Egp Week 5

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Parshas eikev

The weekly


n o i s o l p Ex
7 , I S S U E 5


This week we asked a random 1000000 E.G.P. Bochurim

Week in review
Hey guys its it me again, so much has happened since the last time we spoke, this week were starting from motzaai Shabbos, recapping what might have been the most action packed week this summer. Its the Week in review, here goes: It all started right after Shmaryunky (which has been getting better every week), Yossi told us to head for the buses for a surprise trip to... (Bowling and pizza, bivouac (if its spelled that way) its a breakout, just some of the ideas that the campers knew the trip would be). After about an hour and a half on the buses we arrived. Can you say CHIRIBIM CHIRIBUM CHIRIBIMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUM a historic, first in Chayolei history 8 th day, Benny Friedman, Yoni Z, Shloimy Gurtner CONCERT!!!! Amidst a very unexcited crowd, EGP stood out (and Kussie danced up, out and about) with their chayus, lebedikeit, and energy, (which technically mean the same thing) earning a shout out from (almost) all the singers. It was definitely a big Kiddush Lubavitch, all around, good job boys. Sunday night boasted the biggest bbq weve had all summer. The steaks were coming out by the dozen, and were being eaten even faster, and that was after the hotdogs, corn, onion rings, and chicken wings, and we wrapped it all up with an amazing bon-fire, singing the night away, truly a night that well all remember for a long time, and just the first of a week of night activities that would of epic proportion. The next installment of greatest night activity week of all time was Monday night dance night with Chaim Fogelman. You could literally feel the chayus that EGP provided in the gan shul what a night. Not to be outdone, our very own Kussie Lipskar got up on stage, and showed us some of the tricks he had learned over the long time he had been in Russia. Its totally fake!, No its completely real, Kussie may have started the controversy of the summer, but one thing is for sure, he had us glued to our seats, watching in amazement,

Whats Mendy Spritzer job in camp

89% Boat/Truck/Bus/ Train Trackter driver 65% Dishwasher 54% Laundry Director for Gan 33% Who is Shloimy Rutman 45% Golf Kart Mechanic

TZH General's

Week in review (continuation)

wondering what would happen next. From Doctor Z eating a raw onion, to guys smelling dirty socks, even a new head counselor, Kussie had us crying, laughing, and screaming, wow its only Tuesday night and Im already zonked. Oh I almost forgot; on Monday afternoon we had the privilege of watching the championship game of the who league. Thanks to a big game from Levi Molinas, and an all-round team effort, team nobody led by Captain Yossi Esagui, won the championship, barely beating everybody and captured the title. On that note, we present Wednesday nights second month random league draft, with new teams, a new captain, and renewed energy for sports, and this promises to be an even better season than the one we just finished. Well, just as expected, winter hit Chayolei with temperatures dropping down to what felt like the low twenties. So with a (little more than a) breeze out our backs we headed down to the Delaware river and had a great canoeing trip, late Thursday afternoon. Wow Im tired what a great week it was, and a grand WELCOME to all the new buchrim who will be with us to finish the summer. Looking forward to an amazing Shabbos (and maybe some more bunny bunny), this is your old pal wishing you a great Shabbos, and Moshiach now!!

Weekly interview
TWEOE: How did you end up in Chayolei Hamelech? K.L.: Well, that is a really long story. But just to make it really short, it goes something like this: A few weeks ago, I was sleeping in my house, and I was awakened by a loud noise on my door. When I went to open the door, I was immediately grabbed by two masked men with strong burly arms. I tried to escape, but it was to no avail. When I managed to get away a week ago, they came back to my house (I am almost positive they sounded like Y. Rodal and Rabbi Oaks) and warned me that if I try to pull any more shtik it wont be good for me. So I am here for now trying to teach my class as much as I can. TWEOE: Which learning teachers complained about missing learning class because of Walmart? K.L.: All of us. We can not bear to lose even one second of learning class for anything; even laundry. TWEOE: The other night you did a hypnotist show. When did you start doing these things and where did you learn? K.L.: I began my career in a small shtetel in Ukraine a number of years ago. I have since performed in many places. I even have requests coming in from other divisions of camp who want to be part of the show as well. TWEOE: What is your favorite part of the day here in Chayolei? K.L.: Allowing my dear Talmidim to have a few extra minute on their break so that they can come back energized and ready to learn more. TWEOE: Thank you very much, have a great Shabbos!

A WORD FROM OUR learning director

Hey vos machts,
Her zich ain tayere bochurim shelita this week we were off to a smashing new starge of learning classes (for some is was an actual smash if you know what I mean) oh some of you guys kept me busy till the late hours of the afternoon writing all parts of our holy torah rebbes fathers yartzeit. The one thing that stands out about reb levi yitzchok is his mesiras nefesh. He stood up to incredible pressure, and indeed suffered a lot for it. He ended up passing away in exile.

