onot. Maybe folk like me, faced with
the need to eplace theicompute, will
lean towads Apple puely fom
annoyance with Micosoft.
Bob, via Webuer.co.uk
Readein Kenya
Hees a photo of me eading Web Use
at HallePak in Mombasa, Kenya. It was
aguably the most amazing two weeks of
my life as a totally immesive expeience
of Kenyan life and cultue and I would
ecommend a visit to any of my fellow
eades it cetainly puts the minutiae of
eveyday life in the UK into pespective!
Jim Ollerhead, St Helen
20 7 October 2010
Subscibe to Web Uses feeds at www.webuse.co.uk/feeds
Heatsville Balloon
Guide youhot-aiballoon acoss
the sky, collecting heats fofuel, in
this game fom insuance company
Livepool Victoia (www.lv.com).
Look out foobstacles that will
bing you cashing down.
Can you beat ouscoe of 850? If
so, email the poof to obet_
ivine@ipcmedia.com and well
honouthe best in Issue 252.
Congatulations to Sam McCann
of Nothampton whose 223 was the
highest scoe we eceived foBug
Swat (http://bit.ly/bug248)
featued in Issue 248.
Revisit pevious Beat Web Use
games and high scoes at www.
f you buy faulty goods on Amazon
Maketplace (www.amazon.co.uk/
maketplace), you ae potected by the
Amazon A-Z Guaantee foonly 0 days
aftethe odedate and you must fist
take up youcomplaint with youselle
befoe filing a claim with Amazon.
Web UseeadeMatin Watson bought
a camea fom an Amazon Maketplace
selle. The zoom stated malfunctioning
but since the camea had a yeas
guaantee, he hoped foa eplacement o
a epai. He also believed he was
potected by shopping on Amazon.
Howeve, when MWatson contacted
Amazon, he was told he was outside the
0-day window fosubmitting a claim. He
was advised to contact the sellevia the
website to take up his claim, but his thee
emails to the sellewee ignoed. He
couldnt contact the sellediectly
because Amazon efused to give out the
details undeData Potection egulations.
I am left with an expensive but only
patly functioning camea and will think
twice befoe using Amazon again, M
Watson told Web Use.
An Amazon spokeswoman told Web
Use: Amazon guaantees puchases fom
thid-paty Maketplace selles when
payment is made via the Amazon.co.uk
website in accodance with ouA-Z
Guaantee Policy (http://amzn.to/
ights250). This coves an item eceived
being defective, damaged, not as
descibed oeceived late.
She pointed out that the consumes
contact is with the thid-paty
Maketplace selle, not Amazon, which
meely povides a venue foselles and
buyes to negotiate.
One solution fodissatised customes
is to involve Tading Standads (www.
tadingstandads.gov.uk) and Consume
Diect (www.consumediect.gov.uk), who
can wok with Amazon to obtain selles
contact infomation, but this can be a
lengthy pocess.
0-day efund limit
at Amazon
Ouexpet Lisa Kelly answes
all youconsumequestions
App Inventokit (http://appinvento
.googlelabs.com/about) that lets
uses ceate theiown apps. The
pogamming language uses
commands witten on diffeent-
shaped building blocks (in a simila
style to the child-fiendly
pogamming language, Scatch) thus
making it much moe accessible fo
the masses. And because the usehas
access to all the phones featues, the
potential is massive. Im cuently
tying to wite a pogam that will
help me assess childen in my class at
school. As evewith anything Google,
thee ae a wealth of tutoials and
foums to consult if needed.
Tom, Nottingham
Snow Tansfomation
In Issue 248, I liked the offeof a
download of the Snow Tansfomation
Pack in Best Fee Softwae (www.
winxsoft.com/stp/download.html) and
would have liked to have given it a ty.
But when I got to the download page,
thee was a secuity waning that
Apple would not allow any downloads
on youbehalf.
John, via email
Web Useeplies: Unfotunately, since
the issue featuing Snow
Tansfomation Pack went to pess,
Apple has equested that the
download be emoved fom the host
site. Howeve, you can still download a
similapogam foWindows 7 fom
John Lennons 70th
What a way to honoua geat man
and talent (John Lennon Time
Capsules http://bit.ly/lennon250)!
Although time hasnt fully healed the
wounds of his tagic passing, we can
all celebate his geat talent evey day,
and especially on this momentous
occasion by listening to his music.
Happy bithday, John!
Doug Rivera, via Webuer.co.uk
IQ Test
Thanks fowiting about IQTeste
(http://bit.ly/iq250) on youwebsite.
Afteansweing the questions, I could
nally pove to my wife that I am a
genius. Oa semi-genius, anyway. I
was petty pleased I scoed 131 on the
test, although some of the questions
did leave me feeling a bit bafed. But
I guess thats why Im only a semi-
genius and not a full one!
Paul Wilkinon, via email
Readein the Maldives
This is me on the best holiday evein
the Maldives, celebating ou30th
annivesay! Didnt foget you though!
Viv, via email
22 7 October 2010
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26 7 October 2010
Ae you making the most of youfavouite
softwae? Wayne Williams uncoves 45 hidden
ticks, easy hacks and simple upgades foa
ange of populafee pogams
* Price for the Plusnet Value broadband package as at 13/05/2010.
Plusnet Value broadband starts at 6.49 a month. f you live in one of
Plusnet's low cost areas you'll then pay this price every month. f you live outside
of one of these areas you'll then pay 12.99 a month thereafter.
30 7 October 2010
Join CD tacks in iTunes
When you ip and impot mix CDs o
audiobooks into iTunes, the softwae
will automatically intoduce unwanted
beaks in-between the tacks.
Fotunately, you can foce the pogam
to tun these individual files into a single
continuous tack. Inset the audio CD to
be ipped, select the tacks one afte
anothe, then go to the Advanced menu
and select Join CD Tacks.
Make sue evey tack has
iTunes 10 makes it easy to find songs
that ae missing atwok so you can get
the equied coves fom the web and
ensue evey tack in youcollection is
illustated. Go to File, New Smat
Playlist and undeMatch the following
uleselect Has Atwok
in the fist box and is falsein the
second. Make sue the Live updating
box is ticked.
Customise VLC Media Playe
with skins
VLC (www.videolan.og/vlc) is a
basic-looking media playebut you can
spuce it up with themes. Go to
VideoLans Skins page (www.videolan
.og/vlc/skins.php) and download the
36.1MB skins pack. Save the files to the
diectoy at C:\Pogam Files\
VideoLAN\VLC\skins. Click Stat and
launch VLC Media PlayeSkinned fom
the menu. Right-click the pogam, go
to Inteface and click Select Skin.
Choose the one you want fom the list.
Convet file fomats using VLC
VLC Media Playecan convet video o
audio file types fom one fomat into
anothe. Go to Media, Convet/Save.
Click the Add button and bowse fo
youfile, then click the Convet/Save
button. Give youfile a name and
choose a pofile/fomat. You can
configue the settings by clicking the
Edit Selected Pofile button.
Tun videos into catoons in
The VLC Media Playehas some
inteesting video effects filtes on offe.
One of the best is the option to tun any
playing clip into a catoon. Stat the
video, then go to Tools, Effects and
Filtes. Click the Video Effects tab and
then click Image Modification. Tick
Gadient and tick both the Catoon and
Colouoptions. You can eitheleave the
mode as Gadient ochange it to Edge
foa diffeent style.
Shae Audacity pojects
Audacity (http://audacity.soucefoge
.net) files can be quite lage. If you want
to shae a poject with a fiend, you can
poduce a compessed (and slightly
infeio) vesion of it by going to File,
Save Compessed Copy of Poject. This
featue is only available in the latest
beta vesion of Audacity and the peson
you send it to will also need to be using
this edition.
Add effects to Audacity
Audacity comes with a decent
collection of filtes and effects, but you
can add moe. Thees a good collection
available at http://bit.ly/audacity250.
Install these in the C:\Pogam Files\
Audacity 1.3 Beta (Unicode)\Nyquist
diectoy (osimila).
Open and edit Photoshop files
in Paint.NET
Photoshop is the best photo-editing
tool on the maket but its also vey
expensive. You can use the totally fee
Paint.NET (www.getpaint.net) to open
and edit files ceated in Adobes
softwae by installing the Paint.Net PSD
Plugin (http://psdplugin.codeplex.com).
Save the DLL file to C:\Pogam Files\
Paint.NET\FileTypes. Tun to page 62
foouWokshop on using Photoshop
Expess Edito.
Map photos onto 3D objects
Shape 3D (http://bit.ly/shape250) is a
smat add-on foPaint.NET that lets
you wap youphotos aound 3D
objects. Copy the .dll file into the
C:\Pogam Files\Paint.NET\Effects
32 7 October 2010
foldethen stat the pogam. Load a
photo and go to Effects, Rende,
Shape3D. Choose a shape (sphee,
cylindeobox) and then tweak the
settings to get the esult you equie.
Get id of Picasa duplicates
Its easy enough to find and emove
duplicate images manually in Picasa
(http://picasa.google.co.uk), but the
pogam offes an expeimental featue
that simplifies the pocess. Go to
Tools, Expeimental and select Show
Duplicate Files.
Speed up face detection in
The facial-ecognition featue in
Googles Picasa image oganiseis vey
useful but it can be time-consuming
when you add a lot of new photos. You
can speed up the pocess by going to
Tools, Options and clicking the Name
Tags tab. Dag the Suggestion
thesholdand Clustethesholdslides
to the left. This will speed up the ate of
suggestions, but it may intoduce eos
so check the esults caefully befoe
confiming them.
Upload photos to Facebook
using Picasa
If you want to post images diectly to
Facebook, youll fist need to install the
Picasa Uploadeadd-on (http://apps.
facebook.com/picasauploade). This will
intoduce a Facebook button to the
bottom of the sceen. Select some
pictues, click this button and then click
Stat Upload.
Keep youemail pivate in
To pevent people eading you
Thundebid (www.mozillamessaging
.com/thundebid) email on a shaed
compute, go to Stat and type
thundebid.exe P(without the
quotes) into the seach box (ogo to
Stat, Run in XP). Ceate a pofile fo
each peson who uses the PC. Now
when you un Thundebid youll be able
to choose which pofile you want and
the pogam will load only that uses
email, passwods and extensions.
Manage youcontacts in
Contacts (http://bit.ly/contacts250) is a
Mozilla Labs poject oiginally eleased
foFiefox that lets you mege contact
infomation fom a ange of pogams
and sevices, including you
Thundebid addess book, Gmail
contacts and details fom Twitte,
Facebook and Plaxo (www.plaxo.com).
Install the extension, estat
Thundebid and go to Tools, Contacts.
Use secet smilies in Skype
When youe instant messaging
someone in Skype (www.skype.com),
you can add an emoticon by clicking the
down aow next to the smiley face and
selecting the one you want. Skype
offes instant access to 72 diffeent
designs, but it actually ecognises
shotcuts foan awful lot moe,
including a complete set of flags of the
wold. To see the full list of suppoted
emoticons, and theishotcuts, go to
Use keyboad shotcuts in
Skype suppots keyboad shotcuts but
the featue is tuned off by default. To
enable it, go to Tools, Options, click
Advanced and then click Hotkeys. Tick
34 7 October 2010
most ecent definitions. It will offeto
stat CCleaneonce the download
pocess has completed.
Make OpenOffice.og load
You can get a noticeable speed boost in
OpenOffice.og (www.openoffice.og)
by disabling Java in the pogam. Go to
Tools, Options and find and select Java
on the left. Untick the option to Use a
Java untime envionmentand estat
the suite. You can easily enable Java
again should you need to.
Coloushapes in Daw
The Daw application in OpenOffice.og
has a wide ange of geometic shapes
that you can use in youdocuments.
These objects can be filled with a
unifom colou, a gadient, a hatching,
oa patten fom an image, but thees
no obvious way of applying diffeent
colous to sepaate pats of a shape.
To do this, ight-click the object and
select Convet, To Cuve. Right-click
it again and select Ungoup. You can
now colouthe individual pieces. Put it
back togetheagain aftewads by
dagging a ectangulashape aound
the item, ight-clicking it and selecting
Make Flash slideshows using
Impess is OpenOffice.ogs PowePoint
equivalent. If you want to be sue
someone can ead a pesentation you
ceate (but not edit it), you can expot it
as a PDF file, obetteyet as a Flash
slideshow. Go to File, Expot and select
Macomedia Flash (SWF) as the file
fomat. Give it a name and click Save.
This file can then be uploaded to a
website oopened diectly in a bowse.
Play music and videos in
Witecomes with its own built-in media
playe. To use it go to Tools, Media
Playeand bowse fothe file you want
to play. Video clips can be esized using
the pecentage dop-down box. Clicking
the Apply button will inset the media
file into youcuent document with a
play baat the bottom of the sceen.
Remembemoe documents in
Adobe Reade
By default Adobe Reade(http://get.
adobe.com/eade) emembes the last
five documents you had open. If you
find this a little too estictive, you can
incease the numbe, up to a maximum
of 10. Open Readeand go to Edit,
Pefeences. Click Documents and
change the numbein the Recently
Used List box.
Change the backgound colou
in Foxit Reade
Most PDF files have a white backgound
that can be quite glaing. You can tone
down backgounds in Foxit Reade
(www.foxitsoftwae.com) by going to
Tools, Pefeences, and selecting
Documents on the left. Tick Replace
Document Colos, then select Custom
Colo. Make the Page Backgound a
light gey.
We eveal the best tools and
must-ty featues in the latest
vesion of Mozillas populaweb bowse
NEXT ISSUE on sale 21 October 2010
How to get the most fom
Ad-Awae Fee Intenet Secuity
We ate the best sevices fo
listening to songs fofee online
Sot messages using the new
Pioity Inbox featue in Gmail
36 7 October 2010
Both sites offepopety email alets based on youseaches
if you egistewith them. Rightmove also lets you shae
popety details via email and populasocial-netwoking sites
but Zooplas Tell a fiendsevice is email-only.
Thees plenty of popety infomation on both sites
photos, flooplans, slideshows, EPCs (enegy pefomance
cetificates), PDF bochues, 360-degee tous and so on, but
little consistency because details vay fom agent to agent
and popety to popety. Geneally, Zoopla isnt as good at
signposting its content and its pop-up windows sometimes
hide impotant infomation. Rightmove has a seies of
popety-elated guides that include an Excel speadsheet fo
budgeting and an online motgage calculato; Zoopla doesnt
so much offeadvice as povide compaative quotes on
motgages, loans, insuance and so on.
Both sevices make effective use of Google Maps and Steet
View but Rightmove gets the edge on this ound by ovelaying
local schools onto its maps and offeing a helpful daw a
seachfeatue that lets you mak out an aea on the map.
WINNER: Rightmove
When youe looking to buy, ent osell a home,
should you use Rightmove oZoopla? Rob Beattie
pits the two leading popety sites against each othe
Which is best? Rightmove vs Zoopla
Rightmove (www.ightmove.co.uk) gets off on the ight foot
coutesy of its smat layout (though we could do without the
new catoon-eyes design) and by sticking a lage Find
popety inseach box whee it cant be missed. Zoopla
(www.zoopla.co.uk) also has a pominent seach box but adds
moe options and sets it against a Coonation Steet-style
skyline (which is bettethan all those eyes). Both sites let you
seach without egisteing and thee ae a wide ange of
access points on the homepages, including a map, new
homes, oveseas, lets and egion foRightmove, and sales,
entals, populaaeas, estate agents and aveage house
pices foZoopla.
Refining youseach is simple on both sites and its easy to
equest details by email ophone. Howeve, Zoopla packs
each page with so much infomation that it can pove
distacting when youe tying to conduct a quick seach. So
Rightmove wins this ound foclaity and simplicity.
WINNER: Rightmove
38 7 October 2010
Shill bidding
What it involves: Shill bidding is when
someone atificially and illegally -
inceases an items pice. The sellemay
set up a second eBay (www.ebay.co.uk)
account to bid on items listed though
the fist account oget fiends with
eBay accounts to bump up a pice.
How to spot it: Check a selles
feedback. Alam bells should ing if a
numbeof sold items ae quickly elisted
this may imply that the auctions wee
won by someone who did not actually
want the item but was only bidding to
pevent the goods being sold at a low
pice. It has been hadeto spot shill
bidding since eBay intoduced bidde
anonymity but if you find that bidding
on an item is going up in tiny incements
oa selleappeas to have lots of bid
etactions, you should abandon the
auction. Read eBays Shill bidding
policy(http://bit.ly/shill250) fomoe
infomation and see oubox-out below
ight foa ecent example of the scam.
Feedback scamming
What it involves: Feedback scamming
is a way of manipulating the positive
feedback that makes potential buyes
tust a selle. It may entail a dodgy selle
puchasing lots of cheap items in ode
to get positive feedback fom othe
selles osetting up multiple eBay
accounts to give themselves a 100 pe
cent positive feedback ecod.
How to spot it: Unscupulous selles will
often end up abusing the tust of
customes by ipping them off so its
impotant to watch fothe signs. Check
if the feedback has been mostly gained
fobuying athethan selling, and if the
peson has nevesold anything befoe,
teat them as if they have no feedback.
Take a close look at the finished auctions
that got them positive feedback. Wee
they folow-value items? If so, should
you still tust them to send that plasma
TV youe bidding fo?
Undeliveed items
What it involves: Unscupulous selles
will sometimes claim that goods have
been posted but must have got lost in
the post. You may then spot the item
elisted at a highepice.
How to spot it: This scam isnt an easy
Thee ae some top deals on eBay but also some scandalous swindles.
David Cookes eveals how to spot and avoid 10 common scams
one to avoid, although feedback may
indicate that its not a one-off incident.
Check if the sellehas evesold an
identical item twice fodiffeent pices.
If the selleefuses to efund you,
epot them to eBay. It could be that
the selleconsides the final sale pice
too low and decides to lie in odeto
get a bettepice late. Read eBays
help page I didnt eceive an item I
paid fo(http://bit.ly/delive250) fo
futheadvice. The ecently intoduced
ebay BuyePotection policy (http://bit
.ly/buye250) coves payments made
via PayPal.
How to avoid
In Apil this yea, Paul Baett of Yokshie was fined 3,000 and odeed to
cay out 250 hous of community sevice aftehe admitted to 10 counts of
shill bidding on eBay. Noth Yokshie Tading Standads began investigating
the minibus hie fim boss when they found out he had bid against himself on a
numbeof items. Baett oiginally told the cout that he didnt ealise what he
was doing was illegal.
An eBay spokeswoman told Web Useat the time of Baetts conviction:
Shill bidding is illegal and it is impotant fopeople to undestand that thee is
not, nohas thee evebeen, oom foillegal activity on ousite. We spend
6m evey yeato ty and stop shill bidding fom happening.
Shill bidder convicted
40 7 October 2010
This fotnights top FREE softwae downloads
If you want to tim unwanted scenes fom youvideo files, this
feewae tool is ideal. It suppots both AVI and MKV files, and
is vey easy to use. Just open a video, then select the
diffeent pats you want to keep oemove. The pogam can
automatically detect scenes in DV-AVI videos and chaptes in
some MKV files. Click Pocess and it will make the equested
cuts and save the finished video without needing to e-encode
it (so the quality and synchonisation emain unchanged). The
softwae can also stip out the audio fom a video file.
Min equiements: Windows XP/Vista/7
File size: 60.4MB
AVI Timme+ MKV 2.0
Min equiements: Windows XP/Vista/7
File size: 4MB
The aim of this simple puzzle game is to guide a little old lady
aound a house, collecting pictues that contain he
memoies. Getting to them involves moving laddes along
bookshelves and climbing up odown. When youve collected
all the memoies, youll need to wok out the coect odeto
place them in so you can play them as notes on an ogan.
Google SketchUp 8
3D-modelling pogams
dont get any easieto use
than the latest vesion of
Google SketchUp. Ceating a
3D model is simply a matte
of laying down a flat
geometic shape and then
pushing opulling it to add
depth. If you want to ceate a
cube, foexample, all you
have to do is daw a squae
and then click on it and dag
the shape upwads.
Tansfoming the cube into a
house just involves caving
out doos and windows,
splitting the top face into two
and dagging it to make an
apex oof. The vaious tools
on offelet you ceate some
supisingly detailed objects
via the built-in Google Maps.
Othenew featues include
impoved teain and
coloued aeial imagey,
volume infomation fosolid
objects and the ability to
push and pull selected faces,
even if they ae hidden
behind something else.
with ease but if you
dont have the
patience oinclination
to build something
fom scatch, you can
always impot and
adapt an existing
poject fom Googles
3D Waehouse.
Although you can
use the pogam to
design any 3D object,
SketchUp 8 is paticulaly
well suited to ceating
buildings. You can tace
existing stuctues using the
online Building Make, get
textues fom Steet View,
expot models diectly into
Google Eath and add
geo-location to youmodel
The Po vesion (which
costs a whopping $45)
intoduces some additional
featues, including Solid
Tools and an impoved
Layout component, but the
fee edition should be good
enough to catefomost
peoples modelling needs.
Ceaky Old Memoy

