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This template has been developed to complement the Queensland Government Information Standards.

The information contained in this document may be used as additional reference material by Queensland Government agencies when managing software. Agencies should consider the information provided as reference material and interpret it in the context of their own agency methodologies.

1 Purpose
The following is the formalised process for the installation of software on a computing device.

2 Definitions
The following definitions apply throughout this procedure: Term Computing Device DSL Definition Includes Workstations, Desktops, PCs, Laptops, Notebooks and Tablets Definitive Software Library The physical storage repository where the authorised versions of all software are stored and protected, including master copies of software and other physical assets such as proof of licence.

3 Roles and Responsibilities

Responsible Officers
Service Desk


Receives notification to initiate installation of software Installs software Updates DSL as required

Definitive Software Librarian

4 Software Installation Procedure

Previous Procedures Step 1 Step 2 Software Request Procedure Software Registration Procedure Service Desk receives notification to install software following one of procedures listed above. If software is distributed electronically, Service Desk installs the software. Refer Step 8 If software is to be distributed manually, refer Step 3 The Service Desk logs out software from the DSL. The Definitive Software Librarian updates DSL Log, with details of borrower, date and due return date The Service Desk installs software

Step 3

Step 4

Software Installation Procedure - Version 1.00

<Insert Agency Name>

Step 5

Service Desk returns software to the DSL by the due date and Definitive Software Librarian updates log. Refer Step 6 If Service Desk fails to return software by due date, Definitive Software Librarian contacts Service Desk requesting return and/or grants extension. The Software Installation Procedure is now complete.

Step 6

5 Related Documents
Software De-Installation Procedure

6 Further Information
For further information please contact <Insert Name> on <Insert Phone Number> or via email to <Insert Email>.

7 Document History

Release Date

Author (Name & Title)

Initial Release


8 Revision History

Last Reviewed By

Last Review Date

Approved By

Procedure Owner

Next Review Date

Software Installation Procedure - Version 1.00

<Insert Agency Name>

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