Totally Wrecked (and wrecked totally)

The lesson for us is to have certain principles, certain things that no matter what, are going to be happening, or not happening. For example, not going to anyways, this week is Shabsleep before finishing the days bos chof av and parshas eikev, were chitas and rambam. Or getting me a talking about eikev yup its that botcup of coffee every morning. You detom part of your foot which some of cide. The main thing is to stand by it you forgot how to use it when yor supposed to be on time well nows like all the time. Fror goyim it may be never to kill, but for us, its gotta be somea goodish time to start using it yes. And now its a double wammie cause thing higher. Like tfillin etc. it rolls in together with chof av, the Shabbat shalom

Quote of the week: I went on the roof because my bed was wet and I needed a place to lay down

A message from the underground

Hey fellas. Its really a big Kaboom to be writing you this transition. I found out that my friends name from Africa was poogoo. And it turns out that he knows how to make helicopters. So we went to the store to buy all the supplies we need to make the helicopter. Here is a list of the things we bought. 6 cases of silly putty, 1 box of plastic knifes, 7 roles of duck tape, 8 refrigerators, 2 cup cakes (kosher), 8 yards of strings, 2 medium sized light bulbs, 7 tons of metal, 0 socks (because I have 3 already), 7 pieces of paper. Anyway we bought all the things and then we went to my friends house. But my friends door to his house is really low, so I bumped my head really hard, and the EMT didnt have any ice to put on it, so we had to go to the hospital. So I was sitting in the hospital playing with the Popsicle sticks and the doctor walks in, and I look at his name and it says Dr. hoopinshniple when I saw his name I jump up so high that I banged my head again on the ceiling. Now I have 2 bumps. So I told Dr hoopinshneple I thought you were also going to EGP?. And he told me that he really wants to go but he doesnt have any money, so I said dont worry we are making a helicopter and you can come with me. So I and my friend poogoo and Dr hoopenshniple all made the plane in 2 days 7 hours and 97 minutes. And now Dr hoopenshniple and I are sitting on top of the helicopter on our way to EGP. I cant wait to smell your guys feet. And I also hear you are really getting involved in the Tzivos Hashem program. I hope I can catch up. Moshiach now!!!!!

A Word From our CBD director

Once again its right before Shabbos and we have to write up an article, so lets get started BH this week we had a lot of Bochurim involved BBQ, Monday is ice cream for generals, unless if its not possible for that day, so Chevreh dont be lazy, everyone already has points from the fact that you show up to learning in Chayolei Beis Do classes and particivid and they all re- pate, also you get ceived their repoints for singling wards, and just re- your quota and member whenever double for douyou hand in your bling! So just get inDuch your points volved. will be added up Levi, and you will be able to receive the upcoming reward, CBD Director i.e. everyWednesday there is fries, Thursday is


Hey peoples! Ok, so then we had steaks. Man, did we raise the stakes. When yisroel amar declines an extra steak, thats when u Wow, what a start to the week! All I heard was some know there's more than enough to go around. Plus wings, screaming, aand then bang, kussi was on stage. I heard that soda, wowow. Its like Chayolei saved up all thos non cream ohr naava now wants kussi to come to all their events. They cheese days in order to sponsor this bbq. asked me for permission, but I said that I think kussi is busy...remember those random 3 So I guess its only fitting to end off with a fat bonfire. nights he was nowhere to be found? Thats like And no menachem, u cant have another marshmelmajor where were you last night. Ouch low. Theres only 5 per person. Songs, and then a crazy lights out. (sorry asher) Anyway, egp rocked that place. But more importantly, we all walked out of the hall with Canoeing. Hmmm. Hmmm. We almost left mel out free light up fans. Thats cool. don't tell anyone, there. guess its good we didn't, cause then who but I actually ran off with 2. well I guess that would have pushed our bus out of the road? makes sense, cause I had to take instead of all Anywaqy, being that its parshas eikev, we always the punished kids. gotta remember about those small things that we would The only other thing I remember from the concert is that otherwise trample under our feet. Everyone has their own gorgeous song. I think its called Shabbos hamalka. Dunnu challenges, and everyone has small things they need to why, but I found that song to be really really nice. oy oy oy work on. Lets use this week to take 2 small things and be malka, oyoyoy malka. Mmhmm. perfect in them. Good shabbos

Line of the week: can I rub my phone on your TV?

Pictures of the week

Pick a Caption

1) So where is the money now? 2) Did u buy all the monopoly games in the store? 3) I heard of money growing on trees, but this? 4) Thats what happens when u don't take a shower for a month 5) Cant trust this guy for a second

We would like to welcome the 3 new campers that joined the program for the 2nd month

Mazal Tov

May you have a gain from the Chassidishe invieormnet and the amazing trips

We would like to give a big Mazel Tov to our Dear HC Chatan Hageula On the occasion of his engagement May they have a binyan adei ad..

Qustion of the week: what is crown heights...?

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