Min equiements: Windows XP/Vista/7 oMac OS X
File size: 40MB
42 7 October 2010
Min equiements: Windows XP/Vista/7
File size: 3.4MB
Put youfootball knowledge to the test with
this entetaining one-on-one online tivia quiz.
You can take on fiends, enemies oeven total
stanges. The game involves answeing
questions about the top fouleagues and
plays like a eal match, with the
action moving up and down the
pitch based on the speed and
accuacy of the answes given by
you and youopponent. The moe
games you win, the moe fans and
in-game cuency youll ean, which
lets you upgade youteam and
move up to the leagues highe
This tiny potable application adds some
simple usability featues to Windows. You can
move open windows aound the sceen by
holding down Alt and clicking and dagging
with youmouse. Switch to the ight mouse
button and the pogam will esize the
selected window. Windows can be snapped
to sceen edges and cones, esized to
standad esolutions and maximised
hoizontally ovetically. Right-click o
middle-click a title bato minimise oclose
that window. You can edit SecondShells INI
file to define hotkeys folaunching up to 10 of
youfavouite applications.
Min equiements: Windows XP/Vista/7
File size: 377KB
Big Match Stike
Potable vesions of fee applications ae
geat because they dont mess up you
system and you can un them anywhee. If
you cant find a potable vesion of you
favouite app, you can use Cameyo to ceate
one. Run the pogam and it will take an
electonic snapshot of youPCs cuent
set-up. Install the application you want to
make potable and Cameyo will take anothe
snapshot, compae the diffeences and
geneate an install-fee EXE file vesion of
youapp. Whats paticulaly geat about the
pocess is it will include any installed add-ons
too Fiefox with Adblock Plus eady to go,
foexample. Its incedibly handy.
Min equiements: Windows XP/Vista/7
File size: 1.6MB
44 7 October 2010
Discuss the Digital Economy Act at www.webuse.co.uk/foums
Details of how
copyight offences will
be dealt with unde
the contovesial new
law ae stating to
become clea. Ben
Camm-Jones explains
The Digital
Economy Act
The Digital Economy Act is a piece
of legislation that became law in
June 2010 and concens the egulation of
the digital media industy in the UK.
Howeve, all the details of how it will
wok in pactice havent been finalised
yet. Pimaily, it was intoduced to
potect the UKs ceative industies
musicians, filmmakes and so on against
the poblem of intenet piacy and
copyight infingement.
UK law has been citicised peviously
fobeing unfit fothe digital age because
much of the legislation egading
copyight was passed long befoe even
the concept of the Wold Wide Web
existed. The need to update these laws to
take into account intenet access and its
effect on the ceative industies woth
millions to the UK economy evey yea
has been widely accepted, but not
eveyone agees with the details of the
Digital Economy Act.
The Digital Economy Act (known as
the Digital Economy Bill befoe it
was passed though paliament and
given Royal Assent) came out of the
200Digital Bitain epot, dawn up by
Lod Cate. The epot poposed not
only measues to potect copyight
ownes, but inspied othepolicy ideas
such as a 50p tax on all landlines in the
UK to fund ual boadband and the
poposal that evey home in the UK be
connected to 2Mbps boadband sevices
by 2012. Many of these ideas have since
been evised oabandoned altogethe.
The Digital Economy Act was
passed just befoe paliament was
dissolved to allow campaigning fothe
May 2010 geneal election, and many
citics feel that it was ushed though as
a esult. Such a piece of legislation would
nomally be subject to hous of debates,
yet thee ae people who believe that the
Act was given little scutiny and was
passed on the basis of a deal between
the Consevative and Laboufont
benches. Even some LabouMPs, who
lagely suppoted the Bill, wee unhappy.
Its obvious that wee not going to be
able to give the nomal scutiny that we
should to the Digital Economy Bill. As
someone whos boadly suppotive of
that Bill, I would be concened at the
thought of some vey complex issues
46 7 October 2010 Find moe poduct eviews at www.webuse.co.uk/poducts
aving a had disk cammed with digital
photos is all well and good, but its a
shame not to give youteasued
memoies an aiing in public now and again.
Of couse, you can still pint youphotos, but
the sheevolume of snaps most digital
photogaphes take makes this a costly and
time-consuming business.
A simple solution is to invest in a digital photo
fame. These gadgets used to be expensive
fivolities but the pice foall fames eviewed
hee falls below 100, while build quality and
featues have impoved. No moe huddling ove
the laptop to show off youFlickaccount just
load youphotos on a fame, sit back and enjoy.
Digital photo
fames unde100
Andy Shaw lines up five digital photo
fames to see which will display you
pictues in the best light



