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Arab British Academy for Higher Education

Key from Lesson 1 to 7

Activity/Lesson One
a) c) snow e) may g) bow: branch of a tree; b) rough: not smooth right: correct, good d) sleigh: carriage for riding on die: stop living f) might: power, strength; past tense of vale: valley

Activity Two
a) the = Definite Article, Adjective; are to be = Verb b) they = Subject Pronoun; to see = Verb, Infinitive c) wish to wish = Verb d) passengers = Common Noun; brought = to bring, Verb station = Common Noun e) were = to be Verb; happy = Adjective

Activity Three
1 a) them = Direct Object Pronoun b) you = Subject Pronoun; (to) him = Indirect Object Pronoun c) us = Prepositional Object; you = Subject Pronoun d) it = Direct Object pronoun; they = Subject Pronoun e) (to) me = Indirect Object Pronoun a) he; b) (to) you c) them d) me

Activity Four
1 a) Havent you got their present? b) Im not very pleased c) Tom didnt bring his friends with him d) We wont be seeing a great film tonight e) She oughtnt to have come! a) my pen = Possessive Adjective; hers = Possessive Pronoun b) your way = Possessive Adjective; ours = Possessive Pronoun

Arab British Academy for Higher Education

c) d) e)

her tea = Possessive Adjective his = Possessive Adjective its Possessive Adjective

Activity Five
1 a) b) c) d) e) Paul was beginning to feel hungry We are going to the theatre in the evening They were not speaking very clearly to us These mountains are not being covered with snow The students are learning at least two languages

ii) iii) iv) v) 2

2a) i) Andrew knocked at the door, and went into (in ) the room We were travelling so fast, we were soon able to go past the other cars. Another way of saying to tie is to do up Come on, pull yourself together! If you are not too well, I can look after you b) go down = descend; go up = climb; go in = enter; go out = leave; come near = approach; do in = kill

Activity Six
a) This/that flower is far more beautiful than these/those b) Can you see those trees over there? No, I can only see these right here c) Which would you like, this one, or that one? Neither; I want these (those) d) This/that is the tallest tree in this forest (that less likely...) e) Who are the most hard working? These/those boys or these/those girls?

Activity Seven
1. a) b) c) d) e) We will not be doing anything this evening They wont cross the road at the pedestrian crossing He will not be sure, but he will be doing his best She will have to go, but she wont want to go Will I be speaking English, or not?


a) Whose is this book? b) Which way should I go? c) Tracey is not sure of what she should do d) Which book would you prefer, this or that? e) I never know which/what advice to follow, her mothers or her fathers

Arab British Academy for Higher Education

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