The best
in its categoy
Good, but just
misses out on
top billing
Petty good,
but with some
Thees only eally one way to test a digital photo fame, and thats to
load up some photos and see how they look. We viewed the same
slideshow of photos on the five fames tested, and scutinised each
shot to build up a pictue of which models did the best job.
While this is lagely subjective, analysis of the famesfeatues and
ease of use is not. You can get a good compaative view of thei
featues in outable on page 50. Ease of use is supisingly elevant on
photo fames, whee contols ae often hidden oobscued.
The last element we looked at, though its nevethe least of ou
consideations, is value fomoney is the pice appopiate to the
quality of the poduct?
We test and compae the latest poducts W
48 7 October 2010 Find moe poduct eviews at www.webuse.co.uk/poducts
NIX TS08C 89. 99 www.nix-digital.com
This fame fom Nix has two options focontol
a seies of touch-sensitive buttons down the
ight-hand side, oyou can use the supplied
emote if you pefe. Some of the moe
advanced featues, fosetting up the
fame foexample, ae accessible
only though the emote.
The quality of the sceen is vey good. It has a
glassy look to it, so gives the photos a glossy
vibancy, but pictues can also feel a bit flat. It
offes settings fobightness, contast and
satuation, but its ticky to find the ight balance.
The Nix TS08C is the only device on test that
comes with an intenal battey, so you can
unplug it and hand it aound the oom if you
wish. This comes in handy, because the fame
has a limited viewing angle, tuning dak if you
aent sitting diectly in font of it. As a esult,
it may not be the best fame foa lage
oom. It also detects which way up it is, and
otates the pictues if you move it fom
landscape to potait oientation.
Thees a geneous 1GB of intenal memoy
built in but you cant copy images to it fom
a memoy cad you have to connect it to a
computevia USB and tansfethat way.
The touch buttons on the ight-hand side
dont become completely invisible, and
thees a visible dot whee the infaed of
the emote contol is detected. This isnt a
teible poblem but it does take the
pefection off the black, shiny edging of
the fame.
This sleek and glossy
fame is best suited to a
smallish oom it just
doesnt have the viewing
angle to suit a lage
space. Howeve, it has
some good featues,
including a geneous 1GB
of intenal stoage space
and a battey, so you can
unplug the unit and pass
it aound. Its also the
only unit on test to come
with a emote contol, so
you dont have to get up
to change its settings,
though the Kodak Pulse
eally tumps this with its
intenet options.


The main dawback of the Samsung 87H is its
widesceen atio. While this would make sense if
the sceens pimay pupose was to show video,
its not eally appopiate fophotos, which ae
commonly a squae, 6 x 4 o7 x 5 atio. Its
dimensions mean that even when displaying
landscape photos a black baof blank sceen
appeas down the sides, which just seems like a
waste of sceen space. Potait shots have
almost twice as much black aound them as is
used to display the actual pictue.
The buttons ae on the back of the device and
ae fiddly to use initially. Thees a diectional
pad foscolling though menus, but thee othe
buttons ae used to make selections. At fist we
found that it was a case of constantly flipping
the fame oveto make sue we pessed the
ight button fothe coect option, because
the pupose of each button depends on what
sceen youe on. Howeve, we soon woked
out the logic of it, and it actually woks
easonably well if you keep youfinges on
the buttons and emembewhich finge
does what.
Seveal display options ae available,
including a clock, a calenda, and a selection
of Polaoid-style displays one that stacks
them on top of one anothe, as if looking
down on a tabletop; and a second inteesting
thee Polaoids on a washing lineview.
The sceen comes with a geneous 1GB of
stoage, so thees plenty of oom foyou
photos. Also, if youimage files ae lag e, itll
convet them to a space-saving size that
matches the esolution of the monitoas you
bing them acoss.
Despite being an 8in
fame, this has a smalle
vetical esolution than
the 7in models hee at
only 480 pixels the
length of the 8in
measuement being a
esult of its widesceen
atio. With feweows of
pixels, it cant do as good
a job of showing off you
photos, though the pice
does eflect this.
Howeve, the fames
biggest downfall is a
sceen that isnt the
coect atio fothe
photos most people will
want to display. Those
black bas down the sides
of pictues just look ugly.

80 www.samsung.com

50 7 October 2010 Find moe poduct eviews at www.webuse.co.uk/poducts
If youve got a Wi-Fi netwok at home and like to make
use of it, we think the choice hee is clea the Kodak Pulse
will take good advantage of it while offeing a fascinating
blend of decent pictues and futuistic web-based
featues. Despite this, it doesnt pack in too many featues
its not tying to petend you could bowse the web on it,
oanything daft like that. It also comes in at an impessive
pice it may be smallebut its a geat gadget foa photo
If you dont have a Wi-Fi netwok odont need that
functionality, consideeitheouSilveoBonze winne.
The Kodak EasyShae D830 is vibant and bight, and is
a good choice if you want something that looks less like
a gadget and moe in keeping with youdeco. On the
othehand, the Nix device has a glossy sceen that
shows photos nicely, but it hasnt got the best of viewing
angles, which might educe its impact in a lage oom.
Howeve, both will make youphotos look geat and offe
value fomoney.
Model Kodak Pulse Digital Fame Kodak EasyShae D830 Nix TS08C Samsung 87H Genius DPF-T805
Website www.kodak.com www.kodak.com www.nix-digital.com www.samsung.com www.geniusnet.com
Pice . . 8. 80 5
Size (in) 7 8 8 8 8
Resolution (pixels) 800 x 600 800 x 600 800 x 600 800 x 480 800 x 6000
Sceen atio 4:3 4:3 4:3 Widesceen 4:3
Built-in memoy 512MB 512MB 1GB 1GB 128MB
Suppoted photo media SD, MMC, MS, xD, USB SD, MMC, MS, xD, USB SD, MMC, MS, xD, CF, USB SD, USB SD, MMC, MS, xD, CF, USB
Battey No No Yes No No
Wi-Fi Yes (802.11b/g) No No No No
Photos fom web Yes No No No No
Auto off No Yes Yes No Yes
Remote contol No No Yes No No
Video and audio suppot No No MP3, MPEG-4, AVI No MP3, AVI
Dimensions (mm) 11 x 155 x 64 284 x 244 x 46 236 x 172 x 30 236 x 15x 23 218 x 165 x 30
Weight (g) 377 830 714 500 550
52 7 October 2010 Compae this to othepoducts at www.webuse.co.uk/poducts
The Touch is, fist and
foemost, a media playe.
Connect it to iTunes on you
Mac oPC and you can stuff it
with as much music, video
and photos as you can cam
into its memoy, of which
thee ae thee capacities
8GB (18), 32GB (24)
and 64GB (32). You dont
eally need an intenet
connection to take advantage
of this, though Apple will
happily connect you to the
iTunes Stoe so you can buy
even moe media. All this
makes it one of the most
accomplished media-playing
devices out thee. Thees
little to touch it when it
comes to the quality of the
sceen, the usability of the
inteface and the oveall level
of satisfaction to be gained
Apple iPod Touch
fom owning one.
And with the iPod Touch,
youe not just a passive
consumeof media the
device has a built-in camea,
so you can take youown
snapshots and videos. In fact,
its got two cameas the
usual one on the back and a
seconday one on the font
that you need fousing
Apples FaceTime sevice.
This is effectively like chatting
on a webcam. Howeve, youll
only be able to use FaceTime
with someone who has a
device with compatible
hadwae (cuently limited to
this new Touch and the
iPhone 4).
The camea on the back is
only capable of snapping 60
x 720-pixel stills, so its moe
foconvenient snapshots than
seious photogaphy, though
it will ecod similaly sized
720p video at 30 fames pe
second the basic HD-
ecoding standad. The
supeio60 x 640-pixel
sceen does a geat job of
showing off photos and
movies, too.
One of the eal benefits of
the iPod Touch oveothe
media playes is the wealth of
apps available. While most
devices that use apps fall into
the smatphone categoy, this
is an altenative oute to
getting iPhone applications in
youhand without changing
youphone owoying about
contacts. The downside is
that any apps that connect to
the intenet which is quite a
lot of them dont wok while
youe out and about, unless
We test the latest hadwae and softwae We t
he iPod Touch, like the iPhone,
has made its way though fou
geneations of upgades, but
its changes have been moe
incemental, mostly concened with
inceasing capacity and tweaking
the extenal design. Howeve, with
this latest update, the iPod Touch
has taken on the iPhone 4s sceen,
pocessoand camea. Its now a
sleek, accomplished media playe
that, with the exception of
connecting to the mobile phone
netwok, can do eveything that the
latest iPhone can.




Andy Shaw gets his finges on the latest iPod Touch, while Vicky
Woollaston tests the new Nano and Shuffle
Apps that connect to the
internet won't work unless
you can find a friendly
Wi-Fi network
54 7 October 2010
1 of 13 MAGIX video
& photo media packs!!
Dont let youpecious video ecodings and photos gathe
dust on the shelves. With Video easy HD and PhotoStoy
you can ceate pofessional-looking films and slideshows in
no time at all.
MAGIX has teamed up with Web Useto offeeades the
chance of winning one of 13 video and photo media packs containing
MAGIX Video easy HD and MAGIX PhotoStoy !

Suppot foall standad camcodes: AVCHD, HDV, miniDV, etc
Pactical connection and intoduction wizad
Automatic video-editing wizad
Clealy laid-out useinteface
with lage buttons
Help functions as video clips
diectly in the pogam
Expot to DVD, YouTube and as files
Poject achiving on DVD and had disk
The fist video-editing pogam made fothe whole family, Video
easy HD is so easy to use that even beginnes will be able to
ceate beathtaking videos in just a shot time. Tansfom footage
of family get-togethes, vacations ospecial events into DVDs o
pesent youvideos on the intenet with ease.
Pefect slideshows in just thee minutes!
MAGIX PhotoStoy on CD & DVD is the fastest way to a
pefect slideshow. Simply impot photos and videos, then
tansfom them into multimedia slideshows, display them on
youwebsite oonline community,
oautomatically bun them to
disc with a DVD menu so you
can watch them on TV with a
DVD playe.
You can enhance and coect
poo-quality snapshots (ensuing
the oiginals emain unchanged)
and add suitable backgound
music, effects and pesonal text
to ceate impessive multimedia

Fomoe infomation,
visit www.magix.com.
Enteonline now at www.webuse.co.uk/win
56 7 October 2010
Find moe Wokshops at www.webuse.co.uk/wokshops
Now log launch iTunes on a second computeand log in
to Home Shaing. Click Home Shaing
and youll be
able to bowse oplay songs as if thee wee stoed
locally. You will also be able to copy tacks to this computes
local libay by dagging and dopping.
iTUNES: Home Shaing steams music aound netwoked
computes and lets you copy tacks between them. Click
Home Shaing
and log in to youiTunes account.
Home Shaing isnt listed, select Tun On Home Shaing fom
the Advanced menu. Click the Ceate Home Shae button.

If you only want to steam songs, not copy them, go to
Edit, Pefeences and click the Shaing tab.
Tick the
Shae my libay on my local netwokbox.
Decide if
you want to shae youentie libay ojust selected playlists.
You can also potect the shaed content with a passwod.

Anyone connected to younetwok will now be able to
listen to youmusic, povided they also have a copy of
iTunes installed. Run the pogam on the computethat
you want to steam the music to, then go to Edit, Pefeences.
Click the Shaing tab and tick Look foshaed libaies.

Share and stream
audio over a network
f youe like most people, you pobably stoe the majoity of
youdigital music on one computeand eithemanage the
tacks manually ouse a pogam such as iTunes. This is fine if
you only evelisten to youmusic on that compute(and any
potable playes you own). But what if you want to enjoy you
songs on anothePC elsewhee in the house? One solution is
to copy the vaious tacks and playlists oveto the othe
compute, but thats fafom ideal because youll end up with
duplicate copies of the same files on diffeent had disks an
unnecessay waste of disk space if youve got a home netwok.
A fatidieappoach is to simply steam the music ove
youhome netwok. Setting this up takes a matteof minutes
and can be done using iTunes oWindows Media Playe. Youll
need to make sue you have the same pogam installed on
evey computeyou want to listen to youmusic on. This
Wokshop is in two pats the set-up pocess fosteaming
music using iTunes is explained fist, followed by the set-up
pocess foWindows Music Playe11 and 12 stating at step 6.
iTunes & Windows Media Playe 5 mins
About iTunes & Windows Media Playe
Apple iTunes is available foWindows and Mac fom
www.apple.com/itunes/download. Thee ae 32- and
64-bit vesions on offe. Windows Media Playe11 is
included as standad in Vista and can be downloaded fo
XP fom http://bit.ly/wmp250. WMP 12 is only available as
pat of Windows 7.
58 7 October 2010
Web User's top tips
Visit the Hints & Tips foum at www.webuse.co.uk/foums
as a daft. Ceate as many notes as you
like and click Dafts on the left to see
them all. You could even email them to
youself with a youemail+notes@gmail
.com addess, and filtethem into a
foldewith theiown Notes label.
Use advanced seach
Its easy to find emails in youInbox
using the seach facility at the top of the
page. If thee ae too many esults and
you need to naow them down, ty
including labels in the seach tem. Fo
example, you could seach focap
AND label:fishingto find emails
containing the wod cap that have
been tagged with the fishinglabel. To
use multiple labels, use the fomat tout
AND label:fishing OR label:flyfishing.
Any combination of AND, OR, NOT and
labelcan be applied to tack down a
paticulaemail message.
Oveide the filtes
The new Pioity Inbox, which well be
looking at in moe detail in next issues
Wokshop, is a handy new featue that
bings impotant new messages to the
top of youInbox.
Any Gmail filtes you have aleady set
up to contol youincoming email will
take pioity and may clash with
Pioity Inboxs own filtes. Howeve, if
youve spent time and effot fine-
tuning youfiltes to suit youneeds,
it may be best to let them do theijob
fist. If, howeve, you tust Googles
automated system to take a fist look
at all youemails, including those
youe aleady filteing, click the
Settings link in the top-ight cone
and select the Pioity Inbox tab. In
the Filteed mailsection, select
Oveide filtes.
Set youdefault style
Do you have a favouite font, colou
and style foyoumessages in Gmail?
Instead of spending time and effot
setting them each time you ceate a
new message, you can now set you
pefeences as the default. Click the
Settings link in the top-ight cone
and go to the Labs tab. Find Default
Text Styling in the list and choose the
Enable option. Click the Save Changes
button at the top obottom, then
etun to Settings. Select the Geneal
tab and youll see a new section that
lets you set the default text style.
Check web links
You should always be way of clicking
links in emails and those sent to you in
Gmail ae no exception. Howeve, lots
of emails still contain links, so how can
you tell what is safe and what is not?
One solution is to install Web of Tust
softwae (www.mywot.com) into you
bowse. This automatically flags links
it consides dangeous with a ed
cicle, and woks seamlessly with
Gmail as long as youe eading you
messages in a compatible bowse.
The add-on is available foIntenet
Exploe, Fiefox, Chome and Safai.
oogle Mail lets you use
seveal addesses foone
account. Suppose youemail
addess is bobsmith@gmail.com
you can also eceive emails sent to
bobsmith+chelsea@gmail.com and
bobsmith+manunited@gmail.com. In
fact, you can use +anythingyoulike
Customise youaddess
Inset images into emails
If you ae used to a pogam like
Outlook Expess oWindows Mail,
Gmail can seem a bit bae. Foone
thing, thees no button omenu to
inset an image into youemail. You
can send images by attaching them
but it would be useful if you could
actually include one in the body. This
isnt available in the standad
configuation but you can add it by
clicking the Settings link and going to
the Labs tab. Find and enable
Inseting images. Youll now see a
new Inset Image button in the toolba
when you ceate a new message.
Ceate and stoe notes
An easy way to stoe and save
infomation in Gmail is to ceate a
note. Gmail doesnt have a specific
note-taking featue but this woks
just as well. Click the Compose mail
button and entethe title of the note
in the Subject box. Type the
infomation into the body of the email
opaste it fom the clipboad. Click
the Save Now button to save the note
Outeam of expets eveal theitop tips fo
getting the most out of Gmail
and messages will still aive to the
Inbox of youoiginal email addess.
This is paticulaly useful if you un a
club ooganisation because you can
use a designated email addess and
set up a filtethat automatically labels
messages sent to that addess, so they
ae easy to spot and oganise.
Set the default font and colour for the
text of your emailwith thiLabtool
Make it eay to include picturein your
emailwith thiLabgadget
GmailPriority Inbox predictwhich
emailyou will conider mot important
60 7 October 2010
Visit the Hints & Tips foum at www.webuse.co.uk/foums
hoveing oveit and the last fowhen its
been clicked. Next, download the
Resouce Hackeutility (www.angusj.
com/esoucehacke) to edit the files.
Open Windows Exploe, then open
the C:\Windows folde. Open Resouce
Hackeand open the file exploe.exe
though it, which is located in the
C:\Windows folde. Expand the Bitmap
banch in the left pane. Now expand the
6801 option, ight-click the 1033 option
and select the Replace Resouce option.
Click the Open file with new bitmap
button, navigate to the customised
(.bmp) image and open it. Click the
Replace button.
Repeat this pocedue fooptions
6805 and 680. Now save the file as
exploe.exe(without the quotes) on the
Now go to the foldeC:\Windows and
ename the file exploe.exe to exploe.
exe.bak(without the quotes). This will
act as a back-up so you can estoe the
default file in the futue. Copy the file
exploe.exefom the Desktop to the
C:\Windows folde. Log off and then log
on again fothe changes to take hold.
mhunte184, via Webuse.co.uk/
Ceate foldeshotcuts
Sometimes, when I am bowsing aound
my had disk, I want to emembethe
location of a foldeI have looked at. I
have just discoveed an easy way to do
this. The Exploewindow shows the
path to the foldeat the top with a folde
icon on the left. Click and dag this folde
icon and dop it onto the Desktop. You
now have a shotcut that, when clicked,
opens the foldein an Exploewindow.
Its eally useful.
Gay Tupin, via email
How to emove IE
I installed Intenet Exploeto have a
look at it, but I dont eally like using
bowses that ae still in beta, so I tied
to uninstall it. This is tickiethan you
might think. It isnt listed in the Contol
Panel as a pogam you can easily
uninstall. Instead, because its deliveed
as an update, you need to emove it
Open the Stat menu and type view
updates(without the quotes) into the
seach box, then select view installed
updates. Wait fothe Uninstall an
updatesceen to load, then go though
the list until you find Windows Intenet
Exploe. Highlight it, then click the
Uninstall button.
Helen Mooe, via email
Swap Chome foIon
Ive been using a bowsecalled SRWae
Ion (http://bit.ly/youtips1250) foquite
some time on my Windows-based
systems, and Im vey pleased with it so
fa. It is built fom the same Chomium
souce code as Google Chome but
doesnt include some of the undesiable
featues of Googles vesion, like its
banding and some of its pivacy issues.
On the SRWae page, it points out that
Ion doesnt ceate a unique useID o
submit infomation to Google to
geneate suggestions.
I should also mention that it is
compatible with most, if not all, Chome
extensions. If youe a bit of a pivacy
nut, this is woth a shot!
GMAC0612, via Webuse.co.uk/foums
Unlock Fiefox toolbas
Ive often found it annoying that you
cant unlock and change the positions of
Fiefox toolbas as you can in Intenet
Exploe. Howeve, I ecently discoveed
the DagNDop Toolbas add-on (http://
bit.ly/youtips2250), which makes it
possible to unlock and change the ode
of youFiefox toolbas. Its vey small,
only 6KB.
Madeline, via Webuse.co.uk/foums
Ejecting a stuck dive
If youCD oDVD dive efuses to eject,
ty this tick of the tade. Switch off you
PC and, while its shutting down,
staighten out one end of a papeclip.
On the font of evey CD and DVD dive
is a pin-sized hole neathe eject button,
eitheabove, below oto the side. Inset
the staight end of the papeclip and
push fimly. The tay will open slightly.
Gently pull it open all the way to emove
the disc.
Leave the tay open, eboot the PC
and the tay should close and eset the
dive. If the dive efuses to eject on a
egulabasis, its likely that thees a
poblem with dive mechanism and the
unit will pobably need eplacing.
clickon, via Webuse.co.uk/foums

Impove Windows seaches
Anyone that has Micosoft Office 2007
documents on theicomputecan
impove Windows Vistas seach
capabilities by downloading and
installing the Micosoft FiltePack
(http://bit.ly/youtips3250). It enables
Vistas seach to index the contents of
Office documents so it can seach the
contents of files and not just the
filenames. Thee ae two vesions
FiltePackx86.exe is foegula32-bit
Vista and FiltePackx64.exe is fo
64-bit Vista.
Bian Fowl, via email
Reource Hacker can be ued to change
icon, uch athe WindowStart button
The DragNDrop Toolbaradd-on provide
greater control over your Firefox toolbar
Iron ibaed on Chrome, but promie
tricter control of certain privacy feature
Internet Explorer 9 doent unintall in the
traditional way
Drag the folder icon from the Addrebar
to the Dektop to create a folder hortcut
62 7 October 2010
Read moe Wokshops at www.webuse.co.uk/wokshops
Visit the Photoshop Expess Editowebsite (www.
photoshop.com/tools) and click the Ceate Account link at
the top of the page. Aftefilling in all the equested details,
sign into youaccount and click the Online Tools menu

befoe selecting Photoshop Expess Editooption.
Click the Upload Photo button followed by Upload. Use
the file bowsewindow to select a JPEG image on you
had disk and click Open. Youimage will open in the
online edito.
To make sue you have as lage a wokspace as
possible, click the Toggle full-sceen modebutton.
In the left-hand pane is a selection of editing tools.

Click the one youd like to use to display a seies of
peview thumbnails.
Click the one that epesents the
setting you would like to use, making use of the Undo option at
the bottom of the sceen to evese unwanted changes.
Additional options ae available in the Advanced section
of the left-hand pane.
Hee you can apply special
effects and filtes in the same way as the othetools.
Changes and effects can be evesed by cleaing the tick box
next to an item, and eapplied by ticking it.
Click the Decoate link at the top of the left-hand pane,

to add text, symbols and othegaphics to youimage.
Select the element you would like to add fom the list of
available options, select a specific element in the pop-up
click Add
and then esize and position as equied.
When youe happy with youimage, click Done, choose
the size you would like to use and click Save.
image can be saved to youhad disk. To make it
available online, select the Photoshop Expess Oganizeoption
fom the stat sceen and upload it to youlibay.
Edit photos online with Photoshop Express Editor
hotoshop Expess Editois a fee cut-down vesion of
the famous image-editing softwae that can be used
online, without downloading oinstalling any softwae,
making it possible to edit youimages on any
compute. Hee, we take a look at what this
supisingly poweful online tool has to offe.

Photoshop Expess Edito: www.photoshop.com/tools 30 mins
64 7 October 2010
Oupick of the best solutions posted on oueadefoums.
Visit www.webuse.co.uk/foums its fiendly and fee!
Shae youknowledge at www.webuse.co.uk/foums
Wod 2010 downloads
I ecently upgaded to Windows 7
fom XP and have Micosoft Office
Home and Student Edition 2010. I have
just stated to use Wod 2010 and found
quite a bit of diffeence fom pevious
vesions of Wod. I
was supised to
get the
Micosoft is
the equied
Office may
unesponsive as
the equied files
ae downloaded.
I was only setting up a document,
changing fonts, and a few othebits of
housekeeping. Whats going on?
Ancoben, via Webuse.co.uk/foums
I would guess its because Micosoft
is moving into cloud computing,
which means that moe pats of the
pogam will be online athethan stoed
on youPC. It could also be that when
you installed Wod you only got the
default set of pogams. Something you
wee doing with the document that
pompted the message may have
equied anothemodule that you hadnt
installed, most likely a font.
Geysts, via Webuse.co.uk/foums
Netwoked pinte
I have a Windows XP compute(I
call it Base), which accesses my BT
Home Hub wielessly fothe intenet and
also pints wielessly to my Bothe
DCP340. I also have a Windows 7 laptop,
a Vista laptop and an XP netbook fo
othemembes of the family.
All can access the intenet without any
issues and, when Base is on, they can
access the shaed My Documents folde.
But they can also only access the pinte
when Base is on the pinteis even
labelled as BotheDCP340CW on Base.
How do I pint without tuning Base on?
As Ive shaed foldes successfully, and
can even access a foldeon the Windows
7 laptop fom Base, it must be a netwok
set-up option. But Im stuggling to find
instuctions that coveall these
opeating systems to make it wok.
Thelactics, via Webuse.co.uk/foums
I have an old PC fom 2001, so its
pobably an antique now. The
oiginal monito(a two-foot-deep
cathode-ay tube model) packed in a
few months ago, and I teated myself to
a Samsung 22in flat-sceen. Eveything
is billiant but now and again, if I have
a couple of things open, the sceen
feezes foa while. A colleague said
the computewas stuggling to keep
eveything woking. I am in the habit of
keeping quite a few things open at the
same time, such as a document, a
speadsheet file, Notepad++ listing
code foa handful of pages, my email
softwae and a bowsewith seveal
tabs open. If I click Ctl+Alt+Delete, it
shows CPU pefomance at 100 pe
cent. Aftea shot while, this falls and I
can continue whateveI was doing. I
see my cuent bowse Fiefox
sometimes uses 160,000KB of
memoy. Should I use a diffeent
bowsethat uses less memoy?
Wbmkk, via Webuse.co.uk/foums
It depends on what you want
fom youbowse. Some people
want all the bells and whistles of
Fiefox add-ons but I can live without
them. Im a fan of K-Meleon (http://
kmeleon.soucefoge.net) it is using
8,000KB at the moment.
Wsmith, via Webuse.co.uk/foums
I agee that K-Meleons a good
bowseand low on esouces
Ive got it open now and its using
33,728KB compaed with 106,16KB fo
Fiefox. But this will dop consideably
if I leave Fiefox idle, and K-Meleons
use of memoy will ise a lot if I open a
few moe tabs! Fiefox has a eputation
fomemoy leakage and the AFOM
add-on (http://bit.ly/eadhelp1250)
could help. Things seem to have
impoved since I installed it, though my
Fiefox memoy usage fluctuates quite
a lot. Also, make sue you have enough
memoy available too little can cause
feezes, as Ive found out fom pesonal
Madeline, via Webuse.co.uk/foums
Because you have installed the
pinteon Base and shaed it fom
thee, the othecomputes have to go
via Base to get to the pinte, instead of
going to the pintediectly.
Youll need youpintes divedisc. If
you dont have it, download the dives
fom http://bit.ly/eadhelp2250. On the
thee laptops, emove any pintes aleady
installed. On Base, you have to stop
shaing the pinte. The steps to add a
pintevay slightly between the thee
computes but they ae moe oless the
same once you get to the add a pinte
wizad. In the wizad, select to install a
netwoked/wieless pinte. The
computes should be able to find it. Fom
thee, youll pobably be asked fodives,
which is whee youll need the CD.
GMACO612, via Webuse.co.uk/foums
Smaller browermay operate better on
old computer
Share a Wi-Fi printer from one computer
and it will need to be turned on for other
on your network to acceit
The latet verion of
Office may download
certain featureayou
require them

66 7 October 2010
Get moe pactical advice at www.webuse.co.uk/foums
hee ae lots of ways of shaing
files and foldes ovethe intenet,
but Dopbox is one of the simplest
and best, winning the Gold Awad in ou
ound-up of fee online stoage sevices
last issue.
Dopbox woks on Windows, Mac and
Linux systems and lets you access you
files fom any compute. You can also
wok with youfiles via the web. Thee
ae fee apps available foiPhone, iPad
and Andoid Devices, with an app fo
BlackBey coming soon.
Dopbox synchonises files
automatically wheneveyou make a
change, but only updates the elements
that have alteed. This lets you stoe
diffeent vesions of the same file.
Evey issue we take a closelook at a website o
pogam. Ousubject this time aound is a fee
online back-up and file-shaing sevice
Sign up foan account and select the
fee option. By default, youDopbox
is stoed in the Documents foldebut you
can move it if you pefe. The pogam
will ceate a foldecontaining Photos and
Public subfoldes and a Getting Stated
Add content to any foldes and
subfoldes by dagging and dopping.
To access youfiles on anothe
compute, install the softwae and
select I aleady have a Dopbox account.
Entethe same login details fom befoe.
The pogam will ceate youDopbox
and synchonise its contents with shaed
items on the fist compute. You can now
copy files between the two systems.
You can access youshaed files fom
anywhee using the web inteface.
Right-click inside the foldeand select
Dopbox, Bowse on Dopbox website
to go to the site. You can ean 250MB
stoage bonuses by completing some
additional steps
(see main image).
Click the Files tab
to see youcontent.
Hoveyoumouse ovea file and
click the blue down aow to the
A menu will appealetting you
view pevious vesions, and download,
move, ename, copy odelete the item.
You can futheoganise the content of
youDopbox by ceating new
New foldes ae pivate by default. If
you wish to shae a folde, click the
down aow and select Invite to folde.
Entethe email addesses of the people
you want to shae it with,
add an
optional pesonal message,
and click
Shae folde.
The ecipients will
eceive a link to view the folde.
Dopbox lets you stoe and shae files ovemultiple
computes and online. Hees how to use the fee sevice.
Iteay to intall extra memory and you
may be urpried at how cheap it i
68 7 October 2010
Missed Pat 3 of ouWodPess 3.0 How To? Download it at www.webuse.co.uk/24
uses and how much it can suppot. XP
and the 32-bit vesions of Vista and
Windows 7 can make use of aound
3.5GB. The 64-bit Home Pemium edition
of Windows 7 can handle 16GB, while the
Make your old PC
last even longer
Beathe new life into an ageing PC by upgading
its components. Wayne Williams explains how
Pat 1 New hadwae
Safety advice
When opening youPC, make sue it is
plugged into the wall (to eath it) but
that the poweat the wall is switched off.
Also eath youself, pefeably by weaing
an eathing bacelet oby touching a
metallic object you know to be eathed,
such as a adiato. Avoid touching any PC
components that you aent specifically
woking on.
Add moe memoy
Adding exta memoy oRAM (Random
Access Memoy) is one of the simplest
and most wothwhile upgades you can
pefom. Expect to pay 100 fo4GB.
Befoe you buy moe memoy, youll
need to know what type yousystem
hen you
begins to lag
obecomes unesponsive,
a spot of sping cleaning
can often be enough to
evive it. But thee
eventually comes a time
when its going to take a
bit moe to get it speeding
along like new.
Fotunately, PCs ae
modula, so you can
upgade them piece by
piece. Rathethan shelling
out on a band new
expensive system, you can
pobably get away with
upgading the slowest
components. Its easie
and cheapethan you
might expect.
Pofessional oUltimate editions suppot
up to 12GB. Thee ae lots of diffeent
vesions of RAM to choose fom
including SDR, DDR, DDR2 and DDR3.
The Cucial System Scannetool (http://
bit.ly/howto1250) can tell you which type
youmotheboad takes.
Installing memoy modules is vey
staightfowad. Tun off youcompute,
open the case and lay it flat on the floo
to get easy access to the memoy
sockets. Locate a spae slot and pess
down on the locking tabs at eitheend,
pushing away fom the cente as you do
so. Inset a new memoy stick into the
slot the notches ensue it will only fit
one way and push down had with you
thumbs. When its all the way in, you
Package name
Oange Boadband and
Off-peak calls
www.oange.co.uk, 0800 072 4137
20Mbps Unlimited** Fee*** 7.50 67.50
O2 The Basics
www.o2.co.uk, 0800 028 2102
8Mbps Unlimited** Fee*** 8.00 72.00
Plusnet Value + Talk
Evening & Weekends
www.plus.net, 0800 64 0016
8Mbps 10GB Fee*** 6.4 82.87
TalkTalk Essentials
www.talktalk.com, 0800 047843
24Mbps 40GB Fee*** 6. 83.88
70 7 October 2010 Find boadband help at www.webuse.co.uk/boadband
This fotnights top boadband deals
How fast is you eal
boadband speed? Find
out with ou Boadband
Speed Test!
Test you
Tems & conditions apply see ISP sites fofull details
* Cost does not include line ental ** Subject to fai usage *** Includes fee wieless oute
Exclusive 20 Amazon Vouche if odeed via telephone. Fee fo the fist thee months, 7.50
theeafte fo Oange mobile customes, 10.00 fo all othe customes
Thee months fee then 8.00 a month fo existing O2 customes, 13.00 a month fo all othe
If you live outside Plusnet low-cost aeas youll pay 12.a month. 4.P&P chage fo oute
Data supplied by Boadband Choices (www.boadbandchoices.co.uk).
Coe ct as of 27 Septembe2010
Boadband News
Oange simplifies boadband
Oange has simplified the picing stuctue of
its home boadband and calls packages to
thee deals: Boadband and Off-Peak Calls,
Boadband and Anytime Calls and Simply
Boadband. Pices stat fom 7.50 a month,
while line ental costs 11.50 a month. All thee
packages offe speeds of up to 20Mbps.
Pigeons fastethan ual boadband
A team of 10 caie pigeons, each caying a
video file on a memoy cad, flew 120 miles
Check updates to boost youWi-Fi
Wi-Fi equipment makes egulaly elease
updates that impove pefomance. To check
updates fo adaptes, pess the Windows and
Pause/Beak buttons. Click Hadwae, then
Device Manage. Right-click the device name,
select Popeties and click the Dive tab.
Click Update Dive and follow the pompts.
fom Yokshie to Skegness last month less
time than it took fo the file to be uploaded
ove a ual boadband connection. The
flight took 75 minutes and was oganised by
ISP Timico to highlight poo boadband
speeds in ual aeas.
Supe-fast 4G mobile boadband
The fist 4G mobile boadband sevice,
claiming to offe speeds of up to 50Mbps, is
expected to launch within the next yea in
Jesey. Telecoms company Clea Mobitel is
to stat tialling the technology using Long
Tem Evolution (LTE) technology.
Find the latest
boadband deals at
72 7 October 2010 Find geat shopping deals at www.webuse.co.uk/shopping
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Fiefox 3.6 looks unclutteed
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REVIEWED: 0/0/2010
NetgeaDGN3500, 100.74
Netgeas simple-to-use device has just
enough quality and featues to lift it
above the competition, justifying its
top-of-the-ange pice. It even
comes with a USB pot so you can
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ovethe netwok and beyond.
REVIEWED: 22/04/2010

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Dopbox www.dopbox.com 66
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eBay www.ebay.co.uk 38
Eveything http://voidtools.com 65
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Fostes www.fostes.co.uk 18
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GaBoom www.gaboom.co.uk 18
Game Booste2 www.iobit.com/gamebooste2beta.html 41
Genius www.geniusnet.com 4
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74 7 October 2010
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